四年级英语(深圳朗文版)(Unit 1—Unit 10)

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Unit 1 Our birthdays

月 日 我花了 分钟完成



Whose Chinese Dates English Dates

1.Yours: 月 日 2.Your father?s: 月 日 3.Your mother?s: 月 日 4.Your friend?s:① 月 日 5.Your friend?s:② 月 日 6.Your friend?s:③ 月 日 7.Your teacher?s:① 月 日 8.Your teacher?s:② 月 日 Ⅲ.仔细阅读,在日历上标出孩子们的生日。

1.Peter?s birthday is on the second of November. Circle his birthday. 2.Jenny?s birthday is on the 13-th of April. Put a square on it. 3.Sally?s birthday is on the 31st of August. Put a star on it. 4.May?s birthday is on the 10th of June. Put a triangle on it. 5.Pat?s birthday is on December 17th. Colour it red.



Jan Feb Mar Apr S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 2022 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 Jun Jul Aug May S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Nov Dec Sep Oct S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 17 18 19 2012 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


1.The first month of the year is . 2.The last month of the year is . 3.The month of the year is October. 4.September is the month of the year.

5.The sixth month of the year is . Ⅵ.看图填词。 1.



on in down of It?s June. When?s Miss Xu?s birthday?


Is it the 18th June? No, it isn?t. It?s the 10th June. 3. Write it , Peter. Let?s give her a party that day.


That?s a good idea. Student:If the Dean doesn?t take back what he said, I am going to leave college. Friend:What did he say?

Student:He told me to leave the college.

学生:如果系主任不收回他说的话,我就要离开学校。 朋友:他说了什么? 学生:他要我离开学校。 Ⅱ.名言警句:

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )





Unit 2 Our holidays

月 日 我花了 分钟完成


Sun 1 National Day Sun 2 9 16 23 30 Sun 3 10 17 24 31 Halloween Eve Sue?s birthday Sun 4 Sun 5 12 football game Sun 6 13 20 27 Sun 7 14 21 go to the cinema 8


help Mum at home 22


11 18 25 19 26 28 1.When is the football game going to be? It?s going to be on . 2.When is Sue?s birthday going to be?

It?s going to be on . 3.What holiday is it on October 1? It?s Day.

4.What is Bob going to be on the 22nd of this month? He is going to . 5.What holiday is it on the 31st of this month? It?s . 6.What is Bob going to do on the 21st of this month?

He is going to . Ⅱ.有个同学建议把节日用英文表示出来,一起来试试吧。 妇女节 教师节 父亲节 新 年 我相信我一定行


元 旦 国庆节


Teacher’s Day Children’s Day Mother’s Day National Day Christmas Day Ⅳ.看图写标号。

A.What is he doing? He is making a card. B.Is Andy dancing?

No, he isn?t. He?s drinking a cup of tea. C.Is Sue drawing a picture? Yes, she is. She?s drawing a tree. D.What are you going to do? We are going to sing a song. E.Is the painting?

No. She?s writing a poem.







1.What?s the date today? . A.Sep. 28

2.Where are they going? .

Dear Tim, Tomorrow is National Day. We are going to the Flower Park. There?re many beautiful flowers. We are going to draw pictures in the park. We are going to have dinner there, too. Can you come with us? It?s going to be a lovely day. Write soon, Love May B.Oct. 2 C.Oct.1 D.Sep. 30

A.Tian?anmen Square B.The Flower Park



C.School A.Tim A.breakfast

D.The Water Park B.Jenny B.lunch

C.Pat C.dinner

D.May D.Coke

3.The letter is from .

4.They?re going to have in the park. Ⅵ.我们一起来帮Tim写封回信吧。

Dear , I?m s . I can?t go with you. In the morning, I?m g to the library w my cousin. He?s going to write a p for National Day in the l . And I?m going to r books there, too. In the

a , we are going to s in the pool. It?s going to b a

lovely day too. Have a good time on the National Day.

See you soon,



下面请你判断正(√)误(×)。 1.Tim can?t go to the Flower Park with May on National Day. 2.Tim is going to stay at home that day. 3.Tim?s cousin is going to writer a poem. 4.They are going to go to school in the afternoon.


