The Little prince book report
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book report of The Little Prince
Hello everyone, my book report today is about a fairy tale I like best, The Little Prince. It was written by Antoine [æn'twɑ:n]de [di:]Saint
[se nt] Exupery (安托万-圣埃克苏佩里)
Born in 1900, Saint Exupery is a French pilot ['pa l t] and writer. he used to served French Air Force and had fought against the Nazi’s['nɑ:tsi] in the second World War. During his stay in America, he wrote his famous book: The Little Prince. Which has the amount of readers just next to Bible in the West.
As for the stroy,the narrator [n 're t ] is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara [s 'hɑ:r ]. And here, he made the
acquaintance of the Little Prince.the little prince comes from the Asteroid
['æst r d] B612, and there’s a charming rose on the planet as well. Of course, our little prince falls in love with her. However, the rose is so pride,and sensitive,that the prince decided to leave his planet after having a big quarrel with her.
On his all-alone journey, he met different kinds of people:A king who was the only person in the first star. A conceited [k n si:t d] man who is always desiring of others admire. An odd tippler ['t pl (r)]. A busy businessman, A lamplighter, and a geographer [d 'ɑ:ɡr f r]. Finally, the little
prince arrives earth.
The earth, of course, is not a small planet like asteroid ['æst r d] B612. Here he meets a lot of things and found some friends. Then one day, the little prince comes to a garden full of roses. he is overcome with astonishment and sadness,as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. Just then, a fork appear. “if you tame me”, the fork says, “then we shall need each other. To me you will be unique in all the world. To you I shall be unique in all the world ”The prince tames the fox, and gradually learn that it is the time he have wasted for the rose that makes his rose so
important. And what’s more ,he has to be responsible to his rose forever, his rose need him...
After one year from his departure of his own planet, the little prince thought it was time for him to go home because he loves the rose and want to responsible to her. As the body is too heavy to carry with, he asks a snake [snek] to help him and left by let the snake bits him.
I love the book for it’s not just a fairy tale. Actually, just as the writer said,“This is a fairy tale that an adult[ d lt] writes for all the grown-ups or the naive part belonging to the childhood in every grown-ups heart.” I must admire that I’m deeply moved by this book because it tells the
beauty of human-being, the innocence of children and the desire to be loved.
The little prince said "It is just as it is with the flower. If you loved a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night.All the stars are bloom [blu m] with flowers...". So I think it’s must be beautiful to have someone to miss and to love.
The little prince said "But the eyes are blind.One must look with the heart...". So do look inside instead of the surface of a person, you will find something beautiful.
I guess everyone has a rose settled in the bottom of their heart. We all want to be loved and wo all have desire to love the world.
I guess everyone has a little prince in the bottom of their heart. We all want to be nobody but ourselves and to pursue freedom and dream.
I strongly recommend the book. Read it ,you will surely learn something about dream, about responsibility, and about love.
That’s all,thank you.
The Little prince book report04-22
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