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词汇和语法练习题 ( 教师用 )

1. In terms of artistic value, it is hard to say that one country’s art form is greater than ________. A. that of another B. another one C. one of another D. one another

2. On the one hand, Canada has the second largest territory in the world; , it has the lowest density of population.

A. for short B. on average C. on second thought D. on the other hand 3. Neither of the employees nor the boss ________ satisfied with the profits. A. were B. was C. be D. been 4. A recent occurrence made me _______ my behavior in a new light. A. reexamine B. to reexamine C. reexamined D. reexamining

5. There are numerous and ______ ways by which one can measure the impact of employment on student achievement..

A. rely B. relay C. reliability D. reliable 6. He said he wished to ______ in the army during the last three years. A. serve B. be serving C. have been serving D. be served

7. Price rising is the outcome for ______ everyone should be ready during the next decade. A. which B. what C. that D. whom

8. ________ much you may dislike it, junk mail comes to most of you anyway. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. However D. Whenever 9.Men do tend to be more restrained ______ emotional expressions. A. from B. with C. by D. for

10. A well written composition ______ good choice of words and clear organization among other things. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls up D. calls off

11. The film was picked up by a branch of 20th Century Fox and will be _____in a few cities this fall. A. freed B. opened C. started D. released


12. My experience________ me that a background in pure science is an ideal preparation for doing business.

A. invited B. persuaded C. advised D. convinced

13. E-commerce has increased the_______ on customer satisfaction and delivery fulfillment. A. center B. focus C. workforce D. target

14. Working for 10 hours per week or less seemingly does not take a consistent _____ on school performance.

A. tool B. toll C. toller D. tollen

15. One hundred online courses make a Harvard education_______ worldwide. A. valuable B. allowable C. accessible D. knowledgeable

16. Video games, hated by parents and teachers as the enemy of learning, may be good for kids ________. A. in all B. after all C. for all D. by all

17. Schools were created ________to prepare children for socialization. A. in the part B. on the part C. in part D. as a part

18. The increased use of computers in business has been_______ by a costly increase in computer crime. A. accompanied B. disappointed C. matched D. witnessed

19. The United States today is no longer considered a \residents_________ , many people prefer the term \A. Moreover B. More often C. Truly speaking D. Instead

20. Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical ______. A. at long last C. in the long run A. shade C. shadow A. respectful C. respective

associated with earthquakes.

B. in the long way D. at long length

B. shelter D. shield B. respectable D. respecting

21. During the heavy storm last week, we had to take __________ under a flyover.

22. The three men were assigned jobs according to their _________ abilities.

23. Scientists have discovered that many animals seem to be highly _________ to various signals


A. sensible C. sentimental A. vanished C. rejected A. as a result of C. in the sense of successful in school. A. resort in C. resolve in

A. how long would it take C. how soon would it take A. have been C. were A. will teach C. has been teaching A. that you need C. which you need

B. sensual D. sensitive B. scattered D. abandoned B. in case of D. for the sake of

24. The lost car of the Johnson’s was found __________ in the woods of the expressway.

25. Our guests will be guided to safety _________ fire.

26. We conclude that students should ________ work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to be

B. resort to D. resolve to

B. how long it would take D. how soon it would take B. had been D. are

B. would have taught D. will have taught B. what you need D. things you need

27. The teacher asked me __________ us to finish writing the composition.

28. It was the third time the villagers _________ interviewed by the radio station.

29. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She _________ for twenty years by next summer.

