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冠词(3个):a/an, the 表示多少的词(43个):

0-12:zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13-19: thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20-90中的整十:twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred(百) 101(one hundred and one) thousand(千) million(百万) few, little, some, any, many, much, lot, no, every, each, all

情态动词(8个):can. could. may. might. shoud. would. must. need 基本助动词(4个):do(does, did). have(has, had). shall. will. won't.

特殊疑问词(6个):when. where. how; who what. which否定词(2个):never. not


1, 我 L

2, 他 He

3, 你 you

4, 和 and

5, 姓名 name

6, 男人 man

7, 女人 woman

8, 去go to

9, 打搅一下 Excuse me

10,天 day

11,明天 tomorrow

12,今天 today

13,护照 passport51,香蕉 banana 52,苹果 apple 53,热水 hot water 54,汽水 soda water 55,饿 hungry 56,冷 cool 57,热 hot 58,厕所(三种方式)WC,/Toilette/Rest room 59,门票 ticket 60,妻子 wife 61,丈夫 husband 62,男孩 boy 63,女孩 girl14,行李 luggage

15,换钱 Exchange

16,飞机场 airport

17,现金 cash

18,公共汽车 bus

19,旅行 travelling

20,度假 holiday

21,酒店 hotel

22,签证 visa

23,数字 one…..ten(1…10)

24,床 bed

25,叫早 morning call

26,火车站 railway station

27,晚上 night

28,下午 afternoon

29,早餐 breakfast

30,中餐 lunch

31,晚餐 dinner

32,面包 bread

33,汤 soup

34,猪肉 pork

35,牛肉 beef

36,鱼 fish

37,鸡 chicken

38,米饭 rice

39,面 noodles

40,炒饭 fried rice

41,炸薯条 fried

42,葡萄酒 wine

43,饮料 drink

44,鸡蛋 egg


46,冰激凌 ice cream


48,牛奶 milk

49,沙拉 salad

50,橙汁 orange 64,年轻的 young 65,老的 old 66,祝好运 good luck 67,没问题 No problem 68,非常 very 69,办公室 office 70,漂亮 beautiful 71,英俊 Hansen 72,快点 come on 73,慢点 slow down 74,翻译 translate 75,司机 Driver 76,读 read 77,多久?how long? 78,报纸 newspaper 79,分钟 minutes 80,多少钱 How much? 81,美元 US Dollar 82,欧元 Euro 83,开门 open door 84,日本人 Japanese 85,韩国人 Korean 86,我来自 I from 87,这个 this 88,我说英语就这么一点点 I speak little English 89,说 talk 90,计算器 calculator 91,几点? What time 92,上网internet 93,房间 room 94,钢笔 pen 95,看 look 96,明白 understand 97,工作 work 98,谈话 talk 99,警察 police 100,朋友 friend































he is the first to come.他是第一次来。 “in” is part of the word “into”. “in”是单词“into”里的一部分。 he and you like her. 他和你喜欢她。 they find a way to get out of here. 他们找到一种方法从这里出去。 do you like to write a word? 你喜欢写一个字吗? she is in the water. 她是在水中。 is it from her? 是她吗? you are here。你在这里。 that is about you. 那是关于你的。 it is my first book.它是我的第一本书。 he had many calls. 他有很多电话。 she was looking for you. 她一直在寻找你。 I will do it for you. 我会为你做它。 come here on Sunday. 上周日来到这里。 they are on the way there. 他们是在那里的方式。 write down words as many as you like. 写下尽可能多的,只要你喜欢的she is with them. 她是与他们同在。 he has his way to do it. 他有他的办法做到这一点。 they will go there . 他们会去那里。 I like them. look at him! she will be the first. this is your book . I have a word to you. where do you come from? you or he will go there . one of them like it.

28. many people had time.

29. by the way, where will you go? 顺便说一下,你将会去哪里?

30. each word has way to write.

31. but you did not like them ?

32. not all the people like you.

33. what do you like?

34. all of them can make it.

35. they were all out.

36. we are here now.

37. when can you come?

38. this is your book .

39. can she write more?

40. they said so .

41. I cannot go there now.

42. she can use water to write words

43. “an” is a word.

44. each one of you has a book.

45. which one do you like?

46. she will call you.

47. do people use water?

48. how can you go there?

49. they acan find their way to do it.

50. if you don’t go, I will go.

51. will she be there on time?

52. get up on time!

53. they help each other.

54. this is about you and me.

55. don’t go out.

56. many people will come here.

57. first, do it, then you can make it.

58. people cannot find them.

59. can you go to look for these people?

60. So, you would not like to do it?

61. Some of them were not here.

62. he wants her to go out.

63. Would you like to go?

64. yiou can make it.

65. I would like to go.

66. do you like him?

67. if you go into the water, you can find it.

68. it is time to go.

69. he has got it.

70. look at her, she is there.

71. they two all like him.

72. we want two more for you.

73. could you write to me?

74. go there now!

75. can you see me now?

76. can you number it?

77. she said no.

78. we will find the way to go out.

79. Could you write to me?

80. People like to be the first one.

81. I am on my way.

82. he has more time than me.

83. who will be the first?

84. water it, now!

85. he has been on the way.

86. call me, now!

87. who are you?

88. you cannot find oil in water.

89. it has its way to go there.

90. could you call me now?

91. we can find it.

92. there is a long way to go.

93. look down, you’ll find the water.

94. he likes writing on day time.

95. did they come here?

96. get up on time.

97. come here!

98. she made it!

99. she may write to you. 100. it is one part of the way.

