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张林峰 编著



学习语法就是为了我们能够造出无数优美、正确的英语句子。 学习英语语法的步骤:

1. 九大句子成分和六大基本句型结构; 2. 十六种时态及十种被动语态;

3. 名词性从句(包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句); 4. 定语从句; 5. 状语从句;

6. 直接引语和间接引语; 7. 情态动词; 8. 虚拟语气; 9. 非谓语动词; 10. 强调句; 11. 主谓一致; 12. 省略句;

13. 冠词、名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词、介词等的用法。




九大句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语(宾语补足语)、同位语、呼语。(主、谓、宾、表、定、状、补、同、呼) 1. 主语:

A. 在主谓宾结构中,主语是谓语动词动作的发出者; B. 在主系表结构中,主语是系动词之前的部分; C. 在There be结构中,主语是系动词be之后的部分。

(由名词、名词短语、代词、数词、不定式、V-ing形式和主语从句充当) 我是教师。 他们在踢足球。 熊猫是种可爱的动物。

一个淘气的孩子打碎了我的车窗。 打篮球是我的爱好。 掌握英语是我今年的目标。

练习弹钢琴每天要花费我一个小时的时间。 他昨天的所作所为令人生气。

Knowledge is power.

A beautiful girl told me the news. He helped me a lot.

To master English is my goal this year.

Practicing playing the piano takes me an hour a day. What he did yesterday made his parents angry.

2. 谓语:在主谓宾结构中,表示主语所发出的动作。(由动词构成,包括16种时态和10种

被动语态) 我种了一棵树。



一只黄鼠狼偷吃了我的大公鸡。 一个淘气的孩子打碎了我的车窗。 小红赢了比赛。 我买了本新版英语字典。 我每天练习弹钢琴。 他昨天抓住了一个小偷。 I like English.

She keeps a cute monkey as her pet. She loves him. He refused to help. I enjoy learning English.

I don’t know when you will leave for New York.



实意动词(Notional Verb): 是具有实际动作意义的词,可以直接跟宾语或加介词后跟宾


We work hard. I play football every day. I bought a book yesterday.

系动词(Link Verb): 是连接主语和表语以及帮助实意动词构成各种时态及疑问句、否定 句、被动语态的词。有: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been等。

She is five.

We were in Xi’an last evening. The house has been sold by its owner. My bike is being repaired by my father now.

助动词(Auxiliary Verb): 是帮助实意动词构成各种时态及疑问句、否定句的词。有: do,


does, did, have, has, had等 。

She didn’t do her homework yesterday. Do you like English?

I have been a teacher for fifteen years.

Had you finished your homework when your mother got home last evening?

情态动词(Modal Verb): 是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的

动词,但不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语、否定句及疑问句。 有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would), had better, would rather等。

You must learn it by yourself.

I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema. Can you swim?

Shall we have a party this weekend? Who can help me learn English?

说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting. (having是实义动词) They have gone to New York.(have是助动词。)


及物动词(Transitive Verb): 可以直接跟宾语的动词;

不及物动词(Intransitive Verb): 加了介词之后才能跟宾语的动词。 缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。

I live in this bedroom. 不及物动词 (vi.) I study English hard.

及物动词 (vt.)

3. 宾语:在主谓宾结构中,谓语动词动作的承受者。



我种了一棵树。 他养了一只狗。

一只黄鼠狼偷吃了我的大公鸡。 一个淘气的孩子打碎了我的车窗。 小红赢了比赛。 我买了本新版英语字典。 我每天练习弹钢琴。 他昨天抓住了一个小偷。 I like English.

She keeps a cute monkey as her pet. She loves him. He refused to help. I enjoy learning English.

I want to know when you will leave for New York.


1) 动作的承受者——动词宾语:

I like China. (名词) He hates you. (代词)

How many do you need? We need two. (数词) We should help the old and the poor. (the + adj.) I enjoy working with you. (动名词) I hope to see you again. (不定式)

Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句)

2) 介词后的名词、代词和动名词——介词宾语:

Are you afraid of the snake?


I am interested in this book.

3) 双宾语——间接宾语(指人或动物)和直接宾语(指物):

He gave me a book yesterday. Give the poor man some money.

She taught me English for three years. 4) it 作形式宾语:

I find it interesting to learn English.

She makes it a rule to read English every morning. We don’t think it possible to defeat them.

4. 表语:在主系表结构中,跟在系动词之后对主语进行修饰说明的部分。

(由名词、名词短语、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、V-ing形 式、过去分词和表语从句充当)

我是学生。 那是一只狗。 失败是成功之母。 她很漂亮。 我很忙。 他们聪明又努力。 我的爱好是打羽毛球。

我想知道的是他怎么英语那么好。 Knowledge is power.

She is a hard-working student.

The person that she wants to marry is him. My aim is to go to a famous university. My job is teaching English to young children. We are excited.

What I want to know is how he can learn English so well.



1) 状态系动词: 用来表示主语的状态,只有be, am, is, are, was, were, being,


He is a teacher. We are students.

He has been ill for three years. Tom is in Xi’an.

2) 持续系动词: 用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep , rest ,

remain, stay, lie, stand等词,例如:

He always kept silent at meetings. This matter rests a mystery.

The village stands at the foot of the hill. Japan lies to the east of China.

3) 表像系动词:用来表示\看起来像\这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look等词,例


He looks tired. 他看起来很累。

He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。

4)感官系动词:感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste等词,例如:

This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。 This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。

5)变化系动词:这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run等词,例如:

He became mad after that. She grew rich within a short time.

6)终止系动词:表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out等词,表达\证实\, \变成\之意,例如:


The rumor proved false. The search proved difficult. His plan turned out a success.

注意:可带名词作表语的系动词be, become, make, look, sound, fall, prove, remain, turn等。注意:turn后接的单数名词 前多不用冠词。

7) 系动词无被动语态: appear, be, become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look,

remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn例如:

It sounds good. The dish smells delicious. He fell ill last night.

