英语必修一unit4-5 词汇复习 基础练习

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M1U4-M1U5复习 基础练习


一. 单项选择(1*20)

1. Large quantities of land ____ ruined because of the heavy rain last night.

A. is B. were C. are D. was

2. Hearing the news that our team has won the match, the young man ____.

A. burst into laughter B. burst out tears

C. burst out laugh D. burst into laughing

3. ____ from her appearance, the man can’t be over 50.

A. Judged B. Having judging C. Judging D. Judge

4. The boy ____ hair style is the most strange is our monitor.

A. that B. whom C. who D. whose

5. —I have smoothly passed the driving license test yesterday.


A. Good luck B. Congratulations C. Take it easy D. Help yourself

6. Bill Grates is a ____ person; he often gives out money to those people ____ need


A. general; that B. generous; which

C. generous; who D. generally; whose

7. He has devoted his life ____ human race.

A. benefit B. benefiting C. to benefit D. to benefiting

8. They ask about the things and teachers ____ they still remembered in the school.

A. which B. that C. whom D. whose

9. ____ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making


A. That B. Which C. As D. It

10. The marshal was so smart that he trapped his enemy ____ making a stupid

mistake and then he won the battle.

A. out B. into C. at D. for

11. Tom is a rich but ____ man; he never lend money to others.

A. selfless B. cold-blooded C. mean D. warm-hearted

12. Everyone likes to do business with that young man; because he is both ____ and


A. easy-going B. easily-go C. easy going D. easily went

13. ____ his math homework, he did not hear the sound of the boiling water.

A. Bury in B. Buried in C. Being buried in D. Burying in

14. The robber escaped ___ caught by the police, and has run out of the prison again.


A. from being B. from been C. by been D. by was

15. The thief glanced about now and then ____ he knew he was being followed.

A. even though B. in case C. so that D. as if

16. Although the accident did very little ____ to the car, I still advise that you should

be more careful in driving next time.

A. injury B. destruction C. wound D. damage

17. Only in this room, ____ the lost boy.

A. we find B. we found C. did we find D. we do find

18. The old man has two sons, both ____ are doctors.

A. of them B. of whom C. of who D. of whose

19. Zhou Yongkang committed the crime of corruption(贪污腐败), and he may be

sentenced ____ a lifelong time in prison.

A. from B. with C. to D. by

20. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up

as a child.

A. where B. which C. when D. that

二. 介词填空 (1*30)

1. trap sb. ____ doing sth. 诱使…做… 2. ____ ruins 一片废墟

3. bury oneself ____ sth. 专心做… 4. in honor ____ 为了纪念…

5. ____ an end 结束,终结 6. be rescued ____ 被…所救

7. dig ____ 掘出,发现 8. as ____/as though 仿佛, 好像

9. right _____ /right now 立刻,马上 10. be proud ____ 对…感到自豪

11. run out ____ 耗尽,用完 12. a great number ____ 许多,大量的

13. burst ____ doing sth. 突然做… 14. judge ____/judge by 从…判断

15. cut _____ 遮断,打断 16. escape _____ doing sth. 逃避做某事

17. come ____ power 上台,掌权 be sentenced ____ 被判处…徒刑

19. offer guidance ____ 为…提供帮助 20. be put ____ prison 被关进监狱

21. beg ____ sth. 乞求…做… 22. blow ____ 爆炸,充气

23. ____ trouble 处于困境、麻烦之中 24. turn ____ 求助于, 翻阅

25. out ____ work 下岗,失业 26. set ____ 设立,建立

27. be equal ____ 胜任…工作 28. vote ____ 投票支持

29. fight ______ 与…作斗争 30. reward sb. ____ sth. 用…酬谢…

三. 单词拼写 (1*30)

1. Barak. Obama is the first black ____________ (总统) in the American history.

2. A distant ____________ (亲戚, 亲属) is not as good as a near neighbor.


3. This product is of excellent ____________ (质量), and it sells rather well.

4. He studied hard and has been determined to become a ____________ (律师) after his graduation.

5. Nelson. Mandela often offers ____________ (指导, 引导) to poor black people on their legal problems in his lifetime.

6. In my o ____________, Tom’s painting is much better than Mary.

7. The boy was a ____________ by a fierce dog when he was walking along the path last night. 8. Every student should obey the rules and p ____________ of school.

