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按份共有 several possession 按份之债 several obligation 版权 copyright
包办婚姻 arranged marriage 保证 guaranty/guarantee
保证合同 contract of guaranty
保证金 guaranty bond; security deposit 保证人 guarantor
被代理人(本人) principal 本代理 original agency 本代理人 original agent 次代理 subagency 代理权 right of agency 代理行为 act of agency
表见代理 agency by estoppel; apparent agency
不安抗辩权 unstable counter-argument right 不当得利 unjust enrichment 不当履行 misfeasance 不可抗力 force majeure 不可侵犯权 inviolability
不要式民事法律行为 informal civil legal act 不要因民事法律行为 noncausative civil legal act
不作为 omission (C)
财产担保 property guarantee
财产分割 partition; dismemberment of property
财团法人 legal body of financial group 采矿权 mining ownership 产品瑕疵 defect of product
撤销权 right of claiming cancellation
承包经营权 right to contracted management 承认权 right of admission
诚实信用原则 principle of good faith
乘人之危 taking advantage of others’ precarious position 程序法 procedural law
驰名商标 reputed trademark
处分权 right of disposing; jus dispodendi 创造性 creativity 创作 creation
从民事法律行为 accessory civil legal act 从债 accessory obligation (D)
大陆法 continental law 大陆法系 civil law system
代位继承 representation; succession by subrogation
代位权 subrogated right 单独继承 single succession
单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act 单一之债 single obligation 担保物权 real right for security 盗版VCD pirated VCD
等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange 抵销 setoff
抵押标的物 collateral; estate under mortgage 抵押权 hypothec; right to mortgage
抵押权的次序 sequence of right to mortgage 抵押权的抛弃 abandonment of right to mortgage
抵押权的让与 alienation of right to mortgage 抵押权的设定 creation of right to mortgage 抵押权的实现 materialization of right to mortgage
抵押权的消灭 extinction of right to mortgage
抵押权的效力 defect of right to mortgage 抵押权人 mortgagee 抵押人 mortgagor
抵押物登记 registration of estate under mortgage
抵押优先权 priority of mortgage 地上权 superficies
地役权 servitude; easement
第一顺序继承人 successor first in order 佃权 tenant right
定金 earnest money; deposit 独生子女 only child
多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act ( E, F)
恶意占有 malicious possession 发表权 right of publication
发明创造 invention and creation 发明权 right of invention 发现权 right of discovery
法定代理人 statutory agent; legal agent 法定继承 legal succession
法定违约金 liquidated damages by law 法定之债 legal obligation 法定孳息 legal fruits 法律婚 legal marriage 法律渊源 source of law 法人 legal person
法人合伙 partnership of legal person 法人型联营 association of legal persons 防卫行为 act of defense
非婚生子女 illegitimate child 非专属权 non-exclusive right
否认权 right of claiming cancellation
夫妻分居 divorce a mensa et thoro; divorce from bed and board
夫妻共同财产 community property 夫妻关系 conjugal relationship 服务商标 service trademark 抚恤金 pension
附期限民事法律行为 civil legal act with term
复婚 resumption of marriage ( G )
感情破裂 incompatibility
个人独资企业 individual business establishment
个人合伙 partnership
个体工商户 individual business 给付 give; pay
工业产权 industrial property 公法 public law
公力救济 public protection 公民 citizen
公平原则 principle of justice 公序良俗 public order and moral 共同共有 joint possession 共同继承 joint succession
固有法 native law; indigenous law 关联企业 affiliate enterprise
广告商标 advertisement trademark
国民待遇原则 doctrine of national treatment 国有独资企业 solely state-owned enterprise (H)
合法行为 lawful act
合伙财产 property of partnership 合伙人 partner
合伙协议 partnership agreement
合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership
合伙债务 debt of partnership 合同之债 contractual obligation 合作社 cooperative
衡平法 equity; law of equity 户籍 census register
婚后财产公证 notarization of postnuptial properties
婚生子女 legitimate child
