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The hospital is carrying ____ tests to find out what's wrong with her. 选择一项: a. over b. out 正确 c. off d. away

正确答案是:out 题目22

Speed limits should lead ____ fewer deaths on the roads. 选择一项: a. to 正确 b. off c. on d. in

正确答案是:to 题目23 a. result in b. results in c. results from d. result from

正确答案是:results from 题目24

He's hoping for ___ as a doctor. 选择一项:

a. job b. a work c. labour d. a career

正确答案是:a career 题目25

Cycling is a good exercise. ____, it doesn’t pollute the air. 选择一项: a. Therefore b. Moreover c. But d. However

正确答案是:Moreover 题目26

He is ____ at doing this kind of job. 选择一项: a. imefficient b. nonefficient c. unefficient d. inefficient

正确答案是:inefficient 题目27

Heat causes the ____ of gas. 选择一项: a. growth b. increase c. expansion d. extension

正确答案是:expansion 题目28

Several languages are likely to die ____. 选择一项: a. out b. down c. off d. of

正确答案是:out 题目29

He is trying to find a new way to __ a living. Which of the following is not correct? 选择一项: a. get b. earn c. take d. make

正确答案是:take 题目30

I spent most of my money in the first week and ____ had very little for food at the end of the holiday. 选择一项: a. since b. however c. moreover d. consequently

正确答案是:consequently 题目1

正确答案是:which house 题目2

正确答案是:which is increasing 题目3

正确答案是:which adds


正确答案是:which brings 题目5

正确答案是:which causes 题目6

正确答案是:which leads 题目7

正确答案是:which drives 题目8

正确答案是:It’s one of the driest summers we have ever known. 题目9

正确答案是:It’s the coldest winter we’ve ever had. 题目10

正确答案是:It’s the wettest day I’ve ever experienced. 题目11

正确答案是:It’s one of the hottest weekends I’ve ever known. 题目12

正确答案是:It’s the warmest autumn we’ve ever had. 题目13

正确答案是:It’s one of the most beautiful summers we’ve ever had. 题目14

正确答案是:It’s one of the coolest springs we’ve ever known. 题目15

正确答案是:It’s one of the coolest springs we’ve ever known. 题目16

Sixty million people who ____________ in rural areas are moving to cities every year. 选择一项: a. lived b. lives c. living

d. live

正确答案是:live 题目17

This growth, ____________________ mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa, has dramatic consequences. 选择一项: a. happens

b. which is happening c. which happening d. which happened

正确答案是:which is happening 题目18

Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, __________ people out of rural areas. 选择一项: a. drives b. drove c. driving d. driven

正确答案是:driving 题目19

There are many cities _________________ very fast. 选择一项: a. expanding b. expands c. expanded d. expand

正确答案是:expanding 题目20

Such changes can alter the social structure, _________ people to move.

选择一项: a. which leading b. leads c. which led d. leading

正确答案是:leading 题目21

It’s one of the best ___________ I have ever been to. 选择一项: a. concerts b. a concert c. the concert d. concert

正确答案是:concerts 题目22

It’s the best film I’ve ____________ seen. 选择一项: a. always b. often c. ever d. usually 正确答案是:ever 题目23 完成

It’s ______________ novel I’ve ever read. 选择一项: a. better b. the best c. good d. best

正确答案是:the best 题目24

It’s ____________ the driest summers we have ever known. 选择一项: a. all b. of c. both d. one of

正确答案是:one of 题目25

It’s one of the coolest springs we_________________. 选择一项: a. ever know b. ever knew c. have ever known d. are knowing

正确答案是:have ever known

比萨pizza更新update分店branches牙科医生dentist倾倒dumped 货物goods金属metals移去remove腐烂rot摇动shook 题目21 正确

He broke __ the candy and gave each child a small piece. 选择一项: a. up 正确 b. out c. down d. off

正确答案是:up 题目22

It took me a while ____ the new job. 选择一项: a. to adapt b. adapt c. adapting d. to adapt to 正确 正确答案是:to adapt to 题目23

Who put the books on the ground? Could you pick them ____ ? 选择一项: a. out b. up 正确 c. over d. off

正确答案是:up 题目24

You did us a great favour by ____ that problem. 选择一项: a. dispose of b. disposing of 正确 c. dispose to d. disposing to

正确答案是:disposing of 题目25

We should ___ those bad habits. 选择一项: a. get rid b. get of c. get rid of 正确 d. rid

正确答案是:get rid of 题目26

He ____ lives here. 选择一项: a. no longer 正确 b. any longer c. not longer d. not any longer 正确答案是:no longer 题目27

