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Unit3Book2 Computers 主讲人 青州二中 窦桂丽
一、 教案背景 1,面向学生: 高中生 2,学科:英语 2,课时:1 3,学生课前准备:利用百度搜索有关计算机发展史的文字或图片资料。http://baike.http://www.wodefanwen.com//view/22636.htm 教学课题 Unit3Book2 Computers 【学习目标】 1、让学生了解计算机发展史及其计算机科技 2、了解计算机在日常生活的应用 3、学会如何找主题句 二、 教材分析 计算机在我们的日常生活中被广泛应用,因此了解计算机的发展史是非常有必要的.并且通过了解计算机及其科技让学生思考我们应该怎样正确利用网络.同时也通过读文章完善自己的阅读技巧. 【教学重点与难点】 重点:1、计算机发展史及其科技 2、怎样找出段落的中心句 难点:怎样阅读科普说明文。 教学方法 1.小组合作探究,不能解决的问题用红笔勾画,作出记录,便于上课老师答疑解惑。 五、【教学过程】 Step I Leading-in 用百度搜索电影Robot http://v.pps.tv/play_31KENN.html从中截取一个片段导入 让学生观看影片后提问题 What are the robots doing? 通过学生的回答总结: From the film we can see robots can help us do a lot of things do you know the former form of robots? Computers .but do you want to know How computers devoloped into robots? Then asked the students to turn to page18 Look at who am I to find the answer 导入 Step II Fast Reading 学生快速浏览文章并回答问题 Read the passage quickly and silently and then answer the following questions 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2.What is the topic sentence of each paragraph? Paragraph 1:________________________________________ Paragraph 2:________________________________________ Paragraph 3:________________________________________ 点拨技巧:topic sentence 的位置? 先让学生通过上述找中心句方法自己说出,老师再做适当修正.百度搜索答案http://zhidao.http://www.wodefanwen.com//question/377523812.html 3.Can you put these inventions in an order according to the time when they appeared? ( )calculating machine ( )PC ( )analytical machine ( )laptop ( )robot ( )universal machine Step IV Reading for details 学生再读文章,通过回答下面问题更深入的理解文章 Read the whole passage again carefully and finish the following tasks. 1: Finish the timetable below. TIME 1642 EVENTS It began as a , which is used to difficult sums ? Computers were built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. At that time, it was considered a ______ _______ and the start of _______ _______. 1936 Computers worked as a universal machine to _____ difficult problem. From then on, computers grew rapidly both in ____ and ______. 1940s How big is a computer? ? 1970s The first family of computers was connected to each other. Where are computers used? And what about the applications? Now Computers become a _____ friend and helper of ____ _____. 2.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one? The older I have grown, the smaller I have become. 3.Translate the following sentence into Chinese Over time, my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told 4.What use could we make of computers in our daily life? 通过做上边三个问答题既理解了文章又练习了阅读表达的做题方式,将阅读理解与 阅读表达结合起来. Step V Further Thinking ( Group Discussion) 通过回答以上学生对文章已有较好的理解. 然后学生回答 What computers can help us do in our dailylife? 学生回答完毕后,用一系列图片展示computers 可以帮我们干的事情. 然后进一步问问题 Can you imagine what computers can help us do in the future. 学生分组讨论,讨论后老师可以展示部分答案 http://wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/thread?tid=5d753e85be4a6829&hl=zh http://fun.ccidnet.com/news/tech/2000/01/05/54_516.htm It will help us do some dangerous work which we are unwilling to do It will be helpful if we use computers in medicine(医学) It can help the disabled people It will help us do some housework It will help us to travel in space and ocean Step VI Consolidation 通过此练习学生巩固本节课所学知识 1. Retelling. Complete the passage using the words or phrases from the passage I _____ as a calculating machine in 1642 in France. In 1822 I was ____as an analytical machine. Then in 1936 I was _____ to ____ as a universal machine. As the years have___ ___, I have been made ______ . There were times when my size ______ changed. And my memory became _____ large _____ even I couldn’t believe it. In the 1960s they gave me a family_________ by a network. I was able to _________________with others _______ the World Wide Web. Since the 1970s many new applications ______________ for me. 2. Supposing that(假如)you were Mr/Mrs computer who knows much about computers and one student wants to interview you to know something about computers. Now make a dialogue between you and the student You can use this pattern Student: Hello! May I ask you some questions? Mr/Mrs computer: Ok! Student:When and where did computers begin? Mr/Mrs computer: …… Student: ……? Mr/Mrs computer:…… Student: What happened to computers in the 1960s? stepVII 课后拓展 1.