
更新时间:2023-09-18 20:59:01 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载



1.—Do you play_____ piano in your free time?

—No.I like sports, so I often play_____ soccer with my friends. A./, the B.the, / C.the, the D.a, a 2. . _______a good girl.All_____ friends like her.

A.She, her B.She’s, she’s C.She’s, her D.Her, she 3. .He has two pen friends.One is from the USA,_____ is Chinese. A.the others B.other C.the other D.others 4. These animals are in great_____ .We must______ them. A.dangerous, save B.danger, save C.danger, to save D.dangerous, to save

5. ______Sunday mornings, Jack usually gets up ______eight o’clock. A.At, on B.On, at C.In, at D.In, on

6. Her friend usually _____books in the evening, but this evening she _____the dishes.

A.reads, washes B.is reading, is washing C.reads, is washing D.reads, are washing

7. .Please be quiet.My little child_____ .

A.go to bed B.is sleeping C.sleeps D.going to school 8. Mary, ________girl, knows a lot.

A.8-year-old B.a 8-year-old C.an 8-year-old D.an 8-years-old 9. — ____do you like pandas? —Because they’re very cute.

A.What B.Where C.Why D.When 10. My shoes are black.________

A.What color is yours? B.What about you? C.What color are yours? D.What color are your?

11.This pair of blue shoes _____ yours. My shoes _____ black. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are 12. We have to _____ in the library. A.quiet B.quietly C.be quietly D.be quiet

13.Those flowers ______Tom 3dollars A.pay B.cost C.spend D.take

14.How many______can you see in the kitchen?

A.cartons(罐) of oranges B.carton of oranges C.cartons of orange D.carton of orange

15.Would you like to drink_____milk? Yes ,I’d love to.But there isn’t_____in the cup.

A.some some B.any some C.some any D.any any 二.完形填空

Chengdu has a beautiful name, the City of Fog (雾都) in China.Do you know

__16__ ? Because there is much fog around the city__17_ morning.In the morning, some people go to work __18__ car.They can’t __19_ things clearly, so they _20_ to turn on the headlights (汽车前灯).This is not only the reason (原因) for _21_ good name.Chengdu is also a good place _22_ have a good time.In Chengdu, there are _23_ places of interest.Every year, many people come here for their _24_ .It’s really a busy and beautiful _25_ . 16. A.what B.where C.why D.how 17. A.every B.a C.last D.next 18. A.take B.take a C.by D.by a 19. A.hear B.listen to C.see D.look at 20. A.need B.needs C.want D.wants 21. A.it B.it’s C.their D.its 22. A./ B.to C.in D.with 23. A.many B.much C.little D.fewer 24. A.family B.homes C.study D.vacations 25. A.country B.street C.city D.picture



A well-dressed(衣着很好的) man goes into a restaurant one day.He sits down at a table near the window.

A waiter comes up to him and says, “Can I help you, Sir?” The man says, “Yes, please.Can I see the menu(菜单)?” “Certainly,” answers the waiter.

The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes.After a moment, the waiter brings them to him.The man is having his meal happily.At this time, a boy comes in and sits down beside the man.The man asks the waiter to give the boy ice-cream.And he says, “I will be back in 5 minutes.” Then he goes out.After the boy eats his ice-cream, the boy stands up and goes to the door.“Excuse me, your father did not give the money for the meal and your ice-cream,” the waiter stops him and says.

“Father? You are wrong.He is not my father.I do not know him.I met him in the street.He said he would give me ice-cream if I came here at twelve o’clock.” 26.The man comes to the restaurant . A.to meet the boy B.to buy a newspaper C.to eat ice-cream D.to have a good meal

27.The man has in the restaurant. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner

28. asked the boy to come to the restaurant. A.The waiter B.The boy’s father C.The man D.Nobody

29.The waiter stops the boy because . A.the man didn’t pay for the meal B.the man is the boy’s father C.the boy’s father came back soon D.the boy wanted to run away 30.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The boy is the man’s son. B.The boy knows the man very well.

C.The waiter pays the meal and the ice-cream. D.The man is a cheat(骗子).


There is an old tiger in the forest.He doesn’t want to look for food now.He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.

One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey.Go to the village and get me something to eat.”

“I can’t do that now, Mr.Tiger,” the monkey says. “There is another tiger over there.He will not let me get anything for you to eat.I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger.“Take me to that tiger.I will talk to him.”

The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river.“Now look down at the water,” says the monkey.“Do you see the tiger?”

“Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger.“I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river. 31.An old tiger lives . A.in the zoo B.in the garden C.in the forest D.on the farm

32.How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A.Two tigers and two monkeys. B.Two tigers and one monkey. C.One tiger and two monkeys. D.One tiger and one monkey.

33.—Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food? —Because . A.they are afraid of him

B.only they can look for some food 7 C.they are his friends D.they like to do so 34.The monkey .

A.goes to get something to eat B.gets to the bridge with the tiger C.knows there is another tiger D.tells the tiger to jump into the water 35.Which of the following is right? A.The tiger is very clever. B.The monkey eats the tiger. C.The tiger eats another tiger. D.The tiger jumps into the water.


Mr.Brown is 80 years old.Every morning he goes for a walk in the park.And he

comes home at twelve thirty for lunch.But today a car stops at his house.At twelve, two policemen help him get out.One of them says to Mr.Brown’s daughter, “The old man can’t find his way in the park.He asks us to take him home by car(乘小汽车).” The daughter thanks the policemen and the policemen leave. Then she asks her father,“Dad, you go to that park every day.But today, you can’t find the way.What’s wrong with you? ” The old man smiles like a child (像孩子一样笑起来) and says, “I can find my way.I don’t want to walk home.” 56.Mr.Brown goes for a walk in the park in the . A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night 57.Every day, Mr.Brown often comes home at . A.eleven B.eleven thirty C.twelve D.twelve thirty 58.Today

Mr.Brown comes home . A.by bus B.by car C.on foot D.by subway 59.The policeman

