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高考英语短语动词强化记忆 __Seldom seen, soon forgotton..

一 介词at 构成的短语

1 at all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何2 at one's service 听候某人吩咐 3 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 4 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 5 at the expense of 由…付费,由…负担费用;以…为代价 6 at one's ease 安详,自在,不拘束

7 at the sight of 当看到 ... 时,一见 ... 就

8 at stake 在胜败关头 9 at length 详细地;最终,终于 10 at hand 近在手边,在附近11 at the risk of 冒着…的危险

二 包含all 的短语

1 all the best 万事如意 2 all in all 从各方面说,总的说来 3 all the same 都一样,无所谓;尽管如此,仍然

4 above all 首先,尤其是 5 all too often/soon太频繁/太快

6 all at once/all of a sudden/in a flash 突然7 all but 几乎,差一点 8. once(and)for all一劳永逸地 9. all the way 一直,完全


1 be married to与??结婚 2.be engaged to与??订婚 3.be engaged in sth /be occupied with sth /ber occupied in doing sth /be employed in从事,忙于4.be tired of对??厌烦

5 be tired with 因……感到疲劳6.be burdened with负重 7.be equipped with装备 8.be furnished with提供,布置

9.be worth doing值得做??10.be proud of/take pride in 以??而骄傲 11.be content to do sth.甘愿于干;12.be content with对??感到满意 13.be up to sb是某人的职责,由某人决定 Be up to sth 多达,能胜任 14.be meant/intended/designed for/to do 打算给,打算用作

15.be crazy about be keen on be enthusiastic about 对??狂热 16 be hard on 对 ... 苛刻,使 ... 极为难

It will be hard on her when the children leave.孩子们离去时,她会感到难受 17 be calculated to do sth. 旨在,打算或计划做某事 18 be badly off贫困的 19 be upon sb 逼近某人 20 be thankful/grateful to sb for sth 对 心存感激 21 be capable of 有能力,能够


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22 be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求 be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求


1.break out爆发 2.break in打断;闯入 3.break into闯入;破门而入 4.break away from脱离

5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;身体跨了;谈判失败了 ;精神崩溃;分解 6.break up驱散,拆散 学校放假 7.break through突破 The marchers broke through the line of the police. 7.break off折断;中断;断绝


1.carry on进行 2.carry out执行;进行3.carry away拿走 4.carry off夺走,抢走Some unknown man carried off the prize


1.call on拜访某人 2 call on sb to do 号召3.call at拜访某地 4.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物)

5. call in 请来;收回 6.call up打电话;征召;回想起(bring back P99) 7 call off 取消 8 call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起


1.catch/take/get hold of sth.抓住某物2.catch up with赶上 3.catch sight of发现;看到

4.hold up举起;阻滞(交通等);耽搁 5.hold back阻止;控制 抑制 隐瞒 6 hold out 维持坚持;伸出

We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.

7 hold on(在困境或危险中)坚持, (打电话时用语)别挂断 We must hold on until help comes

8 hold on to 紧紧抓住 不出手,不转让 You should hold on to your oil shares.


1 come into being(事物、局面等)产生;形成 2.come along过来;快点

3.come out出来;出版 How did the printing come out? 4.come true实现


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5.come back to life苏醒过来 bring ….back to life 6.come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质 7.come about发生,造成

The event came about as he had predicted it.

8.come across碰见 同义词组:run into meet with knock into 9.come to an end结束 bring … to an end put an end/a stop to sth Your duties here have come to an end.

