外研版必修3 module 1 europe 学案

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Module 1 Europe

Learning paper 1 W ords and Phrases



1. Europe n.. 欧洲人n. 欧洲的adj.

2. continent n. 大陆的adj. 大陆人,大洲人n.

3. situate v. 坐落的,位于的adj. 位置n.

4. locate v. 位于adj. 位置n.

5. architect n. 建筑学n. 建筑学(师)的adj.

6. civil adj. 使。。。文明\开化v. 文明n.

7. govern v. 政府n. 州长,总督n.

8. represent v. 代表n. 典型的,有代表性的adj.

9. 长筒靴n. 10. 象征,符号n. 11. 在哪里adv.

12. 在…对面prep. 13. 协议,契约n.

14. 领袖,领导人n. →朝…前进v. 15. 地区,区域n.

16. 地理n. →地理的adj. 17. 特点n.

18. 产品,农产品n. 19. 签署vt. →签字,签名n.





4. 位于



7.有史以来8. 作为…而出名9.渐渐地


12. 一方面;另一方面


16.在中国的东部17. 以。。。的名字命名18.属于

19. 对…加以控制20. 被…所覆盖

21. in the south of on the south of to the south of


1. the coast of...离……海岸不远→the coast of在……海岸

2.because 因为→as a result 由于;因为→owing 由于;因为→due 因为

3.ever 自从……一直→since 从那时起一直到现在

4.in of据……;依照……→according 根据;按照

5.little little一点一点地;逐渐地→step step一点一点地→one one一个一个地

6.have control 对……加以控制→control在……控制之下→control of取得对……的控制

7. all time有史以来→all time一直;始终→at 有时;偶尔→at time 一度;曾经

8. common共同→in common 和……相同→common 常识

609c2975f242336c1eb95ebfpare ...与……相比较→把…比作…

10.on (the) one hand..., ... 一方面……,另一方面……


1.Green is the (象征)of life.

2. The factory (位于) in the east of the city.

3. Easter (文化) has a long history.

4. Tian’an Men Square is a famous (标识性建筑)in Beijing.

5.When did the (古代的) Olympic Games start?

6.The country was (统治) by small military officers.

7. Many (建筑师) lived in Paris.

8.The little mountain village is the (出生地) of my father.

2. It’s cheap, but _____________________ it isn’t good.

3. _________________________ he became accepted by the family.

4. We’ve been friends ________________________ we met at school.

5. He has spent the last two years _____________________ a book about childcare.

6. India ________________________ more than 1 billion.

7. He ______________________ a scientist, but in everyday life he is very ordinary.

Module 1 Europe

Learning Paper 2 Fast-reading


Period 1 Reading Guide



①.gallery n. ____ ②.range n. _____ ③.locate v. _____④.ancient adj. _____ ⑤.architect n. _____⑥. Sculpture n_____ ⑦.landmark n. _____ ⑧situated adj. _____ ⑨church n.______ ⑩project n.______

II. Phrases:

?the symbol of ____?.of all time _____?.be situated/located _____ ?.be famous for _____?.work on _____ ?.be known as_____


I .Fast reading

Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false(F)

1.The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. ( )

2.There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris. ( )

3.Barcelona is the capital of Spain. ( )

4.The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926. ( )

5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. ( )

6.The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence. ( )

7.A long time ago, Athens was the world’s most powerful city. ( )

8.There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens. ( )


Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.

II. Reading again

Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.

1.Paris is visited by more than _________ million tourists each year.

A. eighty

B. eight

C. nine D seven

2. The famous symbol of Paris is _______.

A. the Eiffel Tower

B. the River Seine

C. the church of the Sagrada Familia

D.the Uffizi Palace

3. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre, is located in ______.

A. Barcelona

B. Athens

C. Florence

D. Paris

4. The Church of the Sagrada Familia is located in _______.

A. Athens

B. Florence

C. Barcelona

D. Paris

5. The Renaissance began __________.

A. three hundred years ago

B. in the 1300s

C. in the 1430’s

D. in the 1330s

6. Athens is the capital of _________.

A. Greece

B. Italy

C. Spain

D. France

7.________ is known as the birthplace of western civilization.

A. Athens

B. Florence

C. Barcelona

D. Paris

Module 1 Europe

Learning Paper 3 Careful-reading



Paris is the _____ and ______ city of France, ______ the River Seine.

2.Barcelona 是西班牙第二大城市,坐落于西北海岸在西班牙首都Madrid以东500公里处.

Barcelona is___ ___ city of Spain and ____ ___ the northeast coast, ____ five hundred kilometers ____ of the Spanish capital, Madrid.

3. Florence是一意大利城市,因文艺复兴而著名,文艺复兴是一种兴起于14世纪并持续了300年的艺术流派.

Florence is an Italian city which became famous____ the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began _______ and ____ for 300 years.

4. 雅典,希腊首都,作为西方文明的发源地而著名.

Athens, the capital of Greece, ____ _____ ___ the ___ of western _________


1.face vt. 面向;面对,正式

例句:We must face up to our enemy.我们要勇敢地面对敌人。

They are faced with many economic problems.他们面临很多经济问题。

拓展face n. 面孔

facing n. 表面,饰面







2. across prep. 在另一边;横越,交叉

例句:There is a bridge across the river.有一座桥横跨在河上。

They live across from us.他们住在我们对面。


across 意思是“横过”,

through 意思是“穿过”

over 意思是“在、、、之上越过”

例句:It winds its way from west to east, ________ deserts, ________ mountains, _________ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.它从西向东,越过沙漠,跨过高山,穿过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后抵达大海。

3.situated adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的,常与介词on/at/in 等搭配。

拓展:situate vt. 使位于,使处于,坐落于

situation n. 形势;情况;状况

例句:The village ________________________ a valley. 这村庄位于一个山谷中。

The tower ______________ a cliff. 那座塔坐落于悬崖之上。

4.symbol n. 象征;符号,代号,记号

例句:The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。


symbol 指作为象征或表达某种深远意义的特殊事物。

sign 指代表具有固定意义的一种简单的符号或标志,比symbol简单明了。

mark 指在其他事物上留下的印痕或先天固有的标志。

例句:His teaching left_________________ upon the readers. 他的教诲在读者心中留下了深刻的印象。

6. be known as 作为、、、而出名;be known for 因为、、、而出名;be known to 被…所知道

例句:France ____________ its fine food and wine. 法国以其优美的食物和葡萄酒而闻名。

Lu Xun ______________ a writer. 鲁迅作为一名作家而出名。

Zhang Jie is ______________ us. 张杰被我们大家所知道。

Module 1 Europe

Learning Paper 4 Cultural Corner


1. The aeroplane is flying ________the village.

2. The ship is going ________the bridge.

3. The children are swimming ________the river.

4. Two cats are running ________the wall.

5. The boy is jumping ________the branch.

6. The girl is sitting ________her mother and her father.

7. The teacher is standing ________the blackboard. 8. The blackboard is ________the teacher.

9. The clothes shop is ________the post office. 10. The window is well ________the tree.


1.关于,从……方面来说_______________________. 2. 独立的,不依赖他人或他物的__________________.

3.另一方面______________________. 4 对…有控制权_________________________.


6. 属于_______________________

