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1.— I hear Leo will leave for Korea for a meeting.

— Really? Do you know when he _______.

A. will start

B. to start

C. started

【答案】 A



2.If it is clear tomorrow , I ________a bike to the underground station.

A. ride

B. will ride

C. rode

D. have ridden

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:如果明天天气好的话,我会骑自行车去地铁站。ride骑车,动词原形;will ride是一般将来时态;rode是ride的过去式形式;have ridden是现在完成时态。句中if引导的是条件状语从句,从句中一般现在时态,主句应使用一般将来时态,故应选B。


3.I’m so l ucky because I see more cartoon characters next month.

A. is able to

B. will be able to

C. be able to

D. was able to


【解析】【分析】句意:我真幸运因为我下个月能看到更多的卡通人物。next month表将来,因此用will be able to。故选B。


4.Michael _________ in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year.

A. teach

B. taught

C. will teach

D. was teaching


【解析】【分析】句意:Michael将会在明年2月到6月在云南的学校教学。A动词原形;B一般过去时;C是一般将来时;D是过去进行时。Next year是一般将来时的时间状语,will+动词原形,故答案为C。


5.Look on the bright side of life,and imagine that you ______ a happy and successful future.

A. had

B. will have

C. have

D. have had

【答案】 B


6.— There ________a football match on TV tonight. I can't wait to watch it.

— Me, too. It's ________ Guangzhou Evergrande and the Australian team Melbourne Victory.

A. will be; between

B. will be; both

C. will have; between

D. will have; both


【解析】【分析】句意为:---今晚将有一场电视直播足球比赛,我非常想看。---我也是。这是广州恒达足球俱乐部与澳大利亚墨尔本足球俱乐部之间的比赛。根据语境,这是there be结构的一般将来时,应用there will be;both指两者,between指两者之间。故选A。

【点评】考查there be结构以及词语辨析。

7.I _________ the shops. Can I get you anything?

A. go to

B. went to

C. have gone to

D. am going to

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我将去商店,我可以给你买一些东西吗迭项八是一般现在时,表示经常性的行为或状态;选项B是一般过去时,表示动作发生在过去,和现在没有关系;选项C 是现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。根据Can I get you anything?可知,说话的时候,还没有去商店,所以应该用一般将来时。故选:D。

8.I'm not sure if Lily_______ me. If I _______, I will go with you.

A. will invite, will be invited

B. will invite, am invited

C. invites, will invite

D. invites, invite

【答案】 B



9.—May I speak to Mr. Smith?

—Sorry, he _______ Australia. But he _______ in two days.

A. has been to; will come back

B. has gone to; will be back

C. has been in; would come back

D. is leaving for; doesn't come back

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】考查动词的时态。句意:——我可以和史密斯先生通话吗?——对不起,他去澳大利亚了。但是两天后回来。have gone to“去某地了(还没回来)”;由时间状语in two days可确定第二个空用一般将来时,故答案为B项。

10.—Could you tell me_______?

—In five minutes, at 10: 25.

A. when did the next underground arrive

B. when the next underground arrived

C. when will the next underground arrive

D. when the next underground will arrive


【解析】【分析】句意:—你能告诉我下一个地铁什么时候到吗?—五分钟后,10点25分。tell后跟宾语从句,宾语从句需用陈述句语序,A、C两项都是疑问句语序,可排除。根据答语In five minutes,结合句意语境,可知还没有到站,需用一般将来时态,故答案选D。


11.If you work hard, ___________.

A. you will win a scholarship

B. you won a scholarship

C. will you win a scholarship

D. you have won a scholarship

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:如果你努力工作,你将获得奖学金。根据题干中的If you work hard,可知,此句是if引导的条件状语从句,主句要用一般将来时,故选A。


12.With the development of science and technology, robot cooks ______ in our families in the future.

A. appear

B. appeared

C. will appear

D. is appearing



一般现在时;B是一般过去时;C是一般将来时;D是现在进行时。句中的in the future是一般将来时的标志,故答案为C。


13.— Have you watched the new movie Jurassic World, Steven?

— Not yet. I ________ it with my cousin this evening.

A. will watch

B. was watching

C. watched

D. have watched

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:你看过《侏罗纪世界》这部新电影吗,史蒂文? ——没有。今晚我要和我的表弟一起看。其中watch movie意思是看电影,因为this evening 时间是今晚,动作将要进行,所以用将来时。故选A。


14.Mr. Smith our school next year.

A. will visit

B. visits

C. was visiting

D. visited

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:史密斯先生下一年将参观我们的学校。根据时间状语next year判断,时态为一般将来时态,故答案为A。


15.- Could you go out for a walk with me after dinner?

- I ____ with you if it ____ rain.

A. will go; isn't

B. go; isn't

C. will go; doesn't

D. go; doesn't

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——晚饭后你能和我出去散步吗? ——如果不下雨, 我将去和你散步。根据I ____ with you if it ____ rain可知, 整个句子是含条件状语从句的主从复合句.意思是“如果”;当主句应该是一般将来时态, 从句用一般现在时态.主句中主语是I, 谓语动词will go;从句中it是主语, rain是实意动词, 否定式要用doesn't rain, “不下雨”, 故选C。


16.We ______ for a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

A. will go

B. went

C. have gone

D. go

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:如果明天不下雨,我们将去野餐。句子为条件状语从句,设空处在主句,时态不受限制,根据tomorrow,可知句子时态为一般将来时,will do,故答案是A。


17.Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you ______ a happy and successful future.