婚姻、家庭、继承、收养 marriage, family, inheritance, adoption
婚姻登记 marriage registration 婚姻法 marital law; marriage law 货币 currency
获得报酬权right to get payment/remuneration ( J, K )
计划生育 birth control 技术诀窍 know-how
继承参与人 succession participant
继承法 inheritance law; law of succession 继承人 heir; successor
间接继承 indirect succession 监护 guardianship
简单之债 simple obligation 教会法 ecclesiastical law 解除权 right of renouncement 紧急避险 act of rescue; necessity 近似商标 similar trademark 禁止规范 forbidding norm
经常居住地 frequently dwelling place
经营权 managerial authority; power of
精神损害 moral/mental/spiritual damage 救济权 right of relief 居所 residence
绝对权 absolute right 抗辩权 right of defense
可撤销民事行为 revocable civil act ( L, M ) 离婚 divorce
利用权 right to make use of 例外法 exception law 连带之债 joint obligation 联营 joint venture 林权 forest ownership 留置权 lien
录制权 right of fixation 律师代理 agency by lawyer 罗马法 Roman Law
罗马法系 Roman law system 埋藏物 fortuna; hidden property 买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 民法法系 civil law system
民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law
民事法律行为 civil legal act 民事合伙 civil partnership
民事权利能力 civil right capacity 民事行为 civil act 名称权 right of name 名誉权 right of reputation 明示保证 express guaranty 命令性规范 commanding norm 默示保证 implied guaranty ( N, P )
拟制血亲 blood relations in fiction of law 农村承包经营户 leaseholding rural household
诺成性民事法律行为 consenting civil legal act
判例法 case law; precedent
旁系血亲 collateral blood relation 配偶 spouse
剽窃 plagiary; plagiarism 漂流物 drifting object
平等原则 principle of equality 普通代理 general agency 普通法 common law
普通合伙 general partnership 期待权 expectant right 欺诈 fraud ( Q )
企业法人 legal body of enterprise 企业集团 group of enterprise 亲权parental right
亲属权 right of relative 侵权行为 tort
侵权行为之债 tort obligation 清偿 discharge; satisfaction
情事变更原则 doctrine of change of circumstances
请求权 right of claim 全权代理 general agency
全权代理委托书 general power of attorney 权利本位 standard of right 权利的保护 protection of right ( R )
让与担保 alienation guarantee 人格权 right of personality 人权 human right
人身权利 personal right 人身损害 damage to person
人役权 servitus personarum; personal servitude
任意之债 voluntary obligation 日尔曼法 Germanic law 荣誉权 right of honor 入伙 join partnership ( S )
善意占有 possession in good faith 商标代理 trademark agency 商标公告 trademark gazette
商标国际注册 international registration of trademark
商标评审委员会 trade review and appraisal board
商标侵权 trademark infringement 商标权 trademark right
商标审查 trademark examination
商标使用许可协议 trademark licensing agreement
商标事务所 trademark office 商标注册trademark register 商品商标 commodity trademark 社会本位 standard of society
社团法人 legal body of mass organization 涉外婚姻 marriage with foreign elements 涉外收养 adoption with foreign elements 申请在先原则 prior application rule 身份权 right of status
生命健康权 right of life and health
生前民事法律行为 civil legal act before death
实际履行原则 doctrine of specific performance
实践性民事法律行为 practical civil legal act 实体法 substantial law 实用新型 utility model 实用性 practicability
使用权 right of use; right to use of 使用收益分享权 right to share usufruct 使用在先 priority of use
世袭继承 hereditary succession 市民法 jus civile
事实婚 de facto marriage
收回权 right of recall; right of retrieval 收养法 adoption law
收养人 adoptive parent/adopter 收养协议 adoption agreement
收益权 right to earnings; right to yields 受托人 trustee
授权规范 authorization norm 授权委托书 power of attorney 授权行为 act of authorization
署名权 right of authorship; right of paternity 司法解释 judicial interpretation 私法 private law
私力救济 self-protection
私生活秘密权 right of privacy
私营企业 private enterprise; proprietorship 寺院法 canon law
送养人 person or institution placing out a child for adoption
