
更新时间:2023-11-07 21:20:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





1. —Where is Mr Green now ? I haven’t seen him for a few days . —He _____ to Hong Kong .

A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone 2. — Is your father in?

— No, he ______ for three hours.

A. was out B. has been out C. went out D. has gone out 3.The old man lives ____ in a _____ house, but he doesn’t feel_____. A. alone, alone, lonely B. lonely, lonely, alone C. alone, lonely, lonely D. alone, lonely, alone

4. _______ some ways , there are many changes in our hometown . A. At B. To C. During D. In

5. ---Now the air in our hometown is even than it was before. ---So we must do something to stop it.

A. better B. dirty C. more better D. worse 6. ---Mum, may I go out to play football this afternoon? ---You can if your homework .

A. is done B. will do C. has done D. will be done 7. There_____ a hospital in my hometown fifty years ago.

A. had B. was used to C. were D. used to be 8.The factory has been closed a year ago. A. already B. since C. for D. yet 9.The windows after school is over.

A. usually close B. usually closed C. are usually closed D. are usually closing

10.I'm sorry I can't stop with you. I have much work to do. A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talked 11. ---____ levels does the game have? -Five.

A. How long B. How many C. How often 12.The CD-ROM is designed Nancy Jackson.

A. of B. for C. to D. by 13.Li ping’s brother is an boy.

A. eighteen-years-old B. eighteen years old C. eighteen-year-old D. eighteen year old 14. Before you leave the classroom, please the lights. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off 15.The trousers 3 pockets ______ in Shanghai . A. with ,made B. have ,is made C. have ,are made D. with ,are made

16. A boy with two dogs_____ when the earthquake rocked the city.

A. were sleeping B. is asleep C. was sleeping D. are asleep 17---I’m going on a trip to Japan after the exam. ---Really? ___________!

A. Have a nice time B. Congratulations C. OK D. It’s nice of you

18.The computer _____ a television, doesn’t it?

A. is like B. like C. looks like D. looks 19.I don’t know ______ a show. Can you tell me?

A. how organize B. what organize C. what to organize D. how to organize 20.This CD-ROM can help you learn and have fun_____.

A. at times B. on time C. at the same time D. in time 二、完型填空(10分)

There are all kinds of machines. They 21 in many different ways. One kind of machine is called a computer. A computer can do many things. A computer can do

D. How much

math problems. People can also do math problems. But they cannot do it 22 a computer.

Computers remember things. Computers do 23 people tell them. People cannot remember as many things as computers. Computers help tell 24 the weather will 25 .Computers help fly rockets and spaceships.

These are 26 of ways computers are used. They are used in 27 ways. Some computers do just 28 things. Some computers can do a lot of things. There are 29 computers. There are big computers. There may be computers in your school. Do you 30 what they do? 21. A. use

B. are used B. as fast as B. that B. where B. be

C. are using

D. will use

22. A. faster than 23. A. something 24. A. Which 25. A. be like 26. A. all some

C. more quickly than D. so big as C. everything C. what C. look C. a lot

D. things D. why D feel D.


B. many

27. A. thousand B. thousands thousands of 28. A. a little 29. A. large 30. A. get

B. little B. huge B. talk

C. thousand of D.

C. few C. good C. make

D. a few D. small D. know


( A )

When it was getting dark, a wolf was walking along the road. Then he was surprised to see his huge shadow(影子) under his feet.

“Wow, I didn’t know I was so big!” The wolf was happy to know it.

As time went by, the sun was going down and his shadow grew bigger and bigger, so it looked like a giant.

“Oh, look at my shadow. I’m so big!” The wolf thought that he was as big as his shadow. “I’m huge and excellent. I don’t need to be afraid of the lion.”

From then the wolf walked with his shoulders open. He thought of himself as the king of the forest.

“Why should I fear the lion? Lion! Come out! Here is your match(对手).”It made the lion very angry, so he went to see the wolf.

“Here I am. I heard you said you could beat me. Now I’m here. Why don’t you prove it?”

The lion’s sharp claw(爪子) hit the wolf’s head hard. The wolf was knocked out. “Ah, help me!”

But it was too late when the wolf got to know that he wasn’t as big or strong as his shadow. Unluckily, he became the lion’s delicious supper. 31. Why was the wolf so surprised?

A. He grew very quickly. B. He beat the other animals in the forest. C. He saw his huge shadow. D. He didn’t need to be afraid of the lion any more.

32. What does the word “giant” in the passage probably mean? A.大力士 人

33. The wolf went to the lion to________________.

A. send him some food B. ask for some food C. tell him something surprising D. show his strong body 34. What was the result? A. The lion ate the wolf.

B. The wolf ate the lion.

D. The wolf became the king of the

B.巨人 C.怪兽 D.野

C. They became good friends. forest.

35. Which one is the best title for this passage?

A. wolf and his shadow B. A wolf and a lion C. The king of the forest D. A strong wolf

( B )

Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.

