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1. 先行词antecedent

? The first thanksgiving feast in the United States, which took place in 1621, lasted three days.

? Everyone who studied for the exam passed it easily. 2. 关系代词、关系副词An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

? PRONOUNS who, whom, whose, that which, whose, that ? ADVERBS when, where


? He left the gift in his friend's car that he had just bought. (It is not clear whether the adjective clause modifies car or gift.) 修改:

? Recently, a friend of mine at the University of Toronto, who is majoring in electrical engineering, received a government grant to study airport runway lighting.

? The team won the championship, which shocked the opponents. 4.从句的主谓一致

? An employee who works part-time usually receives no benefits. ? Employees who work part-time usually receive no benefits.

5.限定与非限定Adjective clauses are either restrictive (necessary) or nonrestrictive (unnecessary).

Restrictive (necessary): no commas

The professor who teaches my biology class won a Nobel Prize two years ago.

He won the prize for research that might lead to a cure for AIDS. Nonrestrictive (unnecessary): commas

Professor Jones, who teaches my biology class, won a Nobel Prize two years ago.

He won the prize for his research into the structure of T-cells, which might lead to a cure for AIDS.


1. Identify and punctuate sentences with adjective clauses.

R 1. Families whose incomes are below a certain level pay no income tax.

NR 2. My family, whose income is more than $50,000, pays about 25 percent income tax.

___ 3.The sun which in 40 minutes can produce enough solar energy to meet

humankind's needs for a year is one of Earth's potential sources of power.

___ 4.We are at the beginning of a medical computer revolution, according to an article that appeared in Time magazine.

___ 5.A medical computer is a machine that analyzes the results of laboratory tests and electrocardiograms.

___ 6.A physician who feeds a patient's symptoms into a computer receives a list of diseases that fit the symptoms of that patient.

___ 7.Laser beams which are useful in both medicine and industry were first predicted in science fiction stories 75 years ago.

___ 8.The country that has the highest per capital income is not the United States which is in third place.

___ 9.Kuwait which is a small country in the Middle East is in first place.

___ 10.It was a thrilling experience to meet the author of the book that we had been reading all semester.

___ 11.The public is highly critical of the tobacco industry whose profits have been increasing in spite of the health risks of smoking.

___ 12.Carbohydrates which are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are organic compounds.

___ 13.People who use body language to express themselves are interesting to watch.

___ 14.My brother-in-law who is from Italy moves his hands a lot when he is talking.

___ 15.The man whom the president nominated to the Supreme Court is an experienced and respected judge.

___ 16.X-ray machines are gradually being replaced by machines that can provide clearer, more detailed images of the human body, its tissues, and its organs.

___ 17.X-ray machines are gradually being replaced by CAT scanners and MRI devices which can provide clearer, more detailed images of the human body, its tissues, and its organs.

___ 18.The company promised to reimburse everyone who had bought a defective product.

___ 19.Students whose grade point averages fall below2.0 will be placed on probation.

___ 20.She plans to marry her childhood sweetheart whom she has known since they were five years old.

2. Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new complex sentence containing an adjective clause in the subject pattern.

1. John Fish explained the complex structure of DNA. He is a research chemist. John Fish, who is a research chemist, explained the complex structure of DNA.

2. While he lectured, he showed us a slide. The slide diagrammed the double helix structure of DNA.

3. Words in English are often difficult for foreigners to pronounce. They begin with the consonants th. 4. Foreigners also have difficulty with English spelling. English spelling is not always consistent with its pronunciation. 5. Anyone must have a logical mind. He or she wants to be a computer programmer.

6. Fans quickly lose interest in a sports team. The team loses game after game.

3. Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing an adjective clause in the object pattern.

1.Albert Einstein was a high school dropout. The world recognizes him as a genius. 2.As a young boy, Einstein had trouble in elementary and high school. He attended these schools in Germany.

3.He did poorly in certain subjects such as history and languages. He disliked them. 4.The only subjects were mathematics and physics. He enjoyed them.

5.He developed theories. We use his theories to help us understand the nature of the universe.

6.Einstein is best known for his general theory of relativity. He began to develop this theory while living in Switzerland.

Albert Einstein, whom the world recognizes as a genius, was a high school dropout.

4. Change the second sentence in each pair to an adjective clause, and combine it with the first sentence.

1.Finding reasonably priced housing in big cities is a problem. Many young people are concerned about the problem.

(a)Finding reasonably priced housing in big cities is a problem about which many young people are concerned.

(b)Finding reasonably priced housing in big cities is a problem that many young people are concerned about.

2.Affordable apartments are scarce. Young people would like to live in them. (a) (b)

3.Of course, many young people share apartments, but they have to take care in choosing the people. They will share living space and expenses with these people.

(a) (b)

4.Living with people can be stressful, but it can also be fun. You are not related to the people.

(a) (b)

5.In many countries, young people continue to live with their parents in the same house. They grew up in that house.

(a) (b)

6.In the United States, young people do not want to live with their parents. They typically declare their independence from their parents at age 18.

(a) (b)

5. Change the second sentence in each pair to an adjective clause, and combine it with the first sentence.

1.There is a chain of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The most charming of the islands is Puerto Rico.

There is a chain of islands in the Caribbean Sea, the most charming of which is Puerto Rico.

2.Puerto Rico attracts thousands of visitors. Most of them come for the sunny

weather, the beautiful beaches, and the Spanish atmosphere.

3.Puerto Rico has many historic sites. The most famous of them are in the Old San Juan area of the capital city.

4.Puerto Rico's economy is growing. The most important sector of the economy is clothing manufacturing.

5.Puerto Ricans have strong ties to the United States. All of them are U.S. citizens.

6.Puerto Rico has three political parties. One of them favors Puerto Rico's becoming a state.

6. Combine the two sentences in each pair, changing the second sentence into an adjective clause of time or place. Add commas if necessary.

1.Germany had been divided into two countries since 1945. It was defeated in World War II in 1945.

Germany had been divided into two countries since 1945, when it was defeated in World War II.

2.1989 was the year. The Berlin Wall was torn down in that year.

3.In 1990, Germany became one country again. East and West Germany were reunited in 1990.

4.East Germany became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. People had lived under communist rule in East Germany.

5.There was rejoicing in areas. Germans looked forward to reunification with their fellow citizens in some areas.

6.There was anxiety in places. People feared losing their jobs in some places.

7. Edit the following essay for errors in adjective clauses.

