上海市松江区2017学年第一学期质量监控试卷 高三英语(含标准答案)

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I. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers .At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. At a train station. B. At an airport. C. At a gas station. D. At a bus station. 2. A. $4. B. $10. C. $14. D. $40. 3. A. Receptionist and guest. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. D. Waiter and diner. 4. A. She has got everything ready. B. She never hesitates over what to take. C. She hates packing by herself. D. She needs more time for packing. 5. A. They should wait for John for a while. B. They should stay here for the night. C. They should start the meeting right away. D. They should call John at once. 6. A. Reasonable. B. Bright. C. Serious. D. Ridiculous. 7. A. She isn’t the mood to travel. B. France is too far for family holiday. C. Family holiday no longer interests her. D. She has had too many holiday this year. 8. A. Send leaflets. B. Go sightseeing. C. Do some gardening. D. Visit a lawyer. 9. A. The man is too forgetful. B. The man shouldn’t get annoyed. C. The man has too many keys. D. The man should attend more lessons. 10. A. He wants to live in apartments. B. He thinks his signature is unnecessary. C. He has already signed a contract. D. He doesn’t always say what he means.

Section B

Directions: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passage. The passage will be read twice but the question will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Use the company’s equipment. B. Give orders to robots. C. Make decisions for the company. D. Act as Big Brother. 12. A. Employees gain full freedom. B. Employees suspect one another. C. Employees children are happy. D. Employees enjoy working there. 13. A. Reward. B. Safety. C. Trust. D. Honesty.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Education children. B. Saving rare animals. C. Recreating an environment. D. Making a profit. 15. A. Animals make visitors stressful. B. Animals must live their lives in cages. C. Animals can feel bored and sad. D. Animals are in danger of extinction. 16. A. They are still useful and necessary.

B. They have more disadvantages than advantages. C. They are a perfect environment for animals. D. They are recreational places for animals.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear a conversation. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Question 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. It comes from the heart. B. It’s something you have to think about. C. It never gets boring. C. It’s not a feeling or an emotion. 18. A. She had long black hair. B. She wore black leather clothes. C. She never wore pants. C. She wore blue jeans. 19. A. Up Your Alley. B. The Blackhearts. C. Gary Glitter. D. Sly and the Family Stone. 20. A. She didn’t actually have much influence. B. People still don’t understand her. C. She still wants to perform. D. She is a star on the stage.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Maddie and her mother, Stephanie, thought the screams for help were just Boy Scouts (童子军) messing around. But then they saw the scene: the boy scouts surrounding a hiker who (21)________(take) a scary six-meter drop in an area near the Hoover Darn, a fall that left his

right arm with a bone (22)__________(stick) out. The mother and the daughter (23)

__________(suppose) to be having a fun-filled weekend to celebrate Maddie’s 17th birthday. But the trip turned into an emergency life-saving adventure. Maddie and her mother were nearly a kilometer into their 18 kilometer river trip in Black Carryon when they pulled onto some sand. The boy scouts.(24)__________ had called 911, had tied a loose bandage around the hiker’s broken arm to stop the bleeding.

Maddie knew another bandage was needed and thought of her lifeguard training. She asked (25)__________anyone had a pen or a stick, and someone picked up a branch. She turned the bandage, careful not to hit the bone(26)_________ it stopped most of the bleeding.

The girl grew up doing junior guards and had recently takena first-aid class as part of her training (27)__________(become) a lifeguard with California State Parks at Crystal Cove. “I’m happy these trainings are so useful” she said. “(28)_________ them, this guy probably would have died. This is something I will never forget. I’ve been considering my college and future career choices and now really feels like that the emergency medical field is(29)________ I would enjoy.”

It’s not the first time Maddie has quickly jumped into action when (30)_________(need). In 2015 when she was just 15 during the Surf City Marathon, she was near a man who dropped at mile 26. She pulled him out of the road and treated him for shock until paramedics (医务人员) arrived.

Section B

Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one world more than you need. A. statuses B. relevantly C. reserves D. highlighting E. population F. estimated G. downgraded H. driving I. critically J. enforced K. reverse

Good news for giant panda lovers: the cute and cuddly creature has just been brought back from the edge of extinction.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ____31____ the species from “endangered” to “vulnerable” as the union released its updated Red List on Sept.4 at Hawaii with their ____32____ growing by 17 percent in the decade leading up to 2014.

Chinese conservation efforts, including forest protection and reforestation, are considered to be the ____33____ force behind the animal’s re-prosperity. The number of panda ____34____ in China has also jumped to 67, from 13 in 1992. Nearly two-thirds of all wild pandas live there. Restoring the panda’s habitat has given them back their space with food available to them.

