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教 案

2008 ~ 2009学年 第 2 学期

学 院、 系 室 作物科学学院农学系 课 程 名 称 Agroecology(农业生态学)

专业、年级、班级 FAFU-NSAC“2+2”Program grade 08 主 讲 教 师 Songliang Wang , Claude Caldwell and Shannon Kilyanek

福 建 农 林 大 学


教案又称课时授课计划,是任课教师的教学实施方案。任课教师应遵循专业教学计划制订的培养目标,以教学大纲为依据,在熟悉教材、了解学生的基础上,结合教学实践经验,提前编写设计好每门课程每个章、节或主题的全部教学活动。教案可以按每堂课(指同一主题连续1~4节课)设计编写。教案编写说明如下: 1、编号:按施教的顺序标明序号。

2、教学课型表示所授课程的类型,请在理论课、实验课、习题课、实践课及其它栏内选择打“√”。 3、题目:标明章、节或主题。




7、参考书目:列出参考书籍、有关资料。 8、日期的填写系指本堂课授课的时间。


福 建 农 林 大 学 教 案

编号: 课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section I – Introduction, Unit1 Scope and objectives of this course and evaluation methods 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? The goals of the course ? How you will be evaluated ? Why corn is a good symbol for the course 了解 How the course is organized 熟悉 ? Who the instructors and resource people for the course are 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): Course introduction *General Objectives of course (重点) *Evaluation methods(重点) #?Learning style in NSAC (难点与疑点) 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share”(即同桌配对-思考-写下来-讨论分享—表达回答)---who are you? What ‘s your family background? Farming and business concerning agriculture? and so on.


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:到底什么是“农业(agriculture)。学生根据自己家庭背景、经历和思考对农业产业的各类描述,并加以总结后,形成相对完整的答案后,课后在课程网络中“discussion”版块与教师和其他同学讨论。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 1-9

教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section I – Introduction, Unit2 What is agriculture, ecology, ecosystems, agro-ecosystems? Natural ecosystems vs. People-centred ecosystems. \ 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Explain the differences between natural ecosystems and people-centred ecosystems 熟悉 ? Define the terms agriculture, ecology, and ecosystem ? Explain the concept of agro-ecosystems 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): Definitions of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Ecology *#Agriculture: The science, art, politics and sociology of changing sunlight into happy, healthy people.(CD Caldwell, 1996) Ecosystem:A living community, all the factors in its non-living environment and the interactions among these biotic and abiotic factors Agriculture and Ecology: Ecology deals with the observation and analysis of systems of living organisms, and how they interact with their environment ?#What are the components of agroecloystem? ?Corn as a symbol of Agricultural ecosystems 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share”(即同桌配对-思考-写下来-讨论分享—表达回答)---describe what ‘s ecosystem and agroecosytem according to students’ background 4

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:到底什么是“生态系统和农业生态系统。学生根据自己家庭背景、经历和思考对农业产业的各类描述,并加以总结后,形成相对完整的答案后,课后在课程网络中“discussion”版块与教师和其他同学讨论。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 1-9

教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:5学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section I – Introduction Unit3 Agriculture: Is this a good idea? Making money and respecting the environment! 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Comment on the problems of disconnection of the consumer with the producer in the food system and the physical systems disconnection that occurs with long distance transportation of food. Describe 5 new consumer trends in the marketplace. Discuss the effects of recent demographic trends on food marketing opportunities. 熟悉 Describe the parts of a typical food system (using both North American and Chinese examples) and explain the interactions of the parts with each other. 了解 ?Answer the question of why American style fast food restaurants always want customers to buy french fries and how that relates to the overall food system. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *#? Earn money and respect the environment. The role and implication of supermarket in integration of agriculture industrial chain; Increasing urban population with increased incomes and decreased time increased need for convenience and demand for diversity; Supermarket Development improves Chinese agriculture, quality, diversity and hopefully increased incomes and quality of life for rural residents 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share”(即同桌配对-思考-写下来-讨论分享—表达回答)---think about who make the agroecosystems worse by your supermarket survey? 6

