
更新时间:2024-02-05 21:01:01 阅读量: 优秀作文大全 文档下载




1. It is generally accepted/ universally acknowledged that… ……是被广泛承认/ 普遍公认的

It is universally acknowledged that vehicles are a major source of urban air pollution.

2. There is an assumption that…有这样一种想法…

There is an assumption that modern life exerts a lot of pressure upon people, such as the pressure from education, career or family.现代生活带给人们许多压力,如求学压力,工作压力或家庭压力。

3. Everybody agrees that…每个人都同意这一看法:……

Everybody agrees that telephones have become a necessity for most people, with the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products.

4. Nowadays it has become fashionable for sb. to do…现在人们…..的做法变得流行起来。

Nowadays it has become fashionable for university students to mimic(模仿) their idols’ hairdos and dressing styles(偶像发型和衣着风格).

5. As every college student/ everybody would agree…正如每个大学生/ 每个人都会同意的那样,…… As every college student would agree, employment pressure has become their biggest headache.

6. There arises a pressing problem confronting…在……面前出现了一个紧迫的问题。

There arises a pressing problem confronting the formal English education in universities.

7. Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of…现在人们越来越意识到……的重要性。

Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of wildlife(野生动植物) protection.

8. The issue of …is becoming a matter of concern… ….的问题正成为一件备受关注的事情。

The issue of the fever of western festivals(热衷西方节日的问题) in China is becoming a matter of concern.

9. It is not an uncommon phenomenon that… ……并不是罕见的现象。

It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many superstars are enjoying striking popularity on campus(很多超级明星在校园里受欢迎程度惊人。).

10. It is not uncommon that… ……并不罕见。

It is not uncommon that student baby-sitters make phone-calls(打电话), read books or send messages during their working time.

11. In recent years, a growing number of… This phenomenon has aroused wide concern.最近几年中,越来越多的……这一现象引起了广泛的关注。

In recent years, a growing number of university students are going after fashion at any cost. This phenomenon has aroused wide concern.

12. ……, which provoked nationwide heated debates on… ……,激起了全国性的关于……激烈辩论。

Several girls won their fame overnight in the 2005 Super Girl Contest in China, which provoked nationwide heated debates on the value and harm of overnight stardom(几位女孩在05超级女声竞赛中一夜成名,激起了全国性的关于突然走红的价值和害处的激烈辩论。)

13. The issue of whether or not… has been widely debated currently… …..是否……,这一问题近来已经得到广泛的争论。

The issue of whether quality-oriented education(素质教育) is most beneficial to university students or not has been widely debated currently.

14. The discussion as to whether or not… is a very controversial one.关于……是否……的讨论是非常有争议的。

The discussion as to whether or not cell phones will take the place of phones is a very controversial one.

15. Recently there has been a very controversial debate as to…近来有一个关于……的非常有争议的辩论。 Recently there has been a very controversial debate as to the credibility of tourism service(旅游服务的可信度).

16. There arises a fierce debate concerning/ regarding…出现了一个关于……的热烈辩论。

There arises a fierce debate concerning academic honesty(学术诚信).

17. … has evoked a strong repercussion among the public. ……已经在公众中引起了强烈的反响。.

This report has evoked a strong repercussion among the public.

18. An increasingly heated debate has arisen as to the issue of whether…关于是否……的问题已经出现了一


19. There is a growing tendency these days for… to…, and this has aroused a heated debate among people as


There is a growing tendency these days for university students to be hired to take care of babies at weekends or during holidays, and this has aroused a heated debate among people as to whether it is proper for undergraduates.

20. … has become a headache of… ……已经成为令……头痛的问题。

Plagiarism(剽窃) has become a headache of the whole academic field.




阅读下面的文字 根据要求作文






要求:1、自选角度、确定立意,自拟标题,文体不限。 2、不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围。 3、不少于800字。 4、不得套作,不得抄袭。









【点评】 “善性是人性与神性最相近的地方”。此文开篇高屋建瓴,以人性的切入去探勘善性的本质,并对“慈善与施舍”做了确切的辨析,虽不过三言两语,却字字切中要义。接着,作者在对慈善的关怀本质、施行方式、落实对象的几个层面上进行了缜密有效地论述,思想成熟深入,表达掷地有声, 展现了一位关注社会思考独立尊重内心的中学生的良好风范。



点评人:华南师范大学文学院 讲师 徐珊









【点评】 本文紧扣富翁热心慈善事业,捐助三个家庭的材料,引出有关慈善的话题,并以此为中心内容展开论述,符合本次作文的材料内容和含意范围。





点评人:华南师范大学文学院 副教授 陈一平







【点评】 写考场文章以立意为先。这篇文章之所以优秀就在于其立意境界很高,认为爱不是单向的,而是双向的,还是可以流动的,呼吁“让爱双向流动”。捐助与受助都是爱的表现,彼此应该互相尊重,互有沟通交流,这个世界才会充满爱,并且一直传递下去。从立意这个角度来讲,作者这样的立意在众多考生中算是上乘的,也是最值得肯定的一种立意。



点评人:华南师范大学文学院 讲师 胡家俊






The Celebration of Western Festivals

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Celebration of Western Festivals.




