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Part I Listening Comprehension (35’)
Section A Short Conversations (1’*10)
Directions:In this part, you will hear ten short conversations. Each of them is followed by a question. After the question, you are supposed to choose a correct answer from the four choices.
1. A. It’s on the second turning on the left at the lights.
B. It’s on the right side at the traffic lights.
C. It’s on the second turning on the right at the traffic lights.
D. It’s on the first turning on the right at the lights.
2. A. He should sit in the smoking section.
B. He should keep smoking.
C. He should move to another part of the plane.
D. He should put out his cigarette at once.
3. A. His advisor.
B. His teacher.
C. His partner.
D. His boss.
4. A. It is customary to throw money towards the performer.
B. The man is rich and can afford to throw money towards the
C. The man doesn’t want his money anymore.
D.The performer hasn’t showed yet.
5. A. The woman couldn’t get the reservations.
B. The woman forgot about the reservations.
C. The woman no longer wanted to go.
D. The woman wanted to see the hotel manager.
6. A. A dentist. B. A surgeon.
C. A teacher.
D. An athlete.
7. A. Very soon. B. At 4:30.
C. In half an hour.
D. At 3:30.
8. A. She is a student. B. She is a secretary.
C. She is a waitress.
D. She is a receptionist.
9. A. $12. B. $20
C. $18
D. $30
10. A. They have bought a motorcycle.
B. The man doesn’t think the washing machine is useful.
C. The old washing machine still works well.
D. They will buy a new washing machine right away.
Section B Dialogues (1’*10)
Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.
Dialogue One
Talking About Sports
11. A. Cricket. B. Basketball.
C. Football.
D. Table tennis.
12. A. Basketball. B. Table tennis.
C. Football.
D. Cricket.
13. A. Several years ago.
B. Twenty years ago.
C. Thirty years ago.
D. Not mentioned.
14. A. They like to watch games.
B. They like football stars.
C. They like to watch football matches on TV.
D. They are troublemakers.
15. A. They travel a long distance to see their favourite teams.
B. They, warmly dressed, go to the game in groups.
C. They sit in the open air for several hours.
D. They take music instruments to the game.
Dialogue Two
16. A. Colleagues. B. Roommates.
C. Friends.
D. Teacher and student.
17. A. He worked in a service station.
B. He worked in a car company.
C. He worked in a lawyer’s office.
D. He worked in a building company.
18. A. People are often jealous.
B. People are easy to satisfy.
C. People are not easy to satisfy.
D. The grass always grows better in the neighbour’s home.
19. A. Challenging. B. Blessing.
C. Successful.
D. Disturbing.
20. A. He likes his current job.
B. He is fully occupied.
C. He is deeply involved in his current job.
D. He is going to switch to another job.
Section C Passages (1’*10)
Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.
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