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必修3 Modules5-6综合测试题



When most people think of France, they think of fine wine and cuisine, scenery and a comfortable lifestyle, which is the envy of the rest of the world. The diverse landscape includes huge mountain ranges, acres of green countryside and long stretches (一片)of coastline. Paris aside, here are our choices for three of the most beautiful places to visit in France (in no particular order).

Loire Valley

An area of outstanding natural beauty, the Loire Valley is also known as the garden of France. The valley covers over 280km and is in the beautiful middle stretch of the Loire River in central France. It5s filled with so much culturally and historically important architecture and it has earned itself a world heritage site (世界遗产地)status. As one of the most visited places in France, it’s known for its large collection of fairy-tale-like castles and mansions (大厦),exceptionally beautiful landscapes and one of the most striking rivers in Europe. Mont Saint-Michel

Second only to the Eiffel Tower as France’s best-loved landmark, Mont St-Michel is a rocky island connected by a causeway (堤道)to northwest France. It’s a splendid sight sitting among sandbanks and powerful tides but the heritage site is most celebrated for its Gothic-style Benedictine

abbey (修道院).Directly below the abbey is a village with winding streets dotted with small houses and souvenir shops. Cote d’Azur

Mediterranean coastline of southeast France soaked (浸透的)by the sun which is also known as the French Riviera. The wonderful place has attracted many famous visitors over the decades and its miles of beautiful coastline and blue waters easily make it one of the most beautiful places to visit in France. Also pay a visit to the stylish coastal cities of Nice, Cannes and St-Tropez all here — they still remain holiday attractions even today.

1. Which is the best choice for those studying classical architecture? A. Loire Valley. B. Mont Saint-Michel. C. Cote d’Azur. D. St-Tropez.

2. What is the most unusual feature of Mont Saint-Michel? A. Beautiful gardens.

B. Gothic-style Benedictine abbey. C. Powerful tides.

D. Mediterranean coastline.

3. For whom is this text written? A. Tour guides. B. Government officials. C. News reporters. D. Holidaymakers. B

My friend Susan had a solution to spend her days stressed out as the marketing director for a global tech company: shoes. She knew no problem could truly be solved by buying a new pair.

But she told herself she could afford it and shoes made her happy.

For Susan, even the act of going online to browse(浏览)the new arrivals at her favorite online shops was thrilling. When her box of shoes arrived, it was like Christmas morning. But when the box was opened and the shoes were tried on, admired and put away, Susan was left to wonder: Now what?

“I rarely regretted a purchase, but having a new pair did not make me want more pairs any less,” she told me. “They may have filled a need, but they didn’t make me any happier,and it is not like imagining me in them.” detail therapy (购物疗法)has long been a tool for the stressed-out, brokenhearted or just plain bored. Some figures, including a survey by online retailer EBates, put the number of Americans who go shopping to feel better at more than half.

In many ways, retail therapy works: A great dress or a sharp, well-fitting suit can comfort the soul and provide a confidence lift that helps you land a job or inspire creativity. According to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing, retail therapy can positively affect your mood. The study notes that 28% of shoppers have purchased something to celebrate an occasion or personal victory and 62% to cheer themselves up. Indeed, many studies have shown, money can buy happiness. A December 2012 study published in the journal Emotion finds well-being rises with income at all levels of income and that richer families and countries are happier than poorer ones.

But retail therapy might not work quite in the way consumers assume it works. That’s because the happiness that buying something provides is not from acquiring the item, or from the item itself, but from targeting it, wanting it and expecting its arrival into your life. That is, what online shopping can provide is a result of the act of desiring more than the act of fulfilling. 4. How did Susan feel during her whole purchase? A. Eager→ regretful. B. Proud →disappointed. C. Anxious → satisfied. D. Excited →lost. 5. When did Susan feel happiest? A. Surfing online.

B. Meeting her demand for new shoes. C. Imagining herself in shoes. D. Trying her shoes on.

6. In what way is retail therapy helpful? A. It promotes confidence. B. It makes people attractive. C. It increases job efficiency. D. It brings popularity.