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:到底什么是“谁应该对农业生态环境的恶化负责:消费者、贸易者和生产者?“,根据超市调查结果思考得出自己的结果。 实习:Food Supermarket Search Questionnaire ,主要要点如下:Sketch the floor plan of the food supermarket you have chosen;List four items of fresh vegetables or fruit which are from Fujian Province;Locate the “organic or green” produce section;How do the prices compare between “organic or green” and “non-organic or conventional” fresh products? ;Find an example of a “natural” cereal (select a Chinese brand). List the ingredients and the percentage of sugar。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 1-9 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:3 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section I – Introduction, Unit 4 Communication skills and library use 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Write a citation (bibliographical reference) for a book and journal article ? Use the name-year citation method to cite paraphrased material used in assignments ? Explain the term: plagiarism, and be able to distinguish whether work has been sufficiently paraphrased. 熟悉 ? Demonstrate ways to paraphrase properly. 了解 ? The resource and utilization of NSAC library 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *?What is: plagiarism?, and be able to distinguish whether work has been sufficiently paraphrased. *#Write a citation (bibliographical reference) for a book and journal article *Use the name-year citation method to cite paraphrased material used in assignments Video shown on NSAC library 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学; 启发式教学方式:举例说明什么叫作弊(plagiarism),以及如何改写和引用文献。 8

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:到底什么是“作弊(plagiarism),而后使学生时时刻刻尊重任何人的研究和思维(知识产权)和正确引用他人的成果,是NSAC的学习风格,也是他们必备的品质。 作业:完成一个网络上的引用的作业,并由其他专家批改后计入学生成绩。 参考书目: WEBCT ARTICLE NSAC learning style(97pages) 教师姓名:Shannon Kilyanek 职称:高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section II - Components and Processes of Agro-ecosystems Unit 1 Energy and matter in the agro-ecosystem 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Define the following terms concisely: leaf area duration (LAD) leaf area index (LAI) ? Compare Natural and Managed (people-centred) Ecosystems, using examples, in terms of: Open vs closed systems Biotic vs Abiotic factors Energy amounts and flows Nutrient amounts and flows Diversity and stability ? Explain the relationship of LAI, LAD and crop yield. 熟悉 ? Explain what is meant by: \教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *What is agro-ecosystem *The imput and output in agroecosystem *#?The difference between ecosystem and agroecosystem 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” –to be clear the differences between natural ecosystem and agroecosytems in term of matter and energy flows,根据物质、能量流清晰生态系统与农业生态系统的根本区别。 10

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:根据一些关键的项目清晰“生态系统”和“农业生态系统”之间的根本区别。学生根据自己家庭背景、经历和思考对农业产业的各类描述,并加以总结后,形成相对完整的答案后,课后在课程网络中“discussion”版块与教师和其他同学讨论。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),

教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section II - Components and Processes of Agro-ecosystems Unit 2 Agroclimate, crop diversity and adaptation, accessing resources 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Differentiate between the following pairs of terms: climate and weather;GDD?s and CHU?s ? Name 10 of the top 20 crops in the world in terms of area occupied. ? Explain how crops can be classified on the basis of the harvested organ with examples of each type. 熟悉 · Name the seven principal cereal grains and briefly describe their areas of adaptation. · Explain, with examples, the concept of protein complementarity. · Relate climate to weather and to the concept of adaptation of crops. 了解 ? Name and briefly describe the factors which influence climate at the farm level. ? Read and interpret agroclimatic maps. ? Use a crop zone map to select areas in which corn hybrids are adapted. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *农业依赖气候资源, 农业气候资源的关键指标:GDD?s and CHU?s 植物和作物资源的全球分布 *植物资源分类 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share”


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:农业气候和作物特别是粮食作物的物候学。 实习:Economic plant tour on campus 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 27- 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section II - Components and Processes of Agro-ecosystems Unit 3 Cultivated soils and living organisms Unit 3.1 Soils: Natural and managed 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Explain.What are the five main roles of soil in an ecosystem? For each of these ecological roles, suggest one way in which interactions occur with another of the five roles. ? ?Define the following terms: o Soil o Topsoil o Subsoil o A- horizon o B-horizon o C-horizon ? ?By way of a diagram, demonstrate some of the major differences between \\ 熟悉 ? Explain the concept that soil is a \? ?Explain the concept that \likely to increase or decrease in the decades ahead? 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): In lecture and in the resource readings, you were shown the volume composition of a loam surface soil in ideal condition for plant growth. Redraw this pie chart to represent what the situation might be after the soil has been compacted by heavy traffic. 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” –