Ⅰ.语言与文化。 Alice艾丽斯—真理 Peter彼得—岩石


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Mary玛丽—海上明星 John约翰—上帝的礼物

Rose罗斯—美丽 Helen海伦—光芒


Ⅱ.名言警句:All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。Unit 3 Sports Day


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )





Unit 3 Sports Day

月 日 我花了 分钟完成



1.catch a ball, do the high jump, do the long jump, run in a race, skip, throw a ball; 2.What?s he/she going to do? He?s/She?s going to? 3.Is he/she going to ?? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn?t.



Ⅰ.改变下列单词中的其中一个字母将它变为本课书中的生词。 1.nest 4.threw 7.watch 10.hot 2.weak 5.ship 8.bun 11.price

3.lone 6.face 9.day 12..bump Ⅱ.阅读书本第20页,填写所缺的单词。

This is Koko. I am going to tell you the from Sports Day. Today we?re going to have

fun. Our , Mr. Bai and our teacher, Mrs. Wang are going to give the to the winners.

Look! A ball is this way! John is it. I am going to the ball! I am at this . Ⅲ.请你设计一次运动会的项目,你可以从下列提供项目选择。

the long jump the high jump basketball football table tennis badminton skip throw a ball one-hundred meter race swim catch a ball sixty-meter race Ⅴ.Pat把班上运动员的比赛项目列了出来,请你把它们写出来。





1.Hello, this is Ann. Let?s have a look at our sports Day. 2.The whole school are exciting. 3.Look, that?s Ken. He is running in a race. He?s the first one. 4.Look at the playround. The girls are skipping. 5.Oh, the long jumping is going to begin. The athletes are getting ready.


学校运动会上常见的运动项目还有: 100m dash一百米跑 relay race接力赛 softball throw扔垒球


1.How much?多少钱? 4.I?m lost.我迷路了。 7.This way.这边请。 10.Fllow me.跟我来。 12.Good luck!祝好运! 15.Of course!当然了! 17.Take care!保重! 19.Try again.再试试。

2.I?m full.我饱了 5.My treat.我请客。 8.After you.您先。

3.I?m home.我回来了。 6.So do I.我也一样。 9.Bless you!祝福你!

long-distance running长跑 shot put掷铅球

11.Forget if!休想!(算了!) 13.I decline!我拒绝。 16.Slow down!慢点! 18.They hurt.(伤口)疼。 20.Watch out!当心。

14.I promise.我保证。

名言警句:Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )





Unit 4 A school outing

月 日 我花了 分钟完成

Ⅰ.同学们在沙滩上玩得很开心,看一看他们正在干什么。 1.Tim?s drawing a of the sea. 2.Mary and Koko are playing . 3.Pat has a . She?s taking photos with her friends.

4.Some boys are . 5.Some girls are . Ⅱ.同学们玩累了,坐在一起一边吃东西一边聊天。

this Tim?s ? Yes, it is. It?s paper.

games these? They are .

They?re 。

Are these ?

Yes, are lunch boxes.

camera ? It?s .


camera Mary game Koko pictures Tim raincoat Lily sunglasses Ann 1.Mary:Oh, this is not my raincoat. My raincoat is small. raincoat is this? Koko:It?s .



2.Tim: sunglasses are these? Lily: Ann?s. 3.Ann:Is this your camera, Mary?

Mary:Yes, it?s . Thanks.

4.Koko: pictures, Lily? Lily:No, I think they?re . 5.Ann: game that?

Tim:I don?t know. Perhaps Koko?s. Mary:Yes, it?s game.

Ⅳ.大家正聊得起劲,没想到??看看发生什么事了。请用1,2,3?给图片排序。 1.Look, it?s going to rain.

2.Boys and girls, quick! Put your things in your bag. 3.Oh, no! It?s raining.

4.Do you have a raincoat, children? Put on your raincoats, please. 5.Quick, run! Get on the bus.