5. 定语:用来修饰或限定一个名词的词、短语或从句。


一位男老师将教我们英语。 那是一个宁静的夜晚。 我有很多事情要做。 坐在那里的男孩是我的朋友。 在事故中被压死的狗是他的。 他就是我昨天在公园见到的那个老外。 我昨天丢的笔找到了。 我想上的大学是北大。

A man doctor will take care of you. This girl is my best friend.

I have a lot of homework to do today. The boy standing there is my brother.

The dog killed in the accident belonged to my grandpa.

The pen which I lost yesterday was given to me as a birthday gift by my mum.





a man doctor

a woman teacher

a boy student a nice present my brother

a baby girl an honest boy nine years your sister a reading room

a beautiful girl a lovely baby three toys five people

this book

those pens

boiling water

eight elephants a swimming pool

an exciting game

the sleeping baby a dancing cat the shouting crowd the crying girl

the excited audience

a disappointed mother a white-haired woman

a warm-hearted welcome a cold-blooded killer

boiled water

2) “什么地方的什么”= the + N. + 介词短语

the picture on the wall 墙上的画儿 the books on the shelf 架子上的书 the cat in the box


the birds in the tree 树上的鸟 the hole in the wall


the lamp over my head 我头顶的灯

the students in our class 我们班的学生

3)“正在做什么的人或物”= the + N + V-ing + (O) + LA + TA the man standing there the dog barking now

站在那里的男子 正在吠叫的狗 正在舞台上唱歌的女孩

the girl singing on the stage

the boy swimming in the river 正在河里游泳的男孩 4) “正在被怎么样的人或物”= the + N + being + P.P. + LA + TA the bridge being built now 正在被建的桥


the meeting being held now 正在被召开的会议

the boy being punished by our teacher 正在被我们老师惩罚的学生 5) “将要被怎么样的人或物”= the + N + to be + P.P. + LA + TA the meeting to be held tomorrow morning


the student to be sent to America by our school 将被我们学校送往美国的学生 the school to be set up in the village


6) “已经被怎么样的人或物”= the + N + P.P. + LA + TA

the man killed in the accident last night the bridge built last year

昨晚在事故中被压死的人 去年被建成的桥 昨天被召开的会议

the meeting held yesterday

7) “穿着什么样衣服的人”= the + N + in + a/an + 衣服 + LA + TA

穿着黑色T恤的男子 穿着红色迷你裙的女孩 穿着西服套装的男子

the man in a black T-shirt

the girl in a red mini-skirt the man in a suit

8) “穿着什么颜色衣服的人”= the + N + in + 颜色 + LA + TA


the girl in red 穿着红色衣服的女孩

the man in black

the woman in blue 穿着蓝色衣服的女士 the boy in green 穿着绿色衣服的男孩

9) 副词做定语一般后置 = the + N + adv.

the students here 这里的学生

the man over there 那边的男子

passengers aboard 车(船、飞机)上的乘客

10) 形容词(形容词短语)做后置定语 = the + N + adj. + LA + TA

a room lagre enough to hold 100 people 大到能容纳100人的房间



a basket full of fruits

a boy clever enough to speak three languages 聪明到会说三种语言的男孩

11) “什么什么相同的人或物”= the + N + of + N

a girl of her own age

和她年龄相同的女孩 相同羽毛的鸟 相同形状的瓶子

birds of a feather

the bottles of the same shape

12) “有什么的人或物“ = the/a + N + with + N

a girl with long hair 长发女孩 a boy with big eyes 大眼睛的男孩

13) 定语从句= the + N + 引导词 + 从句

The N(人) + who/that + V + O + LA + TA (人主)

The teacher who/that taught me English at this school last year The thief who/that stole my wallet yesterday

The N(人) + who/that + be + P.P. + by + Doer + LA + TA (人主) The thief who/that was caught by a policeman yesterday The N(人) + (whom/that) + S + V + LA + TA (人宾) The girl (whom/that) I met in the park yesterday The old man (whom/that) I helped yesterday The N(物) + which/that + V + O + LA + TA (物主) The dog which/that bit me in the park yesterday The horse which/that ran away last week

The N(物) + which/that + be + P.P. + by + Doer + LA + TA (物主) The dog which/that was killed in the accident yesterday The N(物) + (which/that) + S + V + LA + TA (物宾) The book (which/that) I bought yesterday The dog (which/that) I saw yesterday

The N(人,物) + whose + N + V + O + LA + TA (人,物,所属) The man whose son is a doctor in this hospital The room whose door is green

Such + N + as + S + V + LA +TA

Such people as I got to know in America last year Such books as I bought yesterday The same + N + as + S + V + LA +TA The same bike as I lost yesterday

So + adj. + a/an + N + as + S + V + LA +TA So clever a boy as all the teachers like


The N(时间) + (which/that) + S + V + LA + TA (先行词作宾语) The year (which/that) I spent in America

The N(时间) + when/介词+which + S + V + O + LA (先行词作状语) The year when/in which I studied English in America The N(地点) + (which/that) + S + V + TA (先行词作宾语) The museum (which/that) I visited last week The school (which/that) we set up in the village

The N(地点) + where/介词+which + S + V + O + TA (先行词作状语) The factory where/in which my father works The farm where/on which I worked last year The reason + (which/that) + S + V + LA + TA (先行词作宾语) The reason (which/that) he made up The reason (which/that) he told me

The reason + why/for which + S + V + O + LA + TA (先行词作状语) The reason why/for which he didn’t go to school yesterday The reason why/for which I punished you

6. 状语:说明谓语动词动作所处的状态(包括时间、地点、 原因、比较、目的、结果、条


(由副词、介词短语、不定式、V-ing形式、过去分词和状语从句充当) 我在那里见到的他。

在一个宁静的夜晚,他们誓血为盟。 由于生病,他没有去上学。 她哼着歌离开了教室。 尽管在下雨,他们继续工作。

即使你给我买票,我也不会跟你去看电影。 为了练习发音,我每天都模仿VOA。


I met him there.