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:土壤的重要性质和功能。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 43 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section II - Components and Processes of Agro-ecosystems Unit 3 Cultivated soils and living organisms Unit 3.2 Soil carbon cycle and the role of soil organisms in the carbon cycle 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Sketch a diagram illustrating the soil Carbon Cycle, including the major processes that drive this cycle and the inputs and outputs of carbon, energy and oxygen into/out of the cycle. 熟悉 Identify the major ecological classes of soil organisms, based on their role in the carbon cycle. Explain the special role played by decomposers. 了解 What is the relationship between chemical energy and carbon? What is the relationship between photosynthesis and (cellular) respiration? 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): ? I A Chemical Cycle: Note that these 2 processes are almost exact opposites. In fact, neither could exist without the other - the products of one form the reactants反应物 of the other. Together, these processes transform CO2 into carbohydrates and back to CO2 in a continuous chemical cycle. They have evolved together and the balance between them ensures that earth's atmosphere remains in an equilibrium state suitable for continuation of life ? Soil organisms in the C cycle. The soil ecoystem is a world in itself. The discussion and illustrations offered below examine some examples of the immense variety of organisms and relationships that drive the soil carbon cycle. 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学; 16

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:土壤的C循环和土壤生物的功能。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 63-69 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:5学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section II - Components and Processes of Agro-ecosystems Unit 3 Cultivated soils and living organisms Unit 3.3 Nutrient cycling in soil 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Sketch a diagram of the soil nutrient cycle and identify the 3 distinct stores of nutrients, and the potential losses, and inputs of nutrients from/to the soil ecosystem. 熟悉 Explain the differences in nutrient cycling between harvested (agricultural) and natural (or unharvested) soil ecosystems. Identify the problems in management of the soil nutrient cycle associated with specialization of production (cash cropping and concentratedlivestock). 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *#?农业生态系统的养分循环的特征和途径 * 农业生态系统的养分循环与自然生态系统的区别。 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” 18

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:土壤的养分循环。 实验: Soil Profiles and Soil Textures 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 69-77 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


福 建 农 林 大 学 教 案

编号: 课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit1 Land preparation 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? Define succinctly the following terms: o Primary tillage o Secondary tillage o Zero tillage o Tilth o Conservation tillage Describe the advantages and disadvantages of conservation tillage. 熟悉 ? List and describe the purposes for tillage. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): ? Why till? primary tillage application of manures, soil amendments and fertilizers secondary tillage conservation tiillage Advantages of conservation tillage ISSUES Summary ? To observe and understand basic land preparation; i.e., why, when and how ? To understand the attributes of conventional tillage in comparison to reduced tillage systems 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学; 20

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 保护性耕作的可行性? 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 79-90 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit2 Manures and composts Unit2.1 Manures: Green and brown 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Briefly describe the 7 categories of green manure crops: o Cover crops o Catch crops o Break crops o N-fixing green manures o Smother crops o Allelopathic crops o Bee habitat List 11 advantages of green manure crops. ?List 8 possible disadvantages of green manure crops. 熟悉 Name three environmental issues regarding the use of animal waste as manure on cropland. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): Green Manure *#?Green manure crop categories Cover crop ,smother crop.etc; *# animal manure issues 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share”


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:有机肥料的分类和类型。以及动物有机肥使用中问题讨论 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 101-113 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:3学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit2 Manures and composts Unit2.2 M Compost - Making and using it 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ??Define the following terms: o composting o thermophilic o active composting o mesophilic o compost o curing (maturing) o feedstock o compost quality ??List four ways in which stabilized compost differs from the starting raw material ??Prepare a labeled diagram showing the four temperature phases of composting 熟悉 Describe three factors that are considered in blending materials for composting ??List four activities in managing the composting process ??Describe four agricultural uses for compost?? 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *#? Earn money and respect the environment. Composting process and control. 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” 24

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 实验: composting 堆肥过程的观察,见王松良主讲的录象片段。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 117-121 教师姓名: Wang 职称教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit3 Erosion and soil degradation: \ 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ??Define the following terms accurately and succinctly: o Erosion o Geological erosion Accelerated erosion o Cover crop, catch crop, break crop, smother crop o Underseeding o Crop rotation o Living mulches o USLE?? 熟悉 Explain the differences among: sheet, rill and gully erosion. ?Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of underseeding cereals with forages. ?List and briefly describe the factors which contribute to the soil loss. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): Soil erosion status Geological and accelerated erosion USLE means the universal soil loss equation which quantified the major factors that affect erosion by water. How to reduce soil loss 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学; 26