Example:Peter is a doctor. He?s a doctor. 1.Jerome is a student. my neighbours. 2.Maria is a student. a student. 3.Ann has a shirt. The shirt is . 4.We have a camera. It?s camera.

5.Jan is waiting for Ken and I. Jan is waiting for .




Maria Paul 5

Example 1.

It?s Paul?s tie.

6. Example 2.

They?re Maria?s shoes.

3. 7. 8. 3.


Teacher:What three words are used most by students? Student:I don?t know. Teacher:That?s it. Correct!

老师:学生最常用的三个词是什么? 学生:不知道。


名言警句:Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。



?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )





Unit 5 Revision

月 日 我花了 分钟完成


小朋友,这个单元是复习课,你能用在前几个单元学习的内容完成以下的任务吗? 1.请你把今年十二月的日历找出来,并问一下小组同学他们十二月打算做什么事情。 2.你能用英语写出12个月份并读出1-31的序数词吗?

3.请给父母和爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆用英文各写一张生日卡,并祝他们生日快乐。 4.下面的单词、词组和句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗?

1)catch a ball, do the high jump, do the long jump, run in a race, skip, throw a ball; 2) a camera, a game, a lunchbox, a map, money, paper, sunglasses; 3) Whose…is this/ are these? It?s my/ his/ her/ our/ their…

4) Is this/ Are these your/ his/ her/ our/ their…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn?t. 5) What?s he/ she going to do? He?s/ She?s going to … 6) Is he/ she going to …? Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn?t.



( )1.Mother?s Day is May. A.in A.in A.in A.your/ your A.our

B.on B.on B.on B.you/ you B.we

C.at C.at C.at C.your/ you C.us

D.you/ your D.we?s

( )2.My birthday is November 13th. ( )3.I get up six thirty every morning. ( )4.Do have money, Ken? ( )5.Mr. Li is new English teacher.

Ⅱ.改变划线单词其中一个字母,将其变为另一个单词使句子完整。 1.I am going to a song on Children?s Day. 2.You can?t on the ship. But you can throw a ball.

3.The man has a in the hand. He doesn?t know the ways in Shenzhen. 4.Jane has her birthday on 24.

5.He hit my face in the one-hundred-meter at Sports Day. 6.He is going to come back at noon. 我相信我一定行


7. class is going out. Ⅲ.看图圈出正确的单词。

1.(He?s/ She?s) looking at (him/ her.) 2.(He?s/ They?re) looking at (him/ her.) Ⅳ.大家来到沙滩。Party开始了,看看他们送了什么礼物。

1.I?m going to for you, Jenny. 2.Here?s a for you.

3.Whose is this? It?s my game. It?s for you. 4.I?m going to take a for you.

5.Do you like this , Jenny? It?s for you. Ⅵ.现在同学们开始比赛了,一起看看他们吧! 1.They are .

2.Tim and Pat are going to jump.

3.Jenny and Tom are going to .

4.They are going to .



Dear Anny, Today is December 18. It?s my birthday. I go to the beach with my friends. I get many presents. Lucy gives a big cake to me. It?s very good. We play at the beach. We take photos at the beach too. I?m really happy today.

Write soon,


现在请回答Jenny的问题吧! 1.When?s my birthday? . A.Dec. 18 A.The park

B.Dec. 17 B.The school


C.Dec. 28 C.The beach

2.Where do we go? . 我相信我一定行

3.Who gives a cake to me? . A.Lucy A.Yes A.Yes


Thirty days has September. April, June and November;

All the rest(剩下的)has thirty-one. February has twenty-eight alone(单独的),

Excepting(除??外)Leap Year(闰年); that?s the time, When February?s days are twenty-nine. 1.What months have thirty-one days?

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2.In what year February has twenty-nine days?

_________________________________________________________ 3.What months have thirty days?

_________________________________________________________ Ⅸ.阅读有关名人的生日,将他们的名字写在日历正确日期上。

Famous Birthdays

Three actresses? birthdays are in April. Claire Danes? birthday is April 12th, Michelle Pfeiffer?s birthday is April 28th, and Uma Thurman?s birthday is April 27th. The American president Thomas Jefferson?s birthday is April 13th. The inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci?s birthday is April 15th.

