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湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院

文 秘 英 语 课 程

教 案

授课班级 文秘

授课教师 王园

授课时间 2013 年 下 学期

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 Unit 1 Professional Secretary 计划课时 6 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 To enable students to know the duties of a secretary To enable students to the skills that a secretary should possess To enable students to know how to write Resume To enable students to know the Form of Business Letters and master how to write Business Letters To require students to remember expressions of Meeting People Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Resume and Business Letter writing Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Resume and Business Letter writing 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-9 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss the duties of a secretary The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph10-11 in reading A; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Business Letters and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Meeting People 单元小结 In this unit, we know the duties of a secretary and skills a secretary should possess, the form of Resume and Business Letters, the expressions of Meeting People. As secretaries, we will use them frequently so we should recite some important points. 2

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 Unit 2 Observing Proper Office Etiquette 计划课时 6 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 To enable students to know the major good manners in the office To enable students to know the process of reception To enable students to master the Form of Invitation Letters To require students to grasp the expressions of Telephone Calls Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Invitation Letters writing Invitation Letters writing The expressions of Telephone Calls 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-7 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss Proper Office Etiquette The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph8-10 in reading A; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Invitation Letters and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Telephone Calls 单元小结 In this unit, we know the Proper Office Etiquette, the function of the Reception Area, the Invitation Letters, and the expressions of Telephone Calls. All of these are important for professional secretaries, so we should remember the important points.


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 Unit 3 Making Your Employees More 计划课时 6 Creative 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-5 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss how to create a better working environment for ourselves and our colleagues The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph6-8 in reading A; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Notice and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Exchanging Information 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Notice and The expressions of Exchanging Information. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. To make students understand how to adapt to various work styles To make students understand how to evaluate Employee Performance To make students master how to write Notice To make students remember the expressions of Exchanging Information Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Notice writing Notice writing The expressions of Exchanging Information 4

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 Unit 4 Establish Sound Profiles for 计划课时 6 the Company 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-5 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss what has made McDonald’s world famous. The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Layout of Memo and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Reporting 单元小结 In this unit, we know Memo writing and the expressions of Reporting. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. To make students understand the management in McDonald’s To make students know the contents of Product Questionnaire To make students master how to write Memo To make students grasp the expressions of Reporting Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Memo writing Memo writing The expressions of Reporting 5

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 Unit 5 Effective Communication 计划课时 6 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 To make students understand the important of Communication To make students understand how to make Appointment/Arrangements To make students master how to write Welcome/Farewell Speech To make students remember the expressions of Effective Communication Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Welcome/Farewell Speech writing Welcome/Farewell Speech writing The expressions of Effective Communication 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-6 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss the importance of Communication The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph7-9 in reading A; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Welcome/Farewell Speech and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Effective Communication 单元小结 In this unit, we know Welcome/Farewell Speech writing and the expressions of Effective Communication. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. 6

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 Unit 6 Contact the World 计划课时 6 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 To make students understand what qualities a successful manager should have To make students understand the importance of Employee Training To make students understand the Form of Itinerary/Agenda To make students understand the expressions of Making Arrangement Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Itinerary/Agenda writing Itinerary/Agenda writing The expressions of Making Arrangement 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-6 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss a manager in a Chinese company needs to master English or not. The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Itinerary/Agenda and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Making Arrangements 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Itinerary/Agenda and the expressions of Making Arrangement. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences.


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-12 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss what makes a good negotitator. The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph13-15 in reading A;check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Itinerary/Agenda and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Company Visit Unit 7 Agenda 计划课时 6 To make students understand the Art of Negotiation To make students understand the Agenda Composition To make students understand the writing of Meeting Minutes To make students grasp the expressions of Company Visit Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing The writing of Meeting Minutes The writing of Meeting Minutes The expressions of Company Visit 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Meeting Minutes and the expressions of Company Visit. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. 8

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-9 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss how is a new product produced. The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; explain the paragraph10-12 in reading A;check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Layout of Reservation Letters and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Business Travel Unit 8 New Business 计划课时 6 To make students understand the New Products Planning To make students understand the Questionnaire of New Products To make students master the writing of Reservation Letters To make students remember the expressions of Business Travel Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing The writing of Reservation Letters The writing of Reservation Letters The expressions of Business Travel 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Reservation Letters and the expressions of Business Travel. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. 9

