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1. 单词拼写

(1) The captain gave the order to a________ the ship because it was sinking.

(2) Plants a________ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

(3) Tim was looking through an old photo a___________, with pictures of Christmas.

(4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a________; I mean I did not intend to do it.

(5) I've opened an a_____________ with the Agricultural Bank of China.

(6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a__________ about his safety.

(7) He has never achieved his a________________ (夙愿,目标) of becoming a famous writer.

(8) She was born without the a____________ (能力) to speak.

(9) Shelly speaks with a slight a_________ (口音).

(10) I'd ___________ it if you give me an early reply. (感激)

2. 单项选择

(1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem ________ to find the time.

A. about

B. able

C. active

D. accurate

(2) Slavery was _______ in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights.

A. absorbed

B. abused

C. abolished

D. adopted

(3) A billion people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water.

A. action

B. advance

C. access

D. agreement

(4) Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said.

A. to feel

B. felt

C. having felt

D. feeling

(5) I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room

A. aim

B. allow

C. afford

D. advise

(6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to __________ one

A. adapt

B. adopt

C. advertise

D. acquire

(7)This book teaches you how to _________ what is causing the stress in your life.

A. analyze

B. affect

C. advocate

D. admire

(8)____________ music, he also develops a strong love for painting.

A. Anything but

B. All but

C. Apart from

D. In advance

(9) He is a man full of ____________. He dares to run risks.

A. adventure

B. adolescence

C. accommodation

D. anniversary

(10) Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest.

A. above all

B. after all

C. at all

D. all in all

3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形)


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(1) The children are finding it hard to the new school.

(2) The professor stealing his student’s ideas.

(3) The numbers exactly 100.

(4) Your story doesn’t what the police have told us.

(5) I the good weather to paint the door.

(6) The use of drugs the law; it’s illegal.

(7) These measures preventing violent crimes.

(8) We leave when Jerry arrived.

(9) The government must now to stop the rise in road accidents.

(10) Some kids surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.

4.完成句子 (写到作业本上)

(1) Tom and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议) (absent)

(2) , Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside. (全

神贯注于工作中) (absorb)

(3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence, . (你

才有可能达到目标) (achieve)

(4) With the price of goods going high, the living expenses

. (增加了人们的经济负担) (add to)

(5) I believe that through hard work, I . (我会被

重点大学录取) (admit)

(6) We should make full use of time to . (把我们

所学的东西用于实践) (apply)

(7) , I hope every family in the world can get

together happily. (随着中秋节的来临) (approach)

(8) You should when causing trouble to others. (为

所作的事道歉) (apologize)

(9) You shouldn't have made him . (被如此小事所烦恼)


(10) Students in our school good resources in the

library. (有机会使用) (access)


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第2课时 (ample ~ average)

1. 单词拼写

(1)He made funny faces to a the children.

(2)You need to sit down and a(分析) why you feel so upset.

(3)My a(祖先) originally came from Ireland.

(4)The show attracts an a(观众) of about 20 million.

(5)The family are making a(安排) for his birthday party.

(6)The tall building was designed by the famous a Frank Lloyd Wright.

(7)You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a .

(8) Ann wants to be an a. Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft

(9)It was discovered that three of the Olympic a had taken drugs.

(10)The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a in January.

2. 单项选择

(1)The government has _________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs.

A. answered

B. announced

C. approved

D. assumed

(2)I knocked at the door and nobody _________.

A. applied

B. apologized

C. answered

D. argued

(3)The bright colors can make a small room _________ much bigger.

A. arise

B. arrange

C. notice

D. appear

(4)I don’t need any help, but I do _________ your offer.

A. apply

B. appreciate

C. annoy

D. appeal

(5)Helen left her last job and has yet to find _________.

A. else

B. other

C. another

D. extra

(6) ---Hello, is _________ home ---Yes. We’re here.

A. anyone

B. one

C. nobody

D. someone

(7)Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to _________ you

A. affect

B. assist

C. apply

D. arrange

(8)He decided to adopt a different _________ and teach history through story-telling.

