法律英语 公司法翻译

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法律英语 翻译

、Introduction to Corporation Law公司法简介
Part one Basic Norms第一部分基本规范
In the United States, business organizations may be classified into three main classes: individual proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. The laws that effect these forms of business enterprise are diverse. There is no single code or statute that governs the U.S. law of business enterprise. Each state prescribes different laws for corporations. The corporate laws of each state are similar but not identical. A listing of some the categories of laws applicable to U.S. business enterprises are as follow:

Close Corporation Laws 内部持股公司法(条例)
Several states have adopted Close Corporation Acts that authorize corporations to designate themselves as close corporations, and when so designated such corporations are required to restrict the number and the identity of their shareholders.

Partnerships 合伙
In nearly all states, the formation and structure of partnerships is regulated for general partnerships by the Uniform Partnership Act of 1916 (“UPA”) and the Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 1976 ( for limited partnerships ) adopted by these states with minor deviations.

Corporation Codes公司法
Corporations have no uniform law. Laws governing corporations are to be found in individual state’s business corporation acts. Such acts provide the procedures for formation and decision making for any enterprise that is incorporated under them. There does exist, however, a Model Business Corporation Act of 1984 (“Model Corporation Act”). The Model Corporation Act is followed by only half of the states.

An enterprise does nor have to incorporate under the corporation c
ode of the state in which it operates. For example, it is common to find corporations incorporated under Delaware law but having offices and doi

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ng business in California. Under the prevailing U.S. rule of conflict of laws, the internal law of the corporation is governed by the statutes and case law of the state of incorporation. Internal matter of a corporation are governed by its own Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Federal Securities Acts 联邦证券条例
The U.S. has federal laws regulating securities activities in the United States. The Federal Securities Acts are: the Securities Acts of 1933 (the “1933 Securities Acts ”) and the Securities Exchange Acts of 1934 (the “1934 Securities Acts”) and the various regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the securities regulating body of the U.S. government), which are a component of American business law. The 1933 Securities Act regulates principally the issuance of new securities to raise capital for the issuing enterprise while the 1934 Securities Acts regulates the mechanisms by which investors buy and sell existing securities.

Blue Sky Laws 蓝天法
Blue Sky Laws are state securities laws. The federal securities laws preempt the State Blue Sky Laws. The Blue Sky Laws were created to regulate securities industry before the development of federal securities laws. Today they remain in force to suppress violations of securities regulations that are not regulated by the federal securities laws and that are intrastate in nature.

Federal Antitrust Laws 联邦反托拉斯法
Antitrust Laws are chiefly to regulate market behavior and to encourage competition through the prevention of monopolization and the limitation of restraint of trade.

Part Two Forms of Business 第二部分 企业类型
A 、Proprietorships 一、个体业主
Any individual may set up a business alone by ob

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taining a license to do business from the county in which he or she intends to set up the business. This form of the business is called a proprietorship. Unlike corporations and limited liability partnerships on other permission or formality is required and the state corporate division is not involved. Proprietorships are not separate legal entities are usually found in a small retail shops and in service enterprises like consulting firms and insurance agencies. In number, proprietorships are the most common form of the enterprise in the United State. They are insignificant, however, in terms of the revenue they generate.

B 、Partnerships 二、合伙
Partnerships, like corporations (and unlike proprietorships) have separate legal entities. A non-U.S. corporation or individual can form a partnership with an individual, a corporation or another partnership doing business in the United States and vice versa. For a partnership to exist there is no requirement that there be a written partnership agreement. Normally, however, a written partnership agreement should be entered into. A partnership can arise simply out of the acts of the partners particularly if them hold themselves as partners to the general public. In situations where there is no partnership the relationship between the parties is determined by the terms of the Uniform Partnership Act (“UTA”) which has been adopted by all the states. The UPA set out the rules for determining whether or not a partnership exists. For example, the receipt by a person of a share of profits of a business is a prima facie evidence that the recipient of the profits is a partner in the business. (Unless, of course there is another good reason for doing so, i.e., salary.) However, the fact that two or more persons own property in common does not itself create a partnership between co-owners.

