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毕业论文是教学计划的一个有机组成部分,是完成专业培养目标的一个重要的教学环节。为了切实做好英语专业毕业论文工作,进一步提高英语专业本科生毕业论文质量,特制定本规定。 一、





4、为方便修改、评阅、存档,学生答辩前必须提交论文的打印稿3份并附电子稿。研究中涉及实验报告、调研报告、数据处理等应附支撑材料。 5、毕业论文经指导教师同意后方能提交答辩。 二、


1、 论文必须用Word 2000及以上版本排版,文档采用A4页面,单面打印,页面上边距2.4cm,下边距2.2cm,左边距2.6cm,右边距2.6cm,行距均为1.5倍行距。




拉伯数字连续编页,页码位于每页页脚中部。 三、


1、成都体育学院本科毕业论文封面 2、毕业论文中文摘要,关键词 3、毕业论文英文摘要,关键词 4、毕业论文目录 5、毕业论文正文 6、注释(必要时) 7、参考文献 8、致谢 9、版权声明 10、附录(必要时) 11、附件:开题报告 四、


1、论文封面 (见附录1)

封面中的题名是以最恰当、最简明的词语反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合。题名语意未尽,可以用副题名补充说明论文中的特定内容。所有实词首字母大写。各部分字体、字号见示例标注。 2、摘要Abstract(见附录2、3)


中文摘要的提头第一行写上论文中文题名(空间不够可跨行,第二行与第一行首端对齐),居中排列;第二行括号里写上“英语专业”字样,居中排列;第三行写上学生姓名与指导教师姓名,居中排列。中文摘要的提头后是摘要内容,摘要内容原则上不分段。摘要内容为200-300 字。





目录页由论文的章、节、条(包括各自的序号、名称)、注释(必要时)、参考文献、致谢、版权声明和附录(必要时)和对应页码组成。Contents及各级标题的字号见附录中示例标注。目录页原则上不超过4级标题。最小一级标题的字号应与正文文字的字号相同。 4、正文

(1)正文是论文的核心部分。正文由Introduction (引言/绪论) 开始,为第1页,以Conclusion (结论) 结束。引言/绪论简要说明研究工作的目的、范围、相关领域的前人工作和知识空白、理论基础和分析、研究设想、研究方法和实验设计、预期结果和意义等。应言简意赅,不要与摘要雷同,不要成为摘要的注释。论文的结论或结果应是最终的、总体的结论,应准确、完整、明确、精炼。 (2)各章、节、条的序号和名称参照目录形式编排,在正文中按层级单独靠左排行。

(3)正文每段开头缩进4个字母,正文用Times New Roman 小四号字。 (4)论文中包含图、表的,图、表应具有“自明性”。图、表应有简短确切的提名,采用5号字,连同编号置于图、表之上。 5、注释Notes

论文中对某一问题、概念、观点等的简单解释、说明、评价、提示等,如不宜在正文中出现,可采用脚注或尾注的方式。注应编排序号,注的序号以出现的先后次序排序,如一般①②③...依次标示在需加注处,以上标形式表示。尾注部分在论文正文后、参考文献前,单独成页。注的说明文字以序号开头,具体说明文字为五号字。 6、符号和缩略词




7、文中引用及参考文献In-text Citations and References (见附录5)


参考文献是作者为写作论文而参考的书籍、期刊等必须是直接使用过的, 应与正文夹注列出的书目一致。英文参考文献和中文参考文献分别归类排列,英文在前,中文在后。 英文参考文献按作者姓名的英文字母顺序排列。无明显作者的(如字典、辞书、百科全书等)按书名的英文字母顺序排列。中文参考文献按作者姓名的拼音字母顺序排列,无作者的,按书名的拼音字母顺序排列。参考文献应具有权威性,要注意引用最新的文献。 参考文献应另页打印。 8、致谢 Acknowledgements (见附录6)

致谢采用Times New Roman字体,字号小四。 9、版权声明: (见附录7)