A. analysis

B. angle

C. attitude

D. approach

(9)The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _________ of 19.

A. average

B. usual

C. normal

D. regular

(10)Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _________.

A. aspect

B. attempt

C. effort

D. attack


(1)The school carried out an (analyze) of pupils’ needs.


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(2)There were puzzles and games to keep the children (amuse).

(3)Silence,please.Mr. Bennett is about to make an (announce).

(4)After an (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.

(5)She rushed into the hotel, (apology) for being so late.

(6)Women are more concerned than men about their personal (appear).

(7) I broke the vase during an (argue) with my husband.

(8)She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on (arrive).

(9)He was one of 30 (apply) for the manager’s job.

(10)The young man was accused of (attempt) murder.

4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)

(1)Man has used the horse since times.

(2)The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ________ .

(3)What me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.

(4)We need someone to work on this job immediately.Who’s

(5)A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart than a nonsmoker.

(6)After church, the family would go home for dinner.

(7)She was so of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.

(8)If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and them in order of importance.

(9)The crowd themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.

(10)The room is 12 square meters in .

5. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)









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第3课时 (avoid—blood)

1. 单词拼写

(1) His nose is b. Call in a doctor; otherwise he’ll lose too much blood.

(2) Don’t worry about the dog; he won’t b.

(3) The family have a strong b in God; they think God exists.

(4) My flat has got a b, where I can stand and watch the sea.

(5) He drank b coffee in order to stay up late and watch football.

(6) Two pieces of b(行李) went missing.

(7) I think I'll have a b(淋浴) and go to bed.

(8) By 9 o’clock the b(沙滩) was already crowded with people.

(9) His b(行为) in school is beginning to improve.

(10) She has a degree in b(生物).

2. 单项选择

(1)I don’t mind going there on foot. ________, the walk will do me good.

A. Beside

B. Besides

C. Below

D. Because

(2)Brazil ________ Italy in the final, 2-1.

A. fought

B. blessed

C. beat

D. avoided

(3)It’s important to understand peo ple from different ________.

A. basis

B. blocks

C. behaviors

D. backgrounds

(4)The radio stops working because the battery is ________.

A. slow

B. flat

C. below

D. behind

(5)Bill had done everything he could ________ to me.

A. avoid talking

B. to avoid talking

C. avoid to talk

D. to avoid to talk

(6)I ________ my balance and fell on my face.

A. kept

B. 1ost

C. recovered

D. gained

(7)Riding a bike helps develop a child’s sense of____________.

A. being

B. blank

C. balance

D. behavior

(8)My leg really hurts —— I'm not sure how much longer I can ________ it.

A. bear

B. bend

C. bless

D. betray

(9)I _______ the days which I spent in pursuing knowledge and building character.

A. benefit

B. am beneficial to

C. benefit from

D. am of benefit to

(10)I almost fell over the chair; put it back where it ________.

A. belongs

B. blows

C. bears

D. boils


v1.0 可编辑可修改3.词组填空 (必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)

(1)Many thousands have the new medicine.

(2)Eric was chosen for the job his rich experience.

(3)They’re not playing baseball today the rain.

(4)The old man went from door to door, food.

(5)I’ll my speech thanking you all for being here tonight.

(6)Most people the dangers of drinking and driving.

(7)You’ve got to yourself, or you’ll never succeed.

(8)Fortunately, we good health.

(9)The watch isn’t mine; who does it

(10)What that student who used to live with you

4. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)












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第4 课时(blouse—careful)

1. 单词拼写

(1)You’re so kind; thank you from the b of my heart.

(2)The Agricultural Bank of China has b all over our country.

(3)Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b of cola.

(4)They’ve made a major b in the treatment of cancer. It is a great discovery.

(5)The b got in through the kitchen window and took away the jewelry.

(6)There are only three c(求职者)for the job.

(7)Students complain about the food in the c(食堂)of the school.

(8)Today began a c(运动) to reduce road accidents.

(9)Just point the c(照相机)and press the button. It’s very easy.

(10)The organization has a b(预算)of $35 million.

