中西方建筑文化的差异 英文

更新时间:2023-09-05 02:52:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Between Two Terminal —On the Discrepancy of the Chineseand Western Architectural Culture


Introduction Architecture is the material carrier of human life. The need of sheltering from the wind and rain is the original motive of architecture. It is a mirror of the geographical condition and historical culture. Since the human culture emerged in the world, architecture has taken cultural connotation. Different nations usually have different architectural cultures.


1 Architectural Materials Chinese architects used woods as the main building materials. Delicate Tough Morbidezza(细腻,柔美) Gentle and reserved The line of beauty and the vividness(生 动、活泼) of the artistic conception take priority. The main building material of the western traditional architecture is stone. Straightforward Simple Rigid Majestic(庄严的,宏伟的) The architectural form is thick and heavy.


2 Architectural Structures Traditional Chinese people believe in

the idea of nature-humanintegration(“天人合一”). In our Chinese culture, we advocate

that men should keep a harmoniousrelationship with nature.

Chinese architecture is required to be like

the nature. There are many small hills andponds in Chinese traditional gardens. The designers pursued the harmony of

the man, the architecture and the nature.


2 Architectural Structures

As for Western people, they advocate individualism which cares much about the individual.

Thus the Western buildings tend to be detached(分离的, 分开的) patterns while most Chinese traditional buildings are aggregate(聚集的) patterns.


3 Architectural Beauty

The geomantic(风水的) culture and the theory of the five natural elements – earth, water, fire, metal and wood are very popular in Chinese architecture。 Western architects care much about aesthetic geometry(几何美) in their architecture. Reason: the different aesthetic standards and value concepts


4 Architectural Distribution Chinese traditional architecture is built in group. That is, more individual architectures make up a big architectural group. They extend crosswise in space, required axial symmetry, and have the effect of depth. The city distribution is always rectangular.

The whole style is introversive, close, strict and these reflect the implication and privacy.


4 Architectural Distribution Most of the western traditional architecture extends vertically in the space, requires to be tall, and has the straight effect. Their city distribution is usually concentric.

The whole style is extroverted, open, active, enterprising and free.


5 Architectural “Art language” The western architecture usually develops in lengthways and directly points to the sky. How to support these stone roofs up to sky is the key of the architecture art. So the “basic vocabulary” of the wes

tern architecture is post and the roof is the “main sentence pattern”. The distinction of the roof leads to different architecture styles, such as Greek style, Rome style, Byzantine style.


5 Architectural “Art language” The bracket set(斗拱) is the basic vocabulary of Chinese traditional wooden architecture. Cornice(檐口,飞檐) has many styles. Different styles make out different art effects. Some are spry and some are strict or depressive. Cornice can be used to express status and emotion in pavilions, terraces and towers.


6 Architectural Value Concepts Chinese traditional architecture emphasizes on goodness. That is, people pay attention to the architectural practicality. Chinese think that the architecture is man-made. The Western traditional architecture shows the eternality. It is regarded as God’s creation, and prominence to beauty is given. In addition, architectural artistry takes priority.



What we can see from the above analysis is that Chinese and Western architecture represent between two terminals due to their different history origins customs psychological constructions ethic nation ways of thinking value orientation …


