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(一) ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2018年中国政法大学外国语学院770英语语言文学综合一之语言学教程考研强化五套模拟题

(二) ................................................................................................................................... 12 2018年中国政法大学外国语学院770英语语言文学综合一之语言学教程考研强化五套模拟题

(三) ................................................................................................................................... 21 2018年中国政法大学外国语学院770英语语言文学综合一之语言学教程考研强化五套模拟题

(四) ................................................................................................................................... 29 2018年中国政法大学外国语学院770英语语言文学综合一之语言学教程考研强化五套模拟题

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第 2 页,共 48 页 2018年中国政法大学外国语学院770英语语言文学综合一之语言学教程考研强化五





1. Concatenation

【答案】 What makes a word separate from other words is that all the letters are lined up together with no intervening spaces. That is , in a word , all letters are concatenated. Sometimes new words can be made by concatenating two existing words —for example , “airline” is a concatenation of the words “air” and “line” into a new word.

2. grammatical word

【答案】 It refers to those which mainly work for constructing group , phrase , clause , clause complex , or even text , such as , conjunctions , prepositions , articles , and pronouns. Grammatical words serve to link together different content parts. So they are also known as Function Words.

3. Compound

【答案】 Compound refers to those words that consist of more than one lexical morpheme , or the way to join two separate words to produce a single form , such as the compound words “blackboard” and “well -known”.

4. Performatives

【答案】 Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is , or is part of , the doing an action. The judge?s imprisonment sentence , the president?s war or independence declaration , etc., are performatives.

5. inflectional morpheme

【答案】 Inflectional morpheme : It is also called inflectional affixes , which attaches to the end of words. Inflectional affixes only add a minute or delicate grammatical meaning to the stem. The plural suffix is a typical example of this kind.

6. Speech Act Theory

【答案】 Speech act theory was proposed by J. L. Austin and has been developed by J. R. Searle. Basically , they believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things , it is often used to “do things”,and to perform acts.

7. Componential analysis

【答案】 It refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components , or semantic features. For example , the meaning of the word boy may be


第 3 页,共 48 页 analyzed into three components : HUMAN , YOUNG and MALE.

8. Phatic function ( communion )

【答案】 Phatic function : The phatic function of language refers to the use of the language which often consists of small , seemingly meaningless expression for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts rather than for exchanging information or ideas. For example , greetings , farewells , and comments on the weather in English could serve this function.

9. subordination

【答案】 Subordination refers to the process or result of linking linguistic units so that they have different syntactic status , one being dependent upon the other , and usually a constituent of the other. Thus the subordinate constituents are words which modify the Head. Consequently , they can be called modifiers. In the phrase swimming in the lake , swimming is the head and in the lake are the words modifying the head.



It is the view which holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to ; rather , in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.


11.What are the criteria used in phonetic description of vowels?

【答案】 As the vowels can not be described in the same way as the consonants , a system of cardinal vowels has been suggested to get out of this problem. The cardinal vowels are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined , fixed and unchanging , intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages. The cardinal vowels are abstract concept. The cardinal vowel diagram is a set of hypothetical positions for vowels used as reference points.

The description of English vowels needs to fulfill four basic requirements : (1) the height of tongue raising (high , middle or low ) ;(2) the position of the highest part of the tongue (front , central , back ) ;(3)

the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short ) ; (4) lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded ) . For example , [i :]: high , front , tense , unrounded vowel.

[u]: high , back , lax , rounded vowel.

12.How to analyze dramatic language?

【答案】(1) Turn quantity and length

How much a character talks can be indicative either of their relative importance in the play , or of how important they appear to think they are. Generally speaking , central characters have longer and more speeches than minor characters.

(2)Exchange sequence : The patterns of exchange of a dramatic dialogue which are considered appropriate by speakers of English. For example , the two-part exchanges such as greeting-greeting , question-answer.

(3)Production errors : Deliberately used forms such as hesitation to convey something about the


第 4 页,共 48 页 character

(4)The cooperative principle : this principle is proposed by Grice. He asserted people used to make sense of their conversation by enabling them to distinguish between sentence meaning and utterance meaning. He also suggested that people actually break these maxims quite often when they talk.

(5)Status marked through language : Many of the properties of language discussed can be used to signal the relative status and changes in status , of characters. Particularly , language can be used to signal to what extent the relationship between an addresser and addressee is based on a social power difference , and to what extent it is based on solidarity.

(6)Register : It is the term used in linguistics to describe the relationship between a particular style of language and its context of use. An example of a linguistic register is legal discourse , we recognize a legal document when we see one , but lawyers are the only people who are trained to produce them using appropriate linguistic choices.

(7)Speech and silence : Concerning female characters in plays , there is evidence that men tend to talk more than women in mixed sex conversations.

13.What is blending theory?

【答案】 Fauconnier & Turner proposes and discusses blending or integration theory , a cognitive operation whereby elements of two or more “mental spaces” are integrated via projection into a new , blended space which contains its unique structure. They present examples of blending and analyze the blending process , provide taxonomy of blends , and argue for the ubiquity and importance of blending as a cognitive resource.

Blending operates on two input mental spaces to produce a third space , the blend. The blend inherits partial structure from the input spaces and has emergent structure of its own. There are some conditions needed when two input spaces one and two are blended : cross-space mapping , generic space , blend and emergent structure. The blending theory suggests a new way of thinking about what constitutes a novel inference. Because the mapping operation involves integrated frames rather than isolated predicates , the choice of one particular framing over another necessarily results in a different set of attendant inferences.

14.Why do we say language is primarily vocal?


Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is primarily vocal , because sound or speech is the primary medium for all human languages , developed or 6'new ,5. Writing systems came much later than the spoken forms. The fact that small children learn and can only learn to speak (and listen ) before they write (and read ) also indicates that language is primarily vocal , rather than written. The term “human” in the definiti on is meant to specify that language is human specific.

15.What are theme and rheme?

【答案】 Some linguists , who devoted considerable attention to problems of analyzing sentences from a functional point of view , believe that a sentence contains a point of departure and a goal of discourse. The point of departure is equally present to the speaker and to the hearer ——it is their starting point , the ground on which they meet. This is called the theme. The goal of discourse presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer. This is called the rheme. For example , in the