30. All __________ is an English-Chinese dictionary.

31. This photo ____ me of the days when I worked on the farm many years ago. A. reminds B. recalls C. retells still inside the pages A. expel

B. to expel

C. expelled D. expelling

33. Would you please _ the TV a little? The children are doing their homework. A. turn on

B. turn off

C. turn up D. turn down

34. Few houses in this district ____ the terrible earthquake and many people were killed. A. lasted C. deserved

B. survived D. passed

D. remembers

32. The student was ______ from school because he turned in a term paper with the purchase receipt for it

35. We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all _____.


A. given away B. kept away

C. taken up D. used up 36. We are at your service. Don’t ____ to turn to us if you have any problems. A. beg B. hesitate

C. desire D. seek 37. My boss did not _____ from his desk when I entered his office. A. look out B. look around

C. look down D. look up 38. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active and fills my retired life with ______. A. joy B. anxiety

C. sorrow D. anger 39. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _____ more customers. A. join B. attract

C. stick

D. transfer

40. —— Where is the new camera I borrowed last week? —— It is on the top shelf, out of the ____ of our little kid. A. order B. sight C. reach D. touch 41. Herman’s success is _____ his hard work and his academic ability. A. used to B. equal to

C. due to D. close to 42. The bookseller cannot get enough books to _____ the needs of their customers. A. make B. please C. fill

D. meet

43. —— He looks so young!

—— I agree with you. He looks 30, but he is _____ 45. A. actually B. basically

C. accordingly D. entirely 44. Parents have ____ their concern about violence in some children’s shows.

A. expressed B. accepted C. complained D. expected 45. It was Thomas Edison that _______ the electric lamp.

A. invented B. discovered C. designed D. developed 46. The doctors successfully completed a 20hour operation to _____ the one-year-old twins at the head. A. isolate B. separate C. divide

D. remove

47. In _____Chinese culture, children’s marriage decisions were often made by parents.


A. traditional B. historic

C. remote D. initial 48. We decided to leave the waitress a big _______ because her service was excellent. A. bill B. money

C. fare D. tip 49. Experiments show that different temperatures have different ____ on human feelings. A. results B. troubles

C. endings

D. effects

50. As population increases, ______ .

A. industrial output also does B. as industrial output does C. industrial output does to D. so does industrial output

51. The mother asked the boys to put _____ everything in _ order before they left the room. A. the; a B. an; the

C. /; a D. /; / 52. —— Do you like pop music or country music?—— I only like sports.

A. Each B. Either C. Neither D. Both

53. I’m trying to be more ______ when I go shopping, and only buying what I really need. A. economy

B. economic

C. economical D. economics

54. Don’t get off the bus ______ it has stopped completely. A. until B. when

C. if D. since 55. _____ does it take you to wash all the dishes? A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How fast 56. _____ all her friends and money gone, Kate felt totally hopeless. A. Because B. Owing to C. With D. But for

57. It is her beautiful eyes _____ attract most of the fans. A. that

B. which

C. what

D. who

58. It’s the kind of story _____ we think of as myth.

A. what B. this C. that

D. it

59. It is _____ from my school to the railway station. A. two-hours walk B. two-hour’s walk

C. two-hour walk

D. a two-hour walk

60. It’s not a good habit to leave your work _____.


A. done half C. a half done

61. ______, I cannot spare any time to read it. A. However amusing the story is B. However the story is amusing C. No matter amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing 62. His little car isn’t _____ for five people. A. enough big C. as enough big A. sensible C. sensational A. in this year

C. by the end of the year A. since C. that

66. His first novel was a failure, ______.

B. half done D. done a half

B. big enough D. so big enough

B. sensitive D. sensual

B. for one year D. during the last year B. while D. when

63. He was _____enough to see that Jake was the best candidate for the job.

64. A new house will have been built here _____.

65. It was already ten o’clock in the evening ______ we arrived at the hotel.

A. his second novel was either B. so was his second novel C. neither was his second novel D. so his second novel was

67. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, ____ effects can still be felt now. A. which C. what

A. No matter how C. No matter what A. No matter how C. No matter what A. to stay in

B. whose D. that B. Whenever D. Wherever B. Whenever D. Wherever B. to be staying

68. ____ you do, you should put your heart into it. 69. With male friends, it seemed impossible to express caring feelings _____ deep the friendship was.

70. These university students are looking for a cheap hotel ____. C. which to stay D. where to stay in

71. Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to _______ students’ ability. A. access C. assess problem.


B. accept D. assert

72. Unemployment has come down slightly, but this does not ______ the fact that it is still a major

A. alert B. alter

C. alarm D. altar

73. If you promise you won’t ______ my name, I will tell you the true story. A. discuss

B. reveal

C. frustrate D. facilitate

74. He suddenly became _______ that he was the only person who wasn’t dressed formally at the reception.

A. conscious C. conscience A. receive C. relief

B. consciously D. conscientiousness

75. The man breathed a sign of ______ when he was told that everything had arrived in good condition.

B. relieve D. release

76. The troops _______ to the nearby hills when they realized that they could not win.. A. treat C. retreat questions.

A. contract C. condense _______ measured.

A. precisely C. preciously of the world market. A. access

B. accelerate D. accelerator

C. assess student’s overall character. A. boob C. boost

B. boot

D. boom

B. precise D. precious

B. contrast D. condenser

B. treated D. retreated

77. The major decided to _______ his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise

78. You can count how many students passed an exam, but psychological and emotional feelings cannot be

79. It is the development strategy of the company to ______ its overseas expansion in order to take a slice

80. There is a real need to ______academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a


1.析:A。重点考查that作代词的用法。比较级结构中,用that指代进行比较的同一事物或现象。 2.析:D。固定搭配。由句竟可知,对加拿大的两方面进行对比描述。固定结构为on the one hand, on the other hand. Book I, Unit 6, P147, Para. 3, Line 1



4.析:A。make,使役动词,固定用法“ make sb do sth” Book I, Unit 8, P208, Para. 4, Line 1。 5.析:D。词义辨析。reliability “可靠性; 可靠; 信度”; reliable,“可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的”。 Book I, Unit 6, P147, Para. 1, Line 1。

6.析:C。时态判断。Serve与army搭配时,表“服役”意义,又因为小句的时间状语为during引导的介词词组,故时态用完成进行时态,表示“他”一种虚拟的愿望,即三年里一直在部队服役。 7.析:A。 定语从句引导词的选择。因空白处所需引导词前有介词for,故可直接排除C项。B与D项与介词for在此题中均无法搭配。


9.析:B。be restrained from “受制于”;be restrained with,“约束”。 Book I, Unit 8, P209, Para. 6, Line 6。

10.析:A。近义词组辨析。Call for 表“要求,需要”,call on表“拜访,号召”,call up表“召集,动员,提出”,call off表“取消,转移走……”。

11.析:D。词义辨析。(消息、电影等)发行、公布等,需用选项D。 12.析:D。词义辨析。依据原意,“我的经验令我确信……”

13.析:B。词义辨析。本题需考生首先识解customer satisfaction 与 delivery fulfillment两个词组之意,分别为“顾客满意度”和“物流配送”。故应选B,表“提高了在……的关注”,常与介词on搭配。 14.析:B。固定短语 take a toll on.。Book I, Unit 6, P147, Para. 3, Line 2.

15.析:C。词义辨析。根据原意,“100门网络课程,使得在世界范围内接受哈佛教育成为可能”。 16析:B。词组辨析。根据原意,“作为学习的对立面,为家长与教师所憎恨的视频游戏,对孩子们而言终究还是有好处的。”

17析:C。词组辨析。根据原意,“学校的建立,在某种程度上是为孩子们的社会化而准备。” 18析:A。词义辨析。根据原意,“继商务中不断提高的电脑应用而来的是代价高昂的电脑犯罪的增长。”


20.析:C。 in the long run,“长期; 长远; 从长远观点来看”

此句译文:”有时昂贵的药物或其他治疗方法从长远来看可能是比较划算的”。 21.析:B. 词义辨析。根据原意,“上周风暴来临时,我们不得不在天桥下躲避。” 22.析:C. 词义辨析。根据原意,“三个人根据他们彼此或各自的能力分配工作”。 23.析:D 词义辨析。“对……敏感的”,应表达为be sensitive to,为固定结构。

24.析: D. 语法结构辨析兼词义辨析。根据四选项,本题考生需先判断出空格处所填成分为补语,然后再进行词义辨析,根据原意“约翰逊丢失的汽车被发现抛弃在高速公路边上的丛林里。”其中选



25.析:B. 词组辨析。根据原意,“客人们将被带往安全的地方,如果发生火灾的化。” 26.析:D. 考察短语 resolve to。Book I, Unit 6, P149, Para. 9, Last sentence.

27.析:B. 句式结构辨析。宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,故排除A与C。其次选择引导词,根据原意,指教师问我写完作文要花费多长时间,故选B。

28.析:B. 固定结构的时态搭配考查。但事实对于it is/ was+ first/second/last……time + that从句结构,特别是个考查that从句中的时态应用时,语言学界在存在争议的。传统观点认为,如果是it is……式,则that从句中用现在完成时;如果是it was……式,则用过去完成时态。但是也有学者引用BNC(英国国家语料库)的真实语句证明,事实并非如此。That从句中的具体时态其实比较灵活,相对取决于原句意的理解。就本题而言,“村民被电台采访已经是第三次了”,从语义上分析,B项更合适。

29.析:D. 时态考查。本题考查两种时态的结合。Next summer与将来时搭配,而介词by引导的介词词组做状语,则又常与完成时态搭配,故选D。

30.析:A. 定语从句。当all做先行词,其后的定语从句引导词为that,且that不可省略。 31.析:词义辨析。根据原意,“照片令我想起了多年前我在农场工作的日子。” 32.析:考察单词 expel. Book I, Unit 7, P177, Para. 1, Line 6.








40.析:词义辨析。本题考生可能会在C与D项之间误选。Out of touch是指“失去联系”,而out of reach则指“够不着”,故C项合适。

41.析:词组辨析。根据原意,“赫尔曼的成功是缘于他的刻苦与学习能力。”故C项合适。 42.析:词义辨析。根据原意,“销售商没有太多的书满足顾客的需求。”,故选D。



44.析:词义辨析。根据原意,“家长们对孩子们表演中的暴力,表达了担忧。”,故A合适。 45.析:词义辨析。本题首先注意强调句式的运用,其次进行词义辨析。根据原意,“正是爱迪生发明了电灯。”






51.析:冠词的搭配问题。Everything作为不定代词,前面不加任何冠词;in order则为固定表达,意为“井然有序;整齐”。


53.析:C. 词义辨析。economic 与 economical 的异同在于,两者均可表示“经济的”,其区别可简单地概括为:前者主要与“财政”有关,后者主要与“节约”有关。如: The boy left school for economic reasons. 男孩因经济原因而缀学。 To rent a house is more economical than to buy one. 租房比买房更经济。 结合原意,故选项C合适。



56.析:固定语法结构考查。本题旨在考查with引导的独立主格结构,作状语。尽管A项与B项也可指原因,但A项后面跟一完整小句,而B项其后则常跟一名词词组作其宾语。 56.析:强调句型。

57.析:强调句型。Book I, Unit 7, P178, Para. 5, Line 5.

58.析:固定结构表达。一段二小时的路程,有两种表达方式,其一,two与hour间加连字符,但hour用单数形式;其二,two与hour之间无连字符,但需把hour变为复数,且在其后加’s形式。 59.析:固定结构表达。Half done为固定表达,意为“半途而废”。

61.析:A. 让步转折构式考查。However引导让步转折时,其后常跟形容词或副词;而whatever其后则常跟名词。根据原意,“无论这个故事多么有趣,我都无法抽出时间来阅读”,故A项合适。 62.析:固定用法考查。Enough在修饰限定某一形容词,进行程度的强调时,往往置于所修饰词之后。 63.析:词义辨析。be sensitive to, Book I, Unit 8,Para.1的一个重要短语。