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 Unit 9 Multinational Corporation 计划课时 6 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 To make students understand the Multinational Corporation To make students understand the Company Overview To make students master the writing of Press Release To make students remember the expressions of Preparation For a Meeting Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing The writing of Press Release The writing of Press Release The expressions of Preparation For a Meeting 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-6 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss what copeetitive advantages do a multinational corporation have in comparison with a domestic company. The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Press Release and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Preparation For a Meeting 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Press Release and the expressions of Preparation For a Meeting. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. 10

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 单 元 授 课 计 划

单元名称 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 教学内容及安排(教学过程及课时分配) The first 2 periods Introduction; new words and expressions; explain the paragraph1-5 in reading A; ask some students to translate some sentences; discuss what is post-sale service The second 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful words and expressions; check the answers of exercises in the book; let students read reading B and finish the exercises; explain the Form of Proposals and samples The third 2 periods Ask students to recite some useful sentences; translation and writing practice; let students listen and speak the expressions of Receiving Unit 10 Listen Your Customer 计划课时 6 To make students understand the Post-sale Service To make students understand the Customer Satisfaction Survey To make students master the writing of Proposals To make students remember the expressions of Receiving Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing The writing of Proposals The writing of Proposals The expressions of Receiving 单元小结 In this unit, we know the writing of Proposals and the expressions of Receiving. As professional secretaries, we will often use them in our daily work. So we should grasp and remember some useful sentences. 11

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, Interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction 1) the duties of a secretary 2) the skills of a secretary Questions 1) What do you think should be the duties of a secretary? 2) What skills should a secretary possess? Words and Expressions 1) secretarial 2) implement 3) attach to 4) a variety of 5) up-to-date 6) harmonious working relationships 7) efficient work flow 8) jack of all trades Sentences translation P.5 Ex. 5 课外练习 与 阅读书目


Reading A: US Professional Secretarial 计划课时 Job Description To enable students to know the duties of a secretary To enable students to the skills that a secretary should possess Some useful expressions Some proper phrase 2 P.5 Ex.4; P.6 Ex.6、7 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B :Resume; Business Letters 计划课时 2 To enable students to know how to write Resume To enable students to know the Layout of Business Letters and master how to write Business Letters Resume writing Business Letters writing Resume writing Business Letters writing ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, Interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions efficient work flow; take shorthand; account records; confidential files; Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Business Letters 1. Indented Style 2.Blocked Style 3. Modified Style Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P.13 Ex. 1、2 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.14 Ex.4、5 English for Secretary 英语应用文写作 文秘实用英语


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening and Speaking 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Meeting People To require students to remember expressions of Meeting People Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Meeting People Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Meeting People ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1. Congratulation on your success in being selected for the position of sales reprentative in our company! 2. Your abilities and experiences seem suitable to the needs of our college. 3. We can offer you the position beginning from September. 4. You owe this to your wonderful and successful work experience in market promotion. 5. I’m sure you will prove that we’ve chosen the right person. 6. I regret to tell you that we intend to hire someone who can speak Chinese. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 与 阅读书目

P.17 Ex. 3 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 14

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Office Etiquette Questions: 1) Do manners matter in the office? Why? 2) In your opinion, What are the major good manners in the office? 4) Have you ever encounted anything uncomfortable in the workplace? 5) Why is it important to behave properly in the office? 6) What is the key point in dressing for office staff? Words and Expressions: deliberately; embarrass; cooperation; accepted; competitor; reveal; safeguard; correspondence; shred;unfavorable; irritate; minimum; posture; free-for-all; in terms of; a code of ethics; reveal company secret; good posture Translation P.23 Ex.5 课外练习 P.23 Ex.4; P.24 Ex.7 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语 Reading A: Observing Proper Office 计划课时 2 Etiquette To enable students to know the major good manners in the office To make students master some useful phrases and patterns Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some sentences translation


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Receiving Visitors; Letters of 计划课时 Invitation To enable students to know the process of reception To enable students to master the Form of Invitation Letters Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Invitation Letters writing Some useful expressions Invitation Letters writing ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions in terms of; a code of ethics; reveal company secret; good posture Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Invitation Letters 1. Formal 2. Informal Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 31 Ex. 1 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P. 32 Ex. 3、4 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 2


