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Model Test Paper 1

(January, 2015)

Part I Vocabulary & Structure (70%)

1. Because the company was doing more business, it was necessary to ______ the factory. A. extend B. rise C. increase D. grow 2. If you can’t fix the machine before 3 pm, I’ll _____ your job. A. take down B. receive C. take over D. resist

3. I’d like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation. A. profit B. benefit C. occasions D. advantage 4. If I have offended you, it was quite without _____. A. imagination B. danger C. intention D. possibility

5. Modern music may have a negative ______as well as a positive one on teenagers. A. appointment B. influence C. identity D. tune

6. The factory _______ a new method of making wine to improve the quality of its goods. A. quit B. adopted C. spilt D. left

7. The American couple _______ about the high cost of visiting Europe. A. complained B. urged C. amazed D. coordinated

8. With the coming of the Internet, young people have ______ to the most recent events that happen in the world. A. insight B. commitment C. discipline D. access

9. They will _______ him of any progress they have made in the experiment. A. locate B. interrupt C. inform D. extend

10. I remember that when I was a child I was very _______ with how many toys you had. A. impression B. impressive C. impressed D. impress

11. The challenges for the new century show us that we are likely to be involved _____ solving the very complicated problems. A. on B. in C. with D. off 12. The temperature for the country _____ is relatively high. A) as a whole B) as a rule C) on the average D. by all means

13. The man, who had been ______ that the plane would be on time, sighed with relief. A. ensured B. assured C. clarified D. conceded

14. People know that babies cry by ______ when they are hungry.

A. sight B. detail C. instinct D. time

15. Sorry to _____ you, but I want to have a talk with the chairman. Is he in?

A. disturb B. be disturbed C. disturbing D. disturbance

16 She told me that if she was not _____ within the next two years she was going to change jobs. A. signaled B. assumed C. estimated D. promoted

17. The curiosity to know what was in the letter was so strong that the boy could not ______ himself from opening it. A. regard B. restrain C. surround D. underline 18. He was so absorbed _____ his work that he didn’t hear me come in. A. on B. in C. with D. by

19. The Old Man and the Sea and many other books _____ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Price for Literature in 1954.

A. earned B. fixed C. delivered D. recognized

20. The examiner soon put the candidates ______. A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness

21. The school master looked angrily at the naughty students while ______ with their parents. A. talks B. talking C. having talked D. being talked

22. The bus arrived one hour late, ______ me to miss the beginning of the game. A. causing B. caused C. causes D. had caused

23. George explained that this was the official dress for taking examinations, many of ______ were held in June. A. them B. which C. whom D. what

24. The article deals with ______ the author calls the “generation gap”. A. what B. that C. which D. it 25. Not only ______ beautifully but she also dances wonderfully. A. she sings B. does she sing C. did she sing D. she sang

26. It was an exciting game _____ no goals were scored. A. as if B. as though C. even though D. even when

27. I’ll never forget the city ______ I spent my childhood with Mary. A. which B. what C. where D. that


28. _______ fail in the exam, your parents and teachers would not blame you.

A. Were you B. You should C. Should you D. Could you 29. He was _____ disappointed by the lack of success ______ try again.

A. so…that B. too…to C. such…that D. turned…out

30. Do you remember ____ to our president when you visited our college last month?

A. to be introduced B. introduced C. being introduced D. to have introduced

31. John had his leg ____ while playing football this morning. A. broken B. to break C. break D. breaking 32. I think you have paid _____ your health. A. too few attention to

B. too little attention to C. too little attention for

D. too a few attention to

33. I ____ to the hospital yesterday but I forgot all about it. A. had to go B. was to go

C. should have gone D. would go

34. You will never be able to enter this university _____ you get very high scores in the

nationwide examinations next month. A. if B. although C. as D. unless 35. The guests said that they wouldn’t mind _____. A. to have a little light music B. having a little light music C. have a little light music

D. that they have a little light music

Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)

Passage 1

A receptionist’s job is to welcome and register the guest. When a guest with a hotel registration arrives at the front desk, the receptionist greets the guest and then gives out an registration form to the guest to fill out.

When the guest has completed the form, the receptionist must make sure that such information items as the guest’s full name, address (home and business), nationality, forwarding address, the purpose of his visit and signature are entered correctly and legibly(可辨认的). If the visitor is an alien (外宾), information about his passport number, place of issue and date of issue also need to be recorded. The receptionist must also check and make sure that such reservation details as room type and departure date are not

changed. Besides, the receptionist is also responsible for answering any question from the guests, helping them with any problems that they may have, answering telephones and taking messages for the guests and handling complaints from dissatisfied guests.