10.come to light为人所知,显露 bring sth to light 使(某事)显露出来 throw light upon 使明白,阐明

11.come up with提出,想出 拿出一笔钱12 come up 被提出 12. when it comes to 当谈到……时

13 come to terms with 达成协议,妥协

Be on good terms with in the long term in terms of 14 come to oneself 苏醒过来


1.do good to对??有好处 2.do harm to对??有害处 3.do with处理 4.do sb.a favour帮某人的忙 5.do up系纽扣;梳理

Look,your bottom isn’t done up. do up one’s hair梳理头发

6 do without 没有…也行,用不着,将就 go without 没有 manage without 没有 ... 也行 7 do violence to 对……施暴


1 .get over克服;度过 2.Get together相聚

3.get on/along well with与??相处融洽, 进展顺利 4.get into trouble陷入麻烦 5.get in a word插话

6.get rid of除掉 7.get through通过;接通;完成;用完 (P79) 8.get about/around/round传开,传出去

9.get across使理解10.get down to(doing)sth.安心做,开始认真干 11 get accustomed/used to 习惯于


1.give up放弃 2.give in ( to)屈服;投降

3.give out用完;耗尽 ( run out run out of use up)


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Our food and water will give out soon. 4.give away分发;捐赠;泄露

If a person has not had enough sleep ,his action will give him away during the day.

5.give off放出 6.give back归还;恢复 7 give birth to 生育


1.go ahead继续;干吧2.go by (时间)过去;经过(地点)3.go out(灯、火)熄灭

4.go on(doing)继续做某事5.go on to do sth.接着做另外的事 6.go over检查;复习

7.go through完成;通过;经历;仔细检察 She went through one hardship after another.

Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater. 8.go all out(=try/do one’s best)竭尽全力 They went all out to build the dam. 9.go about开始着手,到处走动,传开

How does one go about getting the information.

10.go for运用于,应用于’The medicine went for nothing. 11.go in for参加,爱好 She went in for a singing competition. 12.go with相配 I want some shoes to go with these trousers. 13.go without不吃/喝/用

The poor boy often has to go without supper. 14.go up上升,上涨

15.go down下降,降沉,下沉


1.have a word with sb.和某人说句话2.have words with争吵 3.have(deep)effects on对??有(深远)影响

4.have difficulty in/find difficulty in/have trouble in 做??有困难

十四、动词keep构成的短语动词 1.Keep sb company 陪伴某人

2. keep track of 把握……动态,保持……联系 记录 3.keep up with跟上 put up with be fed up woth catch up with break up with ★

4.keep back保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留


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5.keep away from远离 6.keep out of使??不进入 7.keep/prevent/stop...from doing sth.制止(防止)??做某事 8.keep up坚持 维持,使不低落

Keep up your courage and you will succeed.

9 keep sb at a distance 与某人保持一段距离,不愿接近 10 keep an eye on 留神,看管 11. Keep sb informed of随时向……报告情况


1.knock down撞倒,拆除(tear down pull down)

They make sure the cows not knock the young trees down or eat the leaves..

2.knock off撞掉下来

A child ran into the street and knocked the woman off her bicycle. 3.knock about连续打击/碰撞,漂泊,闲逛 He has knocked about all over Asia.


1.1ook up抬头;查阅( refer to consult) You may look up new word in a dictionary. 2.1ook out小心Look out! The pan is on fire.

3.1ook into调查 往里看,凝视4.1ook forward to盼望 5.1ook through仔细看;浏览6.1ook up to尊敬 7.1ook down upon瞧不起

9.1ook on?as(=treat/consider/count /think of...as) 把??看作 10. Look sb in the eye 正视,正面瞧某人


1.make a beeline for 朝 ... 径直走,走直路,走近路 2.make an apology to向??道歉

3.be made up of组成 consist of be composed of (P178)

4.make up组成;化妆;打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造 占据百分比 5.make room for给??腾地方 6.make up for弥补

We must make up for the time wasted before. 8.make use of利用

We should make full use of the books in the library


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9 make the most of /make the best of / make full use of /take full advantage of


10.make one’s way排除困难前进 11.make progress in 进步 12.make for走向,前往 促成,有助于

13.make out认出,理解 14 make it another time 15. make ends meet 收支相抵,量入为出

16 to make matters worse 使情况更糟糕的是 近义词

To make things worse worse still what’s worse even worse 17.make it成功,及时达到 出席到场

18.Make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用 19. make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理

make sense of 懂得,了解 ... 的意义 20 make comments on发表评论 21.Make a good researcher 成为好的研究人员