The company plans to shut ____ four factories and cut 1,000 jobs. 选择一项: a. out b. down 正确 c. away d. off

正确答案是:down 题目28

She's ____ cancer (癌症) for two years. 选择一项: a. suffered b. suffering

c. been suffering from 正确 d. suffering from

正确答案是:been suffering from 题目29

You've spent three years studying - don't throw ____. 选择一项: a. away it all b. away all it

c. all away it d. it all away 正确 正确答案是:it all away 题目30

They are ___ children because they do not have enough to eat. 选择一项: a. Unhealthy正确 b. inhealthy c. inhealth d. unhealth


胃口appetite头脑brain潜水dived文件file天然气gas报道reported 雄性males拒绝rejected吨tonne完全地fully 题目21

Someone over 18 years old is ____ under British law. 选择一项: a. adult b. grow-up c. an adult 正确 d. grown-ups 题目22

I think this sofa is ___ than that one. 选择一项: a. expensiver b. more costly 正确 c. cost more d. costlier 题目23

Cooking breakfast is ___ job.

选择一项: a. daily b. an every day c. everyday d. an everyday 正确 题目24

Is $50 equivalent ____ about £30? 选择一项: a. to 正确 b. for c. with d. on 题目25

This rare bird has become __ 选择一项:

a. an endangered specie b. endangered species c. endangering species d. an endangered species 正确 题目26

There are many ___ in China. 选择一项: a. females engineers b. females engineer c. women engineers 正确 d. woman engineers 题目27

A new __ will be set up in this area so we will have enough electricity in the future. 选择一项:

a. power station 正确

b. electricity station c. power factory d. electrical station 题目28

The government ___ schools. 选择一项:

a. supply free books with b. supplies free books to 正确 c. supplies free books with d. supply free books to 题目29

I shall go to the meeting tomorrow ___ I'm too busy. 选择一项: a. if b. when c. until d. unless 正确 题目30

It seems ____ that no one saw this crisis. 选择一项: a. incredible 正确 b. uncredible c. incredable d. uncredable

普通的common 支配地位dominate主要地largely科学science

科学家scientist广泛地widely统计statistics两种语言的bilingual军事的military联系者connector 题目21

He took ____ my job when I was on holiday. 选择一项:

a. on b. over 正确 c. off d. after

take on “开始;雇用”;take over “接管”;take off “取消;离开;脱掉”;take after “长相像”。 因此,此题选B, over 最合适,句意为:在我度假期间,他接管我的工作。 正确答案是:over 题目22

The government is spending ____ on railways. 选择一项:

a. millions of dollars 正确 b. million of dollars c. millions of dollar d. million dollars

millions of dollars “成百万上千万的美元”。类似的用法有很多,例如:hundreds of“成百上千的”; thousands of“成千上万的”。因此,此题选A,millions of dollars 最合适,句意为:政府支出成百万上千万的美元在建铁路。 正确答案是:millions of dollars 题目23

Schools ____ an important role in society. 选择一项: a. make b. do c. take d. play 正确

play an important role in ??“在??发挥重要作用”。因此,此题选D,play 最合适,句意为:学校在社会中发挥很重要的角色。 正确答案是:play 题目24

This is a ___ dictionary.

选择一项: a. one lingual b. single lingual c. monolingual 正确 d. sololigual

monolingual “一种语言的”。因此,此题选C, monolingual 最合适,句意为:这是一本单语词典。 正确答案是:monolingual 题目25

In our office, the women ____ the men 3 to 1. 选择一项: a. overnumber b. outnumber 正确 c. offnumber d. pastnumber

outnumber “数目超过”。因此,此题选B, outnumber 最合适,句意为:我们办公室女性比男性多,比例是三比一。 正确答案是:outnumber

They are____ to come - it's nearly ten o'clock. 选择一项: a. impossible b. unlikely 正确 c. maybe not d. improbable

impossible “不可能”,通常的句式为 it is impossible to do sth;unlikely “不太可能”,通常的句式为sb is unlikely to do sth。因此,此题选B,unlikely 最合适,句意为:他们不可能来了,快10点了。 正确答案是:unlikely 题目27

It's a very beautiful film, but it lacks ____. 选择一项:

a. contents b. the content c. content 正确 d. a content

contents “目录”;content “内容”,不可数名词。因此,此题选C, content 最合适,句意为:这个电影很好看,但缺少内容。 正确答案是:content 题目28

Can I connect my printer ___ your computer? 选择一项: a. for b. on c. to 正确 d. in

connect sth to/with sth,“把??和?? 相连”。 因此,此题选C, to 最合适,句意为:我可以把打印机连到你的电脑上吗? 正确答案是:to 题目29