He studies in a key middle school.

To learn English well, she takes every chance to practice her oral English.


Seeing from the top of the building, you can see the whole town. Seen from the top of the building, the town looks beautiful.

I was having dinner when he came to see me last evening.

7. 补语(宾语补足语):跟在宾语之后对宾语进行补充说明的句子成分。

(由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、V-ing形式、过去分词) 我们选他当班长。

这场激烈的比赛令所有观众都很兴奋。 母亲每天都让我朗读英语。 他让我们等了两个小时。 毛泽东的逝世令举国哀痛。 老师罚我下蹲两百次。

据预测美国民众将再次选奥巴马为总统。 请让我进去。

We will make him monitor.

The good news made us happy. Please let me in.

He kept me waiting for two hours.

My mother gets me to read English every morning. The news that our team had won the match made us excited.

8. 同位语:表示同一主体的两个不同的词、短语或从句。



我最好的朋友小明将去美国留学。 谁下学期将教我们英语的问题尚未得到答复。 我们队赢了比赛的消息让我们兴奋。 众所周知英语变得越来越重要的事实。



我们可以怎样进一步合作的问题将在会议上讨论。 We students should study hard.

Jack, a friend of mine, has been sent abroad to study by our school. The fact that English is becoming more and more important is known to everyone.

The question who will teach us English will be answered tomorrow.

9. 呼语:称呼用语。(如:Sir, Your Majesty, Your Highness, Madam等)。


英语的基本句型结构只有三种:1. 主谓宾结构;2. 主系表结构;3. There be结构。 主谓宾结构又有可引申出三种:1. 主谓状结构;2. 主谓+双宾语结构;3. 主谓宾+宾补结构。

1. 主谓宾结构:表示主语做什么;

主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 方式状语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语. S + V + O + MA + LA + TA. I read English in the classroom every day.

She plays the piano attentively at home every evening. 2. 主系表结构:表示主语是什么、怎么样、在哪里;

主语 + 系动词 + 表语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语。 S + LV + P + LA + TA. I am a student in this school now.

She was very beautiful when she was in her twenties. I was in Beijing last Sunday.

3. There be 结构:表示什么地方有什么; There be + 主语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语。 There be + S + LA + TA. There is a book on the desk now.


There was a tree in the yard two years ago.

4. 主语 + 谓语 + (状语).

S + V + (A). She smiles.

He is laughing aloud.

5. 主语 + 谓语 + 直接宾语 + 介词 + 间接宾语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语. S + V + DO + Prep. + IO + LA + TA.

= 主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 + 地点状语 + 时间状语.

S + V + IO + DO + LA + TA. She bought a tie for me last week. = She bought me a tie last week.

Mary gave a book to Tom yesterday. = Mary gave Tom a book yesterday. 6. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 + (状语)。 S + V + O + OC + (A). We made Tom monitor yesterday. The good news made us happy. The pain is driving me mad.

My mother gets me to read English every day. He shot the wolf dead.


法。我们将其称为:积木式造句法。 1. 主谓宾结构的句子扩充:

(时间状语)+(前置定语)+ 主语 +(后置定语)+ 谓语 +(前置定语)+ 宾语 +(后置定语)+(地点状语)+(时间状语).

A boy met a girl.

A handsome boy met a beautiful girl.

A handsome boy who was wearing a black T-shirt met a beautiful girl that was dressed in a red mini-skirt.

A handsome boy who was wearing a black T-shirt met a beautiful girl that was dressed in a red miniskirt in the park yesterday. 2. 主系表结构的句子扩充:


(前置定语)+ 主语 +(后置定语)+ 系动词 +(前置定语)+ 表语 +(后置定语)+(地点状语)+(时间状语).

The man is my teacher.

The handsome man who is standing there talking with my mother is my English teacher that has been teaching me at his home for three years.

The handsome man is my English teacher.

3. There be结构的句子扩充:

积木式造句法是英语学习中最简洁明了的造句方法,同学们一定要多加练习、熟练掌握。There be + (前置定语) + 主语 +(后置定语)+(地点状语)+(时间状语). There is a book on the desk.

There is an English book on the desk.

There is an English book on Chinese history, which was written by a famous British historian, on the desk that stands near the window.





现在 过去 将来 一般 _____ 时 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 ______ 进行时 现在进行时 过去进行时 将来进行时 ______ 完成时 现在完成时 过去完成时 将来完成时 _____ 完成进行时 现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时 将来完成进行时


过去将来 一般过去将来时 过去将来进行时 过去将来完成时 过去将来完成进行时


字母符号的定义: S主语、V 动词原形、V-ing 现在分词、V-ed过去式、P.P. 过去分

词、O宾语、P表语、A定语、MA方式状语、LA地点状语、LV系动词、TA时间状语、OA 其他状语、TP时间段。


1. 一般现在时:以下三种情况使用一般现在时:

1. 经常发生的动作; 2. 习惯性的动作; 3. 客观事实和真理。

① 主谓宾结构的句子:

a. 陈述句肯定句:表示主语经常或习惯于做什么。 S + V + O + MA + LA + TA.

She plays the piano attentively at home every day. We read English every day.

b. 陈述句否定式:表示主语经常或习惯于不做什么。 S + don’t/doesn’t + V + O + MA + LA + TA. I don’t believe you.

We don’t like playing football. Tom doesn’t speak Chinese.

c. 表示“常常,通常”always, often, sometimes, rarely, frequently, never, seldom, occasionally, usually, generally…

S + always/often/sometimes… + V + O + MA + LA + TA. S + is/are/am+always/often/sometimes…+ P + LA + TA. He often comes to see me. We sometimes stay up late. My father is always busy. d. 一般疑问句式:表示主语经常或习惯于做什么吗。 Do/Does + S + V + O + MA + LA + TA? Yes, S + do/does. /No, S +don’t/doesn’t.

Do you have lunch at home every day?


Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Does she play the piano at school every day? Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.

e. 选择疑问句式: 表示主语经常或习惯于做A还是是做B。

Do/Does + S + V + O1 or O2 + LA + TA?

