牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试A卷

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牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试A卷

姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、词汇测试。每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以以替换划线部分 (共8题;共16分)

1. (2分)The boy _____ his hand and asked if the sun ______ in the east every day.

A . rose, rises

B . raised, raised

C . raised, rises

D . rises, raised

2. (2分)Mrs. Smith is a good teacher. She is _______ her students.

A . good at

B . afraid of

C . strict with

D . late for

3. (2分)It is stupid of you to make such a decision.

A . correct

B . silly

C . clever

4. (2分)He gives me two pieces of advice, but ________ of them is valuable to me.

A . both

B . neither

C . none

D . all

5. (2分)The match was really fantastic, _____ when Kebi scored in the last minute.

A . probably

B . exactly

C . especially

D . mostly

6. (2分)—Li Hua was late for school this morning. What was the matter?

—She ________ a stone on her way to school and got hurt.

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A . fell over

B . stuck with

C . acted as

7. (2分)—Bad habits might _______ our health.

—So it's important for us to get into good habits.

A . receive

B . care for

C . damage

8. (2分)Last night I was so tired that I ______soon after I_______.

A . fall asleep ; went to bed

B . went to bed; fell asleep

C . fell asleep; went to bed

二、根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C二三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)

9. (2分)The water is hot. Don't drink it.

A . really

B . last

C . well

D . then

10. (2分)Look at the heavy rain! Nobody knows when the plane will _____ and when it will land.

A . get off

B . take off

C . turn off

D . put off

11. (2分)Bill is looking forward to ________ Shanghai with his parents next week.

A . walking

B . getting

C . playing

D . visiting

12. (2分)﹣ What _________ will you get after winning the competition in the programme Stay to

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the end(一站到底)?

﹣ A free trip to Bali Island.

A . award

B . attention

C . advice

D . ability

13. (2分)I'd like to be a singer, but I don't think I have a good .

A . mind

B . program

C . activity

D . voice

14. (2分)—Can you your little brother ?I'm busy now.

—All right,mun.I'll do it right now.

A . wear

B . put on

C . dress

D . in

15. (2分)---This book can help us know more about our hometown. ---_______, I have read it before.

A . Exactly

B . It's nothing

C . Especially

D . Recently

三、完形填空。 (共1题;共12分)

16. (12分) Twelve-year-old Kitty O’Neil asked her coach, “Let me try.” She was already on the swim team, but this was different. One of the pers had not arrived, and Kitty needed much help. Her coach looked1 at her. She had been practicing pes, but could she really stand up to the competition? Besides, 2 was completely deaf. Many people thought a person who was deaf wouldn't be able to pe well. However, Kitty3, and she won first place at that swimming meet and went on to win the Junior Olympics in the area.

Kitty began ping with Dr. Sammy Lee, a famous coach and former Olympic ping champion. The

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teenager went to school in the morning and then spent most afternoons ping. It was 4 work, and Kitty often hit the water the wrong way. However, she was able to 5 practicing. While she was ping , Kitty won many gold medals, but she wanted 6. Perhaps she learned something from her 7. Kitty lost her hearing at the age of four months. Because she wanted Kitty to lead a normal life, Kitty’s mother went to college to 8 about teaching people who are deaf. Kitty’s mother finally started a school for those who are deaf.

Kitty’s life was9but normal, and as an athlete, Kitty was much bettter than others. When she gave up ping, she wanted danger and adventure. She raced cars, boats, and motorcycles. Many of these 10 usually require at least some hearing. For example many racers judge their speed by the sound of the engine. Kitty did it by 11.

In 1972 she began to learn doing dangerous action for movies and television. Soon she became one of the 12 women in Hollywood. In 1976 Kitty O'Neil also became the fastest woman in the world in a rocket-powered car that went more than 512 miles per hour.


