广东省深圳市八年级英语下册 Chapter 3 Environment基础测试题 牛津深圳版

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1. Without atmosphere, the Earth would be very cold and ________ (life).

2. The soil ________ (absorb) water when it rains.

3. Be careful! There is a tiger in front of you! It is ________ (danger)

4. There are many ________ (environment) problems around us.

5. Sometimes, bad habits may cause _____ (pollute), such as using things once and

then throwing them away.


6. Burning and cutting down trees is ________ (有害的).

7. I want to be a green ________ (消费者).

8. They are ________ (温室) gases.

9. A lot of rubbish will ________ (污染) our land and seas.

10. Environmentally friendly things will not ________ (破坏) the environment. II.句子。(每小题1分,共10分)


11. We have ________ (大量的) work to do.

12. We can go ________ (一路上) by bike.

13. Shenzhen is ________ (不一样冷) Beijing in winter.

14. He got up early ________ (以便) he could catch the early bus.

15. He is ________ (年龄不够大) to go to school.


16. 这本书中的故事和那本书中的不一样。

The story in this book is ________ the one in that book.

17. 我们必须保护大熊猫,因为它们处在危险之中。

We must protect pandas because they are ________ now.

18. 保护环境很重要。

It is important ________ the ________.

19. 为了照顾妈妈,Mary昨晚很晚才睡。

Mary went to bed late ________ look after her mother.

20. 我喜欢喝茶胜过咖啡。

I prefer tea ________.

Ⅲ. 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分 )

( ) 21. Though Guangzhou is in the south of Nanjing, it is not ________ Nanjing.

A. as hotter as

B. as hot as

C. so cold as

D. cooler than ( ) 22. Our habit of using things once and then throwing them away creates ________ rubbish.

A. many

B. a little

C. little

D. mountains of

( ) 23. Water vapor (水蒸气) is water ________ a gas.

A. in front of

B. in the form of

C. in the middle of

D. in the centre of

( ) 24. ---- Are there any plants on the moon? ---- No. It is a (an) ________



A. exciting

B. warm

C. lifeless

D. boring

( ) 25. ---- Is Peter at school today? ---- No, he's at home ________ he had

a bad cold.

A. because

B. if

C. until

D. before

( ) 26. ---- What do you like doing at home? ---- I prefer ________ TV ________


A. watch, to read

B. watching, to read

C. watching, to reading

D. watching, reading

( ) 27. There are ________ books in our library.

A. three thousands

B. thousand of

C. thousands of

D. many


( ) 28. ---- What can I do for you?

---- I would be ________ if you could help me ________ English.

A. thank; to learn

B. grateful; learning

C. thankful; to learn


grateful; /

( ) 29. ---- How will the singers try to help the poor in Africa? ---- ________

a charity concert.

A. All the way

B. In the form of

C. In order to

D. In order that

( ) 30. The room is not ________ for twenty boys to stay in.

A. big enough

B. enough big

C. small enough

D. enough small

IV. 完形填空。(每小题 1分,共10分)

Many people in Shenzhen love cars because they can help people go ____31____ and

far. The cars have come into many families. During the ____32____, cars can take

you to the work places comfortably. When I saw cars running on the road several days

ago, I really wanted to ____33____ one. ____34____ my idea has changed now. When

I was walking home after work last Tuesday, I saw the road was full of cars. After

a while an accident ____35____. Two cars crashed ____36____ each other because both

wanted to be the first. It was the drivers' fault that ____37____ the road crowded

because cars are only ____38____.

Some drivers only think of how to save their own time but don't obey the traffic

lights, so many accidents happened. Now improving the ____39____ quality is very

important. Good drivers should not only obey the rules, but also think ____40____

of others and the society.

( ) 31. A. slowly B. fast C. quietly

D. happily

( ) 32. A. holidays B. vacations C. workdays

D. weekends

( ) 33. A. buy B. sell C. borrow

D. make

( ) 34. A. Then B. And C. But

D. So

( ) 35. A. happened B. found C. came


D. saw

( ) 36. A. onto B. into C. out of

D. off

( ) 37. A. makes B. made C. making

D. will make

( ) 38. A. houses B. animals C. toys

D. machines

( ) 39. A. the teachers' B. policemen's C. drivers'

D. passengers'

( ) 40. A. much B. few C. many

D. little

Ⅴ. 阅读短文, 选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分 )


In Singapore, many people used to enjoying chewing gum (嚼口香糖), but in 1992

Singapore decided to make it against the law. The government said people were not

careful about throwing away used gum-they dropped it on sidewalks or streets. Chewing

gum also got stuck in the doors of subway trains, which made the doors not close

properly. This meant that the trains could not run on time. The government said that

people had to give up chewing gum or pay a lot of money to the government. During

the ban (禁令) on chewing gum, the streets and subways in Singapore were clean.

Some dentists say that sugarless chewing gum can help people take care of their

teeth. They found that chewing gum can improve dental health. Now the government

of Singapore has changed the rule a little. It says that people will be able to buy

special kinds of gum at pharmacies (药房) for health reasons, but other kinds of

gum are still not allowed.

( ) 41. When did Singapore make chewing gum against the law?

A. Before 1992.

B. In 1992.

C. All the time.

D. After


( ) 42. What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Some dentists don't like their teeth.