“作者签名”一栏需本人用蓝、黑墨水钢笔或铅字笔签上作者的中文姓名。 10、附录 Appendix

附录与正文连续编页码。内容包括在正文中无法列出的实验数据、调查问卷、和调研报告等。每一个附录的左上角注明Appendix 字样,并按a、b、c…顺序编号。

11、附件:开题报告 (见附录8)


成都体育学院外语系 2009年1月



学校代码: 学 号:

成都体育学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文

题 目 Analysis on the Social Background

of Agamemnon

专 业 英 语

作 者 刘静杰

指导教师 杨成静

成 绩



附录2:中文摘要 《阿伽门侬王》的社会背景分析


学生:刘静杰 指导教师:杨成静


关键词:社会背景 宗教信仰 妇女地位 正义感


附录3:英文摘要 Abstract

(空一行) …


Keywords: sociological survey; religious belief; status of women; sense of justice




Introduction………………………………………………………..1 1. Religious Belief…………………………………………………..4

1.1 Polytheism………………………………………….……………...4 1.2 Gods? Mighty Power…………………………………….…………8 1.3 Determinism…………………………………………….………..10 1.4 Relationship between Gods and Human Beings………....…….…12

2. Status of Women…………………......………………………...14

2.1 Husband and Wife………………………………….…………….15 2.2 Male and Female ………………………………….……………..17 2.3 Sexual Double-Standard………………………….………………18

3. Sense of Justice…………………..……………………………..20

3.1 Revenge in the Name of Justice………………………………….21 3.2 Definitions of Justice ……………………………………………22

Conclusion…………………….…………………………………..23 References………………….…………………….….……….…...25 Acknowledgements ………………………………………………27


附录5: 文中引用及参考文献书写体例




文献直接引用的方式主要有两种,一种是在行文当中直接引用作者姓氏,并在姓氏后面的括弧中标明出版年份,文献出处页码用p.引导标注在被引用文献后的括弧内,如:Conceptually, Gardner (1985) sees motivation as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes toward learning the language” (p.10). 另一种是直接引用研究的结果或论点,作者的姓氏和出版日期标在引文后面的括弧里,如:The following section will discuss empirical studies on learning strategies in terms of their findings and methodological problems. If we “review the whole of the learner-strategies research, we have to say that the area is at an embryonic stage. Conflicting results and methodologies proliferate. There are few hard findings.” (Skehan, 1989, p.98)

直接引文文献较长时(超过40个单词),则需要单独起行,并省略引号。单独起行时要从正文左边算起缩进约四个字母,引文与正文之间要隔开双倍行距,如: Jones?s (1998) study found the following:

Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time citing sources. This difficulty could be attributed to the fact that many students failed to purchase a style manual or to ask their teacher for help. (p. 199) (单独成段引文用Times New



(一) 基本格式:同作者在同一段中重复被引用时,第一次须写出日期,第二次以后日期可省略.

例如:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method…Walker also found…. (二) 作者为一个人时,格式为:


例如: Key (1983) has argued that the placement of women in print advertisements is subliminally important…

It has been argued that teachers? role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom, 1976). 或者:

The major controversies on L2 learning, as Stern (1973, 1983, 1992) says, center around three key issues.

(三) 作者为二人以上时,必须依据以下原则撰写: 1. 原则一:作者为两人时,两人的姓氏全列.

例如: Murphy and Orkow (1985) reached somewhat different conclusions by designing a study that was less dependent on subjective judgment than were previous studies. 或A recent study that was less dependent on subjective judgment resulted in conclusions somewhat different from those of previous studies (Murphy & Orkow,



2. 原则二:作者为三至五人时,第一次所有作者均列出,第二次以后仅写出第一位作者并加 et al. 例如:

[第一次出现] Naiman, Frohlich, Stern and Tedesco (1978) have tried to identify the strategies which successful learners use.

[第二次以后] Naiman et al. (1978) found a similar relationship, although in this case ?effort? on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation. 3. 原则三:作者为六人以上时,每次仅列第一位作者并加 et al.,但在参考文献中要列出所有作者姓名.