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 如何应用植物(生物学的)手段控制水土流失 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 91-101 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.1 Domestic livestock systems 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 ? What difficulties did hunter-gatherers face? ? Discuss at least five recent examples of domestication (or \? How did domestication allow for an increase in human population? 熟悉 ? What is domestication? Is domestication exploitation? What's your opinion? 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): 动物驯化与现代农业 农业和作物的起源中心 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 28

讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:Is domestication exploitation? 即讨论“人类社会与动物种群的协同进化问题。 同样启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” 方式与学生讨论 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 117 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:3学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.2 Vegetable production systems: tropical and temperate 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 1. 掌握 What is the significance of each of the following and which vegetables are rich in them: o Betacarotene,Starch,Lycopene,folic acid, ??Describe the two predominant vegetable production systems in the world. ??Describe a scheme for producing vegetables in the tropics and one for a temperate country. ??Why produce vegetables in the off-season? What are the restraints? ??How do we over come constraints in producing certain high value vegetables under flooded conditions? 熟悉 ??Name a few examples of: o tropical vegetables o temperate vegetables o crucifer vegetables o solanaceous vegetables ??What is the predominant cause of malnutrition in the world? 了解 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): ??Vegetables in nutrition and health ??Malnutrition and role of nutrition ??Canadian and US vegetable industry ???Classification of vegetables ??Modifications of edible parts ????Temperate and tropical vegetable production systems ?? *?Off season vegetable production systems ??Year round vegetable production systems ??Containerized vegetable production systems 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” 30

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:蔬菜的意义和生产系统 实验:vegetables (蔬菜植物学特征辩识) 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page 145-155 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:3 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.3 Forages for dairy and beef 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 At the end of studying this topic you should be able to answer the following questions: ??Define the following terms: o Forages o Ruminants o Hay o Haylage o Silage o Pasture o MIG ??Explain the difference between: o Harvesting forages for yield and for quality o Alfalfa, red clover and white clover o Timothy, orchardgrass, meadow fescue and bluegrass ??Discuss the economic and environmental effects of: o Growing forages in cropping systems o Management intensive grazing 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *饲料作物的意义和类型 *饲料作物种植系统的管理与环境保护的关系 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 32

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 实验: identification of forages crop 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page1? 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:3 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.4 Cereals for flour and meat 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Describe the role of cereals in: o Livestock-based rotations o Cash-crop systems ??Name the principal cereal crops in the world and describe their uses. ??Explain the importance of rice in world agriculture. ??Define the following terms: Paddy rice o Converted rice o Indica rice o Japonica rice o IRRI ??Compare and contrast the history, culture and production of rice in Asia and the USA. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *谷类作物的存在的理由 *#?水稻的起源、进化和文化 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学; Video, 通过关于亚洲水稻生产状况的录象播放,阐述水稻对世界粮食和文化的意义。 34

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 实验:identification of grain crops 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page127-133 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.5 Potato production 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Explain the origin and importance of the potato as a world crop. ?List the major uses of the potato. ??List the three major sectors of the Maritime Canada potato industry. ?Describe the proper methods of planting potatoes. ?Explain the importance of crop rotation in a potato system. ?List two insect pests and two diseases of economic importance to the Maritime Canada potato industry. ?Explain the use of tissue culture techniques to maintain seed potato quality. ?Describe the proper storage conditions for potatoes. ?Define the key words/terms: Solanum tuberosum L.; Late blight; White potato; potato wart; Cultivars/ Varieties;o Colorado potato beetle;etc.. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *马铃薯的世界地位和起源与传播 *#?关于马铃薯的若干概念 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 36 板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 马铃薯产业的对世界粮食中的地位以及局限性(对环境)。 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page1 143-145 教师姓名:Caldwell\\Wang 职称:教授/教授 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.6 Introduction to aquaculture systems 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Describe the importance of aquaculture to world food production; ??Name the three major countries in terms of world aquaculture production; ??Name the 5 most important aquaculture finfish species in the world; ??Compare the relative efficiency of aquaculture with cattle ranching; Define and differentiate between intensive, extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture; ??Explain the principles of carp polyculture and describe how a typical polyculture pond is established and maintained. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *水产的重要和状况 ?水产的2个“世界” *#?主要经营模式 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” –具体见Caldwell,和Wang讲课录象片段 38