Another part of his job is to deal with group check-ins and large numbers of conference guests. When large tour groups and conference guests check in, it is always advisable for the receptionist to require the tour leader or the conference coordinator(协调人) to handle the registration forms and hand it over to the front desk himself.

After a guest is properly registered, the receptionist gives the guest his room key card that was prepared while the guest was completing the registration form and explains the hotel’s service to the guest or informs the guest of the place where the guest can find information about the hotel’s service himself. Finally, he should wish the guest an enjoyable stay at the hotel.

36. When a guest with a registration arrives, the receptionist should ____. A. check the guest registration form first B. say some greeting words to the guest C. tell the guest the rules of the hotel

D. ask the guest some questions about his registration

37. What information should the receptionist make sure about? A. Where the guest comes from. B. Whom the guest is going to visit C. Why the guest comes

D. What the guest is taking with him 38. A receptionist’s job includes ____. A. helping the guests with their troubles B. helping the guests to hold conferences

C. touring the guests around the city as a guide D. checking in all the guests’ certificates

39. When the guest leaves the receptionist for his room, the receptionist would say


A. You are welcome to the hotel B. Take care of yourself C. It’s so nice to meet you D. have a good time here

40. The main purpose of this passage is to present ____. A. what a guest should write in registration form B. who can help a guest when he gets to the hotel C. what a receptionist should do at hotel

D. what a receptionist should say to his quests


Passage 2

Most men and more than half of the women in North America work. In fact many people who are lazy and don’t work for a living are looked down upon, such as people who have got a fortune from their parents, or those who receive money from the government when they are young enough to take a job.

Americans usually are expected to work hard at their regular jobs. They believe that they could feel shameful if they did not work as hard and as carefully as they could, and God would punish those who were careless or lazy in their work. This is called the “work ethic”. Its roots are in the Bible’s teachings: “If a man will not work, she shall not eat.” And “ Do not work to please men, but just to please God.” For 400 years or more, it has been a characteristic of Americans. Historians say that this “work ethic” was perhaps the single most important reason for the rapid economic growth and continuing success of the United States.

For the sake of better work, now companies are much more flexible in the number of days and hours their employees work. Many offices now allow their employees to choose the time they begin in the morning, so long as they arrive before 10:00 am and work for 8 hours.

In America, there are women who choose to stay home as homemakers rather than to pursue a career. This is possible if the husband’s salary is enough to support the family. These women value family over career, and are not considered lazy by any means.

41. In America, “work ethic” refers to ____. A. inheriting fortune from parents

B. receiving the government’s help when one is young C. no eating without working

D. working hard and carefully as he/she could

42. According to the passage, the American economy grows fast essentially because of ____.

A. the people’s attitude towards work B. people’s hard and careful work C. the role of the government D. the influence of the religion

43. Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?

A. American companies allow each worker to choose the time to begin work. B. American women who are homemakers are very lazy.

C. Men work harder and more carefully than women in America.

D. Women as homemakers place more importance to family than work. 44. Who can not be looked down upon according to the passage? A. People who have got a big fortune from parents

B. Young people who receive money from the government. C. Women who choose to stay as homemakers. D. Employees who are lazy at work

45. The best title of the passage might be ____. A. The development of American “Work Ethic” B. Flexible Working-time Arrangement C. The Work in America

D. The Role of Work in America

Passage 3

Advertisement played a vital role in the change of the American economy from one in which most goods were produced and sold locally to one developed mainly by brand names and products sold nationally.

Before the 1880s, most advertisements consisted entirely of print. The print itself was primarily informational: it described the product and where it could be achieved. The few images that ads contained were highly stylized. Very few ads featured slogans(口号,标语) or brand names.

Beginning in the 1890s, however, advertisements experienced a great-change. They began to look like advertising today, focusing on visual images, slogans, catch-phrases, and importance of individual’s health and psychological wealth. The J. Walter Thompson advertising agency sold Scott tissue by warning consumers of “the troubles caused by harsh toilet tissue’. Lucky Strike sold cigarettes to women first by using the slogan “Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet” and later by describing cigarettes as “torches of freedom,” as symbols of modern values.

Advertisements helped to transform American values. They made Americans aware of such “problems” as halitosis(口臭) and strange smell of body. More seriously, they helped promote a shift from an emphasis on saving toward consumption. They also helped to shift from a culture mainly toward words to the one toward visual images. 46. The first paragraph mainly tells us that ____.