A . up

B . down

C . carefully

D . closely


A . she

B . he

C . I

D . it


A . worked

B . did

C . practiced

D . came


A . easy

B . usual

C . pleasant

D . hard

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A . like

B . finish

C . keep

D . begin


A . fewer

B . more

C . some

D . many


A . father

B . mother

C . coach

D . teacher


A . learn

B . read

C . write

D . listen


A . something

B . anything

C . nothing

D . everything


A . classes

B . meetings

C . activities

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D . parties


A . listening

B . learning

C . speaking

D . feeling


A . latest

B . fastest

C . prettiest

D . busiest

四、阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)

17. (10分)阅读理解

Michael Jackson was one of the world's best singers. He was born in the middle west of the city of Gary, Indiana, in 1958. He began singing with his four brothers. They called the group,“The Jackson Five”. The group became very popular after appearing on a television program. In 1970 the group made their first record with the name of I Want You Back. It was very popular. One of their hit records was Never Say Goodbye.

Michael was good at dancing as well as singing, for example, his dance moves and moon walking. He was asked to act in a film in 1978 for the first time, and in the same year he made a record on his own, which was sold eight million copies all over the world.

Michael nearly didn't go out because he was too famous. Once his fans went off in a faint(晕倒)when they saw him at the concert. No one can do it by now. He lived in a large house and kept lots of animals. He never ate meat. He often raised money for charity. This made him win the Guinness world Records (吉尼斯世界纪录)in 2006. He died on June 25th, 2009, but he would live in our hearts forever.

(1)How many people are there in Michaels's group?

A . Three

B . Four

C . Five

D . Six

(2)What's the name of their first record?

A . Never Say Goodbye

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B . See You, See Me

C . I Want You Back

D . On the world

(3)The underlined word “copied”means ____ in Chinese.

A . 抄写

B . 张/份

C . 复制

D . 模仿

(4)Michael was good at ____.

A . rock music

B . street dance

C . playing the piano

D . moon walking

(5)Why did Michael have to stay at home most of the time?

A . Because he was too famous

B . Because he often felt lonely

C . Because he had no friends

D . Because his company told him to do so.

18. (10分)阅读理解


There are over 800 boarding schools in the UK with students from home and foreign countries. Boarding schools started hundreds of years ago in the country. But the earliest boarding schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now both boys and girls can go to boarding schools from the age of 7 to 18.

What to do?

In the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, with about 13 weeks in each term. Students study and live together. They can't go outside if they are not allowed to. In some schools, each student has his or her subject plan. Besides the usual classrooms and laboratories, the boarding schools have lots of other facilities for their students, including music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres. Most boarding schools have a “light-out” time. So when it's time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off. There are house-masters to take care of students all the time, especially after school hours.

What to wear?

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Nearly all students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict.


In the UK, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose to have a full English breakfast or simply bread. They can also choose between a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. And there is always self-service for salad (沙拉), other side dishes and a dessert. Students can also make themselves something to eat at any time in a kitchen, or drink tea or have a snack between meals.

(1)Which of the following is TRUE according to (根据) the passage?

A . Only white children were allowed to attend the earliest boarding schools.

B . Students in a boarding school are looked after only after school hours.

C . As students get older, the rules about wearing school uniforms become stricter.

D . Students can have different activities in a boarding school.

(2)Students can make themselves something to eat in a kitchen______.

A . at breakfast time

B . at any time

C . in the morning

D . in the evening

(3)The underline d word “facilities” means______.

A . 老师

B . 设备

C . 活动

D . 课程

(4)Most boarding schools have a light-out time when______.

A . the house-masters come to look after the students

B . the students have finished their subject plans

C . it's time for the students to go to bed

D . all the students are in after-school hours

(5)Which is the best title for the last paragraph?

A . What to eat

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B . When to eat

C . Where to eat

D . How to eat

19. (8分) Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a guest in Ghana( 加纳), this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinning room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else .But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末) of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子) because it is very hard. You must chew(咀嚼) fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

(1)From the passage we know that in Ghana ______________.

A . the rules for dinner time are not strict

B . dinner is always at six in the evening

C . a family offers food only at four in the afternoon

D . people usually invite their guests to dinner late in the evening

(2)People in Ghana usually eat ________.

A . from one side of a dish to the other

B . from the other side of the dish

C . with their fingers

D . with their spoons

(3)In fact, most dishes in Ghana _______.