1.put away放好;收起来 2.put down记下;平息 3.put out扑灭;出版

4.put up举起;建造;张贴;公布,投宿 5.put up with(=stand/bear)忍受 endure

6.put on穿上;上演;增加体重 7.put off延期;拖延 9.put forward提出建议,拨快(钟等) put back 拨回时钟 gain时钟走快 lose时钟走慢

The doctor put forward a good suggestion. 10. put pressure on sb 对某人施加压力

11. As sb puts it 正如某人所说 12. put sb on a diet 控制某人的饮食

13 .put the blame on sb归咎于某人14 .put a burden on sb 给某人增加负担


1.take up占用(时间;空间);从事 ;作为消遣学着做;继续,接下去 2.take the place of代替 3.take one’s place就座;代替某人职位 7.take it easy别紧张8 take your time别着急 9.take off脱掉;起飞;成功 10.take pride in以??而自豪

11.take in欺骗,收留12. take on承担,呈现(品质、面貌) take on a new look

13. take over接管 14 take it for granted 想当然


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1.turn up出现;开大(音量);到达,发生 5.turn down开小(音量) 拒绝 (decline) 6.turn over翻转,交付 ,移交

7.turn in交出; Jane turned in the wallet found at the school gate. 8.turn to找某人寻求帮助;翻到;转向

They always turn to me when they are in trouble. 10.turn out结果是/关掉/查明/生产

11. turn around 转身(转变,逆转,卸完货离去) 12 turn upside down 倒置,颠倒

二十一、动词help, die构成的短语动词

1.Help/aid/assist sb.with sth. Help sb (to) do aid/ assist sb to do 2.help oneself to sth.尽管请便;请随便吃

3. can't help doing情不自禁 4.can't help but do sth不得不做某事 5. can’t help to do 不能帮忙做某事 6. It can’t be helped 不可避免

If I can help it ,I don't like working late into the night 7. help out 帮忙摆脱困境

8. with the help of under the guidance/command/ control of 9.die of死于??(内因) die from死于??(外因)

10.die out灭绝 ,熄灭,消失 10 . die away/die down/ die off ( P 66)


1.send for派人去请 2.send out发出(光亮等) 3.send up发射vt shoot up 迅速上升,猛增vi He shot up as if fired from a cannon.(大炮)

4.send off寄出,派遣;给??送行5. send in寄送某处进行处理 6. send/drive sb mad 让某人发疯 、

二十三. 动词set构成的短语动词 1. set about doing sth.( set out to do sth./get down to doing sth.)开始;着手??

2.set out/off for 出发;开始 leave/ start for 3. set fire to/set?on fire放火烧??

4.set an example to树立榜样 5 set aside 6. set foot on /in


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7. set down 写下,记下,让乘客下车 8 set sail 起航 9 be set in


1.point out指出 2.point at指指点点 3. point to指向 4.agree to /on/ with

5.pay for付钱 6.pay off还清债务 ,带来好结果 7.pay back把钱还回给某人

二十五. cut 动词短语

1. cut up 切碎 2. cut down 削减,减少;砍倒

3. cut in 插嘴,打断;超车抢挡 4. cut out 切断,删除 5. cut off 切断,使隔绝

二十六. pull 构成的动词短语

1. pull down 拆毁( tear down knock down) 拉下 2. pull out 拔(抽,取)出;(车等)驶出;摆脱困境 3. pull in (车)停下,(车)进站,(船)到岸 4. pull through (使)度过危机,(使)恢复健康 5. pull up (使)停下, 拔起

