新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义~~~~

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新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义

上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinIELTS WRITING PROSPECTUSIELTS Special Terms & Practice Referable and Characteristic Structure & Transition TBT (Ten Broad Topics) IELTS FAQ and Relevant Main ArgumentStructure for Task 1 1. Paraphrase the rubric2. General classification and characteristics 3. Description of specific trends with statistics4. ConclusionClear CharacteristicsHidden Characteristics*有三种情况不用写总分句: ① 所有 pie chart ② 同一张图两根曲线不相交而且趋势相同;三根或以上曲线趋势相同 ③ 所有静态图表(没有时间或特征的) *各种情况主体段落说明: ① 一张图一般写一段 ② 两张图及以上如相互之间有联系,可以写一段;如相互之间没联系,一般有几个图写几 段 ③ 流程图一般写一段第 1 页 共 47 页

新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义

上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinIELTS 学术类 Task 1 高分写作应试上篇——战术篇考试时间:20 分钟 考试字数:至少 150 words 考试题型 Pie Chart Bar Chart Line Chart/Graph Table Process/Flow Introduction 考点与难点 Diversity of describing percentages Compare &Contrast Trends & Classification How to list statistics effectively Writing sequence & imagination Working principle 内部难度评定 ** **** *** **** **** *****说明: 雅思小作文常考题型主要包括了 Bar Chart(柱状图), Chart Pie (饼图) Line Chart/Graph , (曲线图) ,Table(表格) ,虽然在 2006 年至今考了两次 Process(流程图) ,但由于这种题 型一般每年最多考四次,考生只要把握常靠的三个题目即可,不必做过多的准备。至于 introduction 的题型在 2003 年 9 月虽然曾经偷袭三次,但由于此题型太过“专业” ,根本就 不必重点复习。 “2006 年出现次数”也核算了有混合题型的图表的出现次数。 四种题型各有各的侧重点: 饼图是所有图表题中最好写的一种, 唯一值得注意的地方在于如何丰富百分比的 表达和“占”的表达。不要一直用数字加百分比的格式,如 25%,这种文章很 难拿到高分。特定的数字可以采取多样性的表达,如 25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of,具体题型的表达请参见 Pie Chart 的部分。 柱状图中“比较” (找出 similarity)和“对比”(找出 difference)是写作的关键, 也就是说需要横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征, 也要分别描写各个柱子的个性 特征。初学者认为其较好写,因为分类较简单,但其实柱状图不像曲线图那样彻 底的动起来,也不像饼图那样彻底的静下来,属于“动” “静”不结合,要取得 高分并不容易。 曲线图初学者感到很难, 关键是不能把握曲线的走向和趋势。 要拿到曲线图的高 分, 必须学会 general classification,即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶 段式的总分类(详见下篇曲线图总分类三种方法) ,使写作层次清晰,同时也方 便考官阅卷。 接下来在分类描述每个阶段的 specific trend,同时导入数据作为你分 类的依据。 考官最痛恨那些不做任何说明就机械性的导入数据, 这不是雅思的考 试目的。曲线图高分的关键还在于使用一些比较 native & accurate 的单词和短语 来描述 trend,不要淹没在云云众生的“垃圾词汇”中。 表格题考察你例举数字的能力和方法。 怎样通过举一些有代表性的数据来说明问 题是有讲究的(具体参考下篇表格题例举数字四种方法) 。 考试三原则:第 2 页 共 47 页

