英语专业 国际贸易与实务chapter 6

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Chapter Six Communication

Key Points:

What can be communicated in a negotiation situation? How to improve communication during the negotiation process? (method and content)

Chapter Six Communication

Main Content

What is communicated during negotiation How people communicate in negotiation How to improve communication in negotiation Special communication considerations at the close of negotiations

ⅠWhat is communicated

Negotiation is a form of interpersonal communication both in verbal and nonverbal ways.

Most of the communication during negotiation is not about negotiators’ preferences.


content of communication is only partly responsible for negotiation outcomes.

ⅠWhat is communicated

1. Offers, counteroffers and motives Communicated information about offers and counteroffers is the most important. (1) dynamic process (2) interactive process (3) internal and external factors It helps to narrow down the bargaining range and guide the discussion.

2. Information about alternatives influence of sharing information (1) power of BATNA (2) positive or negative outcomes

ⅠWhat is communicated

3. Information about outcomes People tend to believe what they have got is great when they have no idea of the value of what their opponents have got. The more they know, the less positive they are. 4. Social accounts Explanations are needed when necessary: (1) mitigating circumstances (2) exonerating circumstances (3) reframing

ⅠWhat is communicated

5. Communication about process “Small talk” helps to break the ice or build rapport between negotiators. Three questions to be answered: (1)Are negotiators consistent or adaptive?

(2)Does it matter what is said early in the negotiation? (3)Is more information always better?


ⅡHow people communicate

1. Characteristics of language The logical level and the pragmatic level One logical surface message could be combined with several pragmatic messages.(P140 BOX6.1) Be aware of what is conveyed additionally. Abilities of teller and listener are both important. Choice of words is a signal sending the message about your position and future conversation. 2. Use of nonverbal communication 3. Selection of communication channel

Use of nonverbal communication

such as facial expressions, body language, head movements, tone of voice and so on 1. eye contact It tells people you are listening. It conveys respect, honesty and kindness. 2. body position Behave well in formal occasions Certain position signals certain kind of message. 3. encouragement or discouragement mutual interaction and coordination

Selection of communication channel

There are various ways to communicate. Social bandwidth Email-a highly informal medium Notes 1.Face-to-face communication leads to more interaction while written channels might cause impasse in negotiation. 2.It is more likely to get equa

