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使用专业:外国语言学籍应用语言学 I. Fill in the blank with the appropriate term(10*1=10 points)

1.The type of sound change in aemtig→empty,spinel→spindle,and timr→timber is known as____________

2. Language can be used to refer to objects and events which are far removed in time and place. This property is called _________.

3. A morpheme that can constitute a word by itself is called a _________

4. The words pram and deli were created by a word-building process called ____

5. In the pronunciation of a word like football, the [t] sound is commonly omitted. This omission of a sound segment which would be present in the deliberate pronunciation of a word in isolation is technically described as _____

6. In the utterance “Well, to make a long story short”, the speaker seems to be particularly careful about a conversational maxim known as ___ __

7. Of the three components of communicative competence, ______involves the ability to interpret or produce language appropriately. It enables the learner to know when to say Can I have some water? versus Give me some water! According to the context.

8. __ ____is formed when the learner attempts to learn a new language, and it has features of both the first language and the second language but is neither.

9. In a set of words from different languages with similar meanings, if most of the words begin with the same sound, it is very likely that theses words have retained the original sound. This principle is called ___ ____.

10. The lexical relation between the pairs of words like meat-meet, flour-flower, sew-so is called____________ II. Mark the following statement with T if it is true or F if it is false. ( 10*1=10 points)

11. A key property of both pictograms and ideograms is that they do not represent sounds in a particular language.

12. The speculation on the origin of human speech which focuses mainly on the biological basis of the formation and development of human language is called the oral-gesture theory.

13. An inflectional morpheme never changes the grammatical category of a word.

14. Someone stands between you and the TV set you were watching. If you say to him:” Could you sit down?” , this is a direct speech act.

15. Over-generalization is the term used to describe the process whereby a child uses one word such as bow-wow to refer to cats, horses and cows.

16. An agglutinating language is a language in which word form do not change, and each concept is expressed by a separate word (e. g. Chinese).

17. The initial sound in words like sister and sea is a velar fricative.

18. In the sentence Jenny saw a movie downtown, the semantic role of Jenny can be described as agent.

19. According to the Pro-Indo-European family tree, Welsh is a Germanic language.

20. When “How are you?” is used to just to be sociable, it is called phatic communion. III. Identify the word-formation processes of the following words by matching each

word with the corresponding formation process. (10*1=10 points)

A. Blending B. analogy C. coinage D. compounding E backformation F. clipping G. reduplication H. acronymy I. conversion J. derivation K. neo-classical formation 21. DIY ________ 22. vet ________

23. morphology ________ 24. topsy-turvy ________ 25. surpass ________ 26. radar _______ 27. escalate ________ 28. workaholic ________ 29. backyard ________ 30. vacation ( v. ) ________

IV. Do the following analysis. ( 10*1=10 points)

1. Match each expression in Column A with the one in Column B that characterizes it.

( 5*1=5 points)


31. ducks A. compounding

32. small duck B. root+ derivational prefix 33. duckling C. phrase

34. lame duck D. root+ inflectional suffix 35.duckweed E. root + derivational suffix F. morphemic word G. idiom

2. Match the underlined part of each word in Column A with the proper description in Column B.

( 5*1=5 points)

A B 36. Teeth A. free foot 37. Drive-ins B. bound root 38. Psychoanalysis C. inflectional prefix 39. Antibiotics D. derivational suffix 40. Lovely E. inflectional prefix F. derivational prefix G. inflectional infix H. derivational infix V. Explain the following terms with examples. (4*5=20 points) 41. Middle English 42. Minimal pair 43. Pidgin 44. Phonology

VI. Answer the following questions with examples. ( 4*10=40 points) 45. How does conceptual meaning differ from associative meaning?

46. How do you understand phrase structure rules and transformational rules? 47. What are the four tendencies of semantic change?

48. What are cohesion and coherence? Comment on “A highly cohesive text will definitely be coherent.”

VII. Explain the following terms. (5*2=10 points) 49. Metaphysical Conceit 50. Psychological Realism 51. Blank Verse 52. Social Satire

53. Post-modern Fiction

VIII. Match the proper works with their authors. ( 10*1=10 points) 54. Road not Taken A. Virginia Woolf 55. To the Light House B. Robert Frost 56. Ode to a Nightingale C. Saul Bellow 57. Vanity Fair D. William Thackeray 58. The Great Gatsby E. F. Scott Fitzgerald 59. Light in August F. Nathaniel Hawthorne 60. Young Goodman G. Washington Irving 61. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow H. Herman Melville 62. Moby Dick I. John Keats

63. Herzog J. William Faulkner IX. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the related works.

( 2*5=10 points)

64. What was American Transcendentalism and how was it expounded in Emerson’s works?

65. Choose one or two of Faulkner’s novels to illustrate the common themes of his “Southern Novels”. X. Write an essay of 200-300 words on the following topic. ( 1*20=20 points)

66. What are the main methods for second, or foreign, language learning? Write an essay to discuss the characteristics of these methods and give your view on how to improve our English Language learning in this regard.

