新概念青少版入门级A测试卷Unit 13-15 - 图文

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新概念青少版入门级A测试卷Unit 13-15

Listening 听力部分 30’

一、听录音,写单词,并写出单词的中文含义。30’ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

Writing笔试部分 60’

二、根据图片中的内容填空。12’ 1、用my, your, his, her和its填空。 _____ anorak is ______ name is yellow. Tommy. What color is _____ T-shirt?

_______ T-shirt is What colour is _____ sweater? What colour is ____ anorak? red.


(1) The boy is _______ the table. (2) The cat is _______ the table. (3) The rabbit is _______ the table. (4) The cap is _______ the cat. (5) The mouse is _______ the cap.

三、给下列问句找到合适的答句并连线。9’ 1. What color is it? 2. Is it green? 3. What colour is your cap? 4. What’s your favourite colour? 5. What colour is my shirt? 6. What is your name? 7. What’s her name? 8. Where is my shirt? 9. What’s that?

My favourite colour is yellow. It’s on the table. It’s red. My cap is green. Lucy. It’s a fat parrot. My name is Paul. Your shirt is blue. Yes, it is.


A. No bone. B. Bad dog. Be quite. C. It’s on the table. I think. D. This is my parrot. E. Where’s my bone? F. Its mouth is big. G. Oh, look! It’s in the schoolbag.

五、看图填空. 10’


1. What colour is your T-shirt?

2. My cap is red.

3. Is it blue?

4. Oh, my favorite colour!

5. What’s your favourite colour?

6. This is my favourite cap.

7. That’s her tortoise.

8. His name is Robert.

口语部分 10’