Do/Does + S + V + O + MA1 or MA2 + LA + TA? Do you like tea or coffee?

Does your friend play football or basketball?

Do you go to work by bus or by bike?

f. 反义疑问句式:

S + V + O + MA + LA + TA, don’t/doesn’t +S?

Yes, S + do/does. /No, S +don’t/doesn’t. S + don’t/doesn’t + V + O + MA + LA + TA, do/does +S? Yes, S + do/does. /No, S +don’t/doesn’t. He comes from Norway, doesn’t he? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. You like English best, don’t you?. Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Your father doesn’t smoke, does he? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

He doesn’t speak English, does he? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

g. 特殊疑问句式:提问主语在什么时间、地点、原因、方式等做什么。

Wh-/How + do/does + S + V + O + MA + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部分)

What does she play at school every day? Where do you have lunch every day? h. 否定疑问句:(难道)… 不 … 吗?

Isn’t/Aren’t + S + P?

Don’t/Doesn’t + S + V + O + MA + LA + TA?

Why don’t/doesn’t + S + V + O + MA + LA + TA? Why aren’t/isn’t + S + P?

Why aren’t/isn’t + there + S +LA + TA? Isn’t that your girl friend? Aren’t you busy today?

Don’t you know I love you so much?


Why don’t you tell him the truth?

Why isn’t there a bridge over the river?



S + be/get/become + used to (doing) + O + LA + TA.

S + be/get/become + accustomed to (doing) + O + LA + TA. He is used to living alone.

He becomes used to loneliness. He is accustomed to getting up early.



V + O + LA + TA, please.

Don’t + V + O + LA + TA, please. Open the door, please.

Don’t tell your mother I drank beer just now, please.

k. 祈使句的反义疑问句式:

V + O + LA + TA, will/won’t you? Don’t + V + O + LA + TA, will you? Let’s + V + O + LA + TA, shall we? Let us + V + O + LA + TA, will you?

Go to the cinema with me this evening, will/won’t you? Don’t open the door, will you? Let’s go to the cinema, shall we? Let us help them, will you?

② 主系表结构的句子:

a. 陈述句肯定句式:表示主语现在或当前是什么、怎么样、在哪里。

S + am/is/are + P + LA + TA. She is a student. They are intelligent.

b. 陈述句否定句式:表示主语现在或当前不是什么、不怎么样、不在哪里。

S + am/is/are + not + P + LA + TA.

= S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + P + LA + TA. I am not happy today. She is not at home now.

They aren’t in the classroom now.

c. 一般疑问句式:提问主语现在或当前是什么、怎么样、在哪里吗。


Am/Is/Are + S + P + LA + TA?

Yes, S + am/is/are./ No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t. Is she a student? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. Are they intelligent? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. d. 选择疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + P1 or P2 + LA + TA? Is your father a teacher or a doctor?

Are your friends from America or England?

e. 反义疑问句式:

S + am/is/are + P + LA + TA, isn’t/aren’t +S? Yes, S + am/is/are. /No, S +am not/isn’t/aren’t.

S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + P + LA + TA, am/is/are +S? Yes, S + am/is/are. /No, S +am not/isn’t/aren’t.

You are a student, aren’t you? Yes, I am./No, I am not. I am a good boy, aren’t I? Yes, you are./No, you are not.

f. 特殊疑问句式:提问主语现在或当前是什么、怎么样、在哪里吗

Wh-/How + is/are/am+ S + P + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部分) What is she? How are they?

g. 祈使句句式:

Be + P + LA + TA, please.

Don’t be + P + LA + TA, please. Be careful next time, please. Don’t be late again, please.

h. 祈使句的反义疑问句式:

Be + P + LA + TA, will/won’t you? Don’t be + P + LA + TA, will you?

Be more careful next time, will/won’t you? Don’t be angry, will you?

③ There be 结构的句子:表示现在或当前什么地方有什么。

a. 陈述句肯定句式:

There is/are + S + LA.


There is a book on the desk. There are five people in my family. b. 陈述句否定句式:

There is/are + not + any + S + LA. = There isn’t/aren’t + any + S + LA. There is not any water in the glass.

There aren’t any students in the classroom.

c. 反义疑问句式:

There is/are + S + LA, isn’/aren’t + there?

There is/are + not + any + S + LA, is/are + there? = There isn’t/aren’t + any + S + LA, is/are + there? Yes, there + is/are./No, there + isn’t/aren’t. There are two tigers in the zoo, aren’t there? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.

There isn’t any water in the cup, is there? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.

d. 一般疑问句式:

Is/Are + there + S + LA?

Yes, there is/are./No, there isn’t/aren’t.

Is there an apple tree in your yard? Yes, there is. Are there any foreign students in your class? No, there aren’t. e. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + is/are + there + S + LA? What is there on the desk? How many people are there in your family?

2. 一般过去时: 1. 表示主语过去经常做什么或习惯于做什么;

2. 表示过去某一时间发生某事;

3. 表示主语过去是什么、怎么样、在哪里; 4. 表示过去什么地方有什么。

① 主谓宾结构的句子:表示在过去的某个时间主语做过什么或某事发生过。 a. 陈述句式的肯定句:


S + V-ed + O + LA + TA.

The hunter killed a wolf in the forest last night. I went to the cinema last evening.

b. 陈述句否定句式:

S + didn’t + V + O + LA + TA. I didn’t go to school yesterday.

We didn’t play football at school yesterday afternoon.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Did + S + V + O + LA + TA? Yes, S + did./No, S + didn’t.

Did you see him in the park yesterday afternoon? Yes, I did.

Did he tell you the news that we will have a three-day holiday next week?

No, he didn’t.

d. 选择疑问句式:

Did + S + V + O1 or O2 + LA + TA? Did + S + V + O + A1 or A2 + LA + TA?

Did your friends play football or basketball yesterday afternoon? Did you go to school by bus or by bike this morning? e. 反义疑问句式:

S + V-ed + O + LA + TA, didn’t + S?