例如:One major finding from the earlier studies (Barley, 1969, 1970; Clement et al., 1978; Gliksman,1976; Spolsky,1969) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement than those with an instrumental motivation.

4. 原则四:二位以上作者时,文中引用时作者之间用and 连接,在括弧内以及参考文献中用 & 连接.

例如:Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports... (Wegener & Petty, 1994)

5.原则五:引用间接来源文献时,在引文中需要标明原文作者姓氏,并在引文后的括弧里标明引文的间接来源,间接来源的详细信息需要在参考文献中列出。 例如:Johnson argued that...(as cited in Smith, 2003, p. 102). (四) 作者为组织、团体或单位时,依下列原则撰写: 1. 易生混淆之单位,每次均用全名.

2. 简单且广为人知的单位,第一次加注其缩写方式,第二次以后可用缩写,但在参考文献中一律要写出全名. 例如:

[第一次出现] National Institute of Mental Health[NIMH] (1999) 或 (National Institute of Mental Health[NIMH], 1999).

[第二次以后] NIMH (1999)…或 (NIMH, 1999)….

(五) 未标明作者 (如法令、报纸社论)或作者为「无名氏」(anonymous)时,依据下列原则撰写: 1. 未标明作者的文章,把引用文章的篇名或章名当作作者,在文中用斜体(粗体)在括弧中用双引号显示.

例如:Educational Leadership (1994)…或… (“Educational Leadership,” 1994). 2. 作者署名为无名氏(anonymous)时,以「无名氏」当作作者. 例如:…(Anonymous, 1998).

(六) 外文作者姓氏相同时,相同姓氏作者於在文中引用时均引用全名,以避免混淆.

例如:R. D. Luce (1995) and G. E. Luce (1988)….

(七) 括弧内同时包括多笔文献时,依姓氏字母、年代、印制中等优先顺序排列,不同作者之间用分号“;”号分开,相同作者不同年代的文献用逗号 “,” 分开. 例如:…(Pautler,1992;Razik & Swanson, 1993a, 1993b, in press-a, in press-b). (八) 引用资料无年代记载或古典文献时,(1)当知道作者姓氏,不知年代,以无日期(n.d.) 代替年代,(2) 知道作者姓氏,不知原始年代,但知道翻译版年代时,引用译本年代并在前面加 trans.,(3) 知道作者姓氏, 不知原始年代,但知现



例如: Aristotle (n.d.) argued,或 (Aristotle, trans. 1945) 或 (Aristotle, 1842/1945). (九) 引用特定文献时,如资料来自特定章节、图表、公式,要一一标明特定出处,如引用整段原文献资料,要加注页码. 例 如:(Shujaa, 1992, chap. 8) 或 (Lomotey, 1990, p. 125) 或 (Lomotey, 1990)…( p. 125) .

(十) 引用个人通讯纪录如书信,日记,笔记,电子邮件等,不必列入参考文献中,但引用时要注明:作者 个人纪录类别以及详细日期. 例如:(T. A. Razik, Diary, May 1, 1993).

(十一)引用翻译著作时,要同时注明原出版年与翻译本出版年. 例如:…(Laplace, 1814/1951).

(十二)网络等电子化资料:请参阅「APA格式—网路等电子化资料引用及参考文献的写法」一文. 二、参考文献

参考文献此处分为 (1) 期刊、杂志、新闻文章、摘要资料,(2) 书籍、手册、书的一章,(3) 专门或研究报告,(4) 会议专刊或专题座谈会论文,(5) 学位论文,(6) 其他未出版之著作或不普遍之出版物,(7) 视听媒体资料,(8) 电子媒体资料, (9) 法令等九类,每一类文献的格式都不一样,其重要者条列及举例说明如下.

(一) 期刊、杂志、新闻、摘要文献: 1.英文期刊格式A:

Author, A.A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1999). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx.

例如:Powers, J. M., & Cookson, P. W. Jr. (1999). The politics of school choice research. Educational Policy, 13(1), 104- 122. 2.英文期刊格式B:(作者超过6人)

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., Author, E. E., Author, F. F., et al. (2000). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx.