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening and Speaking 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Telephone Calls To require students to remember expressions of Telephone Calls Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Telephone Calls Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Telephone Calls ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1. We would be glad if you could come to the party. 2. We hope you can join us for the opening ceremony of our company. 3. Unfortunately, he will be in Shanghai on that day, attending a company conference. 4. Thank you for your invitation. We hope the presentation will be a great success. 5. We hope the party will be a great success. 6. He’ll be looking forward to seeing you then. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P. 36 Ex. 3 文秘实用英语 English for Secretary


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Work style Questions: 1) As a secretary how should you adapt to your employer’s work style? 2) What obstacles will you encounter while working with your coworkers? 3) How can you create a better working environment for yourself and your colleagues? 4) What should secretaries keep in mind? 5) Why should secretaries try to understand and help their managers? 6) How will our questions help managers? Words and Expressions: temperament; desirable; weakness; fearful; challenge; expectation; personality; multitude; internal; frustration; conflict; accomplish; anticipate; place upon; relieve…of…; be critical of; work style; internal conflict; personal value/belief Translation P.42 Ex.5 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.42 Ex.6、7 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 Reading A: How to Adapt to Various 计划课时 2 Work Styles To make students understand how to adapt to various work styles To make students master some useful phrases and patterns Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some sentences translation 18

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Employee Performance 计划课时 2 Appraisal Form in XYZ Company; Notice To make students understand how to evaluate Employee Performance To make students master how to write Notice Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Notice writing Translation and writing Notice writing ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions place upon; relieve…of…; be critical of; work style; internal conflict; personal value/belief Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Invitation Letters 1. Formal 2. Informal Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 48 Ex. 1 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P. 48 Ex. 3、4 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 19

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening and Speaking 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Exchanging Information To ask students to remember expressions of Exchanging Information Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Exchanging Information Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Exchanging Information ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1. All teachers and students are requested to meet in the auditorium to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the college. 2. Tomorrow you will have a day off. 3. It is hereby proclaimed that the teaching staff has voted to dismiss Mr. Liao Xiaofeng from the post of president. 4. Because of the fast growth of our business, we find it necessary to move our company to a more central area. 5. You are warmly welcome to visit our new office. 6. Work will continue on May 8 at the usual hour. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 P. 52 Ex. 3 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: McDonald’s Questions: 1) How much do you know about McDonald’s? 2) What has made McDonald’s world famous? 3) How long has McDonald’s been founded according to paragraphy 1? 4) Why does McDonald’s educate its employees? 5) What does McDonald’s do to ensure safety and quality? 6) What is the theme of the Five People Principles? Words and Expressions: heritage; enhance; commit; complement; enforce; validate; diverse; flexibility; stand head and shoulders above…; have commitment to…; have sth in place; deliver one’s promise; have committed to do… Translation P.58 Ex.5 课外练习 P.58 Ex.4; P.59 Ex.7 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语 Reading A: Managing People and Organization 计划课时 2 To make students understand the management in McDonald’s To make students master some useful phrases and patterns Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some sentences translation


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Product Questionnaire; Memo 计划课时 2 To make students know the contents of Product Questionnaire To make students master how to write Memo Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Memo writing Translation and writing Memo writing ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 ()讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions stand head and shoulders above…; have commitment to…; have sth in place; deliver one’s promise; have committed to do… Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Memo 1. the Block style 2. the Indented style Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 65 Ex. 1 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 P. 65 Ex. 3


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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening and Speaking-- Reporting 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Reporting To ask students to remember expressions of Reporting Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Reporting Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Reporting ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 ()讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) I’d like to remind you that our department is in need of new computers to update our equipment. 2) I hope that our urgent need will be met soon. 3) Please fill in the Candidate Information Form and pass it on to the Personnel Manager. 4) Urge him to look into this matter and give me a satisfactory solution. 5) I’d like to remind you that the shipment for Order No.FJ158 needs to be made immediately. 6) The monthly meeting for new products review is scheduled for Monday, May 8. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 P. 69 Ex. 3 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 23