诉讼离婚 divorce by litigation
损害赔偿之债 obligation of compensation for injury; obligation of damages 所有权 dominium; ownership; title
所有权凭证 document of title; title of ownership ( T )
他物权 jus in re aliena 探视权 visitation right 特别法 special law
特别合伙 special partnership 特别留置权 special lien 特定之债 certain obligation 特许权使用费 royalties
提存 debtor’s submission of the subject matter of obligation to competent authority 天然孳息 natural fruits 同居 cohabitation
同时履行抗辩权 defense right of simultaneous performance
土地使用权 right to the use of land 退伙 withdrawal from partnership ( W )
外观设计 design; industrial design
完全行为能力 perfect capacity for act 完整性保持权 right to maintain integrity 晚婚 late marriage 万民法 jus gentium
违法行为 illegal act; unlawful act 违约金 liquidated damages 伪造 forge
委托代理 agency by mandate 慰问金 consolation money
无偿民事法律行为 civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award 无效婚姻 void marriage 无效行为 ineffective act
无行为能力 incapacity for act 无因管理 voluntary service 无责任行为 irresponsible right
无主物 bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods
物的担保 security for thing
物的瑕疵担保 warranty against defect of a thing
物权分类 classification of right in rem/real right
物上请求权 right of claim for real thing 误传 misrepresentation ( X )
习惯法 customary law 先买权 preemption
显失公平 obvious unjust
限制行为能力 restrictive capacity for act 相对权 relative right
相对人 counterpart; offeree
相邻权 neighboring right; related right 肖像权 right of portraiture
协议离婚 divorce by agreement
协作型联营 cooperation-type coordinated management 胁迫 duress 新颖性 novelty
信用担保 credit guarantee 行为能力 capacity for act 形成权 right of formation 姓名权 right of name
修改权 right of modification; right of revision
选择之债 alternative obligation ( Y )
押金 deposit; foregift
要式民事法律行为 formal civil legal act 要因民事法律行为 causative civil legal act 一夫一妻制 monogamy 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 医疗费 medical charge
医药费 hospital treatment expense 遗产 inheritance; heritage
遗产继承人 heir to property; inheritor 遗失物 lost property 遗书 last words
遗言 last will and testament
遗赠 bequest; legacy; devise(不动产) 遗赠抚养协议 legacy-support agreement 遗赠继承 succession by devise 遗嘱继承 intestate succession 以合法形式掩盖非法目的 legal form concealing illegal intention 义务性规范 obligatory norm 意思表示 declaration of intention
意思表示一致 meeting of minds; consensus 意思能力 capacity of will 意外事件 accident
隐名合伙 sleeping partnership; dormant partnership
隐私权 right of privacy 英吉利法 English law
英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 永久性抗辩权 permanent counter-argument right
用益物权 real right for usufruct 优先权日 priority date
优先权原则 doctrine of priority right 有权代理 authorized agency 有限合伙 limited partnership 预付款 advanced payment
约定违约金 liquidated damages by agreement ( Z )
再代理人 subagent 早婚 early marriage
债的担保 guarantee of obligation 债的履行 performance of obligation
债权 jus in personam; right to give or procure; claim; creditor’s right 债权人 creditor 债券 bond
债务 debt; liability; obligation 债务的偿还 payment of debt 债务的偿清 discharge of debt 债务的担保 guarantee of debt 债务的给付日期 debt maturity 债务的合并 consolidation of debt 债务的免除 exemption of debt 债务人 debtor
占有权 dominium utile; equitable ownership 贞操权 virginity right
正当防卫 justifiable right; legitimate defense 证券 securities
支配权 right of dominion
知识产权 intellectual property
知识产权国际保护 international protection of intellectual property 直系血亲 lineal descent
指定代理人 designated agent 制定法 statute
质权right of pledge
智力成果 intellectual property
中华人民共和国专利局 Patent Office of the People’s Republic of China
中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise
中外合作企业 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise
Year and a Day Rule 满一年原则(如受害者满一年未死亡,不得以杀人罪起诉被告) Wharton's Rule 沃顿原则(如果某种罪最少得由N人所犯,那么N+1人才构成同谋罪) voluntary manslaughter 故意杀人 voluntary intoxication 故意醉酒
victim/witness assistance programs 服务组织提供的对犯罪受害人及证人的安慰及帮助 victims rights 刑事司法过程中受害人的基本权利
victimless crime 无受害者犯罪
victim impact statement 受害人影响陈述 vehicular homicide 车祸致人死命罪 uttering 故意提供或传递伪造文件罪 unlawful assembly 非法集会
Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) 《统一死亡判定法案》
truth in sentencing 判决及释放之间 trespassory taking 非法盗窃 treason 叛国罪
three-strikes legislation 重罪加长刑期法 theft of computer services 非法窃取计算机服务
tangible property 有形资产 several crimes 数罪
several offenses of a kind 同种数罪
syndrome-based defense 基于综合症的犯罪
终止权 right of termination 种类之债 indefinite obligation 重大误解 gross misunderstanding 重婚 bigamy
主民事法律行为 principal civil legal act 主债 prime/principal obligation 住所 domicile
注册商标使用许可 licensing of registered trademark
注册商标转让 assignment of registered trademark
著作财产权 property right in work
著作邻接权 neighboring right of copyright 著作权人 copyright owner
sudden passion 突然情感爆发(可能导致故意杀人)
substantive criminal law 实体刑法
subornation of perjury 非法教唆他人作伪证 strict liability crimes 严格责任犯罪(无犯罪意图或过错仍然有罪) accomplice : 同案犯
adult business district : 红灯区 agricrime : 农业犯罪 armed robbery :武装抢劫 arrest warrant : 逮捕证 assault : 袭击
attack dog : 攻击犬
back-alley butcher :卑鄙的屠夫 bail :保释金
blackmail scandal敲诈丑闻/ black market blood money : 血腥钱 body bag : 装尸袋
guilty of bribery行贿受贿罪 bum rap : 错捕
career criminal : 职业罪犯 child abuse : 虐待儿童
computer cleaner:消除财务信息的电脑黑客 con artist :行骗高手 con game : 骗局 credit-card fraud : 信用卡欺诈 date rape : 约会强奸
domestic violence : 家庭暴力 drunk driving : 酒后驾驶
first-degree murder : 一级谋杀案
hijack劫持/ blackjack /skyjacking/carjacking
hit-and-run accident肇事逃逸案 homicide of a prostitute妓女被杀 hold-up : 持枪抢劫
impulse crime : 冲动犯罪
juvenile delinquency : 青少年犯罪
arrested for larceny:偷盗被捕(pickpocket ) Mafia : 黑手党
money laundering : 洗钱 organized crime : 集团犯罪
(a b)
案件发回 remand a case (to a low court) 案件名称 title of a case
案卷材料 materials in the case 案情陈述书 statement of case
案外人 person other than involved in the case 案值 total value involved in the case
败诉方 losing party胜诉方 winning party 办案人员 personnel handling a case
保全措施申请书 application for protective measures
报案 report a case (to security authorities) 被告 defendant; the accused
被告人最后陈述 final statement of the accused
被告第二次答辩 rejoinder 被害人 victim
被害人的诉讼代理人 victim’s agent ad litem
被上诉人 respondent; the appellee 被申请人 respondent
被申请执行人 party against whom execution is filed
被执行人 person subject to enforcement 本诉 principal action
必要共同诉讼人 party in necessary co-litigation
变通管辖 jurisdiction by accord 辩护 defense
辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer 辩护人 defender
辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence
perjury : 伪证
police corruption : 警察腐败 pornoshop : 色情商店 sin tax :罪孽税
statutory rape :法定强奸罪 suicide season :自杀季节 tax evasion :逃税
white-collar crime :白领犯罪
辩论阶段 stage of court debate
驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim
驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion
驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgment/ruling
驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit 驳回通知书 notice of dismissal
驳回自诉 dismiss/reject a private prosecution 驳回自诉裁定书 ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case
补充答辩 supplementary answer 补充判决 supplementary judgment 补充侦查 supplementary investigation 不公开审理 trial in camera
不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing
不批准逮捕决定书 written decision of disapproving an arrest
不起诉,撤回诉讼 nol. pros.