例如:Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N. Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, (68), 843-856.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (in press). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx.

例如:Zuckerman, M., & Kieffer, S. C. (in press). Race differences in face-ism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 4.中文期刊格式A:

作者 (年代).文章名称.期刊名称,期别,页别. 5.中文期刊格式B:(作者超过6人)

作者等人 (年代).文章名称.期刊名称,期别,页别. 6.中文期刊格式C:(文章已获同意刊登,但尚未出版) 作者 (印制中).文章名称.期刊名称. 7.英文杂志格式:


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2000, November 10). Article title. Magazine Title, xxx, xx-xx.

例如:Kandel, E. R., & Squire, L. R. (2000, November 10). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290, 1113-1120. 8.中文杂志格式:

作者 (年月日).文章名称.杂志名称,期别,页别. 9.英文报纸格式A:

Author, A. A. (1993, September 30). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. xx- xx.

例如:Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4. 10.英文报纸格式B:(无作者)

Article title. (1993, July 15). Newspaper Title, p. xx.

例如:New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12. 11.中文报纸格式A:

记者或作者 (年月日).文章名称.报纸名称,版别.

12.中文报纸格式B:(无作者,用【】符号标示文章性质) 文章名称 (年月日).报纸名称,版别.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1999). Title ofarticle [Abstract]. Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx.

例如:Woolf, N. J. Young, S. L., Fanselow, M. S., & Butcher, L. L. (1991). Map-2 expression in cholinoceptive pyramid cells of rodent cortex and hippocampus is altered by Pavlovian conditioning [Abstract]. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, (17), 480.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1999). Title of article Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx. Abstract obtained from Secondary Source.

例如:Nakazato, K., Shimonaka, Y., & Homma, A. (1992). Cognitive functions of centenarians: The Tokyo Metropolitan Centenarian Study. Japanese Journal of developmental Psychology, 3, 9-16. Abstract obtained from PsycSCAN: Neuro-psychology, 1993, 2, Abstract No. 604. (二) 书籍、手册、书的一章: 1.英文书籍格式A:

Author, A. A. (1993). Book title. Location: Publisher.

例如:Barnard, C. I. (1971). The functions of the executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Author, A. A. (1993). Book title. (2nd ed.). Location: Publisher.

例如:Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

3.英文书籍格式C:(作者为政府单位,政府出版) Institute. (1991). Book title. (No. xxx). Location: Author.

例如:Australian Bureau of Statistics. (1991). Estimated resident population by age


and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, June 1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author.

4.英文书籍格式D:(无作者或无编辑者) Book title. (1993). Location: Publisher.

例如:Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Spring-field, MA: Merriam-Webster. 5.中文书籍格式A:

作者 (年代).书名.出版地点:出版商. 6.中文书籍格式B:(注明版别)

作者 (年代).书名 (版别).出版地点:出版商. 7.中文书籍格式C:(作者为政府单位,政府出版) 单位 (年代).书名 (编号).出版地点:作者. 8.中文书籍格式D:(无作者或无编辑者) 书名 (年代).出版地点:出版商.


Author, A. A. (Ed.). (1991). Book title. Location: Publisher.

例如:Gibbs, T. J. (Ed). (1991). Children of color. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 10.英文书文集格式B:(主编二位以上)

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Eds.). (1991). Book title. Location: Publisher.

例如:Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 11.中文书文集格式:(多位作者,并有主编) 作者 (主编) (年代).书名.出版地点:出版商. 12.英文百科全书或辞书格式:

Author, A. A. (Ed.).(1980). Title (6th. ed., Vols. 1-20 ). Location: Publisher.

例如:Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (6th ed., Vols. 1-20). London: Macmillian. 13.中文百科全书或辞书格式:

作者 (主编) (年代).书名 (第4版,第5册).出版地点:出版商. 14.英文翻译书格式:(注明翻译者及原著出版年)

Author, A. A. (1951). Book title (B. Author, Trans.). Location: Publisher. (Original work published 1814)

例如:Llaplce, P. -S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York: Dover. (Original work published 1814) 15.中文翻译书格式A:(原作者有中文译名)

原作者中文译名 (译本出版年代).书名 (版别) (译者译).出版地点:出版商.(原著出版年:1992年)

16.中文翻译书格式B:(原作者无中文译名) 书名(译者译)(译本出版年代).出版地点:出版商.(原著出版年:1984年)


Author, A. A. (1993). Article title. In B. B. Author (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Location: Publisher.