In recent years many Chinese people like to celebrate western festivals. Even some youngsters are paying as great attention to Christmas as our Spring Festival. In addition, other western festivals, like April Fool's day and Valentine's Day, are very popular among Chinese people.

Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon.Among them, relaxing and comfortable atmosphere from western festivals plays a critical role. Moreover, more and more Chinese people begin to learn English, which provides them with more chances to be exposed to western culture and festivals. Besides, many businessmen desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals to attract more customers.

As far as I am concerned, our paying too much attention to western festivals will bring some side effects .The popularity of western festivals to some extent has influence our traditions. Therefore, I suggest that people should not be immersed too much in the western festivals but ignore Chinese traditional festivals.

be exposed to 意为“暴露于”

As far as I am concerned 用于引出个人观点

bring some side effects 意为“带来负面影响”

to some extent 意为“在某种程度上”

be immersed too much 意为“过分沉浸在。。。中”

Getting to Know the World

outside Campus

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Getting to Know the World outside Campus.




It is of great significance for a college student to know the world outside the campus. In this fast-developing “Information Age”, college students must keep pace with the progress of the world. Additionally, by contacting the off-campus world, college students can have chance to get more practical skills. Therefore, how to know the world outside the campus is worth our attention.

Many ways can be adopted by our college students to increase our knowledge of the world. Firstly, mass media, such as radios, televisions, newspapers and the

Internet, are a good choice, by which we can be well informed about what is happening. Secondly, providing volunteer services is an efficient way to

contact and know the society. Thirdly, we can take part-time jobs to increase our practical experience.

As for me, I will try to create and grasp more chances to contact the society. In my opinion, getting to know the off-campus world is as important as improving academic performance.Therefore,I suggest every college student should not confine himself to the campus but often go outside.

1. keep pace with 跟上

2. be worth sth/doing 值得

3. not but 连接并列结构,意思是不是。。。而是。。。

Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?




Nowadays, different people hold different views about whether or not one should expect a reward when doing a good deed.Some people think that a

good deed should be given a certain reward.They say it is agreeable with the rule of fairness.Also,rewards can stimulate people's enthusiasm to do good deeds.

However, there are many others who take Leifeng as a good model and be always ready to help others without expecting any reward .Everyone may be in trouble. Only if you help others unselfishly, you can get Other's help when you need it. Besides, they maintain that one can enjoy happiness in doing good deeds, they think, which is the best return.

Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the second one. First, being happy to help others is one of Chinese people's traditional virtues. Second, this virtue is of more significance for the creation of a harmonious society. To

conclude,it is every citizen's responsibility to do good deeds without expecting any reward.

1. without expecting any reward 不期望任何回报

2. weighing up 意为“权衡”,此句话引出个人观点

3. be of+n 相当于 be+adj

A letter to of Apology

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A letter to of Apology to your teacher.




Dear Mr.Wang,

I am writing you this letter to apologize for my failing to hand in the paper on time. I am very sorry for the inconvenience brought by my delay. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude.

The reason for my delay was that I was knocked down by a cold. Moreover, I had a fever and was too weak to write a single word. Therefore, it's not in my power to finish the paper on time. I hope you could understand me and excuse me for my delay.

I will do my utmost to finish my paper and hand it in as soon as possible .In my opinion, the importance of punctuality you cannot be emphasized too much, so I assure you that I will hand in my homework on time from now on. Sincerely yours

Yu Ming

1.I am writing you this letter to apologize for 道歉信开头常用句式。

2.the inconvenience brought by 意思是“由。。。带来的不便”。

3.Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude 意思是“请接受我诚挚的歉意”。

4.in my power to 意思是“在我能范围内”

5.do my utmost to 意思是“尽最大努力”

6.as soon as possible 意思是“尽快”

7.cannot be emphasized too much 意思是“再怎么强调也不为过”,表示非常重要

