计算书-参考 - 图文

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院 (系) 建筑工程学院 专 业 土 木 工 程 班 级 060702班 姓 名 王 金 玉 学 号 060702132 导 师 陈 翔

2010年 06月



毕业设计是我们专业课学习的最后一个综合实践性教学环节。 本文主要介绍了柞水县中学办公楼设计过程,在设计中认真贯彻了“安全、适用、经济、美观”的设计原则,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,经过合理分析和比较之后进行设计。




The Design of zhashui Middle School Office Building


The design projection for graduation is the last practice teaching segment of study of our specialized courses.

This paper describes the primary design process of Zhashui middle school office building.I implement the design principle of \aesthetic\conscientiously during the design,adopt the frame construction of reinforced congcrete,and begin to design after rational analysis and comparison.

This design mainly includes the architectural design and structural design. The architectural design includes the plane design, elevation design and section design while the structure design includes the style,the size of beams and pillars etc., the calculation of gravity load, the calculation of internal force and lateral displacement under the action of the horizontal wind load, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the horizontal earthquakes, the vertical load.And also includes the dint combine,section design,foundation design and stair design.


Foundation design consists of type,layout, and calculation of foundation..

During the whole design I follow the specifications strictly and do the calculation carefully referring to the specifications and atlas or other books.

Key words :concrete construction, frame structure,structural calculation,internal force analysis, section design, 3

目 录

摘要 Abstract 目 录 主 要 符 号 表 第一章 建筑设计说明 2 2 IV VII 1 1.1工程概况 ..................................................... 1 1.2 设计原始资料 ................................................ 1

1.2.1气象 ................................................... 1 1.2.2 工程地质条件 ........................................... 1 1.3 建筑平面设计 ................................................ 1 1.4 建筑立面设计 ............................................... 2 1.5 建筑剖面设计 ............................................... 2 1.6 土建设计 ................................................... 2

第二章 结构设计说明 4 2.1工程地质条件 ................................................. 4 2.2 基础 ........................................................ 4 2.3 设计活载荷载标准值 .......................................... 4 2.4 材料 ........................................................ 4 2.5 构造要求 .................................................... 4

第三章 结构设计计算书 5 3.1 工程概况 .................................................... 5 3.2 结构布置及计算简图 .......................................... 5 3.3 重力荷载计算 ................................................ 7

3.3.1 屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 ............................. 7 3.3.2屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值 ............................... 8 3.3.3 梁、柱重力荷载计算 ..................................... 8 3.3.4 墙、门窗重力荷载计算 ................................... 9 3.3.5 重力荷载代表值 ......................................... 9 3.4 框架侧移刚度计算 ........................................... 10


3.5 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 ................. 12 3.5.1 横向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 ............ 12

3.5.2.水平风荷载作用 ........................................ 16 3.6 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 ........................... 19

3.6.1 横向框架内力计算 ...................................... 19 3.6.2 横向框架内力组合 ...................................... 31

第四章 截面设计 33 4.1梁截面设计 .................................................. 33 4.1.1梁的正截面受弯承载力计算: ............................ 33 4.1.2梁斜截面受剪承载力计算 ................................ 34 4.2. 柱截面设计 ................................................ 34 4.2.1剪跨比和轴压比验算 .................................... 34 4.2.2柱正截面承载力计算 .................................... 34 4.2.3柱斜截面受剪承载力计算 ................................ 35 4.3框架梁、柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算 ............................ 36

第五章 板的设计 65 5.1设计资料 .................................................... 65 5.2荷载计算 .................................................... 65 5.3内力计算 .................................................... 65 5.4截面设计 .................................................... 66

第六章 楼梯设计 68 6.1设计资料: .................................................. 68 6.2踏步板计算: ................................................ 68 6.3楼梯折板计算 ................................................ 68 6.4平台梁计算 .................................................. 69 6.5平台板计算 .................................................. 70

第七章 基础设计 71 7.1设计资料: .................................................. 71 7.2独立基础: .................................................. 71 7.3条形基础 .................................................... 71

第八章 框架电算结果比较 ........................................................................................... 75 总结 76 V