A part from giant pandas, the Tibetan Antelope has also moved from “endangered” to “near threatened”. According to a statement from IUCN, the animals numbers have shrunk severely- dropping from around I million to a(n)___35___65,000-72,500 in the 1980s and early 1990s-due to commercial poaching(偷猎). Rigorous protection has since been ___36___ to protect the beasts and the population is now likely to be between 100,000 and 150,000.

Despite the improved __37__ wild animals like the giant panda and the Tibetan Antelope still face great challenges. The IUCN warned, for example, that ongoing threats from climate change could eliminate more than 35 percent of the panda’s bamboo habitat in the next 80 years, which would ____38____ the species recent gains.

Good progress has been made but there is still work to do. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is devoted to___39___ species from around the world and their statuses in relation to their risk of extinction. The list currently has eight categories, including extinct, extinct in the wild, ____40____ endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, least concern and data deficient. These categories are based on criteria relating to population trends, size and structure, and geographic range.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

How to help your kids find a purpose? You don’t have to start with the really big questions. “Quick, what’s the meaning of life?” Many of us may not be able to answer that, but that doesn’t ___41___ our kids don’t have questions or need answers.

“The sense that your personal life is ___42___ to you is a basis of psychological well-being,” says Michael F. Steger, director of the laboratory for Meaning and Quality of Life at Colorado State University. Not only that, it is tightly tied to being happier, more positive, more ___43___, more caring, more helpful, more resilient(坚韧), and more satisfied in your life, relationships, and work.

But helping your kids find meaning doesn’t mean parents have to ___44___ all life’s ancient mysteries, Steger says. The ___45___ is to understand the difference between the meaning of life and the meaning in life.

“We do not have to start with the biggest and most troubling questions about our lives,” Steger says. “We can start with trying to ___46___ how, today, right now, we are going to do one thing that makes the story of our lives more positive, or makes a positive difference to someone else.”

With kids in ___47___school, Steger says, “At the most basic level, our best hopes for our children are that they feel their lives matter and that they ___48___.” To start conversations along those lines, says Steger. “You can ask questions about what they think their best ___49___ or strengths are, whether they have good relationships with other people, whether they care about others. You can ask them about times when they have made a difference, made someone feel better, felt __50__ for doing something, or helped someone out. All of these kinds of questions can start a conversation about your kid’s ___51___way of being in and contributing to the world.”

In middle school, says Steger, “Kids are being exposed to ideas, behaviors, assumptions, and priorities that might be ___52___ different from the ones they have always assumed were rue.” So for kids this age, parents can start conversations focusing on how your children’s sense of who they are, how they related to others and what life is has been___53___.

By high school, according to Steger, “We hope our children see how much their lives matter, see that they are at the beginning of an exciting and strengthening life story, and have some slight ideas about ___54___.” But the question of what you want to do with your life is too big for a single conversation, says Steger. Instead, he encourages parents to have ___55___, smaller

conversations with their kids about how they view themselves and their lives, and what kind of impact they would like to make.

41. A. intend B. mean C. remain D. hope 42. A. significant B. decisive C. meaningful D. useful 43. A. confident B. cautious C. intelligent D. special 44. A. discover B. present C. memorize D. solve 45. A. trick B. occupation C. address D. promise 46. A. look for B. pick up C. deal with D. figure out 47. A. junior B. advanced C. elementary D. senior 48. A. make a difference B. spare no effort C. take the initiative D. make a living 49. A. specialties B. qualities C. features D. performances 50. A. appreciated B. prepared C. understood D. well-known 51. A. apparent B. smart C. unique D. appropriate 52. A. generally B. eventually C. impossibly D. completely 53. A. improving B. strengthening C. appearing D. changing 54. A. truth B. purpose C. positivity D. contribution 55. A. permanent B. long-lasting C. frequent D. occasional

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage in followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.


Researchers have developed a method to activate electronic implants in the body and eliminate bacterial infections using a wireless signal.When triggered by remote technology, the device delivers hear to infected tissue.And it could lead to technologies that enable drugs and treatment to be delivered to patients at the press of a button.

The technology was developed by researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts and the University of Illinois. Mice were given electronic implants that, when a signal was sent, heated up to treat tissue that was infected with staphylococcus, which can cause life-threatening infections of the blood.Tissues collected from the mice 24 hours after treatment showed no sign of the infection, while the device dissolved in 15 days, proving it can not only treat infections but also be disposed of easily.

The research, which also eliminated E. coli bacteria, was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Each device, made of silk and magnesium(镁元素), harmlessly dissolved in the animals after the tests.The heating device in the implants has a resistor and power-receiving coil made of magnesium, and the magnesium is wrapped in 'packet' of silk, keeping it safe and controlling its dissolution time.The ability of the device to dissolve is important, as it means such implants would not need to be removed. Implantable medical devices normally use non-degradable materials that have limited operational lifetimes and must eventually be removed or replaced. But these new wireless therapy devices can handle the surgical process,