不予受理起诉通知书 notice of dismissal of accusation by the court (c d)
财产保全申请书 application for attachment; application for property preservation 裁定 order; determination (指最终裁定) 裁定管辖 jurisdiction by order 裁定书 order; ruling 裁决书 award
采信的证据 admitted evidence 查封 seal up
撤回上诉 withdraw appeal 撤诉 withdraw a lawsuit
撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file
撤销原判,发回重审 rescind the original judgment and remand the case to the original court for retrial
出示的证据 exhibit
除权判决 invalidating judgment (for negotiable instruments) 传唤 summon; call 传闻证据 hearsay 答辩(状) answer; reply
答辩陈述书 statement of defense
大法官associate justices; justice/法官 judge 大检察官 deputy chief procurator 代理控告 agency for accusation 代理申诉 agency for appeal 代理审判员 acting judge
代为申请取保候审 agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
弹劾式诉讼 accusatory procedure 当事人陈述 statement of the parties
当庭宣判 pronouncement of judgment or sentence in court
地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction
地区检察分院 inter-mediate People’s Procurator’s Office 第三人 third party
调查笔录 record of investigation
定期宣判 pronouncement of judgment or sentence later on a fixed date
定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence 冻结 freeze
督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge 独任庭 sole-judge bench 独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator
对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action (e f)
二审 trial of second instance
二审案件 case of trial of second insurance 罚款 impose a fine
法定证据 statutory/legal evidence
法定证据制度 system of legal evidence 法警 bailiff; court police 法律文书 legal instruments/papers 法律援助 legal aid
法律咨询 legal consulting 法庭辩论 court debate
法庭调查 court investigation 法庭审理笔录 court record
法庭审理方式 mode of court trial 法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal
法院 court/ tribunal/ court of justice/court of law/ law court/ judicial court/court house/ judicature/judicatory
法院公告 court announcement
反诉答辩状 answer with counterclaim 犯罪嫌疑人 criminal suspect
附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action 附带民事诉讼被告 defendant of collateral civil action
复查 reexamination; recheck 复验 reinspect (j k)
基层人民法院 basic People’s Court 羁押期限 term in custody
级别管辖 subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels
监视居住 living at home under surveillance 监狱 prison
检察官 procurator
检察权 prosecutorial power
检察委员会 procuratorial/prosecutorial committee
检察院 procuratorate
检察院派出机构 outpost tribunal of procuratorate
简易程序 summary procedure 鉴定结论 expert conclusion 经济审判庭 economic tribunal
径行判决 direct adjudication without sessions; judgment without notice 纠问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings
拘传 summon by force; summon by warrant 拘留所 detention house
举报 information/report of an offence 举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi 决定书 decision
军事法院 military court
开庭审理 open a court session 开庭通知 notice of court session 勘验笔录 record of inquest 看守所 detention house
可执行财产 executable property 控告式诉讼 accusatory proceedings 控诉证据 incriminating evidence 控诉职能 accusation function 扣押 distrain on; attachment 扣押物 distraint
宽限期 period of grace (l m n)
劳动争议仲裁申请书 petition for labor dispute arbitration
劳改场 reform-through-labor farm
劳教所 reeducation-through-labor office 类推判决的核准程序 procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence
累积证据 cumulative evidence 立案报告 place a case on file 立案管辖 functional jurisdiction
立案决定书 written decision of case-filing 立案侦查 report of placing a case on file 利害关系人 interested party 临时裁决书 interim award
律师见证书 lawyer’s written attestation; lawyer’s written authentication 律师事务所 law office; law firm
律师提前介入 prior intervention by lawyer 免于刑事处分 exemption from criminal penalty
民事案件 civil case
民事审判庭 civil tribunal 民事诉讼 civil action
民事诉讼法 Civil Procedural Law
扭送 seize and deliver a suspect to the police (p q)
派出法庭 detached tribunal 派出所 police station
判决 judgment; determination
判决书 judgment; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的) 旁证 circumstantial evidence 陪审员 juror
批准逮捕 approval of arrest
破案 clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case
破产 bankruptcy; insolvency
普通程序 general/ordinary procedure 普通管辖 general jurisdiction
企业法人破产还债程序 procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation
起诉 filing of a lawsuit
起诉 sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings
起诉状 indictment; complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim
区县检察院 grassroots People’s Procuratorate
取保候审 the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving 缺席判决 default judgment (r s)
人民调解委员会 People’s Mediation Committee
认定财产无主案件 cases concerning determination of property as ownerless 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity 上诉 appeal
上诉人 appellant
上诉状 petition for appeal 少管所 juvenile prison
社会治安综合治理 comprehensive treatment of social security
涉外案件 cases involving foreign interests 涉外民事诉讼 foreign civil proceedings 涉外刑事诉讼 foreign criminal proceedings 申请人 applicant; petitioner
