Writing a memo

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Writing a memoClass 5, 2011 AED

Teaching Objectives: 1. Acquaint students with the basic structure and character of a memo. 2. Have students write a memo according to the given information.

Writing a memo What is a memo? What should be contained? What should we pay attention to ?

is a hard-copy (sent on paper)document is used for communication inside an organiazation contains “ to, from, date, subject headings,message section, etc.” does not need to be signed, but sometimes has the sender’s name at the bottom to be more friendly, or the full name to be formal.

A memo :

Info Box 备忘录(memorandum or memo)是一种录以备忘的公文。 在公文函件中,它的等级是比较低的,主要用来提醒、督 促对方,或就某个问题提出自己的意见和看法。在业务上, 它一般用来补充正式文件的不足。它的内容就可以分为以 下几项:标题(Title);收文人(To);发件人(from);事由 Suject;日期Date;正文Body;结束语Closing words; 署名Signature。其中To,From,Subject,Date,Body是 必不可少的。 写备忘录首先要确认你写的memo给谁看,考虑一下他们 已经了解了什么,他们的身份,他们期望看到什么。备忘 录必须语气恰当,措辞得体,条理清楚。要简短明晰,重 点突出,避免使用结构复杂的长句。

Write a memo according to the following information given in Chinese.备忘录 致:所有员工 自:人事部经理 事由:国庆节放假 全体员工: 国庆节假期从9月30日下午4:30开始,至10月8日上午9:00结束。 请大家在离开前清理好自己的桌子。 祝大家节日快乐! 2009年9月28日

Reference AnswerTo: all staff From: Personnel Manager Date: Sept. 28, 2009 Subject: National Holidays

The National Holidays start at 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 30 and end at 9:00 a.m. on Oct. 8. It will be very much appreciated if your desks could be cleared up before you leave. Have fun!

备忘录 致:所有学生 自:吴老师 事由:英语口语考试 全体同学: 英语口语考试将于2012年6月18日(周一)上午第三节课 在303教室进行,请大家认真复习考试。 祝你们好运! 2012-06-14

Reference AnswerTo: all students

From: Ms. Wu Date: June.14, 2012 Subject: Oral English TestThe oral English test will be held during the 3rd period in the morning ,on June 18, 2012, (Monday) , in Room 303.

Everyone, please be prepared. Good luck!

备忘录 致:所有同学 自:班长(多鹤轩) 事由:班级晚会 全体同学: 班级晚会将于2012年6月20日晚八点在本班教室 举行,请班干部七点来布置教室,其他同学提前十 分到场即可。 祝大家玩得开心! 2012-06-14