A . are cooked with the powder of some plants

B . have fufu in them

C . are too hard to eat

D . are not very hard

(4)When you eat fufu, you’d better _________.

A . cut it with a saw

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B . use your right hand only

C . chew it well

D . all of the above

20. (10分)阅读理解。

Some advice(忠告):

⑴ Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks. But do not talk to anyone you do not know. Never go with a stranger into a motor car.

⑵ Before crossing the r oad, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right, look left again.

⑶ Keep away from houses or building that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head, or you might cut yourself on broken grass.

⑷ Medicines or pills can be danger ous. Never swallow(吞下)any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.

⑸ Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep, you should have your life jacket on. It's easy to fall out of a boat.

⑹ Do not put your head out of a car, bus or train. Many children have been killed by doing this.

(1)We are safe from truck or cars _________.

A . if we play in the street

B . if we play on the road

C . if we play in the park

D . if we play by the road

(2)It's ________ to take any pills you find in the cupboard.

A . safe

B . safety

C . dangerous

D . danger

(3)Even if your friends ask you to play in a house that is being built, you ______.

A . should go

B . shouldn't go

C . did go

D . didn't go

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(4)Which is wrong?

A . Do not talk to anyone whom you don't know.

B . Look both ways before you cross the road.

C . Wear a life jacket if you fish from a boat in a lake

D . Put your head out of a moving bus for a better view

(5)Which is not mentioned (提及) in the passage?

A . A stranger

B . Buildings

C . A plane

D . Medicines

21. (8分)阅读理解

Even though she's quite young, Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend (传奇). She was born on February 22, 1975, in California. Being from a family that produced great actors, she quickly found her way into the spotlight (聚光灯).

When she was 11 months old, she made her first advertisement(广告) on TV. She made her first movie at the age of 2. Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg's famous film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). However, it wasn't all roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up. Most kid stars in Hollywood can't become stars as adults. And once they're out of order, their lives are in the darkness, smoking and drinking. So does Drew Barrymore

As she was growing older, Barrymore started to realize that life is more meaningful than dangerous actions in the films. She started to build a career in 1997. She has made a series of successful films since then, including Charlie's Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).

“In my life, there is darkness and drama(有刺激), and I have yet to explore some of that in my work life. I just want to challenge (挑战) myself and prove that I can do more.”

Actually, anyone who's not familiar with her disordered childhood might find it hard to believe she's such a sweet person now. Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easy-going and laughs a lot. In 2007, she was on the cover of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue.

“Life is very interesting … in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths (力量),” Drew said.

(1)Drew Barrymore made her first movie in .

A . 1975

B . 1977

C . 1979

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D . 1982

(2)Which is the correct order (正确的顺序)of Drew Barrymore's life?

① She made a successful film Charlie's Angels.

② She was on the cover of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue.

③ She acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg's famous fi lm E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

④ She made her first advertisement on TV.

A . ①④②③

B . ④②①③

C . ④③①②

D . ①③②④

(3)Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend mainly because .

A . she was born form a family that produced great actors

B . she used to be a famous kid star in Hollywood

C . she always has roses and sunshine in her life

D . she didn't give up even when she met difficulties

(4)Which of the following chart can best describe Drew Barrymore's career (职业生涯)(till 2007) ?

A .

B .

C .

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D .

五、语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)

22. (1分)It is hard ________ (speak) French.

六、书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)

23. (1分)请结合下面两幅图片所示内容, 以“How to behave(表现)at school?”为题写ー篇短文。

要求:1.简要描述两幅图片, 并针对这些校园欺凌现象谈谈自己在学校应该如何做(至少2点);2.文中不得出现考生真实的姓名和学校名称;3.80个词左右, 已给出的部分不计人总词数。

参考词汇:beat, kick, laugh at, respect(尊重), harmonious(和谐的)

How to Behave at School?

There is something unpleasant happening at school. In Picture One, ________

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一、词汇测试。每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以以替换划线部分 (共8题;共16分) 1-1、








二、根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C二三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分) 9-1、







三、完形填空。 (共1题;共12分)

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四、阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)

















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五、语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)


六、书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)


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