A. had

B. will have

C. have

D. have had

【答案】 B




18.You good grades if you hard.

A. won't get; won't study

B. won't get; don't study

C. don't get; don't study

D. don't get; won't study

【答案】 B





19. We some robots at home in the future, and there some in the office,too.

A. will have; will have

B. have; will be

C. will have; will be

D. will have; are

【答案】 C




保持一致。have一般表示某人有某物。将来时态there will be 或there is /are going to be。

根据时间in the future可知两个空都用将来时,故选C。

20.— Do you know when he tomorrow?

— Don't worry. I think as soon as he , he will give you a call.

A. will come; will come

B. will come; comes

C. comes; will come

D. comes; comes

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】这是一道考查一般将来时以及as soon as 结构使用的题目。

句意:你知道他明天什么时候来吗?不用担心,我认为他来了,他会给你打电话的。由tomorrow知第一句为一般将来时,故第一个空填will come 形式;as soon as 引导时间状语


【点评】本题考查一般将来时,以及as soon as结构的用法,在平时学习中要充分掌握时态,以及常见的引导时间状语从句的短语的用法。


21.— What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?

— I ______ the classroom.

A.was cleaning B.have cleaned

C.will clean D.clean





22.—Were you at home at 9 o'clock last night?

—Yes. I a shower at that time.

A.took B.was taking C.was taken D.am taking





A. took一般过去时;

B. was taking过去进行时;

C. was taken一般过去时的被动语态;

D. am taking现在进行时。结合语境可知下文描述的是昨天晚上九点钟正在进行的动作,时态用过去进行时。故答案为选B。

23.Th e young man ________yellow ___________his keys in his office. He’s forgetful and can’t enter the house.

A.in;left B.on;forgot C.in;has left D.on;has forgotten 【答案】C



句意“穿黄色衣服的年轻人把他的钥匙落在他的办公室。他是健忘的并且他不能进入房子”。leave sth in+地点“把某物落在某地”;forget sth忘记某事。根据句意可知,in+颜色表示“穿……颜色的衣服”,排除B和D;第二空处,根据He’s forgetful and can’t enter the house 可知,落钥匙的动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响是他进不去房子,用现在完成时have done,故选C。

24.Listen, someone ______ in the room.

A.was singing B.sang C.sings D.is singing





25.Don’t go out! It __________now.

A.rains B.will rain C.is raining D.was raining



26.—Mum, I want to watch Everlasting Classics on CCTV 1 tonight.

—Oh, dear, it for nearly twenty minutes. Come on!

A.will begin B.will be on C.has begun D.has been on




句意:——妈妈,今晚我想在中央电视台1台看《永恒的经典》。——哦,天哪,已经开演了将近二十分钟了。加油!根据语境"for a few minutes(几分钟)和come on",可知节目已经进行了几分钟并且现在还在演,故应用动词的现在完成时态(基本结构:主语

+have/has+动词的过去分词).故可排除A和B;又由于begin是非延续性动词不能和for a few minutes搭配,而has been on(表示持续性的状态)故选D。

27.—Do you think if Tom _____the work well tomorrow?

—I think he will if he ______his best.

A.does, will try B.will do, tries C.does, tries D.will do, will try




句意:-你认为明天Tom是否会把工作做好?-我认为如果他尽他的最大努力,他会做好的。does做,第三人称单数形式;will do将会做,一般将来时态;will try将会努力,一般将来时态;tries一般现在时态,第三人称单数形式。根据句意可知,第一句话中if是“是否”,引导宾语从句,从句中有tomorrow,表示将来的事情,故用一般将来时态will do;第二句话if是“如果”,引导条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时态,主语是he第三人称单数,故用tries。选B。

28.―Why are you in such a hurry, John?

―There ________ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes.

A.is going to be B.is going to have C.will have D.will hold



试题分析:句意:约翰,你为什么这么急?十分钟后三班和我们班有一场篮球赛。there be 句型的将来时用there is going to be/ there will be,不可和have同时出现,故选A

考点:there be 句型的将来时

点评:there be 句型是初中英语重要语法点,there be句型结构为:there + be +名词(主语)+地点副词/介词短语(表示地点),表示某个地方存在某物或某人,要注意谓语动词与最近的名词的数保持形式一致。另外there be 与have不能同时出现在句子中。have/has 则表达某一个人拥有某样东西。

29.---Helen, When did you moved here?

---I______ here since two years ago.

A.moved B.lived C.have moved D.have lived



试题分析:句意:―海伦,你什么时候搬到这儿的?―从两年前我就住在这儿。表示从两年前一直延续到现在的动作,用现在完成时态,A、B错。move是一个非延续性的动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语since two years ago连用,live是延续性动作,可以与since two years ago连用。故选D。


30.—How noisy it is outside!

—Oh, I forgot to tell you. My neighbours ________ their houses.

A.have decorated B.were decorating

C.are decorating D.will decorate


【解析】句意:——外面真吵!——哦,我忘了告诉你,我的邻居正在装饰他们的房子。根据How noisy it is outside!可知外面很吵,结合My neighbours ____ their houses.可推出句意“我的邻居正在装饰他们的房子”,故时态用现在进行时,其结构为am/is/are+动词现在分词,主语是My neighbours,所以系动词用are,故答案选C。