2. 选词填空(必要时改变词形)

(1)The balloon will ________ if you continue blowing it.

(2)Tommy! Stop ________ up and down on the sofa.

(3)We ________ all products tested on animals. It is so cruel.

(4)Relax and ________ deeply; it can keep you calm.

(5)The football match was ________ live all over the world.

(6)Don’t forget to ________ your tee th twice a day.

(7)The great writer died in 1956,and was ________ in the churchyard of St Mary’s.

(8)I'm trying to ________ how much money we need to buy a new flat.

(9)The driver had to ________ suddenly to avoid a dog in the road.

(10)You are allowed to ________ six books from the library at a time.

3. 单项选择

(1)The flight was already fully ________; no more seats were available.

A. booked

B. borrowed

C. canceled

D. calculated

(2)There’s nothing to do here —— kids get ________!

A. boredom

B. boring

C. bored

D. to be bored

(3)She ________ in tears when she heard the sad news.

A. broke off

B. broke up

C. broke out

D. broke down

(4)It was impossible to see everything during our ________ visit to Paris.

A. bound

B. brief

C. brilliant

D. bright

(5)While she was in prison,friends used to ________ her books and written materials.

A. bring

B. take

C. fetch

D. carry


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(6)The room is three meters long and two meters ________.

A. width

B. board

C. broad

D. abroad

(7)In my days, children were ________ to respect the law.

A. called up

B. brought up

C. broken up

D. built up

(8)The students are kept busy ________ for the coming exams in June.

A. prepared

B. preparing

C. to prepare

D. being prepared

(9)There’s tea and coffee —— you can have ________.

A. both

B. either

C. all

D. neither

(10)Excuse me, ________ I’m afraid this is a no-smoking area.

A. and

B. for

C. but

D. so

4.词组填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)

(1)Children the environment and want to help keep it clean.

(2)He thanked the nurses who had him while he was sick.

(3)Police were to deal with the difficult situation.

(4)The game was because of the bad weather.

(5)The old photos memories of her childhood.

(6)---Our team won! ---This a celebration.

(7)The joke was so funny; everyone in the room laughing.

(8)Laura tears and ran out of the room.

(9)The old town hall was in the 1970s and everything was destroyed.

(1 0)Taking exercise will your strength. It will make you strong.

5.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)








v1.0 可编辑可修改 (7)请坐在座位上,保持冷静。(calm)






1. 单词拼写

(1)These flowers like sunshine and will not grow in a cold c_____________.

(2)I am working as a c_____________ and keep records or accounts in an office.

(3)As a result of the American C_____________ War, slaves became free.

(4)Fred became a British c_____________ after living there for several years.

(5)A c_____________ is held every year to remember those who died in the war.

(6)She is fascinated by the ancient c_____________ (文明)of Greece and Rome.

(7)The temperature went down to -56 c_____________.

(8)A more detailed example will be given in the next c_____________ (章节).

(9)The kids are watching cartoons on Disney c_____________ (频道).

(10)The church was built in the 13th c_____________.


(1)Will the government carry _____________ its promise to create more jobs

A. on

B. out

C. away

D. through

(2)If you get caught _____________ in some countries,they will cut off your hand.

A. steal

B. to steal

C. stealing

D. to have stolen

(3) _____________ are kept on the firm for their meat or milk.

A. 200 head cattle

B. 200 head of cattle

C. 200 head cattles

D. 200 heads of cattle

(4)Teaching young children is a _____________ job.

A. challenge and reward

B. challenging and rewarded

C. challenging and rewarding

D. challenged and rewarded

(5)There’s always the chance _____________ something will go wrong.

A. if

B. what

C. how

D. that

(6)Gibbons has been charged _____________.

A. with attempted murder

B. of attempted murder


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C. with attempt murder

D. of attempt murder

(7)I have a wide range of gifts _________, so I can’t make up my mind.

A. chosen

B. to choose

C. to be chosen

D. to choose from

(8)When dinner was done and _________, Auntie Lou made some tea.

A. cleared away

B. cleared out

C. cleaned up

D. cleaned out

(9)We always travel in _____. The seats are more comfortable and the food is better.

