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Part I Reading Comprehension (30 %)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

(76)Much unfriendly feeling towards computers has been based on the fear of widespread unemployment resulting from their introduction. Computers are often used as part of automated production systems requiring a least possible number of operators, causing the loss of many jobs. This has happened, for example, in many steelworks.

On the other hand, computers do create jobs. They are more skilled and better paid, though fewer in number than those they replace. Many activities could not continue in their present form without computers, no matter how many people are employed. Examples are the check clearing system of major banks and the weather forecasting system.

When a firm introduces computers, a few people are usually employed in key posts (such as jobs of operations managers)while other staff are re-trained as operators, programmers, and data preparation staff. (77)After the new system has settled down people in non-computer jobs are not always replaced when they leave, resulting in a decrease in the number of employees. This decrease is sometimes balanced by a substantial increase in the activity of the firm, resulting from the introduction of computers.

The attitudes of workers towards computers vary. There is fear of widespread

unemployment and of the takeover of many jobs by computer-trained workers, making promotion for older workers not skilled in computers more difficult.

On the other hand, many workers regard the trend toward wider use of computers inevitable. They realize that computers bring about greater efficiency and productivity, which will improve the condition of the whole economy, and lead to the creation of more jobs. This view was supported by the former British Prime Minister, James Callaghan in 1979, when he made the point that new technologies hold the key to increased productivity, which will benefit the economy in the long run.

1. The unfriendly feeling towards computers is developed from.

A. the possible widespread unemployment caused by their introduction

B. their use as part of automated production systems

C. the least possible number of operators

D. the production system in steelworks

2. The underlined word They (Line 1, Par. 2)refers to.

A. computers

B. jobs

C. activities

D. systems

3. According to Paragraph 2, without computers.

A. human activities could not continue

B. there could not be weather forecasting systems

C. many activities would have to change their present form

D. banks would not be able to go on with check clearing

4. According to the passage,what results from the introduction of computers?

A. After re-training, all employees in the firm get new jobs.

B. A considerable proportion of people are employed in key posts.

C. The firm keeps all of its original staff members.

D. The decrease in staff members may be balanced by the increase of firm activities.

5. James Callaghan's attitude towards computers can be best described as.

A. doubtful

B. regretful

C. unfriendly

D. supportive

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruits and green vegetables. (78)It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet that it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins.

An example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as beri-beri. (79)It used to distress large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice. In the early years of this century, a scientist named Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri. At first he thought it was caused by a germ. He was working in a Japanese hospital, where the patients were fed on polished rice which had the outer husk removed from the grain. It was thought this would be easier for weak and sick people to digest.

Eijkman thought his germ theory was confirmed when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard, which were fed on leftovers (剩饭)from the patients' plates, were also showing signs of the disease. He then tried to isolate the germ, but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official, who declared that the polished rice, even though left over by the patients, was too good for chickens. It should be recooked for the patients, and the chickens should be fed on cheap rice with the outer layer still on the grain.

Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the new diet. He began to consider the possibility that eating unpolished rice somehow prevented or cured beri-beri —— even that a lack of some element in the husk might be the cause of the disease. Indeed this was the case. The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards isolated from rice husks and is now known as vitamin B. Nowadays, this terrible disease is much less common thanks to our knowledge of vitamins.

6. A good mixed diet .

A. normally contains enough vitamins

B. still needs special provision of vitamins

C. is suitable for losing weight

D. is composed of fruits and vegetables

7. The disease beri-beri.

A. kills large numbers of Eastern peoples

B. is a vitamin deficiency (缺乏)disease

C. is caused by diseased deer

D. can be caught from diseased chickens

8. The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard.

A. couldn't digest the polished deer

B. proved beri-beri is caused by germs

C. were later cooked for the patients' food

D. were suffering from beri-beri

9. According to Eijkman, polished rice.

A. was cheaper than unpolished rice

B. was less nourishing (有营养的)than unpolished rice

C. was more nourishing than unpolished rice

D. cured beri-beri

10. The chemical substance missing from polished rice.

A. was vitamin B

B. did not affect the chickens

C. was named the Eijkman vitamin

D. has never been accurately identified

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

I hear many parents complain that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away, from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems .that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are holding one another's hands for reassurance (放心)。

They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But they all end up listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (茧)into a larger cocoon.