7. What brings happiness to shoppers? A. Satisfaction. B. Achievement. C. Possession. D. Expectation.


During Christmas festivals, millions of people around the world will no doubt experience rapid mimicry (模仿)—a mirroring of another person’s facial expressions — as they exchange smiles over gifts, good meals and holiday traditions. This phenomenon, observed in humans and many other primates (灵长类动物),is considered a basic building block of our ability to feel empathy

(共鸣). “When your friend smiles, you don’t know why exactly, but immediately react with the same smile to him or her,”says Elisabetta Palagi, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Pisa in Italy.

For the first time, Palagi and her colleagues have shown that dogs use rapid mimicry with other dogs to strengthen social bonds. The findings don’t come as too much of a surprise to Palagi, because dogs are smart in a number of other ways. For example, they share more food and show higher degrees of social behavior with dogs that are already friends with than ones that are strangers.

For days the researchers headed to a park in Palermo where the owners of 49 dogs volunteered their pets to take part in the experiment. Palagi asked the owners to let their dogs play freely while she and her colleagues videotaped (给….录像)the interactions (互动).In total, they collected 50 hours of recordings that included some 200 play sessions. They checked the dogs getting involved in play, scoring rapid mimicry on the basis of whether the second dog mimicked the first within one second. Dogs that were already friends, as confirmed by their owners, also engaged in more mimicry than dogs that were just acquaintances, and dogs that were acquaintances engaged (参与)in more mimicry than ones that were meeting for the first time.

“Facial and emotional contagion (传染)are strongly weakened when dogs are suffering from certain psychological problems,”Palagi says. Finally, she thinks that the work could lead to a way to evaluate the dogs? psychological health. She says, “We hope our findings can be useful for dogs in the future.”

8. What is the benefit of rapid mimicry? A. Catching others ’ attention.

B. Being able to connect with others. C. Understanding better about others. D. Influencing others in a positive way.

9. According to Paragraph 2, the example mainly proves that____ . A. dogs are human beings’ best friends B. scientists know dogs’ behavior very well C. the study result didn’t surprise the scientist D. dogs strengthen social bonds in many ways

10. The frequency of dogs’ rapid mimicry depends on____. A. the familiarity to the other dogs B. the attitude towards friendliness C. the confirmation of their owners

D. the preference to specific expressions 11. What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. The final conclusion of the study. B. The application of the study results. C. The importance of facial expression. D. The cure for psychological problems.


For over thirty years, I Have served as a professional wildland firefighter. I could have been one of those tired dirty faces that you have seen on your television or that have been painted in a

background of flames and smoke over these passing dry and desperate years. Through the shimmering (发出微弱的光)heat of all those years I can still see the human faces of my crews, looking for an opportunity to apply their cleverness, persistence (坚持) and cooperation to a common purpose. Brave, kind and driven faces, unknown by those they served. They were looking for a kind of rescue that only serving a common purpose provides.

Wildfire represents a perfect metaphor (隐喻)for human imperfection. Our fears bum brightly, as we try hard to get ahead in an increasingly competitive world. Just as wildfires lay waste to the landscape, fear of desperate people also can destroy everything.

When we fight a wildfire, we always keep our eyes on the lookout for spot fires. Small fires start burning when the wind blows burning things across our fire lines. Often spot fires can start many fires at once, thus changing the direction and intensity of the main fire that we were trying to contain.

We may all be ambitious and desperate people at various times in our lives. When we are struggling with our neighbors to find our way through the smoke, fear may conceal the way forward, toward the light and the cool fresh air of hope. It was during those times over the course of my career, when I joined with my fellow firefighters to scratch a thin line of hope through a hopelessly hard piece of steep ground. United in a common cooperative spirit, we put out the fires of our fear and small differences. We attempted to better our community, or maybe even save it from the dark and smoky side of our fearful humanity.

Many times we may all strive to find that most wonderful of all human inventions — cooperation, which can contain some of the worst wildfires of our life. I know that humanity can do amazing things when we put aside our fears and focus on a common vision (愿景).

12. According to Paragraph 1, what is essential to a rescue? A. The firefighters knowing well about their crews. B. The firefighters working towards a common goal. C. The firefighters being experienced in fighting fire. D. The firefighters being familiar with the landscapes. 13. Why do firefighters look for spot fires? A. Because they are not easy to be put out.

