大学英语综合教程第一册Unit 6课后练习答案
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Unit 6
Part II Text A
Text Organization
1. Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.
SubheadingsMain IdeasLet's Make a DealSome animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a WhaleAnimals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly.Primate Shell GameAnimals sometimes can be tricky.
I. 1.1) maintaining 2)intelligent 3) go (very) far 4)has expanded 5) make a deal
6) In the interest(s) of 7) wiped out 8)surrounding 9) convince 10) figure out
11) encountered 12) has cooperated 13) assessed 14)(had)switched 15) envy
2. 1) There used to be a long / long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or not.
2) Kate felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly.
3) Something suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay.
4) It's a miracle that she survived the air crash when it brought about 109 deaths.
5) She is determined not to give in until they give her a pay rise.
3. 1) It is obvious that Sherman never thought Melati was so intelligent that she would deceive her.
2) Scientists have undertaken various kinds of original research projects to explore animal intelligence, but they still can't reach an agreement on whether it exists or not.
3) Lots of evidence convinced us/them/me/him/her that the lost ancient tunnel must have run right underneath the city, extending to the seashore.
II. Confusable Words
1. firstly 2. first, first 3. At first 4. First/Firstly 5. first
6. First 7. at first 8. first
III. Usage
1.animal intelligence
2.zoo keeper
3.eye contact
4.money supply
5.killer whale
6.baby whale
7.family member
8.sea turtle
In the phrase, the attributive noun indicates:
through what
of what
what kind
how old
of what
what kind/ where
1.1) Scott arrived at the South Pole on January 18th, only to find that someone had got there before
2) They spent a lot of time negotiating for a pay increase, only to get fired.
3) I got to the theater only to find that I had left the ticket at home.
4) I went to this St. Valentine's party to have some fun only to discover that everyone there was my mother's age.
2.1) Why pay so much for such a coat? You could have it at half of the price in the supermarket
near our house.
2) The central heating system seems to have gone wrong. Why not call the repairman to check it?
3) Why argue with him any more? He's made up his mind not to undertake this task.
4) "I called and left a message f
or him several times but he never called back." "Why not try his mobile phone, then? "
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze
(A) 1.
emergency2.evidence 3. original4.sizing up5. negotiates
6.reveal 7. intelligent8.make a deal 9. dominant10.in their interest(s)
11. deceiving12.controversy 13. judgment14.explore
1. or2.How 3. from4.However 5. behavior
6.when 7. doesn't8.example 9. But10.attention
11. Another12.that 13. a14.every 15. associate
16. when 17. food18.Learning
II. Translation
When I was young I developed a keen interest in animals. So I often visited the zoo in my home town. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were kept in a huge iron cage at first, but later was released from it and put in a place called Tiger Hill. The hill was separated from the visitors by a very wide and deep ditch. What's more, it was also surrounded by a high iron fence along the ditch.
Twenty years later, I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find the Tiger Hill was still there but greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!
Part III Text B
Comprehension Check
l. b 2. d 3.d 4. b 5. c 6. a
Language Practice
1. purchase 2. took to 3. display 4. rejected 5. shed light on
6. magnificent 7.
typical 8. Nevertheless 9. alarmed 10. exhibited/displayed
11. pulled himself together 12. indicate13. cautious 14. observing15. accompany
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