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There was once an ant that was very。。。。。。

技巧:蚂蚁不能一边玩一边哭,所以看到playing和crying所在的句子都是错的 The ant was playing when it ran here an there B.F

The drop of water fell on the ant when it was nearly dying A.T

The young girl was crying because she wanted to have supper B.F

The giant would eat the girl if failed to do the work A.T

The ant’s friends saved the girl’s life A.T Mr White lived in a small village...........”One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛)by a river..... 技巧:犀牛最丑,所以看到最高级(richest),比较高级(more),全部(all)所在的句子都是错误的 Mr.White was born in farmer's family A.T

Mr.White hoped to respected because he was the richest man in their town B.F

The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town B.F

All people believed Mr.White except the children B.F

Mr.White wouldn’t like to admit that he was wrong A.T

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There were many once sheiks(阿拉伯酋长)who wanted to marry Queen Maura ......some stale 技巧:酋长不吃不新鲜的食物,所以见到eat所在的句子都是错的 The queen was looking for husband A.T

The queen disguised herself because she didn't want to recognized by the sheiks A.T

She gave the sheiks some stale food to eat the next evening B.F

Hakim wanted to eat his meal because it very tasty B.F

The queen finally decided to marry Hakim the next evening after the meal A.T

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Luther King was a black minister 。。。。。In the 1950s and 1960s 。。。

技巧:马丁不是唯一最好的黑人领袖,所以见到only 和best所在的句子是错的。 Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old A.T

Martin Luther King was a black minister only B.F

Martin Luther King’s Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years A.T

The underlined word”delivered”in the second paragraph could be replaced by”gave” A.T

The best title for this passage is “Civil Rights Law” B.F

If you travel by air across the center of Africa or.........these in 20 or 30 years...... 技巧:20/30年后森林资源不会更多,所以见到比较级(more)就是错的 The passage mainly tell us about the importance of taking care of plants A.T

Forests are homes for different kinds of animals A.T

The need for more wood and more land help to protect our forest B.F

We'll have more and greater forest in 20 or 30 years in some people's view B.F

The writer thinks it necessary to protect the forests A.T

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one is glade to hear that his body has to be cut open ......called “laughing gas” Laughing.... 技巧:笑气不会使人两次感到疼痛,所以有feel 所在的句子都是错的 It is not long since a man felt all the pain while being operated A.T

Long age ,when the sick man was operated on, he could feel nothing B.F

Using the laughing gas the people seemed to feel pain during the operation B.F

If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on,he still felt pain A.T

One who took too much of the laughing gas would die A.T In choosing a friend,one should be very careful. A good friend can help you ......you will meet fair-weather friends 技巧 朋友就不能找见风使舵的朋友,所以见到fair-weather friend所在的句子都是错的 The writer thinks that one of he important qualities in choosing a friend is understanding A.T

If you have fair-weather friends, you will be lucky B.F

Good friends need to understand each other’s feelings A.T

This passage is mainly discussing the qualities of a friend A.T

The meaning the phrase “a fair weather friend”underlined in the 1st paragraph is a friend who shares difficulties with you B.F

The French Revolution Broke out in 1789........

技巧:法国大革命发生在错误的时间。错误的地点、错误的人物,见到1789、Purssia、King所在的句子都是错的 This passage is about the French Revolution . A.T

The national economy was developing rapidly in 1789 B.F

The political prisoners were kept in Prussia B.F

The underlined wood”abolished”mean “ended” A.T

The effect of the Revolution was that the King tried to control the national parliament B.F A foreigner's first impression of the U.S . Is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure . . . . . 技巧:美国任务中不能连续三次做生意,所以连续含有3个Business 的句子都是错的 The statement that Americans are impolite to their business colleagues is wrong A.T

In the forth paragraph ,”a high priority”means ‘a first concern’ A.T

Americans evaluate a business colleague by establishing business relations B.F

This passage mainly talk about how Americans do business with foreigners with foreigners B.F

We can infer from the passage that author’s tone in writing is praiseful A.T Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo . . . . . .As she was thinking all about. . . . 技巧:16岁的小姑娘去外国看姐姐,联想到大S和小s,所以见到Santo Domingo 和sorry 句子都是错的 Maria’s story happened on her way back to Santo Domingo B.F

You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in the story is to check people’s luggage at the airport A.T

“Why are you so upset?”Maria said to the man .She wanted to tell him that he should not be unhappy and worried A.T

“Everyone was looking at him with disapproval.”This sentence means that the people around felt sorry for Mara’s manners B.F

The author mentioned Maria’s age at the beginning of story in order to show that she was young behaved properly A.T There was a bookseller(书商)。。。。。。If I go to see him,I shall have to pay(付款).......