二十七. leave 构成的短语

1. leave...alone 听其自然,不要去管 2 leave aside 搁置,不考虑 3. leave behind 不带,忘了带;把…撇在后面;留下 4. leave behind 不带,忘了带;把…撇在后面;留下 5. leave off (doing) sth 停止,中断

二十八. let 构成的短语

1. let sb/sth alone 对……放任不管 2 let down 使失望;放下,降低 3. let out 放走,释放;发出,泄漏,放出 4. let in 让…进入,放…进来

5. let alone 更不用说 not to mention still less (P255 P298))

二十九. live 构成的短语

1. live through 度过,经受住

2. live up to 遵守,实践(诺言等);符合,不辜负 3. live with 与…在一起生活;忍受,忍耐 4. live on 靠…生活,以…为食物


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5. live/realize one's dream实现梦想


1. In no case 2. on no account 3. by no means 4. on no condition 5. under no circumstances 6. in no way 7. not in the least 8. at no time

三十一 . V sb of sth 类动词

accuse cure suspect warn remind assure convince rob suspect inform cheat?of骗取某人某物

三十二. P297

in face of in favor of in praise of in memory of

in charge of in possession of in honour of in search of in want of in need of in terms of (P194)

三十三 . 表示看的词

1. stare at 凝视 2. glare at 怒视 3. glance at 浏览,扫一眼 4. catch a glimpse of 看一看,瞥见 5 spot 认出

6. glance over one's shoulder回头朝后看 7.witness .目击;作证

三十四. moment 构成的词

1. at any moment 随时,在任何时候 2. at the moment 此刻,目前 3. for the moment 暂时,目前 4. in a moment 立刻,马上 5. the moment =as soon as

三十五. under 类词(对比with the help of) Under attack/repair/construction

Under the command of under the guidance of under the stress of under the control of under the direction of 在……指导下

三十六 . up 构成的词组

clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决 look up查找;抬头看; save up储存 add up加起来 tidy up收拾干净

round up把??聚拢 break up打碎;分解;驱散 speed up加速; bring up抚养 set up成立close up 临时关闭;伤口愈合 light up 照亮,点燃;容光焕发


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call up 打电话(给);召集;使人想起 do up 整理,包装,打扮 pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到;好转 take up 开始学,从事,占据 tear up 撕毁 dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮;装饰,修饰 hold up 支持,支撑;延迟;展示,举出; cheer up 振作起来,使高兴

三十七 . 同源宾语

1 die a heroic death 2. live a happy life 3. dream a good dream 4 think a negative thought 微笑(smile)着生活(live),歌唱(sing)着战斗(fight),死(die)也像睡觉(sleep)做梦(dream)一样甜蜜 三十八 .to 为介词的词组

1. add to 2.devote…to 3. lead to 4 beupto 5.get close to

6.beused/accustomed to 7.get down to 9. look forward to 10 refer to 11 help oneself to 12 turn to 13 pay attention to 三十九、其他短语动词

1.depend on rely on count on calculate on 依靠

2.divide into把??分成 be deeply divided on 在某方面有严重分歧 3.persuade sb.to do sth. Persuade sb into doing sth Convince sb to do sth talk sb into doing sth argue sb into /out of doing sth 说服某人做某事

4.drop in(on sb./at a place)顺便拜访??

drop off 入睡;(让…)下车,把…放下;下降,减少 drop out 退出,退学

5. imagine doing 想象做某事appreciate doing 感激做某事 admit doing 承认做某事

6. the majority of students/most students 大部分学生

7. a good knowledge of / a good education/ a good understanding of/ a good command of 精通

8. pick up vt捡起,收集,继续,得到,接人,偶然结识 Vi好转 pick out 挑出,选出,拣出;辨认出,分辨出

9. by all means 当然可以 by no means 决不,并没有

by means of 用,依靠 by this means 用这种方式 ( in this way with this method.) the way to do sth an approach to sth 10. be particular about 对 ... 讲究 11.seize the opportunity 抓住机会