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading A: The Importance of 计划课时 2 Communication To make students understand the important of Communication To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some useful expressions Some sentences translation (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Communication Questions: 1) Why do we need to communicate with others? 2) Do you think communication is important? Why? 3) What is communication? 4) What’s the role of communication? 5) What is “listening” to everyone necessary? 6) What is the essence of HP’s human relations? Words and Expressions: objective; thoughtfully; execute; associate; dramatic; turnaround; Capitalize; vital; innovative;morale; managerial; to bubble up; to capitalize on ;to unleash talents; effective communication; verbal communication Translation P.73 Ex.5 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P. 74 Ex. 6、7 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语


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Reading B: MakingAppointments/ 计划课时 2 Arrangements;Welcome/Farewell Speech 教 学 To make students understand how to make Appointment/Arrangements To make students master how to write Welcome/Farewell Speech 目 的 教 学 Some useful expressions Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing 重 点 Welcome/Farewell Speech writing 课 题 教 学 Translation and writing 难 点 Welcome/Farewell Speech writing 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions to bubble up; to capitalize on ;to unleash talents; effective communication; verbal communication Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Welcome/Farewell Speech Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns 1) I would like to express my warm welcome to you all. 2) Allow me, on behalf of the school, to extend our warm welcome to Dr. Zhang. 3) It is a great pleasure having you visit us. 4) It is very hard for us to say goodbye to him. 5) All of us are deeply impressed by his kindness and patience. 6) We appreciate all that she has done for our school. 7) We all wish Dr. Bacon the very best for the future. Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 P. 80 Ex. 4; P. 81 Ex. 5 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语 25

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening and Speaking— Effective Communication Communication To ask students to remember expressions of Effective Communication Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Effective Communication Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Effective Communication ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) I would like to express my warm welcome to you all. 2) Allow me, on behalf of the school, to extend our warm welcome to Dr. Zhang. 3) It is a great pleasure having you visit us. 4) It is very hard for us to say goodbye to him. 5) All of us are deeply impressed by his kindness and patience. 6) We feel greatly honored to receive a visit from a distinguished group of people like you. 7) We wish every success to Mr.Lin. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 P. 84 Ex. 3; 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Effective 26

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型() (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: The situation of recruiting; The Alcatel Company Questions: 1) Do you think a manager in a Chinese company needs to master English? 2) What qualities do you think a successful manager should have? 3) Why are the companies short of Euromanagers? 4) Why did Jan Prising take the job? 5) Why did Alcatel recruit its Managers from other countries? Words and Expressions: recruiter; breed; hierarchical; multilingual; map; rotate; reap; appliance; wary on short notice; be crucial to ; market-development; be accustomed to; be lured to desperate need, a severe shortage of Prefixes: Euro-; pan-; multi-; Translation: P.88 Exercise 4 课外练习 P.88 Exercises 4; P.89 Exercises 7 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语


Reading A :The Hunt for the Global Manager 计划课时 2 To make students understand what qualities a successful manager should have To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some sentences translation

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课 题 教 学 目 的 Reading B: Employee Training; Office 计划课时 2 Management To make students understand the importance of Employee Training To make students understand the process of Employee Training To make students master the Layout of Itinerary/Agenda To make students remember some useful sentences 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 The Layout of Itinerary/Agenda Some useful phrases and sentences The Layout of Itinerary/Agenda (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 The Exercises of Reading A and Reading B The Layout of Itinerary/Agenda Some useful phrases Arrage a meeting ; a single room; a double room; check in/out; parallel session; farewell banquet; opening ceremony; travel itinerary Some useful sentences----P 94 Exercises 1、2 Write an itinerary----P 95 Exercises 5 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P 94 Exercises 1、2; P 95 Exercises 4 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 28

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 ()问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 (*)体验中心型(*)证书培训型() () () (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) We have arranged for you to meet the university authority tomorrow morning. Does it fit in your schedule? 2) There are some minor details I’d like to mention about the itinerary. 3) Is it possible to leave half a day for us to do shopping? 4) Can I recerve a room overlooking the park? 5) I have finished the travel itinerary. 6) Where do you want me to put the pencils and pads? 7) Do I need to enclose the agenda? Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 Exercises; Listening and Speaking- Making 计划课时 Arrangements 2 To make students understand the expressions of Making Arrangement To make students remember some useful expressions of Making Arrangement Exercises The expressions of Making Arrangement The expressions of Making Arrangement 29