Have you been taking much ____? 选择一项: a. drug b. pill c. tablet d. medicine 正确

drug“药”;pill “药丸”;tablet “药片”。这三者都是可数名词。medicine “药” 不可数。而空格前的much修饰不可数名词。因此,此题选D,medicine 最合适,句意为:你一直在服用很多药吗? 正确答案是:medicine 题目30

I am going to visit you. Can you tell me the ___ of your house? 选择一项:

a. direction b. location 正确 c. place d. venue

direction “方向”;location “位置,地点”;place “地方”;venue “开会,集合地点”。因此,此题选B, location 最合适,句意为:我要去拜访你,你能告诉我住的位置吗? 正确答案是:location

意识到的aware古典的 classical密切地closely支持support

创造性creativity部分section教育energy性别gender精力energy耐心patient 题目21

The woman is very patient __ the customers. 选择一项: a. with 正确 b. to c. for d. on

正确答案是:with 题目22

Please write to me __. 选择一项:

a. as soon as you can 正确 b. as sooner as possible c. as quick as possible d. as quicker as possible 正确答案是:as soon as you can 题目23

____ you involved in the traffic accident? 选择一项: a. Have b. Are 正确 c. Do d. Did

正确答案是:Are 题目24

He is not aware ____ what he has done. 选择一项: a. for b. to c. about d. of 正确 正确答案是:of 题目25

The heavy rain ___ the road. 选择一项: a. hurt b. injured c. damaged 正确 d. hazard

正确答案是:damaged 题目26

He took __ part in the activity. 选择一项: a. an active 正确

b. a dynamic c. a positive d. energetic

正确答案是:an active 题目27

He has __ come back from my holiday. 选择一项: a. simply b. only 正确 c. just d. even

正确答案是:only 题目28

He likes to __ stamps as his hobby. 选择一项: a. collect 正确 b. raise c. gather d. pick

正确答案是:collect 题目29

He was a young sailor on his first sea ___. 选择一项: a. journey b. trip c. travel d. voyage 正确

正确答案是:voyage 题目30

He has __ for music. 选择一项: a. an intelligence b. an talent 正确 c. a creativity d. a mind

正确答案是:an talent


Please go over to your PC and ____. 选择一项: a. boot it up 正确 b. boot up it c. boot up d. boot

正确答案是:boot it up 题目22

We can’t tell you the results until we have looked at ___. 选择一项: a. all the datum

b. the all data c. all the data 正确 d. the all datum

正确答案是:all the data 题目23

What did you type in? The computer screen showed ___ message. 选择一项: a. error b. an error 正确 c. wrong d. mistaken

正确答案是:an error 题目24

An ____accuracy of calculation caused the problem. 选择一项: a. in- 正确 b. un- c. im-

d. dis-

正确答案是:in- 题目25

My ___ surprise was soon replaced by delight. 选择一项: a. first b. starting c. beginning d. initial 正确 正确答案是:initia 题目26

We’re having some ____ problems with our new computer. 选择一项: a. teeth b. tooth c. teethe d. teething 正确 正确答案是:teething


I never ____ to bed so late. 选择一项:

a. got used to going 正确 b. used to going c. got used to go d. used going

正确答案是:got used to going 题目28

We have had a new computer system __. 选择一项: a. install b. installed 正确 c. installing d. to install

正确答案是:installed 题目29

The screen of my computer went ____suddenly.

选择一项: a. back b. blank 正确 c. empty d. nothing

正确答案是:blank 题目30 My car ___ . 选择一项: a. needs to wash b. needs wash c. needs washing 正确 d. needs being washed 正确答案是:needs washing

精确地accurately首字母组合词acronym子弹bullet关闭closure下载download雾fog山坡hillside收件人receiver神经nerves开枪shots 题目21

The football match was called __ because of the snow

选择一项: a. off 正确 b. up c. for d. in

正确答案是:off 题目22

After two __ delay, our train arrived at last. 选择一项: a. hours frustrating b. hours frustrated c. hours’ frustrating 正确 d. hours’ frustrated

正确答案是:hours’ frustrating 题目23

We are __ how an error like this could have happened.

选择一项: a. searching b. researching c. surveying d. investigating 正确 正确答案是:investigating 题目24

These documents are ____relevant to the present investigation. 选择一项: a. un- b. ir- 正确 c. im- d. in-

正确答案是:ir- 题目25

Biting your nails is ___ habit.