A. business class

B. first class

C. tourist class

D. economic class

(10)Schools ban students from bringing mobile phones, which are used to _____ in exams.

A. click

B. clarify

C. charge

D. cheat

3.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

(1) All tobacco products must a health warning.

(2) It is amazing that the huge statue was from a single block of stone.

(3) Jean felt more comfortable in clothes.

(4) The results of this survey can fall into three main .

(5) Breast cancer is the leading of death for American women in their forties.

(6) When the superstar arrived, the audience and cheered.

(7) As a result of his good job, he was soon appointed engineer of the company.

(8) A person’s is very important to me when I decide who I want to work with.

(9) It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to .

(10) You have a --- you can stay here on your own or you can come with us.

4. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)



3)你知道火灾是怎么引起的吗 (cause)






v1.0 可编辑可修改8)他们收了20英镑的修理费。(charge)




第6课时 (coach—courage)


(1)We got a professional football c_____________ to come and help US train the team.

(2)They live on a small island off the c_____________ of Scotland.

(3)He tried to c_____________ her by telling her that everything would be all right.

(4)Ann became my closest c_____________; we spent a lot of time together.

(5)The new building is going up at a c_____________ of $82 million.

(6)He’s on the c_____________ (委员会) that controls council spending.

(7)She kept the c_____________ (内容) of the letter a secret.

(8)Didn’t you give a talk at the c_____________ (会议) last year

(9)I had to write a c_____________ (作文) about the Royal visit.

(10)What’s your c_____________ (概念) of an ideal society


(1) Grandpa has a large __________ (collect) of foreign coins.

(2) I was so _________ (comfort) and wa rm in bed that I didn’t want to get up.

(3) Radio was the pilot’s only means of _____________ (communicate).

(4) _____________ (compete) for these jobs is very fierce --- we had over 200 applicants.

(5) We’ve come to the _____________ (conclude) that he’s not for the plan.

(6) _____________ (congratulate) on your new job, Jenny.

(7) There is a __________ (connect) between pollution and the death of trees.

(8) A new nuclear power station is now under _____________ (construct).

(9) I want to thank everyone who has _____________ (courage) and supported me.

(10) I have every _____________ (confident) in you and your ability.


(1)The news will _____________ as no surprise to his colleagues.

A. connect

B. come

C. conclude

D. contain

(2)The landlady came around once a month to _____________ the rent.


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A. collect

B. ask

C. commit

D. confirm

(3)I thought I'd go over and _________ her company so that she didn’t feel lonely.

A. do

B. stay

C. remain

D. keep

(4)___________ to our small f lat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.

A. Compare

B. Comparing

C. To compare

D. Compared

(5)Meg realized she’d been a ________ fool.

A. complete

B. commercial

C. content

D. constant

(6) _____________ I’m concerned, you can forget ab out it.

A. As long as

B. On condition that

C. As far as

D. In case of

(7) Dress well for a job interview became first impression really do __________.

A. count

B. correspond

C. convince

D. important

(8) ---She’s moving to Alaska. ---Really __________

A. And you

B. How come

C. How’s it going

D. How about

(9)He _____________, but he chose to stand and fight.

A. escaped

B. did escape

C. might escape

D. could have escaped

(10) _____________ me if I'm wrong, but haven’t we met before

A. Correct

B. Correcting

C. To correct

D. Having corrected

4. 词组填空 (写到作业本上)

(1)Turn off the TV, so you can your homework.

(2)The police have refused to _____________ the investigation until it is completed.

(3)Zoo officials _____________ the mother elephant, which is badly ill.

(4)The International Olympic Committee _____________ members from many countries.

(5)I _____________ my job, my home,and my family. I’m happy and satisfied.

(6)Her voice is _____________, but she is almost shaking with anger.

(7)The government is trying to __________ the local people__________ the safety of the nuclear power


(8)What I need now is a computer _____________ the Internet.

(9)It wasn’t a good thing; _____________, it was a huge mistake.

(10)I'd just like to ask you __________________ questions before you go.

