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1、devoted adj 忠诚的,挚爱的;全心全意的

搭配: be devoted to 忠诚于…….. 致力于……..

Monica is a devoted friend. 莫尼卡是一位忠实的朋友。

devote vt 献身,致力,专心 devotion n 挚爱,关爱,关照;奉献 搭配: devote oneself to …… 献身于…….

devote one’s life/time to sb/sth 把生命/时间献给某人/某事 devote…..to…… 把……用于…….

Qian Xuesen devoted himself entirely to science. 钱学森的一生都献给了科学事业。

I don’t think we should devote any more time to this problem. 我认为我们不应该在这个问题上再花时间。 He devoted his life to helping blind people. 他献出了一生来帮助盲人。


(1)devote的宾语可以是oneself, one’s life, time, patience, energy等名词(词组)

(2)devote…..to…… 和 be devoted to ……中的to均为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词(动词+ing)作宾语。



(1)She has been working in the forests for about 10 years, ________ herself to researching wildlife.

(2)Her _________ to the job left her with very little free time. 单项选择

Heroes ____ their life ________ becoming the best they can be, whether it is President of the United States, a mother, or a firefighter.(消防队员)

A prevent; from B devote; to C prefer; to D. suffer; from

2、sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island for being one of the ANC leaders. 因为是非国大的的领导人之一,所以被判决终身监禁于罗本岛。

sentence vt & n

(1)vt 判决;宣判(常与介词to连用) 搭配:

be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑) be sentenced to death 被判处死刑

He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. 他被判处15年徒刑。

The prisoner was sentenced to pay a fine of 7,000 yuan.



(2) n 判决,判刑

She received an eight-year prison sentence. 她被判八年徒刑。

The prisoner has served his sentence and will be released tomorrow. 犯人已服刑期满,明天将获释。

练习: 完成句子


The thief ____________________ 5 years in prison. (2)那个杀害了两个人的杀人犯被判了死刑。

The murderer ______________________________________ after killing two people.


(1)Since this is the first time you have broken the law, I’m going to give you a light ___C______.

A. judge B. prison C. sentence D. blame

(2)The criminal,who was ________ to four years in prison by the judge last week, is 21years old.

A. caught B. sentenced C. killed D. put

3、Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal? 为什么纳尔逊.曼德拉会使用暴力来使黑人和白人平等?

turn to 向….求助(求助于……);致力于…….; 翻到……; 转向…… Nobody seems to understand. I don’t know who to turn to. 似乎没有人懂。我不知道该向谁求助。 Turn to Page 80, please. 请翻到第80页。

She turns her efforts to a book. 她致力于写一本书。

注意:动词短语turn to 中的 to为介词,因此其后跟名词、代词或动名词。


turn on 打开(水龙头、煤气、电灯等) turn off 关上(水龙头、煤气、电灯等) turn up 出现,到场;调高(声音等)

turn down 拒绝(请求);调低(声音等)

turn in 上交;转身进入 turn over 翻转;翻身 turn out 结果是,证明是;生产(产品) Why did she turn down your invitation? 她为什么拒绝你的邀请?

Only a few guns have been turned in so far. 时至今日只上缴了少数几支枪。


Despite our worries everything turned out well. 尽管我们都很担心,结果一切都顺利。


1、They promised to go with us but they didn’t _________ until we waited for quite a long time. 2、Everywhere you come across danger, you can _____________ the police. 3、He said that he was a doctor, but later he ___________ to be a cheat.

4、I sent her an email inviting her to my birthday party. However, I _____________. 5、What are you reading, Tom?

I’m not reading, just _____________ the pages.

4、As a matter of fact, I do not like violence……but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings.


as a matter of fact


It’s a nice place. We’ve stayed there by ourselves, as a matter of fact. 那个地方不错。其实,我们自己在那儿待过。 (2)(表示不同意)事实上,其实

I thought the work would be difficult. As a matter of fact, it’s very easy. 我原以为这项工作会很难,事实上却很容易。



in fact actually in truth in reality in effect



The boy looks stupid, but actually he is very clever.

The boy looks stupid, but ___ _____ _____ _____ _______he is very clever.

5、They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.


reward n & vt

(1)n 【C,U】 奖励;报酬;奖赏(后接介词for,表示原因) In reward, I will give you a cellphone. 作为回报,我将给你一部手机。 She worked hard without any hope of reward. 她辛勤工作,丝毫不期待报酬。

Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made. 赢得比赛的胜利是全队付出努力应得的回报。


(2)vt 酬谢,报答 搭配

reward sb with sth 用某物酬谢某人

reward sb for (doing) sth 为(做)某事而酬谢某人 He rewarded me with a prize. 他给了我一份奖品作为酬谢。

He rewarded the cleaners for their efforts. 他对清洁工的努力作出了奖赏。


in reward 作为回报

in reward for=in return for 作为对……的报答=as a reward for……作为对…..报酬/奖赏

reward ,award和prize的辨析


(2)award( vt. 授予;判定 n. 奖品;判决),award强调“荣誉上的奖” (3)prize多指各类竞赛中所获得的“奖,奖金”。


用reward, award或prize的适当形式填空。

(1)Anyone who can find my lost dog and return it to me can receive a $500___________. (2)He was nominated(提名)for the best actor ______.

(3)In this month’s competition you could win a ________ worth $3,000.

6、It was a prison from which no one escaped. 那是一座任何人都逃不出去的监狱。

escape v & n

(1)vi 逃跑;逃离(常与介词from 连用) Two men have escaped from Durham jail. 两名孩子从达勒姆监狱逃脱。 (2)vt 逃脱;逃避

搭配:escape doing sth 逃脱做某事

He was lucky to escape punishment(being punished). 他幸运地逃脱了惩罚。

(3)vt 被忘掉,被忽视,未被注意(不用被动语态) His phone number escaped me. 我记不起他的电话号码了。 (4)n 逃走,逃脱

The robber made his escape in disguise. 那个抢劫犯伪装之后逃走了。


make one’s escape 逃跑 have a narrow/near escape 九死一生


a fire escape 消防通道 escape from….. 从….逃跑 escape death 死里逃生 escape+ being done 逃脱被……

7、Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble. 伊莱亚斯在有麻烦时去见纳尔逊.曼德拉。

in trouble 处于困难或险境中

Do as you’re told, or you’ll be in trouble. 叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则你会有麻烦。 He’s in trouble with the police. 他犯事落入警察手里。

We should lend a hand to those people in trouble. 我们应该帮助那些处于困境中的人。


get into trouble 陷入困境 make/cause trouble 惹事生非

ask for trouble 自找麻烦;自寻烦恼 take trouble doing sth 尽力/尽心做某事 take the trouble to do sth 不辞劳苦做某事


Don’t trouble (vt.) trouble(n.) till trouble(n.) trouble (vt.) you. 麻烦没找你,你别找麻烦。


“(be) in +抽象名词”表示处于某种状态

be in danger 处于危险中 be in peace 处于和平状态之中 be in control 在控制下 be in silence 在沉默中 be in love 在相爱中 be in place 在适当位置



But for your help, I’d be ______________________. (2)不必费力做那件事。

There is no need ______________________________________ it.

8、lost heart 丧失信心;丧失勇气

Don’t lost heart. All will turn out well. 不要失去信心,一切都会好起来的。

In spite of all the difficulties, they never lose heart. 尽管有这么多困难,但他们从未失去过信心。