选择一项: a. an irritated b. an irritating 正确 c. irritating d. irritated

正确答案是:an irritating 题目26

Our food soon ran ____. 选择一项: a. away b. over c. out 正确 d. up

正确答案是:out 题目27

They set __ to look for the lost child.

选择一项: a. up b. down c. about d. off 正确 正确答案是: 题目28

I __ of snakes. 选择一项: a. am terrifying b. terrify

c. am terrified 正确 d. terrified

正确答案是:am terrified 题目29

Which of the following is not the same as the others in word formation

(构词)? 选择一项: a. cameraman b. woman 正确 c. workman d. barman

正确答案是:woman 题目30

We sent him our best __ for his birthday. 选择一项: a. wishes 正确 b. sayings c. greeting d. cheers


编辑edited流行音乐节目主持人DJ雇员employees 热情enthusiasm摩托车motorcycles严重地severely

视觉上visually网页webpages灵活性flexibility 订阅subscription 题目21 正确

What’s ___ with your computer? 选择一项: a. faulty b. wrong 正确 c. mistake d. error

What’s wrong with sth/sb? “某物/某人出了什么麻烦/毛病?”因此,此题选B, wrong 最合适,句意为:你的电脑出了什么毛病了? 正确答案是:wrong 题目22 正确

I think they are ___. Which of the following is not correct? 选择一项: a. Briton 正确 b. British c. English d. English men

Briton “英国人”,可数名词;British “英国人的”;English “英国人的”;English men“英国人”。此处若填入名词需要填入复数形式,而Briton是单数形式,因此,此题只有Briton 不能填入此空格。填入其他三词后,句意为:我认为他们是英国人。 正确答案是:Briton 题目23 正确

He is unfriendly __ new comers. 选择一项:

a. with b. to 正确 c. for d. on

be unfriendly to sb“对某人不友好”。因此,此题选句意为:他对新来的人不是很友好。 正确答案是:to 题目24 正确

We can ____ wait to hear the news. 选择一项: a. rarely b. hardly 正确 c. nearly d. seldom

B,to 最合适,rarely “很少地”;hardly “几乎不”;nearly “几乎”;seldom“很少”。因此,此题选B, hardly 最合适,句意为:我们迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 正确答案是:hardly 题目25 正确

He expressed his great ___ for the girl he loved. 选择一项: a. passion 正确 b. feeling c. sense d. feelings

passion “激情”,great passion “强烈的情感”;feeling “感觉”;sense “感觉”;feelings“感情”。因此,此题选A,passion 最合适,句意为:他表达了对她所爱的女孩的强烈的情感。 正确答案是:passion 题目26


In order to log ____ the system you have to type in your password. 选择一项: a. in b. on c. in to 正确 d. off to

log in to ?“进入”因此,此题选C, in to 最合适,句意为:为了进入该系统,你必须输入你的密码。 正确答案是:in to 题目27 正确

For more information, visit our ____ at www.cambridge.org. 选择一项: a. net

b. website 正确 c. internet d. network

net “网”;website “网站”;internet “因特网”;network“网络”。因此,此题选B,website 最合适,句意为:想了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站www.cambridge org。 正确答案是:website 题目28 正确

He tried to hack ____ the banking system. 选择一项: a. to b. on c. into 正确 d. for

hack into “非法进入”。因此,此题选C,into 最合适,句意为:他试图非法进入该银行系统。 正确答案是:into 题目29 正确

What’s the ___ difference between the two parties? 选择一项: a. essential 正确 b. necessary c. dominant d. great

essential “本质的,基本的”;necessary “必要的”;dominant “占优势的”;great“大的”。因此,此题选A, essential 最合适,句意为:两党的本质区别是什么? 正确答案是:essential 题目30


Are you interested in __ sport? 选择一项: a. over-road b. on-road c. away-road d. off-road 正确

off-road “越野的”。因此,此题选你对越野运动感兴趣吗? 正确答案是:off-road 题目16 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

D,off-road 最合适,句意为:There are often advertisements _________________ to other websites on the Internet. 选择一项: a. lead b. led c. leading d. to lead

正确答案是:leading 题目17 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

Just over 70% of people ______________ for the survey said the net had become essential. 选择一项: a. questioning

b. questioned c. question d. to question

正确答案是:questioned 题目18 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

There are many cities __________________ very fast. 选择一项: a. expand b. which expand c. which expanding d. to expand

正确答案是:which expand 题目19

完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

50% of the people _________________ for the survey were female. 选择一项: a. were questioned b. who questioned c. who were questioned d. question

正确答案是:who were questioned 题目20 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