5.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)

1) 他祝贺我取得好成绩。(congratulate)

2) 这兄弟俩没有什么相同之处。(common)


v1.0 可编辑可修改3) 许多人在竞争这份工作。(compete)

4) 从他的话中我们得出结论:他不赞成这个计划。(conclude)

5) 这次调查将会用英语进行。(conduct)

6) 那个传言后来得到了证实。(confirm)

7) 注意不要把质量和数量混淆了。(confuse)

8) 你有没有考虑过买一辆新车(consider)

9) 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。(contribute)

10) 那个错误几乎使他丧命。(cost)


第7课时 (course—dig )


(1) The plane had to change c_________ to avoid the storm.

(2) D___________ is sweet food served after the main part of a meal.

(3) The movie ET is about a c________________ from outer space.

(4) It is the c________________ for people to shake hands the first time they meet.

(5) The temperature dropped to five d___________ Centigrade.

(6) Tom gave the police a d_____________(描述) of his lost car.

(7) She hired a d__________(侦探) to find out the true facts.

(8) 118 people were killed in the plane c______________(坠毁).

(9) Guess the meaning of an unknown word before looking it up in a d___________(字典).

(10) The man is a violent and dangerous c__________________(罪犯).


(1) His book on European history _______________ the period from 1914 to 2001.

A. covers

B. about

C. crosses

D. deals

(2) In winter, the town is often _______________ by snow.

A. cut in

B. cut off

C. cut up

D. cut down

(3) At this rate, the forest will be completely _______________ within the next 30 years.


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A. damaged

B. ruined

C. spoiled

D. destroyed

(4) Only a few journalists _______________ the story, which was about the president.

A. dared covered

B. dare covered

C. dare to cover

D. dared to cover

(5) According to the research, big companies often delay _______________ their bills.

A. paying

B. to pay

C. having paid

D. to be paid

(6) They demanded that the government _______________ all political prisoners.

A. freed

B. free

C. would free

D. was free

(7) The young children had difficulty _______________ the theory. 、

A. understand

B. to understand

C. understanding

D. of understanding

(8) ---How long are you staying ---l don't know._______________.

A. That’s it

B. It depends.

C. Here it is

D. It’s a deal.

(9) Hundreds of soldiers died while _______________ the town.

A. defending

B. to defend

C. defending for

D. to defend against

(10) ---You really weren’t very nice to her. ---Well, she _______________ it!

A. delivered

B. declared

C. deserved

D. determined


(1) Lyn always seems to be on a ; she wants to get thinner.

(2) I called you last night, but I think I the wrong number.

(3) The course is to help students develop their speaking skills.

(4) Could you try and the man you saw We want some details about him.

(5) As a boy,Ralph newspapers on a bicycle to earn some money.

(6) Smoking can severely___________ your health.

(7) Don’t put that shirt on. It’s still ________________.

(8) He was hit by a car when he tried to over the road.

(9) ____________ isn’t only good for the environment; it’s a great form of exercise too.

(10) They’re ______________ whether it’s right to test new medicines on animals.

4.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)

1) 她双手掩面。(cover)

2) 科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。(create)

3) 医生,你能治好他这个病吗(cure)


v1.0 可编辑可修改4) 孩子们围成—个圈在跳舞。(dance)

5) 这一习俗可以追溯到几百年前。(date)

6) 价格下降了5%。(decrease)

7) 他是你可以信任的人。(depend)

8) 航班延误了两个小时。(delay)

9) 她全力倾注于自己的事业。(devote)

10) 结果与我们所期望的不一样。(different).


第8课时(digest ~ electronic)


(1) Hawking suffers from a rare d________ of the brain.

(2) Compared to other applicants, your main d_________ is lack of job experience.

(3) California is often stricken by natural d_________ such as floods and earthquakes.

(4) The exam result was not good as he expected;he was very d_____________.

(5) Club members get a 15% d_____________,much lower than the regular price.

(6) According to the survey, half the marriages in this country end in d__________. (离婚)

(7) She was so d____________(醉酒)that she could hardly stand up.