Yes, S + did. /No, S +didn’t. S + didn’t + V + O + LA + TA, did + S? Yes, S + did. /No, S +didn’t.

You played football yesterday afternoon, didn’t you? Yes, we did./No, we didn’t. You didn’t go to school yesterday, did you? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.



Wh-/How + did + S + V + O + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部) Who + V-ed + O + LA + TA? (提问主语时) Who played football yesterday? What did you do last Sunday?


Where did you go last evening? How did you go to Xi’an yesterday?

g. 否定疑问句:(难道)… 不 … 吗?

Wasn’t/Weren’t + S + P + LA + TA?

Didn’t + S + V + O + LA + TA?

Why didn’t + S + V + O + LA + TA? Why wasn’t/weren’t + S + P + LA +TA? Why wasn’t/weren’t + there + S +LA + TA? Wasn’t that your girlfriend on the bus just now? Weren’t you busy yesterday?

Didn’t you know that Tom had stolen your watch? Why didn’t you tell him the truth then?

Why wasn’t there a bridge over the river two years ago?

② 主系表结构的句子:表示主语过去是什么、怎么样、在哪里。

a. 陈述句肯定式:

S + was/were + P + LA + TA.

He was a teacher in this school two years ago.

She was very beautiful when she was in her twenties.

b. 陈述句否定式:

S + was/were + not + P + LA + TA. = S + wasn’t/weren’t + P + LA + TA. Tom wasn’t a policeman two years ago. We weren’t at home last evening.

She wasn’t beautiful when she was young.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Was/Were + S + P + LA + TA?

Yes, S + was/were. /No, S + wasn’t/weren’t. Was she a worker two years ago?

Was he very handsome when he was young?

d. 选择疑问句式:

Was/Were + S + P1 or P2 + LA + TA? S + was/were + P1. / S + was/were + P2.

Was your father a teacher or a doctor in the past?


Were your friends in America or England last year? d. 反义疑问句式:

S + was/were + P + LA + TA, wasn’t/weren’t + S? Yes, S + was/were. /No, S + wasn’t/weren’t.

S + wasn’t/weren’t + P + LA + TA, was/were +S? Yes, S + am/is/are. /No, S +am not/isn’t/aren’t.

You were in Xi’an yesterday, weren’t you? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

He was a good boy in the past, wasn’t he? Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.

e. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + was/were + S + P + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部分)

What was he two years ago? Where were you last month?

③ There be 结构的句式:表示过去什么地方有什么。

a. 陈述句肯定式:

There was/were + S + LA + TA.

There was a tree in my yard two years ago. There were wolves in the forest in the past.

b. 陈述句否定句式:

There was/were + not + S + LA + TA. = There wasn’t/weren’t + S + LA + TA.

There wasn’t a school in this village ten years ago. There weren’t any students in the classroom just now.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Was/Were + there + S + LA + TA?

Yes, there was/were./No, there wasn’t/weren’t.

Was there a temple on the top of the mountain years ago? Were there monkeys in the park in the past?

d. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + was/were + there + S + LA + TA?


What was there in my yard two years ago?


Where were there monkeys in the past?

e. 反义疑问句式:

There was/were + S + LA, wasn’/weren’t + there?

There was/were + not + any + S + LA, was/were + there? = There wasn’t/weren’t + any + S + LA, was/were + there? Yes, there + was/were./No, there + wasn’t/weren’t.

There were two trees in your garden in the past, weren’t there? Yes, there were./No, there weren’t.

There wasn’t any money in your pocket, was there? Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t.

3. 一般将来时:

① 主谓宾结构的句子:表示主语在将来的某个时间将要做什么。 A. 表示按照计划将做某事:

a. 陈述句肯定句式:

S + am/is/are + going to + V + O + LA + TA. I am going to visit my teacher at her home tomorrow. She is going to study in America next year. b. 陈述句否定句式:

S + am/is/are + not + going to + V + O + LA + TA. = S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + going to + V + O + LA + TA. We are not going to play football this afternoon. She isn’t going to study in America next year.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V + O + LA + TA? Yes, S + am/is/are./No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t. Are you going to help us tomorrow? Is she going to marry her boyfriend next month? d. 选择疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V + O1 or O2 + LA + TA? Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V + O + A1 or A2 + LA + TA?

Are you going to play football or basketball at school this afternoon? Are you going to go to Beijing by plane or by train next month?


e. 反义疑问句式:

S + am/is/are + going to + V + O + LA + TA, isn’t/aren’t + S? Yes, S + am/is/are. /No, S +am not/isn’t/aren’t.

S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + going to + V + O + LA + TA, am/is/are +S? Yes, S + am/is/are. /No, S +am not/isn’t/aren’t.

You are going to buy a dictionary this afternoon, aren’ t you? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

Tom isn’t going to get married next month, is he? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

f. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + is/are/am + S + going to + V + O + LA + TA?


What are you going to do next Sunday? Who is going to marry her next month?

B. 表示临时决定做某事:

a. 陈述句肯定句式:

S + shall/will + V + O + LA + TA. I shall call her now. They will leave soon. b. 陈述句否定句式:

S + shall/will not + V + O + LA + TA.

We shall not have a party this evening.

I will not go to the cinema with her this evening. c. 一般疑问句式:

Shall/Will + S + V + O + LA + TA?

Yes, S + shall/will./No, S + shan’t /won’t. Will they go to the park this afternoon? Will you help carry the box? d. 选择疑问句式:

Shall/Will + S + V + O1 or O2 + LA + TA? Shall/Will + S + V + O + A1 or A2 + LA + TA? Shall we play football or basketball at school this afternoon? Will you go to Xi’an by bus or by car tomorrow morning?


e. 反义疑问句式:

S + shall/will + V + O + LA + TA, shan’t/won’t +S?

Yes, S + shall/will. /No, S + shan’t/won’t. S + shan’t/won’t + V + O + LA + TA, shall/will +S? Yes, S + shall/will. /No, S + shan’t/won’t.

