
更新时间:2023-12-03 17:18:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


unit 1

1 .The mayor decided to condense his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise questions.


2.It was reported that there was a vehicle missing every 20 seconds in the US. If the trends continue, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed two million.


3 .Researchers put patients through a set of psychological tests to determine the negative consequences of sleep deficit. 研究人员把病人通过一组心理测试确定睡眠赤字的负面后果

4 .Too much exposure to dirty air can cause people to suffer from allergies and diseases that will eventually affect people's health.


5 .Moving forward even in the face of great difficulties has become my most important asset in my life since it has helped me accomplish something remarkable.


6. The lawyer proclaimed they couldn't jump to conclusions because, acceptable conclusions must be supported by adequate facts and evidence. 律师宣称他们不能过早下结论,因为接受的结论必须由足够的事实和证据支持。

7. To help the employees be more communicative, the company is offering workshops for those who may be professionally competent but socially awkward. 帮助员工更健谈,公司提供车间对那些可能专业主管但社交尴尬。

8. Most parents, in fact, aren't very helpful with the problems that their sons and daughters have in adjusting to their college life.


9. You can count how many students passed an exam, but psychological and emotional feelings cannot be precise measured.


10. In short, participation in spans is extremely beneficial for college students nut only physically but also emotionally and socially.


1 .Since we have invited all the other neighbors to our 25th wedding anniversary party, we feel obliged to invite the Browns too.


2 .Most of the time, no one will care about natural disasters, and they won't be serious about avoiding disasters till one has really struck.


3 .When you run into a friend that you haven't seen for a long time and have a good chat with him, you may feel very happy and delighted.


4 .It is very important to distinguish between facts and opinions in order to have a better understanding of what a reading passage is talking about.


5 .Thought he was very excited about being elected as the president of the student association, many extra responsibilities have been thrust upon him ever since then. 以为他非常兴奋当选为学生会主席,许多额外的责任强加给他从那时起。

6. The doctor, having no knowledge that I was allergic to this particular drug, prescribed the medicine. 医生,没有知识,我对这个药物过敏,开了药。

7 .It's understandable that, without any support, a 16-year-old can easily get lost in a committee of people in their forties.


8. It is hoped that some new high-tech companies will be attracted to this small, old town to encourage loans for building houses and factories.


9. It doesn't make sense to buy expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 买昂贵的外套没有意义在这些便宜的一样好。

10 .A few years later, Franklin got married, started his own printing shop, and was looked upon as a successful young businessman.

几年后,富兰克林结婚了,开始自己的打印店,被视为一个成功的年轻商人。 unit2

1.In our class, most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that promotes learning.

在我们班,大多数发生在分配小组讨论和活动这些团体提供创造一个互助、安全的环境,促进学习。 2 .It is the development strategy of the company to accelerate its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market.


3 .Nearly six million people go to see the Mono Lisa every year, attracted by the myself of her smile. When you're not looking at her; she seems to be smiling; when you look at her, she stops.


4 .To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain insight into its culture.


5 .There is a real need to boost academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a student's overall character.


6.Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from analysis, reason and language.


7. Being a single parent, there is no way for her to calculate the time ang energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.


8. It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main barriers teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.

至关重要的是,你首先听因为的一个主要障碍青少年和他们的父母在形成积极的人际关系,既不听。 9 .We all know the dangers of an earthquake: the destruction to buildings, the troubles can be caused by falling trees, and the terror occurs when the earth actually opens up.

我们都知道地震的危害:破坏建筑物,问题可能是由于树木倒下,恐怖活动发生在地球实际上打开了。 10.Not until recently have we realized that the increasing world population may lead to a potential gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation. 直到最近,我们意识到不断增加的世界人口可能导致潜在的人性悲观的前景:饥饿。

1. Because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food and are liable to experience an iron deficiency. 因为女性往往限制他们的饮食,控制体重,他们可能没有足够的富含铁的食物消费,有可能经历一个缺铁。

2 Some reform advocates ignore the impact of class size on student achievement, and they are in favor of what they call as a priority; teacher effectiveness.


3 Because of easy access to the Internet, the new breakthrough to create something truly creative is bound to happen anytime now. 因为容易访问互联网,新的突破创造出真正创造性必然会随时发生。

4 Indeed, if teachers want to speculate about how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.

如果教师想猜测多少学生可能会在生活中,一个比成绩更好的测量可能是学生们多么努力。 5 Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear. 自然投入了这些动物的能力没有表现出害怕。

6 During the weeks of discussion, delegations from groups who are interested in the resolution may call on representatives to stand up for their point of view.


7 Plato was a superb writer, and his works are part of the world's great literature. Most of his existing work is in the from of dialogs and letters. 柏拉图是一个出色的作家,他的作品是世界上最伟大的文学的一部分。他的大多数现有工作的从对话框和信件。

8 Young people should enter into a broad flexible training program, through which they can learn a lot and be prepared for their future careers.