9. People will have rights to v ____________ when they are 18 years’ old.

10. It is rather c ____________ for you to kill a dog.

11. The People’s Republic of China was ____________ (found) in 1949.

12. In China, each kid must have the 9-year compulsory ___________ (educate) at their age of six.

13. The Chinese people are now living in a ____________ (peace) life, but they never

afraid of fighting against invaders for their hometown.

14. I feel more ____________ (hope) about my English grades with the help of my

English teacher.

15. It is very ____________ (reward) to watch this film because of its brilliant

leading actor and wonderful content.

16. October 1st is our ____________ (nation) Day.

17. The Red Cross built up a large number of ____________ (shelter) in the square

after the earthquake.

18. Although we have tried to persuade him out of giving up smoking, it is still

____________ (use).

19. Our classroom was rather ____________ (dirt) during these days, so we should

clean it at once.

20. The Japanese invaders were ____________ (extreme) cruel to Chinese people,

and they massacred 300 thousand citizens in Nan Jing on December 13th, 1937.

21. We should not waste water and e ____________ in our daily life as they are

precious resources.

22. Everywhere they looked everything was almost d ____________ during the


23. There was a car accident happened last week, and he was one of the people who

got seriously i ____________.

24. You should write down the words and e ____________ of this unit in your note

book, because they are rather useful.


25. The little girl felt f ____________ gradually when she was walking alone in such

a dark place.

26. The moist environment does a great ____________ (损害,伤害) to this machine.

27. The death of her son had a ____________ (灾难性的) effect on this old woman.

28. An ____________ (提纲,大纲) plays an important role in writing a passage.

29. Which do you think is the best ____________ (题目,标题) to this article?

30. I ____________ (真诚地) hope that you can get along well with all of your

classmates in your new school.

四. 词组填空 (2*20)

be equal to; out of work; beg for; lose heart; turn to;

be willing to; in trouble; blow up; as a matter of fact; come to power as if; a great number of; right away; at an end; be shocked about in ruins; in honor of; fight against; rescue from; dig out;

1. Don’t ____________________ and keep trying until you can make it.

2. The temple which had a long history was ____________________ after the war.

3. It is reported that thousands of dollars has been ____________________ from his farm.

4. My holiday is ____________________, and I will go back to school tomorrow.

5. Oh my goodness, there are only three days left, so we need to carry out the plan


6. From my point of view, he should be given such a position, because he

____________________ the job.

7. Tom’s family is now ____________________, which has made him drop out of

school since last month.

8. He ____________________ the invaders during the war for liberation (解放) of his


9. We are going to open a new park ____________________ those who died in the


10. When Nelson. Mandela and his government ____________________ in 1994, Elias

was also lucky to get a job again.

11. There was an accident happened in the coal mine last night, but luckily, all of

workers ____________________ it by the army.

12. He ____________________ some public infrastructures and was now being

searched by the police nationwide.

13. Please open your book and ____________________ page thirty-eight.

14. He was tired of his job and had ____________________ for two years.


15. The tall thief looked around now and then ____________________ he knew he was

being followed.

16. ____________________, one who laughs last laughs best.

17. A warm-hearted person ______ always _______________ help and serve others

who are in trouble heart and soul (全心全意).

18. There are ____________________ students in our class believe in Christianity; but

the number of students who believes in Buddhism is small.

19. Frankly speaking, I ____________________ the news that such a stupid man has

become the headmaster of our school.

20. It is obviously (明显地) illegal to organize children to ____________________

money all over the world.

五. 汉译英 (3*10)

1. 过去三十年所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡了我们的进步,直到


2. 我们被置于这样一个境地:要么我们被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争。

3. 只有到了这个时候,我们才会采取以暴制暴的方式。

4. 但是,我乐于帮忙,因为我知道,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。

5. 现在,我还能给参观者介绍有关监狱的情况,对此我感到无比自豪,因为我曾经为黑人在自己的国土上争取自由而出过力。


6. 部队官兵组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。

7. 但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。

8. 在地震中死亡或者严重受伤的人数已经达到40多万。

9. 接着,在下午晚些时候,又一次和第一次一样强烈的地震震撼着唐山。

10. 一条8公里长30米宽的巨大裂缝横穿房舍,马路和水道。

