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Part ⅡLetters of the Alphabet 第2篇 字母类 Questions:

1.Why is the letter E so sad? 字母E为什么伤心不已?

2.Why is the letter E so important? 字母E为什么至关重要?

3.Why are the letter Grand the letter Sin“gloves”close to each other? 为什么说在“gloves”这个单词中字母G和字母S关系密切? Keys:

1.Because it’s always out of cash and always in debt. 因为它总是缺钱花,又总是债务缠身。

2.Because it’s the beginning of everything. 因为它是万物的开端。

3.Because there is love between them. 因为它们有“爱”牵系着。 Notes:

1.out of cash没有现款 in debt欠债

3.glove/gl)v/ n.手套 Questions:

1.What letter is an animal? 什么字母是一种动物? 2.What letter is a vegetable? 什么字母是一种蔬菜? 3.What letter is a question? 什么字母是一个问题?

4.What letter is a part of the head 什么字母是头的一部分? Keys:

1.The letter B. 字母B。

2.The letter P. 字母P。

3.The letter Y. 字母Y。

4.The letter I. 字母I。 Notes:


2.Pea/pi:/ n.豌豆 3.Y音似Why 4.I音似eye Questions:

1.What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady?

什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵? 2.What do we learn in primary schools? 我们在小学里学什么?

3.What has four eyes but can’t see? 什么有四只眼却看不见? Keys:

1.The letter“A”, for it makes her hear. 是字母A,因为它使老太耳聪。 2.ABCs。 是基本常识。

3.The Mississippi. 是密西西比河。 Notes:

1.precious/'preM+s/ adj.宝贵的,珍贵的

2.ABC/'eibi:'si:/ n.基础知识,复数形式为 ABC’s或ABCs。 3. Mississippi单词中有四个“i”(four eyes)。 Questions:

1.What part of London is in France? 伦敦哪个部分在法国? 2.What makes a road broad? 什么使马路变宽?

3.What letter stands for the ocean? 什么字母代表海洋?

4.What letter is to be avoided if you want to borrow money? 要想借钱,就得避开什么字母? Keys:

1.The lette5r “N”. 字母N。

2.The letter“B”. 字母B。

3.The letter“C”. 字母C。

4.The letter“A”, because it makes men mean. 是字母A,因为它使人变得吝啬。 Notes:


4.mean/mi:n/adj.小气,吝啬 Questions:

1.What three letters turn a boy into a man? 哪三个字母可以男孩子变成男人?

2.What is written with three letters but is pronounced like one letter? 什么写出来是三个字母,读出来却像一个字母?

3.What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of T? 什么开始是T,结尾是T,还可能全是T?

4.How can you change a pear into a pearl? 怎样可以把梨变成珍珠? Keys:

1.A-G-E. 是A-G-E。 2.Eye. 是眼睛。 3.Teapot. 是茶壶。

4.Add the letter L. 加上字母L。 Notes:

1.A-G-E拼出来是age(年龄)。 3.teapot/'ti:p&t/n.茶壶 Questions:

1.Why is the letter B like fire? 字母B为什么跟火一样? 2.Why is the letter D like a sailor? 字母D为什么跟海员一样? 3.Why is the letter T like a boat? 字母T为什么跟船一样? Keys:

1.It makes the oil Boil,too. 因为它也可以让油沸腾。 2.It follows the C.


3.It’s in the midst of water,too. 因为它也在水中间。 Notes:

1.fire(火)可以加热 oil(油)至沸腾,B加在oil前 也可使之变成 Boil(沸腾)。

2.follow the C音似 follow the sea(跟寻大海)。 3.in the midst of在?中间 Questions:

1.Why is the letter K like flour? 字母K为什么与面粉相似? 2.Why is the letter A like high noon? 字母A为什么与正午相似?

3.Why are farmers surprised by the letter G? 农民为何对字母G惊叹不已? 4.What’s the end of the world? 世界末日是什么样子? Keys:

1.You can’t make a cake without it.


2.It’s also in the middle of the day. 它也在一天的正当中。 3.It turns oats into goats. 它能把燕麦变成山羊。 4.The letter“d”. 就是字母d。 Notes:

1.flour/flau+/ n.面粉 2.high noon正午 Questions:

1.What is the significance of the letter"B"to the growing up of children? 字母B对于儿童的成长有何重大意义? 2.What is the origin of eternity? 永恒的起源是什么?

3.What letter separates Europe from Africa? 哪个字母把欧洲和美洲隔开? Keys:

1.It made them bolder as they grow older. 它使得他们随着年龄增长而变得胆大而勇敢。 2.The letter“E”. 字母E。

3.The letter“C”. 字母C。 Notes:

1.bold/'b+(ld/ adj.大胆,勇敢

significance/?sig>nifik+ns/ n.重要,意义,价值 2.origin/+'riDNin/ n.起源,源头 eternity/i't+::niti/ n.水恒 3.C音似sea(海洋)。 Questions:

1.What eight-letter word has only one letter in it? 什么单词拼出来有8个字母,里面却只有一个?

2.What five-letter word has only one left once you take two away? 什么单词拼出来有5个字母,拿走2个,却只剩下一个? 3.What seven-letter word has only three letters?


4.What nine-letter word has seven left if you take four away? 什么单词拼出来有9个字母,拿走四个,却还剩下七个? Keys:

1.Envelope. 信封。 2.Stone. 石头。

3.Barbara. 芭芭拉(人名)。 4.Seventeen. 十七。 Notes:

1.letter n.字母;信 Questions:

1.Can you spell jealousy with two letters?

你能用2个字母把“嫉妒”这个词拼出来吗? 2.Can you spell donkey with one letter? 你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?

3.Can you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters? 你能用三个字母结束捉迷藏的游戏吗?

4.Can you turn an odd number into even by removing one letter? 你能拿走一个字母,把奇数变成偶数吗? Keys:


是N.V,音似envy(嫉妒)。 2.U.

字母 U,音似You(你)。 3.I--C--U.

字母 I--C--U,音似I see you(我看见你了)。 4.Sure. You can get “even”if you remove the first letter from“seven’,number.

当然,从“七”这个奇数单词中拿走第一个字母,就得到了偶数。 Notes:

4.even/'i:vin/n.偶数 Questions:

1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C? 女孩为什么害怕字母C?

2.Why are painters fond of the letter R? 油漆工为什么青睐字母R?

3.How many peas are there in a pint? 一品脱有多少粒豌豆?

4.What are the most sensible letters? 什么字母最明智? Keys:

1.Because it makes fat fact. 因为它使肥胖成为现实。

2.Without it, varnish would vanish. 没有它,清漆就会消失。 3.One. 一粒。

4.The Y’s.

which is an odd