9.the young man is very happy and proud to be in the company of the old professor because he always feels great when talking with him.


10.One day they passed more than 20 villages in succession,and some of these are said to have stretched for six miles or more.

一天他们通过连续20多个村庄,据说有些延伸了六英里或更多。 unit3

1 .Ernest Hemingway's keen insight into his society, ardent love for people and perceptive abilites him to form his own peculiar of writing. 欧内斯特·海明威的敏锐洞察社会,热心的爱人们和感知的能力他形成自己特有的房间。

2. The project is on the point of collapse, and unless something very radical is done to repair the damage there will be no hope for the project.


3. It's not unusual for teenagers to go through a(n) phase when they feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their friends' standards.


4 .It is sensible for every family to make earthquake emergency plans and know how to leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake.


5 .Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to predict the extent to which a price change

will affect supply and demand in the market.


6. Starting Monday, all foods labeled .\must be up to the strict national standards that the government decided to put into effect now.


7. There is more to a woman than her looks, so I resent the fact that after a woman grows old and loses her looks people stop paying attention to her.


8 .Apart from technological development, the 20th century witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural transformation.


9. Unlike the practice in China, if you're at a hotel restaurant in the United States, expect a 15-20 percent service charge or add the equivalent amount yourself. 与实践在中国,如果你在酒店餐厅在美国,预计15 - 20%的服务费或添加等量的自己。

10 .The change in smoking habit parallels a change in the incidence of lung cancer. The more people smoke, the more chances of occurrence for lung cancer.


1 .As the result of her divorce, she was obviously saddled with the double burden of playing the role of both mother and father.


2 .Do not be intimidated by people who think they are smarter than you,and don't back off when facing competition; inner confidence is important.


3 .As our sweet childhood give way to adolescence's temptation of love, we begin to learn, as adults, that most pleasures do not last forever.

我们的甜蜜的童年给青春期的爱的诱惑,我们开始学习,作为成年人,大部分乐趣不会永远持续下去。 4 .In the economic recession, employers resorted to the reduction of costs, most particularly in wages, in order to survive in the competitive world markets.


5 .People from abroad can take part in the intensified language program because schools have to make allowances for students whose English is not their first language.


6 .Talking about negotiations, once an agreement is made, the Chinese sometimes wander at the slow pace in which Westerners implement the decision.


7. Earthquakes occur without warning; however, it is claimed that some animals can feel earthquakes prior to occurrences because of their highly sensitive organs.


8 .An allowance can be based upon/on your child's age, your own financial resources, the expenses it will cover and the goals you and your child wish to accomplish.

零用钱可以基于/在你的孩子的年龄,自己的财力,将涵盖的费用和你和你的孩子想要实现的目标。 unit4

1. When the police caught up with him, Mr Foster had to confess that he'd broken the speed limit. 当警察追上了他,福斯特先生不得不承认他打破了速度限制。

2 .Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don't agree with, I tell him what I realty think, though it's tempting to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right. 当我的老板作出决定,我不同意,我告诉他我物业认为,尽管它很容易使他快乐,告诉他他的想法永远是对的。

3 .As on he probably perceived, a manned trip to Mars may soon commence since scientists have achieved the manned moon mission.


4 .A number of countries are coordinating their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.


5 .State governments and the colleges themselves have granted financial help to students with special abilities and those with financial needs.


6 .The committee agreed that his papers deserved a wider circulation because of their essential and fundamental interest to a larger audience.


7. The anger and frustration displayed by the local people who do not understand what is happening to them will be a terrible and dangerous force.

由当地显示的愤怒和沮丧的人不理解正在发生的事情对他们来说将是一个可怕的和危险的力量。 8 .Americans defend the right to obtain a gun, and they have consequently been wilting to turn a blind eye to the harm that people owning guns have caused.


9.As the finance ministry rejected the deal for its \lodged a complaint with the European Commission that this deal was against the law.

财政部拒绝这笔交易为其“缺乏透明度”,它与欧盟委员会(European Commission)提出申诉,这交易是违法的。

10 .Dogs cannot distinguish the color of traffic lights, so the master must make the decision of when it is safe to proceed across the road. 只狗无法区分红绿灯的颜色,所以主必须决定当它继续过马路是安全的。

1. She authorized her partner to carry out the daily responsibilities on her behalf when she was on her business trip.


2 .On hearing the latest news about your mother's ill health,I took the liberty of canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.


3 .There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not immune to the general discontent.


4 .When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes were filled with tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, or grief was difficult to tell.


5 .Rose knows that continuous letters from John, together with countless roses,are aimed at making her fall in love with him.


6 .Expelled from public school for drinking and smoking and then failing in show business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.

公立学校开除了饮酒和吸烟,然后在演艺事业失败作为一个歌手,她加入了十年前她父亲的业务。 7 .Since the great scandals in banking, many people in the country have been pessimistic about economic