B. Because they make it hard to control the fire.

C. Because they help people find the cause of the fire. D. Because they change their own direction at random.

14. What does the underlined word “conceal” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. To create something useful. B. To hide something carefully. C. To seriously damage something. D. To show the meaning of something. 15. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To show the spirit of cooperation for a common purpose. B. To explain the danger of being a firefighter.

C. To argue the importance of firefighting work.

D. To introduce the skills of putting out fires in the wild.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。 .

Why Leaving Your Comfort Zone Gives You a Chance to Grow All of us want to be comfortable. Whether it comes from a warm apartment, a stable job or financial freedom, we feel safe in our familiar surroundings. While there’s nothing wrong with feeling comfortable, there are also many surprising benefits of being uncomfortable. Here are the details.

It pushes us to our limits

16.____________We become faster and more creative as we deal with problems. When we realize we don’t have a choice but to succeed,we are more determined and stronger. It forces us to move on

Whether it’s a personal or a professional problem, discomfort forces us to move forward. When facing certain challenges, we have two options: remain stagnant (停滞不前的)or move on. 17. ____________Discomfort is not pleasant, but it accelerates our growing process. It makes us stronger

When we take ourselves out of that comfortable place, we will experience the highs and lows of our life. This might seem exhausting, but it’s also beneficial. 18. ____________ It makes us have new experiences

All new experiences are learning opportunities. 19. ____________We grow wiser and gradually have the ability to make correct decisions that bring us closer to achieving our goals. 20. ____________

The more we expose ourselves to discomfort, the more directions we’ll have. Facing discomfort means we have the opportunity to figure out exactly what we want in life. We can choose any direction we wish on the basis of those situations that may have been uncomfortable at first. A. It helps us find directions. B. It makes us more confident.

C. We become more aware of what we will do in the future.

D. We can pick up some knowledge and new skills from the experiences. E. From every learning experience we become stronger and more confident. F. Only when we decide to focus on the latter do we grow and get improved.

G. Facing the unknown allows us to challenge ourselves and accomplish things we thought impossible.



Having high self-esteem (自尊)enables us to live an active life of security and self-respect. Having low self-esteem forces us to live an anxious life of doubt and insecurity. 21 low self-esteem is what I have had to 22 for much of my life. My parents played 23 roles in my upbringing (教育)and I loved them dearly. My dad was a very

successful businessman, strong-willed, determined, and 24 so he expected only the best 25 me. He always focused on my 26 performance and demanded top-notch (拔尖的)grades, as I was in high school. 27 I was in fact a good student, an accomplished pianist and an editor of the school newspaper, I was 28 good enough in his eyes. My mom educated me in a different way. She not only cared about my grades but also 29 other aspects of my development. She gave me little 30 unlike my father. Every time I made progress, she always 31 me. Her words, to great degree, made my feelings of 32 from my dad go away. With my mother’s help, I eventually 33 myself and gradually started to feel confident about myself. It is not 34 to go from a state of anxiety

most of the time to a state of 35 ! Having high self-esteem, I have discovered I am a person of 36 and that I have a lot to give to myself and others. Although my path is 37 from what was expected of me by my dad, I believe my life is filled with love,faith, fulfillment, giving and gratitude.

For those who are 38 the similar struggles that I have been through, please 39 that you are worthy. You should live a positive life that 40 self-respect and self-love. If you don’t give up on yourself, you’ll certainly have a bright future.

21. A. Usually B. Obviously C. Unfortunately D. Gradually 22. A. look out B. take notice of C. adapt to D. battle with 23. A. major B. small C. common D. clear 24. A. kind B. friendly C. strict D. helpful 25. A. to B. with C. for D. from 26; A. moral B. academic C. physical D. athletic 27. A. Since B. Though C. If D. Because 28. A. never B. always C. often D. even 29. A. was aware of B. paid attention to C. took charge of D. was particular about

30. A. command B. controlC: guidance D. pressure 31. A. advised B. directed C. encouraged D. criticized 32. A. anxiety B. regret C. ignorance D. relief 33. A. improved B. accepted C. praised D. benefited 34. A. funny B. strange C. easy D. important 35. A. safety B. peace C. seriousness D. tension 36. A. respect B. worth C. achievement D. belief 37. A. different B. perfect C. limited D. regular

38. A. doing B. realizing C. watching D. experiencing 39. A. guess B. believe C. suppose D. consider 40. A. includesB. ignores C. supports D. wins



For 26 years, Tess Heidelberger’s wedding dress was sitting in a dusty box in her basement next to her Christmas decorations. She felt it was 41.______waste, and then thought of her plain Christmas tree skirt on the top of the Christmas decorations. So she came up 42. ______an idea of putting the two of 43. ______ (they) together, and wanted to turn part of her wedding gown(长袍)

into a tree skirt.