新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义

上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixin1. Objectivity——客观性原则。Task 1 的基本要求是通过对数据的描述,使考官在不看到 这张图表的情况下也能明白图表所反映出来的特征,但在描述时不能有任何联想式的个 人观点,否则会导致严重的失误,但对图表信息总结说明是允许而且是必要的。 2. Carefulness — — 观 察 细 致 原 则 。 雅 思 作 文 在 出 题 是 有 时 会 安 排 一 个 hidden characteristic(隐含着的特征信息), 如考生能够发现并加以描述, 可以得到一定的印象分, 如没发现,则正常阅卷。这些信息和你的英语水平是没有关系的,考察的是你的观察能 力和横向比较能力,考生应量力而为,千万不可因找寻 hidden characteristic 而浪费太多 的时间,得不偿失。60 50 40 30 20 10 0 interest friend studying goal通过这张图上单位和数据的分析,我们发现百分比之和大于 100%。可以在最后一段写道 What is worth mentioning is that since the overall percentages exceeded 100%, it can be indicated that some adults chose several reasons for study. 表 格 题 中 有 一 些 在 中 间 一 下 子 出 现 的 数 据 , 我 们 也 可 以 在 结 尾 段 点 出 它 的 hidden characteristic.如 Nuclear power did not make its debut until 1997(make one’s debut 是专门用来 描述新进数据的短语,用 appear 有歧义)。 3. Accuracy——精确性原则。雅思作文的命题当中有不少的 technical tramp, 特别表现在 数据的描述上。试看以下例子:19902000许多学生把它随意的交代成 It fluctuated from 1990 to 2000. 其实考官在这里故意设置曲线的第 3 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixin出头来考察考生的精确性。 应说成 It fluctuated from before 1990 to after 2000 或根据刻度间的 距离(实战应有标明) ,说成 It fluctuated from approximately 1988 to nearly 2002. 考试高分必备表 1——Trend INCREASE 词语 Junk words increase rise raise(n) grow climb Favorable words rocket escalate swell soar surge boom ease up edge up creep up Special words rally accrue leap 90 80 70 60 45 30 20 10 <10 反弹 小平 大平 说明 DECREASE 词语 decrease fall drop decline descend plummet plunge collapse slump subside ebb ease down edge down creep down retrieve abate dip 反降 说明 Stand at remain stay keep STABILIZATION 词语 stable steady constant the same 说明没有相对比较时用 掌握一种讲法maintain remain plane stay unvarying keep balanced *morose *slack *sluggish *gloomy *stagnant reach a plateau level off/out even out*表示为形容词。通 常作系表架构。如:The market was morose.反义词为:buoyant, active, firm。如:The market has been active. 高位平稳 低位平稳 中位平稳 IllustrationFLUCTUATION动 undulate, vacillate, waver, shift, vary,同义词alternate, flutter, swing形 volatile, variable, mutable, capricious, fluidIt fluctuated 1. 四种必备 句型 2. 3. 4.450 425from…to…/during…and… within a (large/small) range of… , reaching a peak at (statistics) in (year) and bottoming out at (statistics) in (year) 2+3用于任意两个无特征性数字 用于两个差值为十、百、千的整数 第一种方法的复杂版, 通过表示伴随状 况的从句揭示最高最低点 此句为小作文的必备句, 每次都会用到202 1251950198019701980American Consumer’s ExpenditureRussian Consumer’s Expenditure第 4 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixin考试高分必备表 2——Extent Words 程度大, 斜率大 于1 considerably dramatically sharply=steeply significantly tremendously immensely noticeably rapidly substantially maximally 程度小, slightly 斜 率 小 gently 于1 slowly steadily subtly minimally 程度中 等, 接近 于1 比较地 moderately in moderation medium(adj.) comparatively relatively A B CDIllustrationSample sentence It rises dramatically=There is a dramatical increase in the number of …=We can witness a dramatical increase in the percentage of …三根或以上曲线中程度最大 It rises gently=There is a gentle increase in the number of …=We can witness a slight increase in the percentage of … 三根或以上曲线中程度最小 It rises moderately=There is a medium growth in the number of…=The number of…is in moderation. B 曲 线 必 须 说 成 It rises comparatively gently,以区别于 A 曲线 It rises sharply.即遇上两根 相同变化幅度的曲线就要用上。 A B A: It rises gradually B: It rises gently A 曲线也可说成 It rises gently, 但效果就差了,所以“逐渐地” 是一个优先表达的意思。 图表作文经常要表达“大约”的 意思, 左表根据精确度进行升序 排列。 * almost 和 well nigh 只能修饰程 度,绝对不能跟数字连用。其余 应准备黑体词语。平滑地gradually regularly continuously progressively smoothly about around=some roughly nearly more or less approximately circa almost well nigh respectively大约地分别地The numbers of students in UK and Japan are 2100 and 2155 respectively.第 5 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixin A B B: It leveled off initially and surged correspondingly.表示某部 分的变化趋势与另外一根一样。 对于这样的曲线确实很难讲清 楚, 但是我们发现曲线的起点和 终点较接近,可说成 It rises and falls evenly.表示不管怎么变化, 涨幅和跌幅相同,起落同幅。相应地correspondingly proportionately evenly均匀地考试高分必备表 3——Phrase 摸高 reach a peak reach a summit reach a zenith reach a pinnacle reach an apex reach a vertex reach an acme reach a culmination 探底 bottom out hit a trough nadir base underside nether part floor deepest part 平均值 average out at take an average strike a balance reduce to a mean equate equalize 天龙八部 rise and fall evenlyIELTS 学术类 Task 1 高分写作应试 下篇——战略篇Pie ChartParaphrase and enrich the expression of statistics Three highly-frequently-used sentence structures 1. (A quarter of) the costs of each course should be shared (by the taxpayers). 