(8) Plans to build a chemical factory could threaten the c__________ (生态)of the island.

(9) She lives in a really beautiful apartment d____________(市中心).

(10) Their apartment is in the Chongwen D____________ (区)of Beijing.


(1) Eric works as a ___________(direct)and manages a big IT company.

(2) David goes to a special school for ___________ (disable)children.

(3) A lot of players get ___________ (discourage)and quit.

(4) He made the ___________ (discover) that bees can communicate with each other.

(5) His wife is the ___________ (edit)of a local newspaper.

(6) Parents all hope their children will get a good ___________ (educate).


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(7) We need more money to buy ___________ (electric) equipment.

(8) The delay of the flight was ___________ (disappoint) news for the travelers.

(9) The class will be ___________ (dismiss)early today.

(10) Dogs were barking somewhere in the ___________ (distance).


(1) It’s the kind of book you can ___________; you don’t need to read the whole book.

A. dip into

B. pide into

C. put into

D. get into

(2) My father is a lawyer, and he discouraged me _________ entering the field.

A. into

B. of

C. out of

D. from

(3) You would be unlucky to see sharks,but these are no problem if you don’t ______them.

A. disappoint

B. disturb

C. discourage

D. discover

(4) The shy boy dislikes ___________the center of attention.

A. is

B. to be

C. being

D. is being

(5) You can complain, but I doubt ___________it'll make any difference.

A. what

B. though

C. weather

D. if

(6) Jack, Helen, and ___________went on holiday together.

A. a half dozen others

B. half a dozen others

C. a half dozen of others

D. half a dozen

of others

(7) Can you ___________the kids while making breakfast

A. wear

B. have on

C. dress

D. put on

(8) I can’t wait to get my exam result.All this waiting is driving me ___________.

A. mad

B. madly

C. eager

D. eagerly

(9) My paper is ___________next Monday;it has to be given to my teacher by then.

A. due

B. clue

C. distant

D. direct

(10) The house is now worth ___________we paid for it.

A. the amount double

B. the double amount

C. amount double the

D. double the amount 4.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

(1) Go and ask the policeman --he’ll ___________ you to the freeway.

(2) Pick up your chairs,children.Don’t ___________ them along the floor. 、

(3) Keep away from the ___________ of the cliff --- you might fall.

(4) We built a fire to get ourselves warm and ___________our clothes.

(5) As soon as she saw him,she ___________ her suitcases and ran towards him.

(6) The sailor ___________ off the rock into the sea.

(7) Fire officers are trying to ___________ the cause of the fire.

(8) A baby soon learns to ___________ its mother’s face from other adults’ faces.


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(9) Several secret ___________ went missing from the manager’s office.

(10) This made it difficult to ___________conclusions.

5. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)

1) 他用手指在混合物中蘸了一下。(dip)

2) 他尊重那些与他意见不一致的人。(disagree)

3) 我把这个比萨饼分成了3部分。(pide)

4) 这些歌曲可以从互联网上免费下载。(download)

5) 男朋友叫她穿上最好看的连衣裙。(dress)

6) 他再次当选为美同总统。(elect)

7) 我知道你不喜欢她,但请尽力保持礼貌。(effort)

8) 我从未怀疑过她会来。(doubt)

9) 小心,油漆还未干!(dry)

10) 他在美国接受的教育。(educate)