Tess, 44. ______ (live) in Mauldin, purchased the wedding dress in 1989, 45. ______had all the features of 80s bridal style. She got married the following year. Her daughters had no interest in wearing it as they felt it was 46. ______ (complete) out-of-date. So Tess made a 47. ______ (decide) to make the dress an art project.

She got a pair of scissors and a bottle of glue (胶水)and got to work. All she needed to buy were some pretty ribbons to cover the glue, because she already had a plain Christmas tree skirt 48. ______ (put) underneath the wedding dress. When everything was ready, she pinned the wedding dress skirt on the plain Christmas tree skirt until it was the way she liked. Then she 49. ______ (decorate) the dress skirt.

In all, Tess only spent an hour completing it. She was very pleased with the 50. ______ (finish) product.


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌 写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


This year, our school call on us students to make good use of our time and

do socially practice in the holiday. I found a job in the small restaurant. I

thought it would be easy, so actually it turned out to be hard. I spent on the

whole morning washing dishes and setting tables. I didn, t have lunch until

two pm. After lunch, I immediately set to work again, do the same things until

11pm. I worked more than ten hour every day! However, after days of work,

you have come to understand the value of hard work. I’ve also realized

what difficult it is for my parents to support our family. Therefore, I am

now determined study hard to repay my parents.


假设你是北京某中学学生李华,你的英国好友Alex来信说近期要来北京旅游两天,希望你做他的向导,并给他提出旅游建议。请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信: 1. 表明写信目的;

2. 北京两日游的行程安排;

3. 表示祝愿。 注意: .

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数。 Dear Alex,

I,m glad to learn from your letter that you’re going to pay a visit to Beijing recently. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely, Li Hua


1-5 ABDDC 6-10 ADBCA 11-15 BBBBA 16-20 GFEDA 21-25 CDACD 26-30 BBABD 31-35 CABCB 36-40 BADBA 41-50 (One possible version) 41. a 42. with 43. them 44. living 45. which 46. completely 47. decision 48. to put 49. decorated 50. finished 短文改错(One possible version)

This year, our school call on us students to make called

good use of our time and do socially practice in social

the holiday. I found a job in the small restaurant. a

I thought it would be easy, so actually it turned out but

to be hard. I spent on the whole morning washing dishes and setting tables. I didn’t have lunch until two pm. After lunch, I immediately set to work again,

do the same things until 11pm. I worked more than doing

ten hour every day! However, after days of work, you hours I

have come to understand the value of hard work. I’ve also realized what difficult it is for my parents how

to support our family. Therefore, I am now determined ∧study hard to repay my parents. to

书面表达 (One possible version) Dear Alex, I’m glad to learn from your letter that you’re going to pay a visit to Beijing recently. I’d like to be your guide and give my suggestions for your two-day trip here.

On the morning of the first day, I suggest we climb the Great Wall, which is famous all over the world. After lunch, we can enjoy the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cubic where the 2008 Olympics was held.

Next day, I recommend we go sightseeing in the Peking University and Tsinghua University, the two most noted universities in China. We’d better visit the Forbidden City in the afternoon, so you can appreciate the splendid royal palace.

I’d be happy if my suggestions are helpful to you. And I’m looking forward to your coming. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


阅读理解 第一节 A

这是一篇应用文,主要介绍了法国著名景点:卢瓦尔河谷Loire Valley,圣米歇尔山Mont Saint-Michel和蓝色海岸地区C?觝te d’Azur 。

1. A。细节理解题。根据第二段It’s filled with so much culturally and historically important architecture and it has earned itself a world heritage site status.可知卢瓦尔河谷有很多重要建筑,是世界文化遗产的一部分。所以学建筑学的学生可能会对这里感兴趣。

