新世纪大学英语综合教程1-第二版-课文详解-Lecture Notes - U2

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Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book One

Unit Two: Learning a Language

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.

1. Do you think it is necessary to learn another language besides your mother tongue? 2. How long have you learned English? Do you think English is very difficult to learn? 3. If possible, what other foreign languages do you want to learn? Why?

4. Speaking from your own experience, what effective ways would you like to suggest to help

others learn English?

▇ Answers for reference: 1. Open. 2. Open. 3. Open. 4. Open.

Section B Quotes

▇ Study the following quotes about language learning. Do you accept the ideas expressed in the quotes? State your reasons. ▇


⊙Whoever is not acquainted with foreign languages knows nothing of his own.

— Goethe


Learning a foreign language is comparable to a journey of discovery. One needs to be familiar with some foreign languages in order to understand his or her own native language.

About Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): a German poet and scientist, and one of the best known writers of plays and books of all time, known especially for his play Faust (《浮士德》).

Walt Whitman


⊙Language is not an abstract (抽象的) construction of the learned (有学问的人), or of dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground.

— Walt Whitman


Language is not something produced from nowhere by the intellectuals or dictionary-makers. Rather, it is something coming from the commonplace activities and emotions of many generations of human beings, including their work, needs, relationships, happiness, love and preferences. Language is broadly and deeply rooted in these common happenings.

About Walt Whitman (1819-1892): a US writer known for his poetry about the beauty of nature and the value of freedom. He is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential US poets, and his best-known work is Leaves of Grass.

David Beckham

⊙I haven’t conquered Spanish yet. I’m learning and understand what’s said during training. I’m progressing little by little. Spanish is very difficult for me, although I am getting used to it. I am making an effort. It’s complicated. But if I can conquer Spanish, it will have been a great achievement.

— David Beckham


Here Beckham, the world-famous football star, shares with us his experience in learning a foreign language. From what Beckham says, we can see that learning a foreign language is difficult for everyone. But if we make an effort, we can conquer it. As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.

About David Beckham (1975- ): David Beckham became known as a football talent at the age of 11. He joined Manchester United as a professional midfielder (中锋) in January 1993. In June 2003, he moved to Spain and joined Real Madrid. A footballer with an amazing ability to score goals and get the crowd on its feet, Beckham is now well known as one of the best football players of the world.

Section C Watching and Discussion

Watch the following video clip “Why is learning English important” and do the tasks that follow: 插入视频片段: “Why is learning English important.flv”

1. Fill in the missing words according to what you hear from the video clip.

It’s true English is only the third most commonly spoken language in the world today. But when it comes to a second language, more people want to learn English than all other languages combined. Estimates indicate that as many as 2 billion people worldwide are either studying English or would like to learn English. That’s because English is recognized as the language of the Internet, commerce, medical and scientific research and many other fields. Learning English


opens the door to a better life.

2. What, in your opinion, are the possible reasons for people to learn English?

Possible reasons may include the following: ? hoping to land a better job;

? hoping to travel to English-speaking countries;

? hoping to appreciate great literary works in English in their originals; ? enjoying learning a language; ……


Are you looking for a brighter future? Would you like the chance to learn a skill that will change your life and make it better? English is affordable, accessible, even fun. Of the 7 billion people on the earth today, would you believe only less than 10% of the world’s population speaks English as their native language? It’s true English is only the third most commonly spoken language in the world today. But when it comes to a second language, more people want to learn English than all other languages combined. Estimates indicate that as many as 2 billion people worldwide are either studying English or would like to learn English. That’s because English is recognized as the language of the Internet, commerce, medical and scientific research and many other fields. Learning English opens the door to a better life.

Part II Listen and Respond

Section A Word Bank

You will listen to what a student from Argentina (阿根廷) says about learning foreign languages. The words and phrases in the box may be of some help to you.