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:水产的2个“世界”?中国与世界? 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page133


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit 4.7 Orientation to herbs, aromatic and medicinal crops 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Understand the differences among the following terms: o Herb o Spice o medicinal plant o essential oil plant o aromatic plant o poisonous plants o endangered species. ??Explain: o What are the human benefits of using herbs, aromatics and medicinal plants. o What are some of the applications of medicinal plants. o Why there is an increased consumption of medicinal plants in modern society. o Which are the top selling herbs in North America. o How herbs, aromatics, and medicinal plants improve quality of life. o In which plant structures the essential oil is accumulated. o Where to find more information about herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): 重点讲述作物植物多样性的重要性,以医学上应用为例。 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” –


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 中国医学和医药与中国农业 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2005(Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材), 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit4.8 Greenhouse and nursery production 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 The size, importance and diversity of the ornamental horticulture industry in general. ??The size, importance and diversity of the greenhouse, nursery and the specialty crops ??How changes in marketing have changed the technology of bedding plant production. ??Why greenhouse cut flowers are considered to be an international commodity. ??How greenhouse vegetable growers get 'insects' to work for them. ??The differences between: o wholesale and retail plant nurseries; o woody and herbaceous perennial landscape plant nurseries; and o field and container production systems used by landscape plant nurseries. 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *世界温室栽培的状况 *蔬菜温室栽培的意义 *?反季节蔬菜的意义和问题解决 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 42

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:设施蔬菜的意义? 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page155 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅲ Ecological Interactions and Anthropocentric Problems Unit4 Sustainable Production systems Unit 4.9 Environmental horticulture and the green industry 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Describe the relationship between horticulture, the environment and agriculture. ??Explain the environmental benefits of plants. ??Describe the concept of green space and identify the various segments of the green industry. ??Explain how some basic principles of sustainability can be applied to landscape planning and maintenance. ??Define the following terms: o horticulture o environmental horticulture o green space 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): * 环境科学、园艺科学和农业科学的学源关系 #*?园艺产业的经济和环境意义 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 44

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是:园艺产业的前景 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page1 155-160 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅳ what now? Unit 1 The efficiency of feeding animals for human food: Food versus feed 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 What types of feed materials are routinely fed to ruminants and nonruminants in North America? How do they differ? ??What sorts of \??Where does feed energy come from? ??How is energy used by livestock? ??What are the major carbohydrates in feed. ??How and why is grain used in livestock diets? ??Define \??Does grain feeding improve efficiency? ??Under what circumstances is it appropriate and justified to feed human edibles? ??What are the returns on human edibles used as feed? 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): *动物生产在农业生产的地位 *?动物生产的效率问题 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” – 46

板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 动物生产的能量转化效率? 实验 feed&food computerization (转化效率的计算,待开设) 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2009 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page1 163-177 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


课时安排:2 学时 教学课型:理论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 其它□ 题目(教学章、节或主题): Section Ⅳ what now? Unit 2 Energy flow in agro-ecosystems 教学目的要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 掌握 Define energy ??List 5 sources of energy ??Give examples of the following energy changes o chemical to thermal o mechanical to electrical o radiation to chemical ??Define efficiency ??List three issues surrounding fossil fuels ??Why is inorganic fertilizer typically a high energy input? ??What is typically the largest direct energy user on farms? ??Give an example of a food product that requires a high amount of energy to produce and one that is low. ??List two direct methods for reducing energy use in: o Machinery o Buildings o Crop production ??How does energy use differ in agriculture between China and Canada? ??Why is the development of renewable energy considered to be important 教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ?疑点): #*?从可持续发展的深度,重新审视农业生态系统的能量问题, 案例研究:case study in Canada: what ?s difference in enery flow in Canadian production by different agroecosystem 教学方式、手段、媒介:多媒体教学;启发式教学方式:”Pair-write- share” –


板书设计: 主要述点已如幻灯片陈列,黑板板书必要时采用,随机设计 讨论、思考题、作业: 本节讨论主题是: 参考书目: Agroecology: resource manual, 2005 (Claude Caldwell,王松良、Shannon Kilyanek合编的农业生态学教材),page1 123 教师姓名:Caldwell,Wang, Kilyanek职称:教授,教授,高级实验师 2009 年3 月1 日