申请书 petition; application for arbitration 申请执行人 execution applicant
申诉人宣誓书 claimant’s affidavit of authenticity
申诉书 appeal for revision; petition for revision
神示制度 ordeal system 审查案件 case review
审查并决定逮捕 examine and decide arrest 审查起诉阶段 stage of review and prosecution
审理通知书 notice of hearing 审判长 presiding judge
审判长宣布开庭 presiding judge announce court in session
审判管辖trial jurisdiction
审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision 审判委员会 judicial committee
审问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings
生效判决裁定 legally effective judgment/order
省市自治区检察院 higher People’s Procuratorate
失踪和死亡宣告 declaration of disappearance and death
实(质)体证据 substantial evidence 实物证据 tangible evidence 实在证据 real evidence
示意证据 demonstrative evidence 视听证据 audio-visual evidence 收容所 collecting post; safe retreat 首席检察官 chief procurator
受害人的近亲属 victim’s immediate family 受理刑事案件审批表 registration form of acceptance of criminal case 受送达人 the addressee 书记员 court clerk
书记员宣读法庭纪律 court clerk reads court rules
书证 documentary evidence 司法部 Ministry of Justice
司法机关 judicial organizations 司法警察 judicial police 司法局 judicial bureau
司法厅 judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government 司法协助 judicial assistance 死缓的复核 judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve
死刑复核程序 procedure for judicial review of death sentence
死刑复核权 competence for judicial review of death sentence
送达 service of process
送达传票 service of summons/subpoena 送达诉状 service of bill of complaint 搜查 search
诉 sue; suit; action; lawsuit; litigation
诉前财产保全 property attachment prior to lawsuit
诉讼保全 attachment
诉讼参加人 litigious participants 诉讼代理人 agent ad litem 特别程序 special procedures (t w x)
铁路法院 railway court
提起公诉 institute a public prosecution
铁路检察院 railroad transport procuratorate 庭审程序 procedure of court trial 通缉 wanted for arrest 投案 appearance
退回补充侦查 return of a case for supplementary investigation 委托辩护 entrusted defense 未成年人法庭 juvenile court
无行政职务的法官 associate judge
无正当理由拒不到庭 refuse to appear in court without due cause
无罪判决 acquittal, finding of unguilty 物证 material evidence
先予执行申请书 application for advanced execution
刑事拘留 criminal detention
刑事强制拘留 criminal coercive/compulsory measures
刑事审判庭 criminal tribunal 刑事诉讼 criminal proceedings
刑事诉讼法 Criminal Procedural Law
刑事自诉状 self-incriminating criminal complaint
行政审判庭 administrative tribunal
行政诉讼 administrative proceedings
行政诉讼法 Administrative Procedural Law 宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件 cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death 宣判笔录 record of rendition of judgment 选民资格案件 cases concerning qualifications of voters
询问证人 inquire/question a witness 训诫 reprimand
讯问笔录 record of interrogation
讯问犯罪嫌疑人 interrogate criminal suspect ( y z)
言词证据 verbal evidence
要求传唤证人申请书 application for subpoena
一裁终局 arbitration award shall be final and binding
一审 trial of first instance
应诉通知书 notice of respondence to action 有罪判决 sentence; finding of “guilty” 预审 preliminary examination; pretrial 原告 plaintiff
院长 court president
阅卷笔录 record of file review (by lawyers) 再审案件 case of retrial
再审申请书 petition for retrial
责令具结悔过 order to sign a statement of repentance
债权人会议 creditors’meeting 侦查阶段 investigation stage
侦查终结 conclusion of investigation
征询原、被告最后意见 consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant
证据保全申请书 application for evidence preservation
证人证言 testimony of witness; affidavit 支付令 payment order/warrant
知识产权庭 intellectual property tribunal 执行程序 procedure execution 执行逮捕 execution of arrest
执行和解 conciliation of execution 执行回转 recovery of execution 执行异议 objection to execution
执行员 executor执行庭 executive tribunal
执行中止 discontinuance of execution 执行终结 conclusion of execution 指定辩护 appointed defense
指定仲裁员声明 statement of appointing arbitrator
中级人民法院 intermediate People’s Court 中途退庭 retreat during court session without permission
仲裁被诉人 respondent; defendant 仲裁申请书 arbitration
仲裁申诉人 claimant; plaintiff 仲裁庭 arbitration tribunal
仲裁委员会 arbitration committee
仲裁协议 arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration
主诉检察官 principal procurator 助理检察官 assistant procurator 专门管辖 specific jurisdiction 专属管辖 exclusive jurisdiction
追究刑事责任 investigate for criminal responsibility
自首 confession to justice
自诉案件 private-prosecuting case 自行辩护 self-defense
自由心证制度 doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence
自侦案件 self-investigating case
最高人民法院 the Supreme People’s Court 最高人民检察院 the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
判决: judgment(用于民事、行政案件); determination(用于终审); sentence(用于刑事案); verdict(由陪审团作出)
裁定书: order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定);award(用于仲裁);verdict(用于陪审团)
决定书: decision
法学博士学位 LL.D (Doctor of Laws) 法学硕士学位 LL.M (Master of Laws) 法学学士学位 LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) 律师资格证 lawyer qualification certificate律师执业证 lawyer license 律师费 lawyer fee
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