(80)It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a market for teenagers. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. This is a great barrier for

the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come —— with the people who respect you for who you are. That's the only kind of popularity that really counts.

11. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to tell .

A. readers how to he popular with people around

B. teenagers how to learn to make a decision for themselves

C. parents how to control and guide their children

D. people how to understand and respect each oth~

12. According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but in fact most of them.

A. have much difficulty understanding each other

B. lack confidence

C. dare not cope with any problems alone

D. are very much afraid of getting lost

13. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There is no popularity that really counts.

B. Many parents think that their children are challenging their authority.

C. It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.

D. Most teenagers are actually doing the same.

14. The author thinks of advertisements as to teenagers.

A. inevitable

B. influential

C. instructive

D. attractive

15. The main idea of the last paragraph is that a teenager should .

A. differ from others in as many ways as possible

B. become popular with others

C. find his real self

D. rebel against his parents and the popularity wave

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30 %)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

16. The man has a special talent for art and is of a musician.

A. anybody

B. anything

C. somebody

D. something

17. I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt he can do a good job of it.

A. whether

B. what

C. when

D. what

18. How many more decades will have to pass scientists succeed in providing a cure for cancer?

A. when

B. before

C. since

D. until

19. The engineer is not happy with the project, and is her boss.

A. neither

B. so

C. Wither

D. as

20. for a long time, but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.

A. Having been ill

B. Being ill

C. Tough he was ill

D. He was ill

21. How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the development of the children's character.

A. have

B. has

C. having

D. had

22. He changed his name,that nobody would find out what he had done before.

A. having thought

B. to think

C. thinks

D. thinking

23. There is so much work today. Would you be kind enough to lend me a hand?

A. having done

B. to be done

C. being done

D. will be done

24. By no means to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn't convenient for her family and herself.

A. Jane will agree

B. will Jane agree

C. Jane will disagree

D. will Jane disagree

25. You can,the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today.

A. when

B. where

C. though

D. because

26. With everything she needed,she went out of the shop,with her hands full of shopping bags.

A. bought

B. to buy

C. buying

D. buy

27. Having taken our seats,.

A. the professor began the lecture

B. the lecture began in no time

C. we were attracted by the lecturer immediately

D. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture

28. In recent years many football clubs as business to make a profit.

A. have run

B. have been run

C. had been run

D. will run

29. After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to American citizenship.

A. concentrate on

B. apply for

C. look out for

D. appeal on

30. It is well known that teaching is a job,enough patience.

A. calling on

B. calling off

C. calling for

D. calling in

31. Surely it doesn't matter where the clubs get their money;what is what they do with it.

A. counts

B. applies

C. stresses

D. functions

32. I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you!It's really my wildest imagination.

A. behind

B. beyond

C. except

D. through

33. It doesn't make to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.

A. sense

B. opinion

C. use

D. program

34. The task is too much for me, so I can't carry on any longer. I must get some help.

A. singly

B. simply

C. alone

D. lonely

35. Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many

D. more than twice as many

36. The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other.

A. little

B. much

C. some

D. none

37. The taxi driver was put in prison because his car had knocked down a child. His wife went to prison to see him twice a month.


