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nhui Vocational & Technical College of Industry & Tra de



The Communication skills of foreign business

所在系院: 外 国 语 系


学生学号: 2010100403

学生姓名:程 赛 丽


2012年5月28 日


摘 要











With the rapid development of global economic,business activities become more and more

frequently in every country. Foreign business communications play an important role in order to

make the communication smooth and avoid the communication barriers. It is very significant for

us to improve the communications skills. Because it is necessary, condition to maintain business

contacts, the reasons for the failure of trade and commerce, because there is no cause of good


The success of business negotiation based on the preemies, is the only way of economic and

trade development, in order that the better obtain a winning position in business negotiation, we

must understanding and seizes the business and trade communication in business negotiations,

because a reached the pen business, not just because of one single-day thick advantage,

communication also accounted for a very important part of many portion. a lot of the reasons for

the failure of trade and commerce, because there is no cause of good communication This paper

stress the importance of business communication and then discuss the barriers of communication. At least give some communication skills.

Keywords: foreign business communication; communication barrier; communication skill


1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1

2 The importance of business communication ................................................................................ 2

2. 1 Question ................................................................................................................................................ 2

2.2 The use of selective questioning approached ......................................................................................... 3

2.3 Used of the compliment of expression ................................................................................................... 3

2.4 The answer ............................................................................................................................................. 3

2.5 The language use of euphemistic ........................................................................................................... 4

3 Communication barriers ............................................................................................................... 6

4 Foreign business communication skills ........................................................................................ 7

4.1 Understand the communication object ................................................................................................... 7

4.1.1 Understand their concept of time ................................................................................................ 7

4.1.2 The attitude of some local people ................................................................................................ 7

4.1.3 Religious beliefs and taboos have to consider the matter ............................................................ 7

4.2 Etiquette ................................................................................................................................................. 7

4.3 Manner of speaking ................................................................................................................................ 8

4.4 The appropriate use of non-verbal .......................................................................................................... 9

4.5 Caused by the other party interested in ................................................................................................ 10

4.6 Effective listening .................................................................................................................................11

4.7 The problem of communication skills ...................................................................................................11

5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 13

6 References .................................................................................................................................. 14

7 Thanks ........................................................................................................................................ 15

1 Introduction

As China enters the WTO and economic globalization is accelerating, China's position in the international economy is increasing, and increasingly frequent economic and trade activities between the countries in the world. Foreign business shows more and more important in the social, political, and economic life. Recent years, China has enormous progress in science and technology, economic interested, these are close lying related to the foreign business. It has brought to China's rapid develop China's growing, to continue moving forward. Foreign business at all times affected us, it is important to us. However, foreign business not able to separated from communication, effective communication will enable the smooth conduct of foreign business. Therefore, in the increasingly competitive in today's society, foreign business communication is particularly important communication skills is a top priority.




语用失误是指在跨文化交际中,由于思维方式、说话规则、价值观念、词汇的社会内涵等方面的差异造成误解或谈话中断,致使交际失败而达不到预期的目的。母语的语用规则及母语文化的干扰是产生语用失误的根源。在涉外商务交流中,由于语用失误而造成互相不理解、不接受从而丧失很多商务机会,甚至造成经济损失的教训很多。造成英语语用失误的原因主要是由中西文化差异导致文化负迁移产生语用失误。国际商务环境下跨文化交际的语言运用,由于忽略社会文化的客观背景及语言交际环境,即世界社会中的各个群体所处地域及历史、生活方式、价值观、道德观、审美取向、宗教信仰、生产方式等差异,导致在跨文化交际中出现文化负迁移,从而造成语用负迁移,产生语用失误,出现许多语言交际中的不得体现象。例如,价值观主要表现为某些具有持久性、稳定性,为群体所普遍接受的信念,它是社会文化的组成部分,又是社会文化因素在人们心中长期渗透、积淀的结果,它持久地影响着人们的态度、需要和行为方式。我们在涉及价值观念英语交际时常见的语用失误,如,当面称呼上岁数的人为old people、aged people,均使人感到尴尬与难堪;而应该用一种比较模糊、礼貌而又尊重的称谓senior citizen是比较得体和恰到好处的。因为西方人注重强调个人尊严、自我形象和社会价值。另外,一些不符合英语语用规则的问候、致谢或恭维、道歉可能被误认为是很没修养的表现或触及个人隐私等;中国人之间询问年龄、身高、体重、收入、婚否是表示对对方的关心,而在西方这是绝对禁止的话题。文化不同语言的使用规则就会不同,一种文化的标准规范只能在自身中按其特定条件加以解释,而不能以此为规范来描述另一种文化,否则必然会导致跨文化商务往来的语用失败。





篇三:译文 涉外商务信函翻译(2)



贵方9月10日询价函已收悉,首先对贵方有兴趣购买我方皮鞋和手提包表示感谢。 今天将寄往你处一份配有插图的出口产品目录。我方所提供的产品均用优质皮革制成。鲜艳的色泽、优雅的设计,加之精湛的制作工艺,使这些产品必能满足贵方市场流行的需求。 我公司有一位代表目前正在香港。他下星期将去贵处拜访,并随带我们手工制作的全套样品。他已被授权与贵方商讨订货条款或谈判签订合同。如蒙贵方给予他建议和协助,我们将不胜感激。

敬上 Dear Sirs,

Your inquiry of Sept. 10 has received our attention, thank you for your interset in our leather shoes and handbags.

A copy of our illustated export catalogue will be sent to you today. All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality. The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of fashion trade such as yours.

A representative of pur company is now in Hong Kong. He will be pleased to call on you next week with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines.

Sincerely yours,





销售经理 ×××谨上

Dear Mr. Jones,

We accept your counter-offer of Mar. 8 and are pleased to confirm having cocluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you. Our factory has informed us that they can, at present, entertain orders of 30,000 per week. Thus you may rest assured that your order of 50,000 for shipment next month will be fulfilled as contracted.

We’d like to emphasize that your L/C must reach here by the end of this month. Otherwise, shipment has to be delayed. We enclose with this letter our Sales Confirmation No:03M15 in doubled. Please send us one copy for records. We appreciate your cooperation and trust that our

products will turn out to your satisfaction.

Sales Manager

Sincerely yours

