教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 16-叶兴国
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Unit 16
Teaching Objectives:
1. To remember and use new words and expressions;
2. To learn how a boss handle his men in the office to make business prosperous;
3. To learn how to help people with different cultures and languages in a community to overcome the difficulties in communication;
4. To learn the three steps of reading by evaluating; 5. To deal with the language points in Text A and Text B.
2. To learn how a boss handle his men in the office to make business prosperous;
3. To learn how to help people with different cultures and languages in a community to overcome the difficulties in communication.
How to do effective reading by evaluating.
Teaching Time: 2 periods. Teaching Procedures:
Part I Pre-reading Questions
It can be used as lead-in questions. For students, they can discuss with each other and will have free answers. Part II Extensive Reading
In this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. By reading the texts in limited time, Teacher
helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually.
Text A Handle Your Men In the Office
a. Let the students read Text A as quickly as they can to find the answers to Exercise I; b. Check the answers to Exercise I &analyze the language points in the text:
1. That doesn’t mean that you ought to coddle idleness, or to be slack with viciousness, or even to carry on the pay-roll well-meaning incompetence. 那并不是说你应该纵容懒惰,或疏忽恶意,甚至给善良但不胜任的
2. For a fellow who mixes business and charity soon finds that he can’t make any money to give to charity; and in the end, instead of having helped others, he’s only added himself to the burden of others. 对一个把
3. …sits around waiting to be hunted up. ……坐等被人发现。
4. Indiscriminate blame is as bad as undiscriminating praise—it only makes a man tired. 不分青红皂白的指
5. Once you do, and it’s only a matter of time before you’ve got to place the remnants in the hands of a doctor as receiver. 一旦你这么做了,那么何时把你的余生交到医生手里就只是个时间问题了。 f. Assign Exercises II and III as their homework.
Text B How to Make the Multicultural Work Force Work
a. Several minutes for students to use some basic reading skills to read the text only once, then ask them to do Exercise I;
b. Check the answers to Exercise I & point out some language points:
1. Immigrants will account for nearly two-thirds of the country’s population growth between now and 2050, according to the US Department of Labor. account for: (在数量方面)占。如:
Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made, and in 10 years this account is expected to double.石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,预计十年后这个数目还要翻一番。 2. To learn how to stack a cooler, for instance, employees study photos of how the contents can be arranged so that drivers don’t have to reach deep inside to grab any drinks. 例如,为了学会如何在冰箱里放置
3. Otherwise, he says, ESL classes come and go without much to show for them. 他说,否则的话,非母
4. Chefs from the Caribbean know how to whip up such specialties as mondongo (cow intestine), stewed goat, and salted codfish. 来自加勒比地区的厨师知道如何迅速准备好他们的特色菜,如“焖炖沟”(牛肠)、
d. Assign Exercises II and III as their homework. Part III Reading Skills
Before dealing with Text A and Text B, ask students to read through the whole passage of reading skill, to
lead them to understand how to evaluate the text by reading.
Part IV Supplementary Reading: On Breaking Rules
Ask students to read it in a limited time after class, and then write a summary. Part V Test Yourself
Ask students to do it and check the answers by themselves. Questions for Discussion and Reflection:
1.What can you do to help people with different cultures and languages in a community to overcome the difficulties in communication?
2. In your opinion, if you were a boss, How would you do to make business prosperous?
1. Write a short summary of about 50 words for Supplementary Reading; 2. Finish all exercises in this unit.
3. Review all contents learned in this book.
Appendix: Key to Test Yourself
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