B. the;the


D. the;/

38. Without my glasses I can hardly what has been written in the letter.

A. make for

B. make up

C. make out

D. make over

39. Her heart faster when she entered the exam hall.

A. jumped

B. sank

C. beat

D. hit

40. Would you mind keeping a(n)on the house for us while we are away?

A. eye


C. hand

D. view

41. I am afraid that his phone number has slipped my for the moment.

A. head

B. brain

C. mind

D. sense

42. It was the wealth of the pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard University possible.

A. precious

B. curious

C. anxious

D. prosperous

43. I am not sure whether we can give the right advice emergency.

A. on account of

B. in case of

C. at the risk of

D. in spite of

44. Vingo was released from prison the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence.

A. according to

B. as a result of

C. for reasons of

D. with the help of

45. Some of the meat came from Canada. How about?

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. the rest

Part III Identification (10 %)(为方便排版,特意将挑错题改为以下格式,请见谅!)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

46. After(A)her two-week vacation was over (B), Dorothy regretted to spend (C) so much money for so little pleasure.(D)

47. Don't make (A)Helen's remarks too seriously (B). She is so upset (C) that

I don't think she really knows what she is saying (D).

48. Workers newly arrive (A) from the south or (B)rural areas perform their job differently (C) from those from other sections (D) of the city.

49. While (A) remembered(B) mainly for the invention (C) of the telephone,Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to help (D) the deaf.

50. A (A)container weighs (B) more after air is put in (C), it (D) proves that air has weight.

51. The young man, to make (A)several attempts to beat (B) the world record in high jumping, decided (C) to have another try.(D)

52. Of (A)the two coats, I'd choose (B) the cheapest (C) one to spare some money for (D) a book.

53. The protection of (A)our environment is (B) not nothing (C) to be left to the government. Everyone should be concerned (D).

54. There are (A) moments in life where(B) you miss someone so much that

(C) you just want to (D) pick them up from dreams and hug them for real.

55. None of (A) us had the final say (B) in this matter, and therefore (C) it was recommended that we waited (D)for the authorities.

Part IV Cloze (10 %)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Conversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day56the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we am so often absorbed in conversation that we57 sight of its true purpose and value.

One important58of a good conversation is that the words are 59 used to express thoughts and feelings. We are60deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not61for this expression, and many . 62 little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that63. you deeply, yet you have the following

conversation: So, what did you think of the film?Oh, my God, it was so sad, I swear. I went through 64 a box of tissues(面巾纸)。I was in tears. This dialogue is65an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no66 of how or why the movie truly67you. Such commonly-used phrases are certainly not enough to describe a deeply moving experience. However, not only 68 try to avoid overused words, you must69be careful in your selection. The purpose of expanding vocabulary is not to use the70or most impressive words, but to find those best suited.

What is lacking in many conversations is the ability to talk to another rather than just talking with that person. A 71person will find that even in the most ordinary conversations. There are a thousand questions72to be asked if you have courage and a desire for exchange. Good conversations should not be73nonsense, but of a meeting of two74the human condition. It should bring a better understanding of others and offer a release of emotions more than drive away75thoughts or kill time,

56. A. with B. at C. under D. for

57. A. miss B. have C. win D. lose

58. A. issue B. aspect C. problem D, question

59. A. funny B. careful C. only D. properly

60. A. lack of B. short of C. fond of D. full of

61. A. short B. much C. enough D. bad

62, A. take B. get C. make D. try

63. A. teaches B. touches C. pushes D. directs

64. A. using up B. to use C. used up D. using off

65. A. partly B. actually C. hardly D. truly

66. A. fact B. model C. pattern D. sign

67. A. affected B. infects C. affects D. infected

68. A. you will B. must you C. you must D. will you

69. A. too B. never C. yet D. also

70. A. bigger B. biggest C. big D. important

71. A. careless B. thoughtful C. efficient D. able

72. A. waiting B. wait C. waited D. waits

73. A. make up for B. made up of

C. make up of

D. made up for

74. A. are sharing B. shared C. sharing D. shares

75. A. unpleasant B. pleasant C. clever D. happy

Part V Translation (20 %)

Section A

Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.

76. Much unfriendly feelings towards computers has been based on the fear of widespread unemployment resulting from their introduction.

77. After the new system has sealed down, people in non-computer jobs are not always replaced when they leave, resulting in a decrease in the number of employees.

78. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet that it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins.

79. It used to distress large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice.

80. It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way.

Section B

Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.






