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Units 5-7

题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 一、听力测试。(每小题1分,共27分)


( )1. How many tennis balls does the boy have?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Two. ( )2. Who plays sports after school?

A. Tom. B. Tim. C. Sister. ( )3.What do they like for lunch?

A. Some hamburgers. B. Some salad. C. Some chicken. ( )4. Where does the girl have lunch?

A. At home. B. At school. C. In a restaurant(餐馆). ( )5. Where are the apples?

A. On the table. B. On the chair. C. Under the table. ( )6. What does the man want to buy?

A. A shirt. B. A T-shirt. C. A hat. ( )7. What color does the woman like?

A. Green. B. Yellow. C. Red. ( )8. What does the woman mean?

A. She is looking for her daughter.

B. She wants to buy a skirt for her daughter.

C. Her daughter looks nice.

B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第1段对话,完成第9、10小题。 ( ) 9. What does Bob do after school?

A. He plays ping-pong. B. He plays basketball. C. He plays volleyball. ( )10.How many basketballs does Bob have?

A. Five. B. Six C. We don’t know. 请听第2段对话,完成第11、12小题。


( )11.What does Peter like?

A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. Oranges. ( )12.Where are the speakers(说话者)?

A. In a fruit shop. B. In a book shop. C. In the classroom. 请第3段对话,完成第13至15小题。 ( )13. How is the yellow sweater for David?

A. Small. B. Big. C. Long. ( )14. What color of the sweater is OK for David? A.Blue. B. Green. C. Yellow. ( )15. How much is the blue sweater for David?

A.25 dollars. B. 20 dollars. C. 45 dollars. 请听第4段对话,完成第16至18小题。 ( )16. What doesn’t the girl like?

A. Rice. A. Fruit salad.

B. Chicken. C. Vegetables. B. Hamburgers.

C. Carrots.

C. Ten yuan.

( )17. What does the girl want to eat for lunch? ( )18. How much is the fruit salad?

A. Twenty yuan.

B. Nine yuan.

请听下面的一段独白,完成第19至22小题。 ( )19.Who are Barry and Tony?

A. Susan’s uncles. B. Susan’s friends. C. Susan’s brothers

( )20. What does Susan like?

A. Basketball and baseball. B. Baseball and volleyball. C. Tennis and volleyball. ( )21. How many volleyballs does Susan have?

A. 3. B. 8. C. 9.

( )22. What can we know from the monologue(独白)?

A. Tony and Barry like watching TV. B. Both(两者都)Tony and Barry like tennis.

C. Susan often plays baseball with her brothers.

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空不超过三个单词,听短文前,你将有50秒钟的时间阅读以下小题,短文读两遍。 23. For breakfast, Jimmy likes . 24. Linda is Jimmy’s .

25. Jimmy and Linda have lunch at .

26. Jimmy’s family usually have dinner at o’clock in the evening. 27. For dinner, Jimmy’s father likes . 二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共8 分)



( )28. – How much ______ the trousers? -- ______ eighty yuan.

A. is; They’re B. are; They’re C. are; It’s D. is; It’s ( )29. Amy and Jane ________have a watch, so they want to buy one.

A. is not B. doesn’t C. are not D. don’t ( )30. –Would you give me something to drink? --Here is some ________.

A. bread B. hamburgers C. orange D. tomatoes ( )31. --What is the of your T-shirt? --It’s 16 dollars.

A. price B. size C.much D. color ( )32.This pink dress is very beautiful and cheap. I’ll ________ it.

A. sell B. take C. bring D. catch ( )33. The little boy is only six, ______ he can play the baseball well.

A. so B. and C. but D. because ( )34. –That’s a good song(歌曲).

--Yes, it________ nice ! A. looks

B. sounds C. calls

D. spells

( )35. –Let’s play sports!

--Oh, no. It’s _______. Let’s watch TV. A. fun

B.interesting C. relaxing D. boring



It’s Sunday afternoon. Sally and her mother want to do 36 . Her mother wants to buy some 37 for dinner. Sally wants to buy a new skirt and some other things.

“What does your shop 38 ?”Sally asks. “ 39 things,” the girl in the shop says, “you can buy food, drinks, clothes and school things here.” Sally and her mother go in. There are many people in it. Sally wants a skirt.

“ 40 do you want?asks the girl in the shop. “White.”

“Look 41 this one. It’s nice.” “ 42 is the skirt?” “It’s eighty yuan.”

“That’s too big, Can I find a 43 one?”