We shall clean the classroom after class, shan’t we?

Yes, we shall./No, we shan’t.

Tom will go to Tibet tomorrow, won’t he? Yes, he will./No, she won’t.



Wh-/How + shall/will + S + V + O + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部) Who will clean the classroom this afternoon? When will you go to see him?

C. 表示按照时间表或安排很快就要发生的事情:

a. 陈述句肯定式:

S + am/is/are to + V + O + LA + TA. The plane is to take off soon. The meeting is to start at 2:30.

b. 陈述句否定式:

S + am/is/are + not to + V + O + LA + TA. The train is not to leave in five minutes. The party is not to start soon.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + to + V + O + LA + TA? Is the film to begin soon? Is the train to leave in five minutes? d. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + am/is/are + S + to + V + O + LA + TA?


When is the train to leave?

Who is to see us off at the station?

D. 表示即将很快发生的动作:


a. 陈述句式:

S + is/are/am about to + V + O + LA. She is about to give a speech to us.

E. 具有方向性的动词可以用现在进行时表示将来时:

a. 陈述句式:

S + is/are/am + V-ing + O + LA + TA. I am coming. They are leaving.

② 主系表结构的句子:表示主语将来将会是什么、怎么样、在哪里。

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S + am/is/are going to be + P + LA + TA.

S + shall/will be + P + LA + TA.

I am going to be a doctor when I grow up. My mother will be very busy tomorrow. Tom will be in Xi’an tomorrow.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S + am/is/are + not + going to be + P + LA + TA.

= S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + going to be + P + LA + TA. S + shall/will + not + be + P + LA + TA. = S + shan’t/won’t + be + P + LA + TA.

My brother is not going to be a policeman after graduation. I won’t be at home tomorrow morning.

c. 一般疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + going to be + P + LA + TA? Yes, S + am/is/are./No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t. Shall/Will + S + be + P + LA + TA?

Yes, S + shall/will./No, S + shan’t /won’t. Are you going to be a teacher in the future? Will you be at home tomorrow evening?

d. 选择疑问句式:


Am/Is/Are + S + going to be + P1 or P2 + LA + TA? Shall/Will + S + be + P1 or P2 + LA + TA?

Are you going to be a teacher or a businessman in the future? Will you be in Xi’an or in Yanliang tomorrow?

e. 反义疑问句式:


S + am/is/are going to be + P + LA + TA, isn’t/aren’t + S? Yes, S + am/is/are./ No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t. S + shall/will be + P + LA + TA, shan’t/won’t + S? Yes, S + shall/wil./No, S + shan’t/won’t.

S + am/is/are + not + going to be + P + LA + TA, am/is/are + S?

= S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + going to be + P + LA + TA, am/is/are + S? Yes, S + am/is/are./ No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t.

S + shall/will + not + be + P + LA + TA, shall/will + S? = S + shan’t/won’t + be + P + LA + TA, shall/will + S? Yes, S + shall/wil./No, S + shan’t/won’t.

You are going to be a teacher in the future, aren’t you? She is not going to be a nurse after graduation, is she? Tom will be in Xi’an tomorrow, isn’t he?

You won’t be at home tomorrow evening, will you? 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + am/is/are + S + going to be + P + LA + TA? Wh-/How + shall/will + S + be + P + LA + TA?


What are you going to be in the future?

Where is your mother going to be tomorrow? When will you be at office tomorrow? Why will you be in Xi’an tomorrow?

③ There be 结构的句式:表示将来什么地方将会有什么。

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

There is/are going to be + S + LA + TA. There will be + S + LA + TA.

There is going to be a football match at our school tomorrow afternoon. There will be a heavy rain this evening. b. 陈述句的否定句式:

There is/are + not + going to be + S + LA + TA.


= There isn’t/aren’t + going to be + S + LA + TA. There will + not + be + S + LA + TA. = There won’t + be + S + LA + TA.

There isn’t going to be a basketball match at our school tomorrow. There won’t be any students in the classroom this evening.

c. 反义疑问句式:

There is/are going to be + S + LA + TA, isn’t/aren’t + there? Yes, there is/are./No, there isn’t/aren’t. There will be + S + LA + TA, won’t there? Yes, there will./No, there won’t.

There is/are + not + going to be + S + LA + TA, is/are + there? = There isn’t/aren’t + going to be + S + LA + TA, is/are + there? Yes, there is/are./No, there isn’t/aren’t.

There will + not + be + S + LA + TA, will + there? = There won’t + be + S + LA + TA, will + there? Yes, there will./No, there won’t.

There is going to be a meeting this afternoon, isn’t there? There will be a test tomorrow morning, won’t there?

There isn’t going to be an exciting movie on TV this evening, is there? There won’t be any students in the classroom this afternoon, will there?

d. 一般疑问句式:

Is/Are + there going to be + S + LA + TA? Will + there be + S + LA + TA?

Are there going to be many people at your party this evening? Will there be an American teacher at your school next term?

e. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + is/are + there is/are going to be + S + LA + TA?

Wh-/How + will + there be + S + LA + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部分)

How many foreign teachers are there going to be in your school next year?

How many people will there be at your party this evening?

4. 过去将来时:

① 主谓宾结构的句子:表示从过去某个时间来看将来某个时间主语将做某事。通常作宾语从句或构成间接引语。


a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would + V + O + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + was/were going to + V + O + LA + TA. I never thought (that) you would bring me a gift for my birthday. He told me (that) he would go to Beijing the next day.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would not + V + O + LA + TA. = S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + wouldn’t + V + O + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + was/were not going to + V + O + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + wasn’t/weren’t going to + V + O + LA + TA.

He said (that) he would not help us the next day. I had thought (that) he wouldn’t tell me the truth.

c. 一般疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + S2 + would + V + O + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + S2 + was/were going to + V + O + LA + TA.

She asked (me) whether/if I would take part in her wedding on that Sunday.