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation,reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Negotiation Questions: 1) What makes a good negotiator? 2) What shall we do before negotiation? 3) What makes a good beginning of negotiation? 4) What does the phrase “lock themselves” mean? 5) What is the best approach for a negotiator? 6) What language shall we use for negotiation? Words and Expressions: rapport; concession; flexible; deal; compromise; persuasive; pave;harmony; clarify;vital; tend to; take into consideration; lead to; concentrate on; carry on negotiation; negotiation approach; multilateral trade negotiation Translation: P.104 Ex.4 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.104 Ex.5、6 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 Reading A: The Art of Negotiation 计划课时 2 To make students understand the Art of Negotiation To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some sentences translation 30

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful words and expressions tend to; take into consideration; lead to; concentrate on; carry on negotiation; negotiation approach; multilateral trade negotiation Explaining The Exercises of Reading A Asking students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Explaining the Layout of meeting mintutes Asking some students to translate the sample Explaining some useful sentences----P. 110 Exercises 1 课外练习 与 阅读书目

Reading B: Agenda Composition; 计划课时 Minutes of Meeting To make students understand the Agenda Composition To make students understand the writing of Meeting Minutes To make students remember some useful sentences The writing of Meeting Minutes Some useful phrases and sentences The writing of Meeting Minutes 2 P. 111 Exercises 2、4 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 31

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 7. Mr. Smith presided at the election of the Chairman of the Panel for the 2000-01 session. 8. Mr. president invited nominations for the chairmanship. 9. Mr. wang Dawei was declared elected Chairman of the panel for the 2000-01 session. 10. Mr. Waukon took the chair and called for nominations for the deputy chairmanship. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 Exercises; Listening and Speaking- Company Visit 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Company Visit To make students remember some useful expressions of Company Visit Exercises, especially the translation and writing The expressions of Company Visit The expressions of Company Visit


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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading A: New Product Planning 计划课时 2 To make students understand the New Products Planning To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some useful expressions Some sentences translation (*)问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型(*)体验中心型()证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: New Product Planning Questions: 1) How is a new product produced? 2) What makes a good name for a new product? 3) What is the main idea of paragraphy 1? 4) What is the purpose of screening? 5) What is the product identification? 6) what does the brand name “Triples” mean? Words and Expressions: viable; assure; consume; adequate; distribution; generate; assess; revise; perceive; doom; disastrous; account for; aim at; deal with; intend for; come up with;domestic market; market research; booming market; declining market; Confidence Index Translation P.121 Ex.5 课外练习 P.121 Ex.7 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语


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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Questionnaire of New 计划课时 2 Products; Letters of Reservation To make students understand the Questionnaire of New Products To make students master the writing of Reservation Letters The writing of Reservation Letters Some useful phrases and sentences The writing of Reservation Letters Some useful phrases and sentences ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions account for; aim at; deal with; intend for; come up with;domestic market; market research; booming market; declining market; Confidence Index Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Reservation Letters Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 127 Ex. 1、2 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P. 127 Ex. 4、5 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语


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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises; Listening Business Travel and Speaking- 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Business Travel To make students remember some useful expressions of Business Travel Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Business Travel Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Business Travel ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) Would you please book a flight reservation for Mr. Smith? 2) I would like to book a flight for Mr. Angle Smith. 3) Please reserve a window seat in row 8-9. 4) If you require any further information, I may be reached by telephone at 7351034. 5) The airline tichets are to be charged to XYZ company. 6) I would like to make a reservation for a double room for Mr. Johnson Smith. 7) Would you please guarantee the reservation for late arrival? 8) Thank you for your prompt attention. 9) Mr. Jordan would like to charge his hotel accommodation to his Visa credit card. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 P. 131 Ex. 3 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语 35

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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading A : Multinational Corporation 计划课时 2 To make students understand the Multinational Corporation To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some useful expressions Some sentences translation (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Multinational Corporation Questions: 1) Is “multinational corporation”identicalwith”international corporation”? 2) What competitive advantages do a multinational corporation have in comparison with a domestic company? 3) Do you want to get a position in a MNC? What’s the trend od its employment? 4) What’s multinational corporation? 5) What competitive advantages do MNCs have Words and Expressions: Multinational; domestic; evolve; expertise; affiliate; subsidiary; vertical; integration; orientation; monopoly; incentive; supplement; undermine; violate; local protectionism; economies of scale; intellectual property rights Translation P.136 Ex.5 课外练习 P.135 Ex.4; P.137 Ex.7 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语