Could you tell me ____________________________? 选择一项:

a. how can I get to the post office b. how I can get to the post office c. how have I got to the post office d. how I have got to the post office

正确答案是:how I can get to the post office 题目21 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干

Would you mind _______________ us how old you are? 选择一项: a. tell b. to tell c. telling

d. to telling 正确答案是:telling

出现appeared农作物crops结冰freezes火腿ham历史historical草莓strawberries西红柿Tomatoes密切地intensely豆beans 有营养的nutritious 题目21 正确

There have been ___ medicine in the last 50 years. 选择一项:

a. great advances in 正确 b. a great advance in c. great advance on d. a great advance on

advance in?“某方面有进步”。Advance为可数。因此,此题选 A, great advances in 最合适,句意为:近50年来,医学上取得了巨大进步。

正确答案是:great advances in 题目22 正确

He was late __ the traffic jam. 选择一项: a. as result

b. as a result of 正确 c. as the result of d. a result of

as a result of “由于??”。因此,此题选B, as a result of 最合适,句意为:由于交通堵塞,他迟到了。 正确答案是:as a result of 题目23 正确

If you don’t speak good English, you’ll be at a big ___advantage when

you try to get a job. 选择一项: a. in- b. im- c. dis- 正确 d. un-

advantage“优势”的否定形式要在其前面加前缀-dis。因此,此题选C,disadvantage 最合适,句意为:你要是英语不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 正确答案是:dis- 题目24 正确

No one knows who will call ___ to solve the problem. 选择一项: a. tune b. tunes

c. the tune 正确 d. a tune

call the tune“定调子,做决定”。因此,此题选C, the tune 最合适,句意为:没有人知道谁来决定解决该问题。 正确答案是:the tune 题目25 正确

Letters, maps and pictures are ___. 选择一项: a. essays b. files

c. documents 正确 d. records

essay“散文,小品文”; file “文件,档案”;document “文件,文档”;record“记录”。因此,此题选C, documents 最合适,句

意为:信函,地图和图片属于文件资料。 正确答案是:documents 题目26 正确

I can’t see ___ between these two books. 选择一项: a. a many difference b. much difference 正确 c. many difference d. much a difference

difference 即可作可数名词又可作不可数名词。因此,此题选B, much difference形式较为正确,句意为:我看不出这两本书有多大区别。 正确答案是:much difference 题目27 正确

He seemed to be unaware ___ the trouble he was causing. 选择一项: a. for b. on c. of 正确 d. about

be unaware of ? “不知道,没意识到??”因此,此题选C,合适,句意为:他似乎没有意识到自己惹的麻烦。 正确答案是:of 题目28 正确

Which of the following is not correct? 选择一项:

a. It is useless to complain. b. It is useless complaining. c. Complaining is useless.

of 最 d. It is useless of complaining. 正确

It is useless to do sth. It is useless doing sth. Doing sth is useless. 都是“做某事无用”因此,此题选D,It is useless of omplaining.最符合题意。其他三个正确句子的句意为:抱怨是无济于事的。 正确答案是:It is useless of complaining. 题目29 正确

____ I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 选择一项: a. While 正确 b. When c. As d. If

while 此处是“尽管”的意思;when “当??时候”;as “由于”;if “如果”。因此,此题选A,While 最合适,句意为:尽管我理解你所说的,但却无法赞同。

正确答案是:While 题目30 正确

Who, in your ___, is the best football player in the world today? 选择一项: a. thought b. idea c. opinion 正确 d. views

in one’s opinion“某人看来,认为”。因此,此题选C,opinion 最合适,句意为:你认为谁是当今世界上最出色的足球运动员? 正确答案是:opinion

按键button耳机earpiece视力eyesight告别farewells 供暖heating单独的individual麦克风microphone书名title 通过via同伴fellow 题目21


Do you know what were the ____ books in America last year? 选择一项: a. best-sold b. best- sell c. best-sale d. best-selling 正确

best-selling “畅销的”。因此,此题选D, best-selling 最合适,句意为:你知道去年美国最畅销的书吗? 正确答案是:best-selling 题目22 正确

Some people like to buy pocket books because it is easy to ___. 选择一项: a. carry around them.

b. carry them around 正确 c. carry them with d. carry with them

carry sth around “随身携带”。但是当sth由代词替代时,需要放在carry和around之间。因此,此题选B,carry them around 最合适,句意为:有些人喜欢买口袋书,因为便于随身携带。 正确答案是:carry them around 题目23 正确

She usually wears casual ____. 选择一项: a. dress b. coat c. clothes 正确 d. cloth