Sunday 5 Claire Danes12 19 26 Monday 6 13 20 27 Tuesday 7 14 21 28 April Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 3 10 17 24 Saturday 4 11 18 25 B.Lily B.No B.No


4.Do we take photos at the beach? . 5.Am I happy today? .

【静坐凝思】 ?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )





Unit 6 At the mall

月 日 我花了 分钟完成



1.a bank, a camera shop, a fast food restaurant, a gift shop, a pet shop, a toy shop, toilets; 2.Where?s the/ Where are the …? It?s on the ground/ first/ second floor. It?s above/ below/ beside/ between the … and …

别忘了字母合ue的发音哦。你能举几个ue发音的例子吗? Ⅰ.用下列单词填空,每词只用一次。 in on under below

1.The pencil is the book.





2.There is a cat sleeping the light. 3.Dad?s car is parking the house.

4.The national flag is the blackboard. 5.Sue?s house is Ken?s and Pat?s. 6.I can see a picture the wall. 7.My bird is the small cage. 8.The woman is the bus stop.


1. 2. 3.


Let?s camera third Where sad shop see photos

Mum:Don?t be so , Pat. Let?s go and buy a . Then we can take with the pets.

Pat:Really? is the camera ? Mum:It?s there. It?s on the floor. Pat:Oh, yes. I can it. go.



Pat:There?s no chicken but there is meat. Do we need tofu? Mum:No, we don?t need .

Pat:There aren?t leafy vegetables. We need to buy . Mum:Yes, you are right. Oh, I forget. There isn?t coffee now. Let?s buy . Ⅲ.东西都准备好了,妈妈开始工作,Pat当小助手,看看他们怎样做。 1.First, they make .

A:What do we make first, Mum? A.hamburgers B.sandwiches C.bread B:Let?s make sandwiches. 2.They have in the sandwiches.

A:What are we going to have in the sandwiches? A.eggs B.leafy vegetables C.eggs and leafy vegetables B:Eggs and leafy vegetables. 3.They have butter in the . A:Do we have any butter in them? A.sandwiches B.bread B:No, we have some in the hamburgers. C.hamburgers A:Pat, can you wash the leafy vegetables? 4.What does Pat wash? .

B:Sure. Butter A.Eggs B.Leafy vegetables C.Ⅴ.哇,妈妈的手艺真好,做了好多美味的食物。看一看是什么?用什么做的呢?

leafy vegetables + + = rice + + =

+ + + bread =


例:How many lemons would you like? (Two kilos, please./ lemon) How much tea would you like? (Three packets, please./ tea)

1.____________________________________?(Three glasses, please./ juice) 2.__________________________________?(Two boxes, please./ egg) 3.____________________________________?(Four pieces, please./ cake) 4.____________________________________?(A bowl, please./ noodle) 5.____________________________________?(Two cups, please./ tea) 6.____________________________________?(One packet, please./ sweet) Ⅶ.选择填空。

( )1.This is lunchbox but it is old one. A.a…a






( )2.I?d like bread and onion.\\ A.a/ a B.some/ some ( )3.Do you have vegetables? A.a


( )4.Are there any bread eggs? A.or B.and ( )5.I don?t have money with me. A.some Ⅷ.读清单回答问题。 1.What is the date today?

______________________________. 2.Is the food for lunch?

______________________________. 3.Is there any drink for the meal? ______________________________. 4.What is the meat?

______________________________. 5.How many dumpings?



1.I see .我明白了。 4.Me too.我也是。 7.Come on.来吧(赶快) 10.Not bad.还不错。 13.Shut up!闭嘴! 16.Be quiet!安静点! 19.Have fun!玩得开心!

2.I quit!我不干了! 5.My god!天哪! 8.Hold on.等一等 11.Not yet.还没。 14.So long.再见。 17.Cheer up!振作起来!