技巧:书商脚(foot)受伤,不去看医生(see the doctor),是因为什么也不想付(pay nothing),结果付出更多 What happened to the bookseller one day B. His foot was wounded by a box of books

The Bookseller’s wife asked him______ C. To go see the see doctor

The bookseller didn’t take his wife’s advice because_______ D. He didn’t want to pay the doctor

The doctor paid ____for the books C.nothing

The bookseller paid____money for seeing the doctor in the end . A .more

Today Newton is a very clean place.But many years ago , there were millions of rats in Newton....... 技巧:如今牛顿是一个非常清洁(is clean)的城市,以前人们都很懒(lazy),做什么都只为了钱(money),没有人(nobody)清洁(clean)城市

Newton is a place which______ C. Is very clean

When the government first ordered the people to kill rats,the people______ C.Were too lazy to kill many rats

The people kill rats ________ A. To get money from the government

A deep hole was dug so that ________ D. Nobody could take any rats from the pile

What is the best topic for this passage ? C .How Newton Became a Very Clean Place

Mr.Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town ......The man in the shop .....and more puzzled (迷惑) 技巧:迷糊的汤姆一人住在乡下,(alone in the countryside),从来(never)没进过城,认为带上(glasses on)就能看(see)也能读(read)

Mr.Forester lived________ D.alone in the countryside

Tom _____went into town C.almost never

The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers_____ A.with glasses on

The shop Tom went into sold_______ D,glasses for people who could not see well

What kind of mistake did Tom make?

C.He thought that a person who had not learned to read would be able to do so if he wore glasses

Once Jams Thornhil,a famous English painter,was asked to paint some pictures on the wall of the king’s palace

技巧:詹姆斯是个艺术家(artist)粉刷图画(paint pictures)长达12个月(twelve months)他的画站的约远看起来越漂亮(farther...more beautiful)这就是他的生活(life) James Thornhil was an English ______ B.artist

He was ordered to _______ B.Paint some pictures on the wall of the palace

It took them ____ to finish the pictures . C. Twelve months

James Thornhill felt that the ___ he was from the pictures,the ___they were . C .farther....more beautiful

The worker threw some paint at the pictures in order to ______ A.save Jame’s life

Morgan Rees has always been a a good businessman ..........When he was 65,the normal retirement age, he ...... 技巧:摩根是个好商人(good businessman),退休后很不开心(unhappy)再次工作(work again),又再次工作(working again)使他很开心(more happily)

The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is _________ A.Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman

The topic sentence of paragraph 2 is _________ C.He was unhappy after he retired

Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of paragraph 3? B. He bought a small crockery factory in secret and stared work again

What id the central idea of the last paragraph?

D.Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably ,which has enriched his retired life

The passage mainly deals with______ B.how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work When I was a little girl,my brother and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn’t use to work during.... 技巧:我和哥哥都集邮(collecting stamps)一个周六,(Saturdays)妈妈给我们一个惊喜,(surprise),我们两都很开心(happy),决定一直集邮(collecting stamps)。 This passage mainly tell us ______.

C.The author and her had got an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps

According to the passage,her mother worked in the post office ______. B.on Saturdays

Their mother told them to go the post office straightaway after the match if England won ,but she didn’t tell us why . Do you think why she did that ? A. She wanted to give them a surprise

What does the sentence “we were over the moon ”mean? B. We were extremely happy about it

What is the best title for this passage? D.A memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps

When John and Victoria Falls arriver in New York City for one-year stay,........The renting of home furnishings 技巧:约翰和维多利亚搬到纽约时租家具(renting home furnishing),即免去麻烦又省钱(trouble and money);在他们的家乡(home town),家里(home)的东西都很便宜(cheap)

Which of the following has become one of America’s fastest growing Business?_________ D.Renting home furnishings

Why do some people prefer to rent furniture?_____ C.Because it saves them much trouble and money

What can you infer from the passage?_________ B.Renting furniture is not popular in the couple’s home town

Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage ______ B.A New Way of Getting Home Furnishings

Young people liked renting home furniture in that _______.

D. They don’t have much money and don’t want to buy the cheap furniture

A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man-the man 技巧:美国文化中尊重自力更生的人(self-made man) 他们什么事都自己做(do herself)哪怕在餐厅里(restaurant)他们这种积极(positive)的态度(attitude)很好

From paragraph 1,we know that in America_____ A.people tend to have high opinion of the self-made man

According to the passage,the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because _____________ B.she takes pride in what she can do herself

The expression “wait on table ”in the second paragraph means”______ ” D.serve customers in a restaurant

The author’s attitude towards manual(体力的)labor is ______ A .positive

Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage? B.American Attitude toward Manual Labor How men first learnt to invent words is unknown;......The power of words,then,lies in the their....... 技巧:词汇的起源是为止的(否定词not),他们其实就是声音(sounds)当多余一个词的时候(representative、function是两个词),在我们的头脑中(mind)就是(no)意义了。 The origin of language is_______ D. A problem not yet solved

What is true about words? C.They are simply sounds

The real power words lies in their_______. D.representative function

By”association”,the author means_______. B.a joining of ideas in the mind

Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? A.He is no more than a master of words Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.................... 技巧:羞怯(shyness)不是一件好事(good),对我们的心理是有害的(harmful),使我们不能用药富裕的(rich)生活,也不能正确(right)做事

What does the author try to prove by citing “what kind of impression am I making?” B. People’s shyness made them care too much about their appearance and actions

According to the writer,self-awareness is______ A a good quality