例如:Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory &


consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

18.中文书文集文章格式:(文集中的一篇文章,注明页码) 作者(年代).篇名.载於编者(主编),书名(页码).地点:出版商. (三) 专门及研究报告:


Institute (1990). Report title (Rep. No.). Location: Publisher.

例如:National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90- 1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.


Author, A. A. (1991). Report title (Rep. No.). Location: Publisher.

例如:Broadhurst, R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Sex offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No. 3). Nedlands, Western Australia: University of Western Australia, Crime Research Centre.


作者 (年代).报告名称.国务院国家科学委员会专题研究成果报告(编号:xx),未出版.


作者 (年代).报告名称.教育部委托专题研究成果报告(编号:xx). 出版地点:出版商/者.


Author, A. A. (1995). Report title (Report No. xxxx-xxxxxxxxx). Location: Research Center. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED xxxxxx)

例如:Mead, J. V. (1992). Looking at old photographs: Investigating the teacher tales that novice teachers bring with them (Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED346082) (四) 会议专刊或专题研讨会论文: 1.英文专题研讨会文章格式:

Author, A. A. (1990, June). Report title. In B. B. Author. (Chair), Symposium topic. Symposium title, Place.

例如:Lichstein, K. L., Johnson, R. S., Womack, T. D., Dean, J. E., & Childers, C. K. (1990, June). Relaxation therapy for poly- pharmacy use in elderly insomniacs and noninsomniacs. In T. L. Rosenthal (Chair), Reducing medication in geriatric populations. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the First International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Uppsala, Sweden.

2.已出版之会议专刊文章格式:依性质分别与书文集或期刊格式相同. 3.中文专题研讨会文章格式:

作者 (年月).论文名称.研讨会主持人 (主持人),研讨会主题.研讨会名称,举行地点.


Author, A. A. (1995, April). Paper title. Paper presented at the Meeting Title, Place. 例如:Lanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of American


Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA. 5.英文会议海报发表格式:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1992, June). Paper title. Poster session presented at the Meeting title, Place.

例如:Ruby, J., & Fulton, C. (1993, June). Beyond redlining: Editing soft-ware that works. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, Washington, DC. (五) 学位论文:


Author, A. A. (1995). Dissertation title (Doctoral dissertation, University Name, 1990). Dissertation Abstracts International , xx, xx.

例如:Ross, D. F. (1990). Unconscious transference and mistaken identity: When a witness misidentifies of a familiar but innocent person from a lineup (Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University, 1990). Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 417. 2.英文未出版学位论文A:

Author, A. A. (1986). Dissertation title. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University Name, Place.

例如:Hungerford, N. L. (1986). Factors perceived by teachers and administrators as stimulative and supportive of professional growth. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of Michigan, East Lansing, Michigan.


Author, A. A. (1995). Dissertation title. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University Name, Place, Country.

例如:Almeida, D. M. (1990). Fathers’ participation in family work: Consequences for fathers' stress and father-child relations. Unpublished master?s thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 4.中文未出版学位论文:

作者 (年代).论文名称.○○大学○○研究所硕士或博士论文,未出版,大学地点.



Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1993). [Description of content]. Unpublished raw data.

例如:Bordi, F., & LeDoux, J. E. (1993). [Auditory response latencies in rat auditory cortex]. Unpublished raw data.

2.中文未出版统计数据格式:(用中括弧注明内容性质) 作者(年代).【数据说明】.未出版之统计数据. (七) 视听媒体资料:


Producer (Producer), Director (Director). (2000). Movie title [Motion picture]. Picture's country origin: Movie studio.