2. B。细节理解题。第三段...but the heritage site is most celebrated for its Gothic-style Benedictine abbey.提到Mont Saint-Michel最与众不同之处是它哥特式的本笃会修道院。 3. D。推理判断题。本文主要介绍了法国著名景点:卢瓦尔河谷Loire Valley,圣米歇尔山Mont Saint-Michel和蓝色海岸地区C?觝te d’Azur,所以可以判断文章的目标群应为度假者。 B

本文是一篇议论文。大家在心情郁闷的时候用什么来调节情绪?许多人热衷网上购物,以此缓解生活及工作压力。购物疗法到底是否有效?究竟是什么给购物者带来幸福感? 4. D。推理判断题。从第二段可以看出Susan在上网浏览时心情是兴奋的(thrilling),而后Susan was left to wonder: Now what?所以应该是由兴奋到茫然。 5. C。推理判断题。从第三段They may have filled a need, but they didn’t make me any happier, and it is not like imagining me in them可以看出,Susan最开心的时候应该是想象自己穿上新鞋的时候。 6. A。细节理解题。从第五段...provide a confidence lift...可以看出,购物可以增强人们的信心。 7. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段,尤其是最后一句...what online shopping can provide is a result of the act of desiring more than the act of fulfilling. 可以看出,真正给购物者带来幸福感的是期盼的过程。 C

狗能通过快速模仿对方的表情与其他狗建立联系。 8. B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句:This phenomenon, observed in humans and many other primates, is considered a basic building block of our ability to feel empathy. 可知快速模仿表情


9. C。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句:The findings don’t come as too much of a surprise to Palagi, because dogs are smart in a number of other ways. 可知作者主要说明了为什么研究的结果并不让科学家感到惊讶。 10. A。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句:Dogs that were already friends, as confirmed by their owners, also engaged in more mimicry than dogs that were just acquaintances, and dogs that were acquaintances engaged in more mimicry than ones that were meeting for the first time. 可知狗快速模仿表情的频率取决于它对其他狗的熟悉程度。 11. B。主旨大意题。根据最后一段第二句:Finally, Palagi thinks that the work could lead to a way to evaluate the dogs’ psychological health. 可知本段主要说明了科学家想将该实验的结果应用到狗的心理健康评估上面。 D


12. B。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句:They were looking for a kind of rescue that only serving a common purpose provides. 可知在救援中,为了共同的目标而奋斗是不可缺少的。 13. B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句:Often spot fires can start many fires at once, thus changing the direction and intensity of the main fire that we were trying to contain. 可知消防员寻找零星小火是因为它们让火势更难被控制。 14. B。 词义猜测题。根据第四段第二句:When we are struggling with our neighbors to find our way through the smoke, fear conceals the way forward, toward the light and the cool fresh air of hope. 可知浓烟和害怕隐藏了通向希望的道路。

15. A。写作意图题。作者通过自己的经历告诉人们在灭火的过程中,消防员要有不害怕和团体协作的精神,只有这样才能战胜可怕的森林大火。 第二节


16. G。本段的标题是“It pushes us to our limits”, 所以本句“探索未知的事物能够让我们挑战自己,实现我们原来认为不可能的事情。”是对标题的进一步阐释和有力支撑。

17. F。承接上文“When facing certain challenges, we have two options: remain stagnant (停滞不前的) or move on.”,对上句的内容做进一步陈述。 18. E。“每次的学习经历使我们变得更坚强,更自信”。本句是对本段的总结,又呼应了段落标题“It makes us stronger”。

19. D。承接上文“All new experiences are learning opportunities.”,并对上文做进一步陈述。 20. A。根据本段第一句话可知:我们越是接触不熟悉的东西,我们越能找到方向。因此本段的标题为走出舒适区帮助我们找到方向。 完形填空


21. C。根据后文low self-esteem is what I have had可知作者说不幸的是(Unfortunately)自卑占据了她的生活中的多数时间。

22. D。根据前文,结合选项可知作者说她不得不与消极的自尊搏斗(battle with)。 23. A。根据前后文可知作者说她的父母在她的成长上起重要的(major)作用。

24. C。作者说她父亲是位成功的生意人,执着,刚毅,坚定,?? 。根据前文的并列的形容词,以及下文她父亲对她的要求,可确定该答案是strict。 25. D。结合句意可知作者说她的父亲期望她最好的(表现),结合选项这里填from。