3.Let go!放手! 6.No way !不行! 9.I agree.我同意。 12.See you.再见。 15.Allow me.让我来。 18.Good job!做得好




C.some/ an C.some C.but

D.a/ some D.any D.any

Christmas Day Supper a big chicken 2 boxes of dumplings some hamburgers a packet of fries orange juice 20.Why not?好呀!(为什么不呢?)


怕哦! ?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )




Unit 9 Chinese New Year

月 日 我花了 分钟完成



1.buy new clothes, clean the house, eat a big dinner, get lucky money, say “Happy New Year”, visit family and friends;

2.What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? I?m going to … 别忘了字母组合ey的发音哦。你能举几个ey发音的例子吗? Ⅰ.Koko打电话给Pat,向Pat一家拜年。看看她家在新年前忙些什么呢? 1.—Where are you, Pat?

—I?m in my . I?m a picture. 2.—Is your dad ?

—Yes, he is. He?s New Year . 3.—Where?s your mum? —She?s in the .

—What?s she ? —She?s the floor.

4.—Is your grandma the living room too? —No. She?s Jiaozi in the .


Dear Mum, Tomorrow is Chinese New Year. I?m going to stay with Pat?s family. Her family are cleaning their house, putting on New Year decorations and making dumplings. This afternoon I?m going to buy new clothes with her family. We are going to have a big dinner tonight. Tomorrow we are going to put on our new clothes and visit Pat?s aunts and uncles. It?s going to be lots of fun. Oh, I?m going to get a lot of lucky money too! Happy New Year! Best wishes for you! Write soon, Koko

1.When?s Chinese New Year? . A.Tomorrow B.Today 2.Koko is going to stay with family. A.Jim?s


3.Pat?s family is going to visit . 我相信我一定行


C.Friday C.Pat?s

A.grandma B.aunts and uncles C.Koko

4.Are they going to put on new clothes this afternoon? . A.Yes B.No C.I don?t know 5.Koko is going to get lots of .

A.new clothes B.big dinner C.lucky money


只算现金和信用卡 Only cash and credit cards When

一个人打电话给一家汽车旅馆询问 a man called a hotel and asked how

much they charged for a room, the 房租,旅馆的工作人员回答说:“房租的

clerk told him that the rates depend on


room size and number of people.

“小孩儿算不算呢?”那人问道。 “Do you take children?” the man

“不算,先生。”服务员回答,“我们 asked.

只算现金和信用卡。” “No, sir,” replied the clerk. “Only

cash and credit cards.” 名言警句:Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools. 愚者不学 无术,智者不耻下问。

Ⅲ.新年到了,家里一片喜洋洋的气氛。看一看,请用1,2,3?给图片排顺序。 1.Look at my mew clothes, Pat. Wow, That?s pretty. 2.Let?s paint our picture and write a poem for it. 3.Happy New Year, Dad. Happy New Year, Mum. 4.Here?s your lucky money. Thank you. 5.Here is a present for you, Thank you. Koko.


Mid-Autumn Day Thank Thank

you You.

teacher Dad.





visit/dumpling/first/put on/sweep the floor China/lucky money/watch The Spring Festival is the most important holiday in 。

It?s on the day of the lunar year. On that day people in South China eat New Year cake. People in North China eat . People also like to eat fish.

We light firecrackers on Chinese New Year?s Eve. In some places people can

dragon and lion dance. It?s also a good time to stay at home with families, friends and have a good rest! Children like Chinese New Year because they can beautiful clothes, get and play happily.

On Chinese New Year, don?t use unlucky words, don?t on that day because you may sweep away the good luck. Ⅶ.阅读短文,回答问题。

My mother is very busy. She ip preparing (准备)the table and the places outside the house. I help to put the moon cakes, nuts and fruits on the table. After dinnes, we all sit around (围绕)the table to watch the moon. It is full(满的)and bright. We listen to father telling stories about the Mid –Autumn Festival, At the same time we eat moon cakes, nuts and other things. By ten o?clock. we get back into the house and prepare to go to bed.

1.What is the mame of the festival (节日)?

2.What do the family do after dinner?

3.Can father tell stories about the festival?


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( )

bǎbá,ǒ好怕怕哦! ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )




