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Test One

Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. The old man left home with his __D_____-looking hat that seemed as old as its owner. A. funny

B. new B. loving

C. modern C. heroic

D. ancient D. shy

2. His ___C____ deeds were almost unbelievable! I have never heard of someone as brave. A. fearful A. blocked

3. Students ___B_____ to the hall for a lecture given by a famous professor.

B. flocked

C. staggered

D. drifted

4. Thousands of people, dead or seriously injured, were buried underneath the ___A___ of the city after the bombing. A. wreckage obey. A. loyal

B. royal B. more

C. ordinary C. just

D. luxury D. mere D. look D. trembled

6. Why are you getting so angry with her? She is a ____D___ child. A. merely A. sight

7. I only caught a ____B____ of the woman, so I couldn’t remember what she looked like.

B. glimpse B. shook

C. stare

8. The branches ___A______ when the wind gently blew. A. swayed A. confused A. flamed A. endured A. methods A. reached A. crashed A. employed

C. staggered

9. Looking down from the top of the hill, she felt slightly ___B____ and closed her eyes.

B. dizzy

C. firm

D. steady

D. blew

10. The train was just leaving as they ____C___ to catch it.

B. walked

C. dashed

11. The people in this country have _____A_____ almost a decade of economic hardship.

B. got

C. gone

D. wailed

D. agreements D. rescued

12. New ___C______ of communication have opened up between the two governments.

B. resolutions B. invaded B. drove

C. channels C. smashed C. smashed

C. healed

13. A virus has ___B______ most of their computers.

14. He lost control of his car at the first bend and ____A______ into a tree.

D. swayed

D. exposed

15. She was ____B______ from her poor factory job by a movie director searching for new talent.

B. rescued

16. Could you ___D_______ the lamp in the bedroom, please?

B. foundation

C. base

D. destruction

5. The queen’s daughter felt a little unhappy about the rules that a(n) ____B___ member must

A. get out A. explode A. luxuries A. easy

B. put in

C. get in C. expose

D. put out

D. cast

17. I’m afraid to ____C______ my thoughts and feelings to anyone.

B. endure B. allies

18. We can’t afford such ___A_______ as piano lessons any more.

C. comforts

D. decencies D. uneasy

19. I was obviously ____D______ in his company, but I couldn’t explain why.

B. difficult

C. indifferent

20. The climate has changed too much and too quickly: this is why the wild animal ___B_______ is becoming more and more difficult every year. A. rescue in.

A. the way

B. in the way

C. through the way

D. by the way

D. far much too

22. I’ll fly there of course. It’s ______B_______ to swim. A. too much far B. much too far off.

A. leave alone A. hidden

B. let away B. hiding

C. let alone C. concealed

D. let along

24. Sue, I haven’t seen you for a while. Where have you been ______B_______?

D. concealing

25. I fear heights. At the mountain top I’d _____B________ all the time. A. get my eye shut tight C. tight shut my eyes. A. hook up A. pulls over

B. have my eyes shut tight D. closed my eyes tightly

D. tie up

D. pulls up

C. far too much

23. With my team’s software, the plane was unlikely to taxi to the runway, _______C______ take

B. survival

C. surrender

D. living

21. The burglar must have heard me, and he rushed out of the window ______A_______ he came

26. From now on I will __A___ my seatbelt.

B. hook with

C. fasten with

27. A policeman ___A____ a driver and says, “Sir, you were speeding.”

B. pulls on

C. pulls down

28. “Well,” said the driver, “my mom might be coming _____A_____. A. the other way

B. in the other way D. at the other way.

C. through the other way. balcony.

A. never to leave

B. never to had left D. never to have left B. knocked ... off

D. struck ... of

C. to never have left A. knocked ... away C. hit ... away

29. The suspect claimed ___D_______ the house, though he did step out onto a second-story

30. I was walking home from work when this woman __B____ me right ____ my feet.

31. The border guard asked the young man, “Just ____B________, what were you smuggling?”

A. between me and you C. to tell me

B. between you and me

D. from you to me C. looked over

D. overlooked

32. The captain could see that Kenny’s yard __D___ the victim’s. A. commanded B. commanded over A. lined ... down B. lined ... up

33. The robbers ___B___ the customers, including the lawyer, ____ against a wall.

C. queued ... down

D. queued ... up D. hard-earning

D. away for

34. Hey, you gave the beggar some of your ___C____ cash? A. hardly-earned B. hardly-earning C. hard-earned 35. Hey, Mike, where are you ___B______? A. of to

B. off to

C. away to

36. What is the ___D____ a recession, a time of little economic activity? A. solving method to C. solve to skirts. A. wearing

B. to wear

C. to be wearing C. behind the times C. What then

D. having worn D. behind time D. Then what

38. The middle-aged woman is ___C___. That style went out last year. A. after the times B. after time A. So what

B. What so

39. You’re right. I’m out of style. __A____?

40. It is in those sewing rooms that fashionable clothes are copied and made up __C_____. A. with a large number C. in large numbers

B. with large numbers D. in a large quantity

B. solving method towards D. solution to

37. Everyone else will be wearing the latest Levis, and I will look stupid __A___ the same old

Part III Cloze

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the choices.

There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most 51 held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder even if it means 52 the pavement into a busy street! 53 you must pass under a ladder you can 54 bad luck by crossing your fingers and 55 them crossed until you have seen a dog. 56 , you may lick your finger and 57 a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the 58 has dried. Another common 59 is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house-it will either bring 60 to the person who opened it or to the whole 61. Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is 62, as it inevitably brings rain! The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th day of the month 63 on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay 64. the worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by breaking a mirror, 65 it brings seven years of bad luck! The

superstition is supposed to 66 in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.

Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are 67 witchcraft…… it is 68 lucky if a black cat crosses your path-although in America the exact opposite belief prevails.

Finally, a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood 69 luck. This measure is most often taken if you think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as “my car has never 70 , touch wood?”

51. A broadly 53. A If

B widely

B As

C quickly C stepping off C Though C avoid C kept C perform C mark C opinion C tragedy

D speedily D keeping from D Unless D to keep D produce D cut D idea D misfortune

52. A running from 54. A erase 55. A keep 57. A make 58. A label 59. A argument 60. A loss

61. A house 62. A unwise 63. A falls

64. A away 65. A when

B jumping off B remove B keeping B print B symbol

D ease

56. A Consequently B However C Comparatively D Alternatively

B superstition B difficulty B household B arrives B as

C home

D circle D unfortunate

D happens

D far D though

B unintelligent

B outdoors

C unpopular

C drops C indoors C if

66. A have originated B be originating 67. A concerned about B related with 68. A especially 69. A as

70. A broken up

B for

B specially B broken off

C be originated

D originate D rarely D of

D broken down

C associated with D connected in

C frequently

C in

C broken away

Part IV Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage.

Earthquakes (地震) can be really terrible. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 caused over $200-million worth of damage, destroyed almost 30,000 buildings, and killed about 450 persons. In Japan, the cities of Tokyo and Yokohama were leveled by the earthquakes of 1923 in which more than 140,000 persons were killed by falling buildings and fires, and over a million persons

were left homeless―all in 30 seconds.

Hundreds of earthquakes occur every year throughout the world. Fortunately, few are as destructive as those described above. The development of an accurate system for predicting earthquakes would reduce the loss of life and property. But at present scientists can only study the phenomenon.

The study of earthquakes is called seismology. Seismographs (地震仪) are instruments sensitive to ground movement, and are used to record each motion. The Richter Scale is used to grade each earthquake’s strength on a 1-to-10 scale. 76. What is seismology? A. Study of the humankind.

B. Study of the earth’s surface.

C. Study of the earth’s history. A. A minute.

D. Study of earthquakes. C. Thirty minutes.

D. No record.

77. How long did the earthquake last in Japan in 1923?

B. Half a minute.

78. About how many earthquakes occur every year? A. Several hundred. C. Several thousand. A. Quite often.

B. Around a few dozen. D. About one hundred.

C. Yearly.

D. Never.

79. How often do earthquakes occur that are as destructive as those described in Paragraph 1?

B. Once in a while.

80. How can people suffer less from earthquakes? A. Move to safe areas where there are none. B. Pay more attention to environmental protection. C. Buy more insurance against earthquakes. D. Predict earthquakes more accurately.

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage.

Oxford University once claimed to have been founded by Alfred the Great in the 9th Century, but in fact, it began to take shape in the 12th Century when English scholars were forced to leave from Paris University and began to gather at Oxford’s Abbeys (修道院) and Priories (寺院), which were by then already established centers of learning.

Today, 39 independent colleges are related to the University in a type of federal system. Each is governed by a Head of House and a number of Fellows, who are scholars specializing in a wide variety of subjects, most of whom also hold University posts.

Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally. As well as being in the front of scientific, medical, and technological achievement, the University has strong links with research organizations and industrial concerns both in the UK and overseas. Its income from offers for research in 1996 totaled over £107 million. The University’s great age also allows its teaching staff and research students to draw on a tradition of great library and museum collections.