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课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Company Overview; 计划课时 Press Release To make students understand the Company Overview To make students master the writing of Press Release The writing of Press Release Some useful phrases and sentences The writing of Press Release Some useful phrases and sentences ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions supplement; undermine; violate; local protectionism; economies of scale; intellectual property rights Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Press Release 1. release time 2. headline 3. body 4. company introduction 5. contact information 6.ending mark:### or end Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 142 Ex. 1、2 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.143 Ex.4、5 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 2


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课 题 教 学 目 的 Exercises; Listening and Speaking— Preparation For a Meeting Meeting To make students remember the expressions of Preparation For a 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Meeting Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Preparation For a Meeting Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Preparation For a Meeting ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) B&P Group concluded the transaction of $27.4 million during the Berlin Trade Fair. 2) B&P Group announced the appointment of Fred Garden as its new CEO. 3) B&P Group has a total workforce of approximately…. 4) B&P Group ranks in the top 500 industrial enterprises in China. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.147 Ex.3 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Preparation For a


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Raeding A: Post-sale Service 计划课时 2 To make students understand the Post-sale Service To make students remember some useful expressions Some useful expressions Some sentences translation Some useful expressions Some sentences translation (*)问题中心型()技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Introduction: Listen to Your Customers Questions: 1) For companies who are solely interested in sales volumes and net profits, why do they still have to keep an eye on post-sale service? 2) What should company do to attract new customers and retain old customers? 3) What is post-sales service 4) Why is post-sales service as important as pre-sale marketing strategies? 5) What negative effects will an unsatisfied customer bring to a business? 6) How can a company handle customer’s complaints tactfully and quickly? Words and Expressions: sprint; guarantee; retain; account; prospect; arena; ultimate; hallmark; rival ;massive; rigid; massive; perplexing; project; intensify; word-of–mouth publicity; customer churn; have a short fuse; rule of thumb; tighten the tongue; sounding board Translation P.23 Ex.5 课外练习 P.152 Ex.4; P.153 Ex.7 与 阅读书目 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语 39

湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Reading B: Tips for Making a 计划课时 2 Customer Satifaction Survey; Proposals To make students understand the Customer Satisfaction Survey To make students master the writing of Proposals The writing of Proposals Some useful phrases and sentences The writing of Proposals Some useful phrases and sentences ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Ask students to recite some useful expressions word-of–mouth publicity; customer churn; have a short fuse; rule of thumb; tighten the tongue; sounding board Ask students to read Reading B and finish the exercises Check the answers Explain the Layout of Proposals 1.correspondence style 2. memorandum style Ask some students to translate the samples Ask students to remember the useful expressions and patterns P. 160 Ex. 1、2 Ask students to preview Listening and Speaking 课外练习 与 阅读书目 P.161 Ex.4、5 English for Secretary 文秘实用英语


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 时 授 课 计 划

课 题 教 学 目 的 教 学 重 点 教 学 难 点 课 程 范 型 教 学 方 法 Exercises;Listening and Speaking-- Receiving 计划课时 2 To make students understand the expressions of Receiving To make students remember the expressions of Receiving Exercises in the book, especially the translation and writing Some useful expressions of Receiving Translation and writing Some useful expressions of Receiving ()问题中心型(*)技术中心型(*)训练中心型()项目中心型 ()体验中心型(*)证书培训型 (*)讲授法()联系法()实验法()案例法()讨论法 (*)self-learning, presentation, reciting, interactive practicing, discusion 教学内容及安排 Asking students to recite some useful sentences 1) Complaints from buyers are mounting at an alarming rate due to our poor after-sales service. 2) Some headhunters have sent a “gold hell” to some of our key personnel. 3) The new investment didn’t bring us the estimated profit. 4) We wil design our products according to market changes and customer demands. 5) We will restructure the management. 6) We lost some market share because we didn't adjust to the market change in time. 7) We should re-focus on our core business-film production. Listening the Sample Dialogues Asking some students to retell what they have listened Role-play the Sample Dialogues Asking students to remember the useful expressions and patterns Asking some students to do the translation Exercises 课外练习 P.165 Ex.3 与 English for Secretary 阅读书目 文秘实用英语


湖 南 大 众 传 媒 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 程 教 学 总 结

课程名称 文 秘 英 语 2004 年 下 学期 42