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12. Turn green变绿 turn doctor 当医生 turn 18 一到18岁 fall ill/sick 生病 run deep.(达到或进入某状态) stand empty 13. launch into 投入,进入,突然开始

14. devote……to 把……奉献给,把……专用于 be devoted to 专心于,致力于

devotion to 挚爱 奉献/醉心 devotion to duty 忠于职守 15. throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等)

throw up 呕吐vt vi He makes me want to throw up!他让我想吐! When did you throw up blood clots?你是什麽时候吐出血块的呢? spit out vt He spit out the broken tooth. 他吐出断了的牙齿。 16. make music one's career把音乐作为事业 17. a good song to dance to 伴舞的好歌

18. wish for hope for desire for demand for long for

19. entertain sb with sth: 用…娱乐/款待某人 20. to a certain degree/ in a way在一定程度上 21.hold important positions 担任重要职位

22. in all directions 四面八方 23. a drowning child一个溺水底孩子 24. I’d appreciate it if 如果……将不胜感激

25. be happy with be content with be satisfied with be pleased with (P40) 26 a close match势均力敌的比赛 a narrow escape 死里逃生

27 be no match for 根本不是……的对手 ( 对手 match equal) 28. for once 就这一次 29. on all sides 在各方面 30. present sth to sb present sb with sth

把某物赠送给某人,向某人呈送某物 31. spare no effort(s) 不遗余力,不计代价 32. have a preference for 喜欢,认为 ... 更好 33. Give a preference to sb 给某人/某物一个优先

34. Lay sb on one’s back 让某人仰卧Lie on one’s back仰卧 35. wipe out 擦掉,擦净;彻底摧毁,消灭

36.be(just)around the comer即将到来=be on the way=draw near 37.to the fullest 最充分地

38. in harmony with (与…)协调一致,(与…)和睦相处 39.on end 竖着地,连续地( in a row) 40. regardless of 不顾,不惜

41. give sb national attention使某人受到全国的注意 42. in vain 徒然,白费力


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43.allow for = make allowances for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅

44.apply oneself to doing =fix one’s mind /attention on =pay attention to =focus…on

45. at the mercy of 任凭…的摆布,完全受…支配

46. in conclusion= all in all=to sum up=on the whole=in short=in a word 47. on account of =because of account for 解释,说明

48.burst into tears/laughter=burst out crying/laughing突然??起来 49. attach…to 附着在 be attached to 依恋。隶属于 50. be desperate for/to do 急需干某事

51. tear down 拆掉,拆除 tear up 撕毁

tear sb away from 依依不舍的离开 tear at 撕,扯

52. attend to 处理,照顾,专心

53.stick with和??在一起,保持联系

54. to begin with / to be honest / to tell the truth / to be frank /to sum up (P316) 55 in the meanwhile = in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时 56. up to now/ to date/ so far 至今

57. a feast for your eyes =feast one’s eyes on 大饱眼福 (P235) 58.act on照??行事 . He acts on principles.

59.believe in信仰、信奉(真理、宗教、原则等);信任;认为……对 60.treat?for治疗;医治 treat?to?以??款待 treat?as把??当作?? be one’s treat 由某人请客

61. fit in with 符合,适应 as you see fit 只要你认为适当

62 .become of发生 63.object to反对 64.pass away去世 65.pass on传递,传给 pass through 穿过,经历 63 resemble sb/sth in 类似

64 differ in 在..方面不同,在..有差异 differ from 不同于,与 ... 有区别 differ with 意见不一致,持异议

65.distinguish one thing from another辨别,区别

distinguish between 分辨,区分 tell apart/from 区分,辨别 make a distinction between 对 ... 加以区别

distinguish oneself 使杰出,使扬名 a man of distinction地位卓越的人

66.Change for the better好转 change for the worse 恶化 67. My heart beats faster/raced/sank/ached.

68.be accessible to 某人容易得到,了解 69. remain seated /be seaten 70. approve of 赞成