1. He was trying to e________ me by asking me questions I couldn’t an swer.

2. In an e_________, dial 911 for police, the fire department or an ambulance.

3. You should check all your electrical e_________ regularly.

4. Recycling paper and cans is an easy way to protect the e__________.

5. She tore open the e____________ and frantically read the letter.

6. Clothes, the e_____________ (皇帝) thought, made him what he was.

7. The e_________ was unable to explain why the cars were to slow.

8. To my surprise, many police were standing at the main e_______ to the school.

9. I t’s your f________ (过错) that we’re late.

10. The e___________ (展览) of works by the new painter opens next week.


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2. 单项选择

1. Your choice may make a difference in _________ life.

A. someone else

B. someone else’s

C. else someone

D. someone’s else

2. The experts suggest that the new teaching methods be ______ in the classroom.

A. employed

B. equipped

C. existed

D. favored

3. How do you enjoy ______ your weekend

A. spend B spending C. to spend D. are spending

4. The woman _______ politics in 1996, and two years later she was made president.

A. entered

B. explored

C. excited

D. envied

5. He ______ death in the car accident.

A. escaped narrow

B. narrowly escaped

C. escaped extremely D extremely escaped

6. Families, ______ those with young children, benefit form the program.

A. equally B especially C fairly D extraordinarily

7. --- You hate Jim, don’t you --- __________. I just think he’s a bit annoying, that’s all.

A. That’s it

B. It’s up to you

C. No way D Not exactly

8. The rich woman had nothing to do except ______ money.

A. spend

B. spending

C. spent

D. to spend

9. He’s never tried to hide the fact _______ he spent time in prison

A. how

B. whether

C. that

D. /

10. Do you expect _______ to be a chance that you can go abroad for further education

A. it

B. what

C. when

D. there

3.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

1. When we camped in the sands, it grew colder as night .

2. The Canadian visitors decided to Beijing by bike.

3. Many teachers think games can make learning more .

4. A one-week holiday in Majorca costs $779 including air .

5. An differs in form from a poem.

6. Do you have that this treatment works I doubt it.

7. Experts who the painting believe it is real.

8. An emergency is a special door used only when there is a fire.

9. Wheat is one of the country’s chief and is mostly sold to Asian countries.

10. Over the years the green paint had .

4.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)


v1.0 可编辑可修改1)快点,否则你就要迟到了。(else)











第10课时(favorite --- fundamental)


1. --- What’s your f_______ color --- I like blue best.

2. Jerry is very thin; she is as light as a f_________ to carry.

3. Christmas is one of the main f_______ in Europe.

4. About 40 million f_________ visited the US last year; they’re mostly from European countries.

5. As a f_________ business traveler, I have spent many nights in hotel rooms.

6. Mother kissed his f_________ (前额) and cheeks.

7. We do not have the f________ to do just what we like.

8. The f_________ (前任的) US president will give us a speech.

9. Many people have trouble sleeping after a long f_________ (飞行)

10. Fifty f___________ (渔民) were killed in the thunderstorm.


v1.0 可编辑可修改2. 单项选择

1. --- I feel so bad about upsetting your plans. --- Oh, _____. It really doesn’t matter.

A. come on

B. forget it

C. go ahead

D. it depends

2. Would you mind going to ______ the kids from school

A. carry

B. fetch

C. take

D. obtain

3. We can advise the manger, but in the end, it is he who has the ____________ say.

A. female

B. fond

C. final D full

4. The jacket’s fine, but the trousers ___________.

A .are fit B. aren’t fit C. fit D.don’t fit

5. ________ the instructions very carefully when ______________filling in the form.

A. Follow

B. Following

C. Followed

D. To follow

6. Because of _________ competition, prices of food are likely to drop.

A. federal

B. fierce

C. friendly

D. fundament

7. It __________ wonderful to lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine.

A. feels

B. is felt

C. is feeling

D. is to feel.

8. It’s ___________ in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating

A freezing cold B. frozen cold C. freezing coldly D. frozen coldly

9. He hopes his wife can come back and make a ____________ start.

A. foggy

B. fierce

C. fresh

D. flexible

10. ___________, everything ___________ all right in the end.

A. Fortunate; worked out

B. Fortunately; worked out

C. Fortunate; figured out

D. Fortunately; figured out

3.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

1. Police that there may be further terrorist attacks.

2. The entrance to the park have gone up by 50%.

3. He said a named Leroy was the best pilot.

4. Cole is the most famous expert in the of engineering.

5. The driver was $300 for careless driving.

6. Corey was always a believer in God.

7. You can’t me --- I know he’s already given you the money.

8. According to the weather , it’s going to stay hot for the rest of the week.

9. The alarm system was not when the paintings were stolen.

10. Love and trust should the basis of a marriage.