“What about the green one? It’s shorter and 44 thirty yuan.” “OK, I’ll 45 it. Thank you.” “You are welcome.”

At last, Sally and her mother get home very late with many things.


( )36.A. running B. shopping C. walking D. eating

( )37.A. clothes B.food C. books D. fruits ( )38.A. want B. sale C. buy D. sell ( )39.A. Lots of B. Much C. Any D. Some

( )40.A. What size B. How old C. What color D. How much ( )41.A. on B. for C. in D. at

( )42.A. What B. How many C. What color D. How much ( )43.A. short B. long C. small D. old ( )44.A. too B. only C. not D. no ( )45.A. want B. bring C. take D. like

B)先阅读短文,掌握其大意, 然后用方框所给词的正确形式填空,每词限用一次,要变形的不超过3个单词。(每空1分,共10分)

ice cream difficult watch an same he with lunch healthy good Hello! I’m Alan Green. I’m 46 English boy. I like sports very much. I have a brother, 47 name is Frank, We go to the 48 school and we love soccer, we play it at school

49 our classmates. My sister Gina loves sports, too. But she doesn’t play them. She only 50 them on TV, because she thinks it’s too 51 for her. Doing sports needs a lot of healthy food, so we eat very 52 . For breakfast, We like eggs and apples. We eat chicken and vegetables for 53 . For dinner, we don’t eat hamburgers because they are not 54 . Gina doesn’t eat 55 after dinner, because she doesn’t want to be fat.

46 47 48 49 50__________ 51 52 53 54 55_________ 四、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)


A Ouyang’s Clothes Store Clothes Colors Price sweaters red, yellow 70 dollars trousers blue, black,white 60 dollars T-shirts white, blue, black, red, green 20 dollars socks white, black 2 dollars hats red, blue, black 15 dollars ( )56. How much are a pair of trousers and two hats? A. 70 dollars B. 60 dollars C. 90 dollars D. 80 dollars ( )57. You can’t buy _______ .

A. a blue hat B. a blue sweater C. black trousers D. a blue T-shirt

( )58. You have 20 dollars and you like white, you can take_______ .

A. a sweater B. a pair of trousers C. a white T-shirt D. a blue T-shirt



It’s Saturday morinng. Mrs. Brown is in the supermarket(超市). First, she buys some vegetables. Mr. Brown likes tomatoes and carrots. There are some tomatoes at home. So Mrs. Brown only buys some carrots. Then she gets some chicken. Her daughter Mary likes it . Next, Mrs. Brown buys some fruit. She gets six bananas, five pears and six oranges. Mrs. Brown likes strawberries, but she doesn’t buy them. They’re expensive. Mrs. Brown looks at her watch. “Oh, it’s 11:30. I must go home and cook lunch now.”

( )59. Mrs. Brown is ________.

A. at home B. in the kitchen C. in the supermarket D. in the room

( )60. What’s the meaning(意思) of the underlined(下划线) word “it” “______”.

A. Some chicken B.her watch C. bananas D. some fruit

( )61. ______ people are mentioned(提到) in the article(文章).

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ( )62. Mrs. Brown doesn’t buy strawberries because they’re ________.

A. small B. big C. bad D. expensive


Do you like sports? Do you play ping-pong, basketball or volleyball in your P.E. class or after class?

My brother and I like sports very much. We are in our school baseball club. We play baseball in the morning. It’s very interesting. First, we do some warming-up exercise. Then, the teacher teaches us to play baseball. We watch him carefully. Later, we play in pairs. Some boys can play very well, but we can’t. They often come to help us. Our teacher is glad to see this. He says our school has many clubs. “Do you like sports?” he asks. “Yes, we do,” we answer. Sports are really fun, and they are good for health. Let’s go and play sports. ( )63. ______ like sports very much.

A.My sister and I B. My brother C. I D. My brother and I ( )64. We_______ first.

A. do some warm-up exercise B. play baseball C. watch D. play in pairs ( )65. _______ usually help us when we can’t play well.

A. The teacher B. Some boy C. My brother D. Some girls ( )66. What’s the topic (话题)of this article?

A. Baseball club. B. Sports. C. Play Ping-pong. D. friends.


In many English homes, people have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. They eat eggs or bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16: 00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup, and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them don’t have their dinners in the evening.

( )67. Usually, English people don’t have ________ for their breakfast. A. bread. B. fish. C. milk. D. eggs. ( )68. English people have lunch________.