He wanted to know whether/if we would have a party that night.

d. 特殊疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + S2 + would + V + O + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + S2 + was/were going to + V + O + LA + TA.


He asked (our headteacher) who would teach us English the next term. I asked (her) how she would go to the USA.

② 主系表结构的句子:表示从过某个时间来看将来某个时间主语将是什么、怎么样、在哪里。通常作宾语从句或构成间接引语。

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would + be + P + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + was/were going to + be + P + LA + TA.


I never thought that I would be a teacher when I grew up. He told me that he would be in New York the next month.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would not + be + P + LA + TA. = S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + wouldn’t + be + P + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + was/were not going to + be + P + LA + TA.

= S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + wasn’t/weren’t going to + be + P + LA + TA.

He said that he would not be at home the next day.

I had thought that he wouldn’t be at home when I went to see him.

c. 一般疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + S2 + would + be + P + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + S2 + was/were going to + be + P + LA + TA.

She asked (me) whether I would be a doctor after graduation. He wanted to know whether we would be at home that evening.

d. 特殊疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + S2 + would + be + P + LA + TA.

S1 + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + S2 + was/were going to + be + P + LA + TA.


He asked (me) who would be our English teacher the next term. I asked (her) where she would be that evening.

③ There be 结构的句子: 表示从过某个时间来看将来某个时间什么地方将会有什么。通常作宾语从句或构成间接引语。

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + was/were going to be + S + LA + TA. S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + would + be + S + LA + TA.

He told me that there would be a football match on TV that evening. I never thought that there would be so many people at her party.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + was/were not going to be + S + LA +



= S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + wasn’t/weren’t going to be + S + LA + TA.

S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + would not + be + S + LA + TA. = S + V-ed + (O) + (that) + there + wouldn’t + be + S + LA + TA. He said (that) there would not be a movie on TV that evening. I never thought that there wouldn’t be any food in my refrigerator.

c. 一般疑问句式:

S + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + there was/were going to be + S + LA + TA.

S + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + there + would + be + S + LA + TA.

She asked (me) whether/if there would be a football match at our school

that afternoon.

He wanted to know whether/if there would be a storm that evening.

d. 特殊疑问句式:

S + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + there was/were going to be + S + LA + TA.

S + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + there + would + be + S + LA + TA.


He asked (me) how many people there would be at our English party that evening.

I asked (her) how many American students there would be in her class the next term.

5. 现在进行时:表示此时此刻或当前一段时间主语正在做某事或某事正在发生。

a. 陈述句的肯定式:

S + am/is/are + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

They are playing basketball happily on the playground now. My parents are watching TV in the living room now.

b. 陈述句的否定式:

S + am/is/are + not + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

= S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. I am not watching TV at home now.

They are not learning English in the classroom now.

c. 反义疑问句式:


S + is/am/are + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, isn’t/aren’t + S? S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, am/is/are + S? Yes, S + is/am/are./No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t. Your parents are watching TV in the living room, aren’t they? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. You are not learning in your study now, are you/ Yes, I am./No, I am not. d. 一般疑问句式:

Is/Are/Am + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Is she playing the piano in her room now?

Are they learning English in the classroom now?

e. 选择疑问句式:

Is/Are/Am + S + V-ing + O1 or + O2 + MA + LA + TA?

Is/Are/Am + S + V-ing + O1 or + V-ing + O2 + MA + LA + TA? Are they playing football or basketball on the playground now? Are you learning English or watching TV at home now? 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + is/are/am + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA?



Who is singing in the next room now? Where are they playing football now?

g. 否定疑问句式:

Why + isn’t/aren’t + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Why aren’t you sleeping now?

Why isn’t she learning English in her study now?

6. 过去进行时:表示在过去的某个时间主语正在做某事或某事正在发生。


at this time yesterday morning/afternoon/evening; at this time last week/month/year; at that time; at nine o’clock yesterday morning; just now; from June to August last year; when + S + V-ed + O + LA +TA.

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:


S + was/were + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. I was watching TV at this time last evening.

They were learning English when I went to see them.

b. 陈述句的否定式:

S + was/were + not + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. = S + wasn’t/weren’t + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

I was not watching TV at home at nine o’clock last evening.

They were not learning English in the classroom when I went to see them.

c. 反义疑问句式:

S + was/were + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, wasn’t/weren’t + S? S + wasn’t/weren’t + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, was/were + S? Yes, S + was/were./No, S + wasn’t/weren’t. Your mother was cooking supper when you got home, weren’t she? Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t. You were not learning English in your study then, were you? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. d. 一般疑问句式:

Was/Were + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Yes, S + was/were. / No, S + wasn’t/weren’t.

Was she playing the piano in her room at this time last evening? Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t.

Were they learning English in the classroom when you got there? Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.

e. 选择疑问句式:

Was/Were + S + V-ing + O1 or + O2 + MA + LA + TA?

Was/Were + S + V-ing + O1 or + V-ing + O2 + MA + LA + TA?

Were they playing football or basketball on the playground at nine o’clock this morning?

They were playing football.

Were you learning English or watching TV at home when your mother got home?

I was learning English when my mother got home. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + was/were + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA?




Who was singing in the next room just now?

Where were they playing football at this time yesterday afternoon?

g. 否定疑问句式:

Why + wasn’t/weren’t + S + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Why weren’t you sleeping at twelve o’clock last night?

Why wasn’t she learning English in her study at this time last evening?

7. 将来进行时:表示在将来的某个时间主语将会正在做某事或某事正在发生。


at this time tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening; at this time next week/month/year; at nine o’clock tomorrow morning; from June to August next year; when + S + V + O + LA +TA.

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S + am/is/are going to be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. S + shall/will be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

I’m going to be learning English at this time tomorrow morning. We will be having a party at this time tomorrow evening.

b. 陈述句的否定式:

S + am/is/are + not + going to be +V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

= S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + going to be +V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. S + shall/will not be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA. = S + shan’t/won’t be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA.