A. advertising improved the product quality

B. advertising helped expand the goods distribution area C. the change of American economy was necessary

D. producing and selling goods locally was the primary form of American economy 47. The advertisements before the 1880s ____. A. did not use images at all B. used various types of images C. ignored the role of images

D. used many slogans and brand names


48. The word “transform” (Line 1, Para.4) means___. A. throw away B. save C. change D. increase

49. Which of the following is NOT about changes advertising brought to America?

A. They shifted American values.

B. They led American people to consumption.

C. They made the Americans realize social problems.

D. They shaped the American culture into one oriented to visual images. 50. The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ____.

A. describe the characteristics of the advertisements in early days

B. persuade people to pay attention to the importance of visual images in advertising C. tell people the development and role of American advertising D. explain how to sell goods by advertisements nowadays

Passage 4

The motor vehicle has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from impolite behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. So the killing on the road may be regarded as a social problem.

In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are a rather harmless people, just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality(道德) that carelessness is no excuse when one’s actions could bring death or damage to others.

Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents result from the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can damage drivers’ reactions, slow their judgment, and blind them to dangers that might otherwise be obvious. The experts warn that it is essential for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep one’s emotions under control.

Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers. Street walkers regularly violate traffic regulations. They are at fault in most vehicle walker accidents. Many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.

51. According to the writer, the motor vehicle accident happens essentially because of ____.

A. the driver’s poor driving techniques

B. the driver’s violation of others’ legal and moral rights C. the street walkers’ carelessness while walking D. the street walkers’ violation of traffic regulations

52. According to the writer, the main solution to automobile accidents is to ____. A. reduce drivers’ tiredness B. improve drivers’ judgment C. control drivers’ emotion D. restrict drivers’ speed

53. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The street walkers in the vehicle accidents can be forgiven in some accidents. B. The irresponsibility of many vehicle accidents should not be left alone on drivers. C. Many cyclists ignore their responsibility in following traffic regulations. D. The cyclists don’t have to obey the rules of the road.

54. The word “confined” (Line 1, Para.4) most probably means ____. A. controlled B. defined C. restricted D. forgiven 55. This passage is mainly about ____.

A. the severity of the motor vehicle accidents B. the responsibilities of the cyclists

C. the street walkers’ responsibility for the motor vehicle accidents D. responsibilities of drivers and others’ for the motor vehicle accidents

Part III Translation (40%)

Section A Turn the following passages into Chinese: Passage 1

Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication, the world is getting smaller and smaller. The whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village, where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values. While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers” seek to live in harmony.

Passage 2

The hotel contains 674 newly redecorated guest rooms. It is located in the heart of Chicago, only 30 minutes’ drive from the airport. Our three four-star restaurants offer our guests variety in menu selection and atmosphere. Our 36,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space include the city’s largest exhibition hall. Please stop by and see us if you are in our area. We would like the opportunity to show off our hotel. In the meanwhile, however, I will call at your office next week to answer any questions you may have.


Passage 3

The 3rd generation business for mobile-phone began all over the world in 2005.

In April 2008, the 3rd generation business in China started and 3G cell phone numbers were subscribed in eight cities simultaneously, but the network platform is still staying at a test phase for business.

With the financial crisis, experts believe that the rapid development of the 3G network is in accordance with the needs to boost domestic demand and promote economic development.

It is reported recently that the 3G license in China will be released at latest in next January. Many cell users will update their phones when the 3G licenses are released. So the 3G cell phone market will have a bright prospect.

Section B Turn the following sentences into English: 1. 必须勤学苦练,才能精通一门外语。

2. 这些问题一旦得到解决,铁路将成为最佳的陆上运输手段。

3. 这家商店向顾客允诺决不卖假货,而且它确实这样做了。

4. 显然,她向这家公司提供资金,是因为她认为该公司会盈利。

5. 中国是最古老的文明摇篮(cradle)之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。

Key to Model Test Paper 1

Part I

1-5: C CDDB 6-10: B ADCC 11-15: BAACA 16-20: D B B AB 21-25: .B A B A B 26-30: C C C B C 31-35: A B C D B

Part III, Section B

1 One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 2. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation.

3. The shop promised its customers that it would never sell fake goods, and sure enough it did so.

4. It is obvious that she has supplied money to the firm because she thinks it will make profits.

5. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream.


