IELTS Express Intermediate Coursebook Unit 2 - 图文
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Unit 2 Shopping and the Internet
Imagining the situation and language
A In the exam, each different listening situation is introduced on the recording. For example, you may hear the following:
'You will hear a customer enquiring about buying a camera.'
You should then spend a few seconds before the dialogue begins thinking about the kind of situation you are about to hear and the kind of language that may be used.
Where do you think this conversation is taking place? Who are the people talking? What questions do you think you will hear? What vocabulary related to the situation do you think you may hear?
B Now listen to the recording and check if your predictions about the situation were correct. Was there any topic related vocabulary which you had not predicted? What was it?
C Listen to three more introductions. After each introduction, imagine the situation and Language vocabulary you may hear in the main dialogue. Discuss your ideas with your partner. D Listen to each dialogue. Were your predictions correct?
Identifying the answer type
A Look at the notes below. The first column contains examples of notes completion questions that might appear in the exam. What do you think the topic of the conversation will be? Discuss with a partner.
Notes Question word Answer type Birthday present for 1 _________ who name Cost of sending a text: 2 _________ Cheapest network: 3 ___________
Cheapest time of day: 4 _____________ Can buy top-up cards at 5 _______________ Operates in over 6 ___________ countries 7 ________ % of country covered by network
Need hands-free when cycling because it's 8 ____________
B What kinds of questions do you need to answer to complete the notes? For each gap, choose the appropriate question word from the box below and write it in the table. The first one has been done as an example.
how many who where what percentage when how much why which
C Different types of question require different types of answer. For example, the answer to a 'who' question is a name. For each of the questions above, choose an answer type from the box below and write it in the table. The first one has been done as an example.
amount of money year name number place name percentage reason
D Now Listen to the recording and answer questions 1-8 in the table above. Write no more than three words and/or a number for each answer.
Unit 2 Shopping and the Internet
Form completion Questions 1-6
Listen to a man buying a computer and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Application for extended warranty on new computer
Name: Jonathan 1._____________________ Title: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss /Dr/ Other Address: 2. ___________________________ Postcode: 3. _____________________ Newtown
Telephone No: 4._______________________ Email Address: Add to mailing list ? 6. ____________________
Notes completion Questions 1-10
Listen to a customer enquiring about different types of radios and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Model: Club Tropicana Color: pink, orange and 1. _________________
Extra features: CD player, 2._____________ , alarm No. of Speakers: 3. ___________________ Price: 4. $_________________________
Models: Night Owl Extra features: clock, 5.______________ , reading light
Battery life: 6.______________ hours
Maker's name: 7.______________________________
Model: 8. ___________________ Color: gold
Extra -Features: neck strap, free headphones
uses 9.__________ power
Price: 10. $____________________________
1. Introduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
Have you ever bought anything over the Internet? If yes, what did you buy? What kinds of things would you order through the Internet? Why?
Is there anything that you wouldn't buy online? Why do you think that some people are nervous about buying things online?
Which age group do you think makes the most purchases online?
2. Understanding charts and tables
A Before you begin writing, it is important to understand the information shown in the chart. Look at the bar chart on next page and discuss questions 1-4 with a partner. 1 What does the title tell you?
2 What does the vertical axis show? 3 What does the horizontal axis show?
4 What does the color key on the right tell you?
Unit 2 Shopping and the Internet
B The information in a bar chart can be presented in table form. Complete the table by copying information from the bar chart above.
Age 18-24 25-39 40-54 55+ Internet users 75% 1.____% 55% 2. _______% Internet shoppers 11% 15% 10% 3._______ %
Describing general and specific information
A Look at the chart in 2A. Describe the chart by putting sections a-g in the correct order (1-7). .... a A final point to note is that the number of people shopping online does not change very much between the different age groups.
….. b The chart shows how the Internet is used by different age groups. It looks at both general use and online shopping.
…. c Another thing which stands out in this chart is that most people use the Internet for things other than shopping.
…. d More specifically, this is between about 5% and 15% in all age groups. The group making the most purchases are the 25-39-year-olds, and the group making the fewest purchases are the 55-year-olds and over.
…. e One of the first things to note is that fewer older people use the Internet than younger people.
…. f For example, 75% of 18-24-year-olds use the Net, compared with only 20% of 55-year-olds and over.
…. g For instance, in the youngest age group nearly 80% of people use the Internet, whereas only 10% make purchases online, although it should be noted that this difference is not as dramatic in all age groups.
Unit 2 Shopping and the Internet
B When you describe visual information, you should start with a general overview statement about what the chart or table shows. Then, you should choose two or three main features and describe them. Each time you pick out a main feature, use some specific detail to support it. Read sentences 1-5 and categorize them.
a Which sentences are an overview statement of what the graph shows? b Which sentences describe an overall trend? c Which sentences provide specific detail used to support a main point?
1 Fewer older people use the Internet than younger people.
2 75% of 18-24-year-olds use the Net, compared with only 20% of 55-year-olds and over. 3 Most people use the Internet for things other than shopping.
4 The chart shows how the Internet is used by different age groups; it looks at both general use and online shopping.
5 In the youngest age group, nearly 80% of people use the Internet, whereas only 10% make purchases online.
Comparing and contrasting data
You can contrast information using but, however, while, on the other hand, in/by comparison and in contrast. You can add more information using and, also, as well as, in addition, furthermore and not only ... but also.
A Complete sentences 1-4 by choosing the correct word. There may be more than one possible answer.
1 Although/However/While 75% of 18-24-year-olds use the Internet, only 10% make purchases online.
2 Although/However/While, only 10% make purchases online.
3 As well as/Not only showing general internet use, it also/but also shows online shopping. 4 It shows as well as/not only general internet use, it also/but also online shopping.
B Information may also be presented as a pie chart. The pie chart below shows how one university student spent his money on internet purchases last year. Look at the information in the pie chart and choose the appropriate word(s) to make correct sentences.
1 He spent more/less money on airline tickets than music.
2 A very large/relatively small percentage of his money was spent on entertainment tickets. 3 His biggest/smallest expense was airline tickets.
4 He didn't spend as much money on computer software/music as computer software/music. 5 He spent much more on airline/entertainment tickets than on airline/entertainment tickets. 6 He spent slightly/much more on music than on books and magazines. 7 He spent a great deal/a little on airline tickets.
Unit 2 Shopping and the Internet
C Write your own comparative sentences to describe the data in the charts in 2A and 413. Include wrong information in some of your sentences and then show them to your partner. Ask your partner to identify and correct the mistakes.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The chart below shows the different types of goods and services purchased online in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom last year.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
Write at least 150 words.
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