I’m not going to be learning English in America from June to August next year.

They will not be having a party in the classroom at seven o’clock tomorrow evening.

c. 反义疑问句式:

S + am/is/are going to be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, am/is/are + S?

= S+ am not/isn’t/aren’t going to be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, am/is/are + S?

Yes, S + am/is/are./No, S + am not/isn’t/aren’t.

S + shall/will be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, shan’t/won’t + S?


S + shall/will not be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, shall/will + S? = S + shan’t/won’t be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA, shall/will + S? Yes, S + shall/will./No, S + shan’t/won’t.

Your mother is going to be cooking supper when you get home, isn’t


Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.

You will be learning in your study at nine o’clock this evening, won’t


Yes, I will./No, I won’t. d. 一般疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + going to be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Shall/Will + S + be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA?

Are you going to be learning English in America from June to August next year?

Will you be playing basketball at this time tomorrow morning?

e. 选择疑问句式:

Am/Is/Are + S + going to be + V-ing + O1 or + O2 + MA + LA + TA? Am/Is/Are + S + going to be + V-ing + O1 or + V-ing + O2 + MA + LA + TA?

Shall/Will + S + be + V-ing + O1 or + O2 + MA + LA + TA?

Shall/Will + S + be + V-ing + O1 or + V-ing + O2 + MA + LA + TA? Are you going to be learning English or Japanese at this time tomorrow morning?

Are you going to be learning English or watching TV at home this evening.

Will they be playing football or basketball on the playground at nine o’clock tomorrow morning? f.


Wh-/How + am/is/are + S + going to be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA? Wh-/How + shall/will + S + be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA?


What are you going to be doing at this time tomorrow afternoon? Where will you be waiting for me this evening?

g. 否定疑问句式:

Why + won’t + S + be + V-ing + O + MA + LA + TA?

Why won’t you be learning English at nine o’clock tomorrow morning?


Why won’t they be waiting for us at the school gate tomorrow morning?

8. 过去将来进行时: 表示从过去某个时间来看将来某个时间主语将会正在做某事或某事正


a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would be + V-ing + O + LA + TA.

He told me that he would be studying in England from May to July the next year.

The teacher said that we would be having a test tomorrow morning.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + would not be + V-ing + O + LA + TA. = S1 + V-ed + (O) + (that) + S2 + wouldn’t be + V-ing + O + LA + TA. He said (that) he would not be playing football at school that afternoon. I had thought (that) he wouldn’t be attending the meeting that evening.

c. 一般疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + whether/if + S2 + would be + V-ing + O + LA + TA. She asked (me) whether/if I would be having a party that Saturday evening.

He wanted to know whether/if we would be doing our homework at nine o’clock that evening.

d. 特殊疑问句式:

S1 + V-ed + (O) + wh-/how + S2 + would be + V-ing + O + LA + TA.


He asked what we would be doing at that time the next day.

He wanted to know who would be giving us a speech the next morning.

9. 现在完成时:

① 主谓宾结构的句子:表示到目前为止主语已经做过某事或某事已经发生。


since 2000; for + TP; so far; up to now; since + TP + ago; (ever) since + S + V-ed + O + LA + TA; in the past few years; (ever) since + S + was/were + P + LA + TA; in the past three years;


a. 陈述句的肯定句式:

S + have/has + (already) + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA. I have already seen the movie.

Great changes have taken place in our school in the past few years.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S + have/has + not + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA + yet. = S + haven’t/hasn’t + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA + yet. I have not read the book carefully yet. She hasn’t finished her homework yet.

c. 反义疑问句式:

S + have/has + (already) + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA, haven’t/hasn’t + S?

S + have/has + not + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA + yet, have/has + S? = S + haven’t/hasn’t + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA + yet, have/has + S? Yes, S + have/has./No, S + haven’t/hasn’t.

You have already told him the good news, haven’t you? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

Tom hasn’t learnt to drive a car yet, has he? Yes, he has./No, he hasn’t.

d. 一般疑问句式:

Have/Has + S + P.P. + O + LA + TA + yet? Yes, S + have/has./No, S + haven’t/hasn’t. Have you told him the news yet? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. Has Mary finished her homework yet? Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

e. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How + have/has + S + P.P. + O + MA + LA + TA?


What have you done to my dog?

What have happened in our school in the past few years?

② 主系表结构的句子:表示到目前为止主语已经一直是什么、怎么样、在哪里多 长时间了。

a. 陈述句的肯定句式:


S + have/has been + P(n, adj, adv, 介词短语) + LA + for + TP + TA. I have been a teacher in this school for five years. He has been dead for two years. My father has been out for two hours. Tom has been in China for three years. The film has been on for ten minutes.

b. 陈述句的否定句式:

S + have/has not been + P(n, adj, adv, 介词短语) + LA + for + TP + TA. = S + haven’t/hasn’t been + P(n, adj, adv, 介词短语) + LA + for + TP + TA.

I haven’t been a big brother for many years. She hasn’t been well for three days.

My father hasn’t been home for two months. I haven’t been there for a long time.

c. 反意疑问句式:

S + have/has been + P + LA + for + TP + TA, haven’t/hasn’t + S? S + have/has not been + P + LA + for + TP + TA, have/has + S? = S + haven’t/hasn’t been + P + LA + for + TP + TA, have/has + S? Yes, S + have/has./No, S + haven’t/hasn’t.

You have been a businessman for five years, haven’t you? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

She hasn’t been in China for a long time, has she? Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

d. 一般疑问句式:

Have/Has + S + been + P(n, adj,adv, 介词短语) + LA + for + TP + TA? Yes, S + have/has./No, S + haven’t/hasn’t. Have you been in China for twenty years? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

Has your mother been a nurse for twenty-five years? Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

e. 特殊疑问句式:

Wh-/How have/has + S + been + P(n, adj, adv, 介词短语) + LA + for + TP + TA? (提问哪部分就去掉哪部)

Who has been a worker in this factory for thirty years? How many years has Tom been in China?