66.析:B. 倒装构式的考查。在表达后者与前者处于同样的过程或状态时,肯定形式用so引导倒装结构。故B项合适。


68.析:固定结构搭配。No matter what位于小句句首时,what应充当其后小句中的宾语,整个结构用以表达强调之意,原意为“不论你做什么,你都应用心去做。”

69.析:考察no matter how. 译文:“和男性朋友在一起,不管我们之间的友谊多深,我似乎都无法表达对对方的关爱之情”。 Book I, Unit 8, P208, Para. 5, Line 3.

70.析:常见词汇的固定用法。Stay与live的用法一样,常作不及物动词来用。在表“住或呆在……”,其后常接介词at或in。本题中动词不定式作补语,表目的。 71. Book I, Unit 6, P153 Exercise 3-(3), 考察单词“assess” 72. Book I, Unit 6, P153 Exercise 3-(5), 考察单词“alter”.

单词辨析:alert,” 警觉的,警惕的”; alter”改变”;alarm,” 警报; 闹铃; 惊恐”; altar “祭坛; 神坛” 73. Book I, Unit 7, P183 Exercise 3-(1), 考察单词“reveal” 74. Book I, Unit 7, P183 Exercise 3-(9), 考察单词“conscious” 75. Book I, Unit 8, P213 Exercise 3-(2), 考察单词“relief” 76. Book I, Unit 8, P213 Exercise 3-(3), 考察单词“retreat” 77. Book II, Unit 1, P9 Exercise 3-(1), 考察单词“condense” 78. Book II, Unit 1, P9 Exercise 3-(9), 考察单词“precisely” 79. Book II, Unit 2, P38 Exercise 3-(2), 考察单词“accelerate” 80. Book II, Unit 2, P38 Exercise 3-(5), 考察单词“boost”

单词辨析:boob “笨蛋; 蠢材”; boot,” 长靴,皮靴”; boost, “促进’;boom,“繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声”



66.析:B. 倒装构式的考查。在表达后者与前者处于同样的过程或状态时,肯定形式用so引导倒装结构。故B项合适。


68.析:固定结构搭配。No matter what位于小句句首时,what应充当其后小句中的宾语,整个结构用以表达强调之意,原意为“不论你做什么,你都应用心去做。”

69.析:考察no matter how. 译文:“和男性朋友在一起,不管我们之间的友谊多深,我似乎都无法表达对对方的关爱之情”。 Book I, Unit 8, P208, Para. 5, Line 3.

70.析:常见词汇的固定用法。Stay与live的用法一样,常作不及物动词来用。在表“住或呆在……”,其后常接介词at或in。本题中动词不定式作补语,表目的。 71. Book I, Unit 6, P153 Exercise 3-(3), 考察单词“assess” 72. Book I, Unit 6, P153 Exercise 3-(5), 考察单词“alter”.

单词辨析:alert,” 警觉的,警惕的”; alter”改变”;alarm,” 警报; 闹铃; 惊恐”; altar “祭坛; 神坛” 73. Book I, Unit 7, P183 Exercise 3-(1), 考察单词“reveal” 74. Book I, Unit 7, P183 Exercise 3-(9), 考察单词“conscious” 75. Book I, Unit 8, P213 Exercise 3-(2), 考察单词“relief” 76. Book I, Unit 8, P213 Exercise 3-(3), 考察单词“retreat” 77. Book II, Unit 1, P9 Exercise 3-(1), 考察单词“condense” 78. Book II, Unit 1, P9 Exercise 3-(9), 考察单词“precisely” 79. Book II, Unit 2, P38 Exercise 3-(2), 考察单词“accelerate” 80. Book II, Unit 2, P38 Exercise 3-(5), 考察单词“boost”

单词辨析:boob “笨蛋; 蠢材”; boot,” 长靴,皮靴”; boost, “促进’;boom,“繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声”


