
更新时间:2023-07-19 03:02:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. H can’t speak in front of people. He is s_____.

2. I’ll study hard. I don’t want to let my parents d_____.

3. He is _______(自信的)to pass the exam.

4. Without my _______( 允许), don’t touch my things.

5. I am very busy. Don’t b______ me, OK?

6. The population of the world i_____ very fast.

7. He is _______(精力充沛的). He can do everything well enough.

8. Do you know the h______ of the basketball?


1. If he ______ here, that’s very good.

A. is B. was C. were D. has been

2. The man _______ came to see you is my brother.

A. who B. whose C. which D. whom

3. He divided those people _______ two groups.

A. in B. of C. from D. into

4. I don’t know ________ he lives.

A. what B. how C. where D. which

5. He has many different ways ______that work.

A. to do B. doing C. does D. did

6. If a friend said something bad ______ you, what would you do?

A. about B. on C. for D. to

7. I don’t know _________.

A. what to do it B. how to do it C. what to do D. to do what

8. He is too tired ________ any longer.

A. not to walk B. to walk C. walking D. not walking 9. He went to school without ______ to school.

A. go B. goes C. going D. to go

10. He is afraid to speak in _______ public.

A. the B a C. an D. /



If I have change, I’ll ________ _______ ________ the bank.

2. 如果你中了五百万的彩票,你会做什么?

What would you do if you _______ ______ _______ _______ in the lottery?

3. 如果我是你的话,我会很紧张的。

If I ______ you, I will be _______ ______.

4. 睡前散散步,那有助于放松。

Taking a walk before going to bed that would ______ ________ _______.

5. 你能想出其它办法解决这个问题吗?

Can you ______ ______ _______ other ways to solve the question?

6. 他就如何学好英语给我们提了一些建议。

He _______ _______ ______ ________ on how to learn English well.

7. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。

China is a country _______ ________ _______ ______.

8. 我宁愿去上海也不去海南。

I ______ ______ ________ to Shanghai _______ ______to Hainan.

9. 他说与那个女孩相处是很容易的。

He said that it was very easy to ______ ______ _______ the girl.

10. 他很开朗又很自信。

He is very _____ ______ _______ _______.


1. The moon_________(get) its light from the sun.

2.---Where is your monitor?”

---He_________(make) a model plane in the classroom.”

3. What new subjects ______you ______(study) next term?

4. The students of Class Four_______ (listen) to a report on science this time yesterday.

5. The rain_________( not stop) yet. You'd better not go out.

6. Before my father got home, I ________(finish) my homework.


When you _________(发信) or a postcard, you have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card. When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to 2_________ (想到) this idea? In the early 3__________(十九世纪), people didn’t use stamps. They had to pay postage when they 4__________(收到) it. Sometimes they didn’t want to receive a letter 5____________(根本不) but they had to pay money for it. They were unhappy about this. The postage was high 6____________(在那时), because the post offices had to send many people to get the postage. Rowland Hill was a school teacher in England. He was the first to think of using stamps in the 1850s. He thought it would be 7____________(容易得多) for people to use the stamps. They could to the post office to buy stamps and 8______(把它们贴在……上) the envelops before they sent the letter. The post office could just put marks on the stamps 9___________(以便) people could not use the stamps again.10__________(用这种方法) the post office did not need to send postman to get postage. It only needed fewer postman to send letters.