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There are types of partnership: general partnerships and limited partnerships.

1. General Partnership 1、一般合伙
When two or more individuals set up a business enterprise together as co-owners of the enterprise and do not organize as a corporation they have formed a “partnership”. There are no formal requirements for the formation of a partnership and businessmen may be “partners” in the eye of the law without knowing it. Unless there is a partnership agreement which spells out the terms of the partnership, partners share equally in the assets and liabilities of the partnership upon the dissolution of the partnership.

In a partnership, there is no separation between the partner’s liabilities and those of partnership. This means that, unlike a shareholder of a corporation, a partner can be personally liable for the debts of the partnership when the partnership’s assets are insufficient to meet its obligation. Partnerships are a common form of doing business for certain service enterprises such as law firms.

2. Limited Partnerships 2。有限合伙
Limited partnerships are created when the partners wish to limit their personal liability for the partnership. Such partners are called limited partners. For a limited partnership to exist, there has to be one or more “general partner” who is liable for the debts of the partnership. This general partner can be a corporation.
Unlike partners in general partnerships, or general partners in limited partnerships, limited partners must enter into a written agreement with the partnership and must not actively participate in the running of the business, it is only then that they can benefit form the special features
of a limited partnerships. Limited partners act as investors, similar to shareholders in a corporation.

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C. Corporations 三、公司
1. In General 1、一般情况
In contrast to a partnership, a corporation is an incorporated association. Once the corporation is formally incorporated, it becomes a separate legal entity that has existence apart from the persons who form it. A corporation may own property in its own name and can sue and be sued under its own name
Corporations come in all shapes and sizes. Some corporations have millions of shareholders and some have only one. In general, however, corporations are divided into two categories:
a. publicly held corporations; and公众持股公司
b. close corporations 内部持股公司
Publicly held corporations are ones whose shares are publicly trade on organized markets. Closely held corporations are corporations that restrict the number of shareholders to thirty-five or less and forbid transfers of shares without the consent of other shareholders.
In the U.S., there is no federal corporate legislation. States create the legal framework to govern corporations that are incorporated in its state. Each individual state has a secretary of state office whose corporate division usually handles the administrative matters for the corporations, such as: incorporation, business registration and dissolution. The ownership of a corporation resides in its stockholders who normally have the right to appoint the directors of the corporation.

The differences bet
ween the laws of various states relating to business corporations are greater than the differences between partnership laws. Please note that a

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corporation does not need to be organized under the law of state where it conducts business or is the principal place of business for that corporation. It is possible to incorporate under the laws of one state and have the principal place of business of the corporation under the laws of another. It will be necessary, however, for the corporation to register itself in states other than its “home” state in order to do business in that sate.

Such registration will typically be with the secretary of state of those states where business is to be carried out. Failure to register in those states which the corporation is doing business may mean that the corporation cannot sue in that state. It may also result in the imposition of a fine, or it may make contracts made by such a corporation void or voidable. Please note that in this context a California corporation is just a foreign in Arizona as a Chinese corporation would be. At what point does a corporation do enough business in a state to require registration depends largely upon the laws of each state, but it usually means more than one isolated contract or a sale in the state by a sales representative whose primary territory is elsewhere.

2. Different state laws governing corporation 2、不同的州法律规管公司
Different legal requirements exist for setting up a corporation depending upon the state of corporation. For example, the State of Delaware’s corporate law only requires one director, while under the law of the District of Columbia or the State of New York a minimum of three directors are required. Traditionally, the State of Delaware has had the most “liberal” corporation law and has therefore registered more corporations than any other state in the U.S.. The State of Dela
ware is particularly good when it comes to minimizing the liability of “independent” directors for certain wrongs committed by the corporation.

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