Portuguese n. & a. of Portugal or its people; of the language of Portugal, Brazil, etc. 葡萄牙语(的);葡萄牙人(的) mother tongue母语 Spanish n. & a. 西班牙语(的) confident a feeling or showing trust in oneself or one’s ability 确信的,有信心的 cope vi. deal successfully with a difficult situation (成功地)应付,对付 communicate vi. share or exchange opinions, feelings, information, etc. 交流意见(或感情、消息等);沟通 keep/bear in mind remember; remain aware of sth..记住;谨记,牢记 obtain vt . rather fml rather fml become the owner of, esp. by means of effort or planning; get〖较正式〗(尤指通过努力或计划)获得,得到;买到 matter vi. [U (to)] [often in negatives ] [U (to)][ often in negatives] be important [常与to连用] [常用于否定句]重要,要紧 comprehension n. [U (of)] fml the act of understanding or ability to understand [常与of连用]〖正式〗理解;理解力 remarkably ad. 显著地,引人注目地


catch on (to sth.) begin to understand(开始)明白,了解(某事) rhythm n . 节奏;韵律 regarding prep . fml (esp. in business letters) on the subject of; in connection with; concerning 〖正式〗(尤用于商业书信中)关于,有关 plus n. 受欢迎的或有利的附加物,有利条件 (the) Internet n. an international information network that allows millions of comuterusers around the world to exchange information 互联网 accustomed a. in the habit of; used to习惯于??的 get accustomed to become in the habit of; become used to习惯于?? process n. 步骤,程序 enjoyable a. (of things and experiences) giving pleasure (事情、经历等)使人快乐的,有乐趣的

Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

▇Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1. In this monologue (独白) Alberto tells us that ________.

A) he is interested in language research B) he is good at Chinese and German C) he has a degree in political science D) he wants to be a language teacher

2. According to Alberto, he is not very good at ________ in learning foreign languages.

A) verb tenses B) reading speed C) speaking D) spelling

3. To learn a foreign language well, Alberto strongly emphasizes ________.

A) watching TV in that language

B) reading extensively in that language C) communicating with native speakers

D) reading about the culture of that language

4. In this monologue Alberto talks about all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) why he likes to learn foreign languages

B) when he first started learning a new language C) why learning foreign languages is necessary

D) some helpful ways he finds in learning a new language

5. One of the reasons why Alberto learns multiple languages is that ________.

A) he has a natural talent in learning languages B) he can study political science in greater depth C) he is attracted by the beauty of different languages


D) he can broaden his mind by knowing more languages

▇ Key:

1. C) 2. A) 3. B) 4. B) 5. D)

Section C Task Two: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1. Alberto has started learning ____________, ____________, Portuguese and ____________,

and he would also love to learn ____________ and ____________ in the near future.

2. Alberto is confident that ____________ he can overcome the difficulties he encounters in

learning new languages.

3. According to Alberto, learning a new language besides one’s ____________ can be useful,

especially in a world where distances ____________ and people from different countries communicate with each other ____________.

4. He recommends (推荐) three good ways of language learning. They are:

a. ____________;

b. watch a lot of television in that language; and c. ____________.

5. He also mentions three other things that are helpful for learning a language. They are:

a. ____________;

b. vocabulary books; and c. ____________.

6. Finally Alberto says learning a language might seem a little ____________, or even strange,

but one will get used to it. Though the learning process is long and it ____________, it is also ____________.

▇ Answers for reference:

1. Alberto has started learning English, French, Portuguese and Italian, and he would also love

to learn Chinese and German in the near future.

2. Alberto is confident that with time and practice he can overcome the difficulties he

encounters in learning new languages.

3. According to Alberto, learning a new language besides one’s mother tongue can be useful,

especially in a world where distances are shortened and people from different countries communicate with each other more frequently.

4. He recommends (推荐) three good ways of language learning. They are:

a. read a lot;

b. watch a lot of television in that language; and c. listen to CDs.

5. He also mentions three other things that are helpful for learning a language. They are:

a. good dictionaries; b. vocabulary books; and c. the Internet.

6. Finally Alberto says learning a language might seem a little difficult at first, or even strange,