例如:Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Picture. 2.英文影片格式B:(注明详细取得来源)


Producer (Producer), & Director (Director). (1992). Movie title [Motion picture]. (Available from Company Name, Address)

例如:Harrison, J. (Producer), Schmiechen, R. (Director). (1992). Changing our minds: The story of Evelyn Hooker [Motion picture]. (Available from Changing Our Minds, Inc., 170 West End Avenue, Suite 25R, New York, NY 10023)

3.中文影片格式: 制作人姓名 (制作人),导演姓名 (导演) (年代).影片名称【影片】. (影片来源,及详细地址) 4.英文电视广播节目格式:

Executive Producer. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). Program title [Television broadcast]. Place: Television Company.

例如:Crystal, L. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). The MacNell/Lehrer news hour [Television broadcast]. New York and Washington, DC: Public Broadcasting Service.


节目制作人姓名 (制作人) (年月日).节目名称.电视台地点:电视台名称. 6.英文电视连续剧格式:

Producer. (Producer). (1989). Program title [Television series]. Place: Television Company.

例如:Miller, R. (Producer). (1989). The mind [Television series]. New York: WNET. 7.英文音乐CD格式A:

Writer (1992). Music title. On CD title [CD]. Location: Label.

例 如:Shocked, M. (1992). Over the waterfall. On Arkansas traveler [CD]. New York: PolyGram Music.

8. 英文音乐CD格式B:(非原著者录制,注明最新录制日期)

Writer (1982). Music title [Recorded by Recorder]. On CD title [CD]. Location: Label. (1990)

例如:Goodenough, J. B. (1982). Tails and trotters [Recorded by G. Bok, A. Mayor, & E. Trickett]. On And so will we yet [CD]. Sharon, CT: Folk-Legacy Records. (1990) (八) 网路等电子化资料:请参阅「APA格式—网路等电子化资料引用及参考文献的写法」一文. (九) 法令:


Name vs. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).

例如:Lessard v. Schmidt, 349 F. Supp. 1078 (E.D. Wis. 1972) 2.英文法令格式:

Name of Act, Volume Source §xxx (Year). 例如:Mental Health Systems Act, 42 U.S.C. §9401 (1988). 3.中文法令格式A:

法令名称 (公布或发布年代). 4.中文法令格式B:

法令名称 (修正公布或发布年代).


附录6: 致谢


I would like to first express my deepest gratitude to Associate Prof. Yang Chengjing, my advisor, who has given me constant encouragement and guidance throughout the process of writing this thesis. Without her support and illuminating instruction, I could not make it this far.

My second greatest gratitude would go to Associate Prof. Liu Xiaowei and Associate Prof. Li Zaihui for giving me advice and help on my thesis writing. I also owe my sincere gratitude to Associate Professor Xiao Ping, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of Foreign Languages: Lecturer Yang Fengjun and Lecturer Zhang Yingfan who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my dear sister who has accompanied me when I am alone and always stand by my side to support whatever decisions I have made. Without you, I couldn't be what I am now.


附录7: 版权声明

声 明



导师签名: 作者签名: 日 期: 日 期:


附录8: 开题报告


开 题 报 告

题 目:学生姓名:学 号:专 业:指导教师: xxxx届)

A Brief Analysis on The Popularity

of Fast-food in America ---A Study Case of KFC 彭祥 2008710135 体育外语外事 × × ×



题目 《阿伽门侬王》的社会背景分析 20

(含文献综述、选题依据、研究内容、研究方法及措施等) 文献综述: xxxx 选题依据: xxxx 研究内容: 1. xxxx 2. xxxx 3. xxxx 研究方法: xxxx 主要措施: 1. xxxx 2. xxxx 3. xxxx 21

阶段进度计划: 1、xxxx 2、xxxx 3、xxxx 4、xxxx 参考文献(参照学报格式): [1] ???? [2] ???? [3] ???? [4] ???? [5] ????


指导教师意见: 指导教师姓名及职称: 年 月 日

开题记录: 参加开题专家姓名及职称: 组长签字: 年 月 日 开题结果 通过 调 整 重新 开题 教研室对开题审核的意见: 教研室负责人签字: 年 月 日