B. Some dentists help people take care of their teeth.

C. Some sugarless chewing gum is good for people's teeth.

D. Some dentists enjoy chewing gum.

( ) 43. If you don't have any dental problems, __________.

A. you can buy gum in any supermarket.

B. you can buy special kinds of gum at pharmacies.

C. you can get gum for free from the government.

D. you can't buy gum anywhere.

( ) 44. Which of the following is right?

A. Dentists think that everyone should give up chewing gum.

B. You can chew any kind of gum in Singapore now.

C. Chewing gum can improve dental health.

D. Gum is easy to clean if people throw it on the street.


( ) 45. What does the passage talk about?

A. Singapore is not very clean.

B. People in Singapore can chew gum now.

C. People can buy any kind of gum in pharmacies.

D. The government doesn't allow chewing gum in Singapore.


Why does everybody like flying? I always feel puzzled. In my opinion, it's a crazy thing to do. I hate flying. You wait for hours for the plane to leave, but it's often late. The plane is always crowded, and the seats are uncomfortable, too. You can't walk around and you could do nothing. You can't open the windows and you can't get off. There's no choice of food and there are never enough toilets. Then after the plane lands, it's even worse. It takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city. So I don't understand why so many people like traveling by plane.

I prefer traveling by train. Trains are much better than planes. They're cheaper and more comfortable. You can walk around in a train and open the windows. If you take a train, you can always catch another one later. What a nice thing! Yes, trains are slower, but speed isn't everything. Staying alive and enjoying yourself is more important.

( ) 46. Why does the writer prefer travelling by train? Because he thinks __________ than a plane.

A. a train is faster and more comfortable

B. a train is cheaper and more comfortable

C. a train is faster and cheaper

D. a train is bigger

( ) 47. What does the sentence "but speed isn't everything" mean?

A. Speed is nothing.

B. Speed is not the most important thing.

C. Without speed, people can't live better.

D. Speed is everywhere. ( ) 48. Which of the following is wrong?

A. A plane is faster but not as comfortable as a train.

B. A train is slower, but it's safer than a plane.

C. Speed is not the most important thing.

D. If you want to walk around, you'd better take a plane.

( ) 49. What's the best title of the passage?

A. Many people like travelling by plane.

B. Travelling around the world.

C. Which is better, train or plane.

D. Staying alive is important.

( ) 50. From the passage we can guess that____.

A. the writer may take a trip by plane next time

B. the writer may take a trip by train next time

C. the writer may take a trip on foot next time

D. the writer may take a trip by subway with his friends next time VI.情景对话。(每小题1分,共10分)


Student: What will happen if there is no _____51_____?

Teacher: The world will be as cold and _____52_____ as the surface of the moon. Student: It _____53_____ terrible.

Teacher: Yes. So, we must do something to stop _____54_____ the Earth, because it is our home.

Student: What shall we do then?

Teacher: We can do a lot. For example, we shouldn't throw rubbish everywhere. We can also plant more trees, because trees can _____55_____ harmful gases. Student: Tomorrow is Saturday. What about planting some trees?

Teacher: Good idea.

Peter: Why do you look so tired?

Tony: _____56_____.

Peter: What happened?

Tony: There was a lot of noise outside.

Peter: _____57_____?

Tony: My house is close to a highway. _____58_____. It's very noisy.

Peter: How terrible it is! ____ 59_____! It's bad for your health. Why not move to

a quiet place? _____60_____.

Tony: I know. But I don't have enough money to buy a new house. What should I do? Peter: Sorry, I…I don't know.


61. We must do something to __________ (保护动物).

62. Look! There is __________ rubbish (堆积如山的垃圾).

63. We should plant more trees, because they can __________ (吸收有害气体).

64. I prefer watching TV __________ (胜过看书).

65. We should be green consumers __________ (为了保护地球).

66. He experiences life __________ (以自然的形式).

67. They have to __________ (采取行动) to stop killing the animals.

68. Peter stood in front of the house __________ (自始至终).

69. This film is __________ (和那部电影不一样).

70. At last, they __________ (到达了) the top of the mountain.












I. (One possible version)

1. lifeless

2. absorbs

3. dangerous

4. environmental

5. pollution


7. consumer

8. greenhouse

9. pollute

10. destroy

II. (One possible version)

11. mountains of 12. all the way 13. not as cold as 14. so that

15. not old enough 16. different from 17. in danger

18. to protect, environment 19. in order to 20. to coffee

III. 21-15 BDBCA 26-30 CCCBA

IV. 31-35 BCACA 36-40 BBDCA

V. 41-45 BCDCD 46-50 BBDCB

VI. 51-55 AEBFC 56-60 BCADF

VII. (One possible version)

61. protect animals. 62. mountains of 63. take in harmful gases

64. to reading books 65. to protect the Earth 66. in the form of nature 67. take actions 68. all the way 69. not the same as that film 70. reached

VIII. (One possible version)

With more and more pollution around us, the environmental problem has become a big problem. However, a lot of people are burning and cutting down trees in order to get more fileds. What should we do?

In my opinion, we should tell them the environmental problem first. And then we should ask them to plant more trees instead of destroying them because trees can help us to protect the environment. Trees can take in harmful gases and give out fresh air.

Therefore, we should value our natural resources and make the world more beautiful.



己的观点并总结。文章的时态以现在时为主,可能用到的短语: hold the soil, keep...from, take in harmful gases, give out fresh air, cut down and burn trees