2. Individual covers/occupies/takes up/accounts for comparatively a majority of the total costs, with/at 40 percent. 3. The remaining 35 percent is in the charge of/due to the employers.第 6 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinWRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 wordsReasons for studyInterest in subject To gain qualifications Helpful for current job To improve prospects of promotion Enjoy learning/studying To be able to change jobs To meet people9 12 22 20 2040 3810203040%How the costs of each course should be shared Taxpayer 25% Individual 40%Employer 35%第 7 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinLine ChartAccuracy and Suitability of the description of trends Four methods of general classificationPhysical Classification Situational Classification Horizontal Classification Comparative Classification WRITING TASK 1The graph below shows Harry’s annual sales of hamburgers in 1998. Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.HARRY’S annual sales of hamburgers (1998)第 10 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixin3000 2500 2000 1500 1000JanFebMarApr MayJun JulAug SepOctNovDecWRITING TASK 1The graph below shows the number of people at a London underground station from 6:00 to 22:00. Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.Number of people at a London underground station4003002001006789101112131415 1617181920 2122TimeWRITING TASK 1第 11 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinTableFive technical methods of listing statistics effectively and multifariously Extreme The general trend of the visits abroad by UK residents for holiday rose comparatively dramatically, reaching a peak at 20,700 in 1998 and bottoming out at 14,898 in 1995. Range Visits abroad by UK residents for business boomed within a range of approximately 800. Average Visits abroad by UK residents for other reasons rose and fell evenly, averaging out at nearly 1000. Similarity This is the similar case with the trend/statistics of TOTAL Contrast This is the opposite with the trend/statistics ofWRITING TASK 1The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98. The second chart shows their destinations over the same period. Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.第 15 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinVISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY PURPOSES OF VISITS(1994-98)1994Holiday15,246199514,898199617,896199719,703199820,700Business3,1553,1883,2493,6393,957Visits to friends and relatives2,6892,6282,7743,0511,181Other reasons9828961,0301,054990TOTAL22,07221,61024,94927,44728,828DESTINATIONS OF VISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY MAINREGION(1994-98)Western EuropeNorth AmericaOther areasTotal199419,3719191,78222,072199518,9449141,75221,610199621,8871,1671,90524,949199723,6611,5592,22727,447199824,5191,823第 16 页 共 47 页2,48628,828

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinSample You should spend about 20 minutes on the task. The table below shows the average family expenditure in Britain.Write a report for your teacher describing in the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.Average family expenditure in Britain (%)ITEM Food Alcoholic drink Tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing Fuel, light and power Household goods and services Transport and communications Recreation, entertainment and education Other goods and services Other items1967 21 7 6 9 12 5 10 9 7 14 --1977 19 7 4 8 14 5 7 14 9 12 11996 18 4 2 6 16 4 14 16 11 8 1第 17 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinSample You should spend about 20 minutes on the task. The charts below show the percentage of people employed in different types of industry, during the period 1970 to 2000, in Britain and China.Write a report for your teacher describing in the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.BritainAgriculture Computer Industry Finance 1970 1980 1990 2000 18 20 20 21 5 20 40 21 18 18 20 10 Manual Labour 61 41 20 40ChinaAgriculture Computer Industry Finance 1970 1980 1990 2000 61 60 40 30 5 6 30 40 5 5 10 10 Manual Labour 38 40 20 20第 18 页 共 47 页

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上海新东方学校版权所有/zhangchixinBar Chart Compare and Contrast (Summary and Analysis) Grammatical Accuracy Hidden Characteristic第 19 页 共 47 页

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