课后让学生反思中学生应该怎样正确利用网络? http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-ZXSU200901003.html 2.布置一篇与computers 相关的文章阅读 Homework Read the following passage and finish the questions Internet is very useful for us. The Internet is a great facility for collecting information. It can help us to do research. We can also learn a lot of things through surfing the internet. For example, we can even learn on our own through the internet by watching some video tapes. We can easily get news from the internet, too. Internet actually make life more convenient for us as it provides lots of information for us. Lastly, we can also play games by using the internet. Playing some games can help us to relax a bit from the busy studies. The Internet makes it easy to build social connections. we can have a lot of friends all over the world and reach much knowledge by Internet. Millions of people communicate today through E-mail. But the disadvantages of Internet also have a lot. The network has so much different information that sometimes it may make people make a wrong decision. Some people are so addicted to internet that they seldom go out to meet people in the real world which may weaken their ability to deal with relationships in the real world and the weak-willed persons maybe indulge network-game and amusement in Internet thereby disrepair own career. The loveliness of Internet is wonderful and colorful, but strengthen to manage it. We make good use of it only while we have an appropriate approach to Internet . 1. What is the main idea of this passage? 2. Write a short passage about how to use Internet in an appropiate way
according to the passage given above. 六 教学反思 本节课文章有些偏难,所以课堂气氛不是很活跃; 加之容量较大,有些 题只能蜻蜓点水. 不过由于是使用课件上课,又利用电影导入稍微解 了以上问题,在教研组的公开课上,总体达成了教学目标. 七 教师个人介绍 省份:山东省 学校: 青州第二中学 姓名:窦桂丽 职称: 中学一级教师 电话:15853659915 电子邮件:sddouguili@163.com 通讯地址:山东省青州市第二中学 本人于1999年7月参加工作。工作积极认真,热爱教育事业,在教育教学中,勇于创新,因材施教,转变观念,关心爱护每一位学生。 2002年课题如何在教学中使用多媒体荣获省三等奖. 2002年发表论文 阅读理解技巧在国家级刊物上发表 2006年讲市优质课并荣获第二名 2009年获奥林匹克英语辅导奖 2010年获教学能手称号 年 教师总结:通过对相同部位细眼节弯的突出放大,特别是眉毛和鼻微眉我们可以总结出云眯、头的形状特点对比,唇两直、鼻薄眼眉冈石窟的面部特点是直且硬的感觉,而龙门石窟是圆的鼻头和弯弯的眉毛,衣服的唇如圆高饱悬造型也不相同。 睁鼻满胆 时间 地域 风格 坦文士风度 露云冈石窟20窟主佛 右肩 龙门石窟唐代 奉先寺卢舍那大佛 云冈石窟北魏早期 结论 二、彩塑艺术:在早期佛教中,菩萨原是男性贵族化的形象,但是传入中国以后,随着佛教的本土化,菩萨的形象也在不断地发生变化。 比较莫高窟不同时期的四尊菩萨造像:仔细观察,佛教美术作品中的菩萨形象在中国流传的过程中发生了怎样的变化? 观察内容 莫高窟275窟交脚莫高窟328窟菩萨 莫高窟194窟菩萨 莫高窟45窟菩萨 弥勒菩萨 时代 性别 姿势 面部特征 发型 着装 体态 社会观念 三、绘画艺术欣赏 四、创作练习:根据这节课所学知识和图片,发挥自己的想象力动手画一幅佛像或者菩萨像,也可以画某一局部。 五、课堂总结 六、巩固检测(4分钟) 1、连线题 规模最大、内容最丰富 莫高窟 甘肃天水 中国彩塑艺术博物馆 麦积山石窟 甘肃敦煌 带有印度犍陀罗风格 龙门石窟 河南洛阳 汉化明显 云冈石窟 山西大同 2、敦煌莫高窟的彩塑成就令人惊叹,其中( )朝的彩塑艺术是其优秀的代表。 3、图一这幅“反弹琵琶” 体现了唐代佛教绘画民族化的特色,是大唐文化一个永恒的符号。此幅绘画出自( )石窟。“琵琶”属于乐器中的( )乐器。 图一 图二 4、人与自然,从古至今一直是艺术家描绘的主题之一。图二出自( ),它属于佛教艺术中的( )形式。 A案【课后拓展练习】 1、比较唐代壁画中的维摩诘像与比它早一些的北凉时期的克孜尔石窟中的人物像,你能感觉到那些不同? 2、对本课学过的内容进行巩固和整理。 选做:课后搜集关于基督教和伊斯兰教建筑和绘画方面的资料。 A案课后作业 (使用说明:1.复习记忆基础知识 2.完成课后笔记 3.做好巩固练习:完成《导学练》对应练习) 【重难点突破】1、比较云冈石窟与龙门石窟的佛教造像特征。 2、比较敦煌莫高窟不同时期的彩塑菩萨像。 3、了解在中国佛教美术作品中出现的佛教造像本土化现象的原因 以及佛教产生的背景和社会影响 告诉同学们,如果有不理解或不明白的地方,可以通过百度去网上搜索相关内容参考复习。 三、 这节课的容量比较大,教材中有些地方的编排显得突兀,,教学中的内容有些只是蜻蜓点水一笔带过,有待任教者对教材重新开发。既要解决大容量的教材内容在一节课完成,又要帮助学生理解一个个疑问,我想到用课件来上这节课。制成的课件在每个班上后,根据学生的反馈不断修改。不过,我觉得有几处需要进一步改进的地方。 一是引用的图片资料要注明出处。做到“史由证来,论从史出”。 二是教学中引导学生用多种鉴赏方式了解四大石窟的特征。 四、 教师个人介绍 省份:山东省 学校: 青州第二中学 姓名: 闫学叶 职称: 中学一级教师 电话: 13854461660 电子邮件: 通讯地址:山东省青州市第二中学 本人于1999年7月参加工作。工作积极认真,热爱教育事业,在教育教学中,勇于创新,因材施教,转变观念,关心爱护每一位学生。 2002年11月获潍坊市高中艺术教学先进个人称号。 2003年获青州市优秀教师称号。 2004年国画作品《蝶恋花》获青州市一等奖。作品《花开富贵.》在潍坊刊物《杏坛寄情》发表。 2005年论文《建议色彩教学》获潍坊市首届金点子成功案例三等奖。 2005年 参与东华大学出版社《高考之路——素描》、《高考之路——色彩》两书编委。并有作品发表。 论文《我的色彩教学观》被评为潍坊市优秀教育教学论文二等奖。 2006年3月教学研究《优化教学过程,提高创新意识》获青州市教学成果奖三等奖。 2008年获青州市优质课评选一等奖。 2008年获青州市教学质量奖。 2008年获青州市教学能手称号。 2008年担任吉林大学出版社出版的《艺术能力综合训练》编委。 2009年获青州市优秀教师称号。
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