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The Guidebook to Xiantang Mountain

(On the way)

桑爱平 Sang Aiping

奇境 奇泉 奇树 奇人 ——仙堂名山 天下奇山


Famous Xiantang Mountain is a marvelous mountain, where we find wonderland,rare spring , mysterious trees and miraculous person.

Recommendation of Xiantang Mountain introduction

★亲爱的游客朋友,欢迎您来到仙堂山风景区观光旅游,很高兴能陪同您一起游览美丽迷人的仙堂山(自我介绍)。仙堂山风景区位于山西省襄垣县境内,属太行山山脉,最高海拔1750米,最低海拔1100 米,景区总面积21 平方公里。仙堂山是中国佛教文化·生态旅游胜地、中国低碳旅游示范地、山西省风景名胜区、省级文明和谐景区、山西省德育基地、长治市爱国主义教育基地,已被载入《中国名胜辞典》。Dear friends, welcome to the Xiantang mountain scenic area ,I’m glad to be with you to visit the beautiful Xiantang mountain.Xiantang mountain scenic area is located in the territory of Xiangyuan county, belonging to the taihang mountains.With the highest elevation of 1750 meters and the lowest of 1100 meters, the total scenic area is 21 kilometers square. Xiantang mountain is a Chinese buddhist culture and ecological tourist resort, the model place of low carbon tourism resort,the scenic area of Shanxi Province, provincial civilized harmonious scenic area , moral education base of Shanxi ,the patriotism education base of changzhi city.It has been written in the Chinese Scenic spots dictionary.




Xiantang Mountain has been famous for its majesty,rarity,fairy,and beauty. It is always cloud-filled,like in fairyland, so it is named Fairy Mountain,or Xiantang Mountain.From the top of the mountain,we can see peaks rising one after another,surrounded by pervading clouds,like nine dragons gathering here,so we also call it Nine Dragons Mountain.


Xiantang Ancient Hidden Place is another name of Xiantang Mountain,which is the first of XiangYuan ancient eight sights. It is recorded that a talented man lived here,cultivating himself according to a religious doctrine during the early years when Xiantang Mountain was built and then left without a word. Xiantang Ancient Hidden Place was named after him.But it was a thousand-year's mystery who he was ,what his name was and where he was from.

★千百年来,人们多少次探求,想知道那位隐遁而去的高僧究竟是谁,这一点可以从文人墨客留下的众多诗句中得到印证。如明代刘龙的“高士当年不可求,白云无恙水长流”、刘夔的“欲避秦时此地求,修真人去水空流”和清代赵宗邯的“丹台昔有高人隐,宝刹今留野鹤翔”的诗句,都反映出诗人们对这位神秘高人的浓厚兴趣。It took many people lots of years to seek this Eminent monk,and they were eager to know who was the eminent monk that quietly left Xiantang Mountain ,as is showed in many poems written by writers and poets from previous dynasties. For example ,“ Eminent monk is nowhere to find ,only to see water flowing forward and white cloud in the sky”was written by Liulong from Ming Dynasty. “ Eminent monk lived here to avoid warlords ,but disappeared suddenly ,leaving the flowing water running away.”by Liukui. “In the immortal residence lived an eminent monk in old days,but the pagoda of the temple flies wild cranes nowadays”by Zhao Zonghan from Qing Dynasty.From those verses we can see the the poets had strong interest in this mysterious eminent monk.




Today, through the ages we have cracked the thousand-year's mystery . After the expert studies, the eminent monk who was born in Xiangyuan, later became a monk of Xiangtang Mountain , was Monk Faxian from the Eastern Jin Dynasty . He was a great traveler and translator in the history of our country .


Faxian is the first man to go to India for Buddhist scriptures in the history of our country, 226 years earlier than Monk Tang Xuanzang. He is also the first man to arrive in American Continent,1080 years earlier than Columbus.The six Buddhist scriptures brought back and translated by him are of great importance.Record of Buddhist Countries written by him has become an important historical material to research on the human geography of the ancient countries in the South Asian Sub-Continent. Mr.Lu Xun praised him as \backbone of China\ ★ 以法显生平为依据拍摄的大型纪录片《佛国记——法显西行》在中央电视台播出后引起了强烈反响。人们无不为这位伟大人物坚韧不拔的精神所感动。Large documentary \Record of Buddhist Countries ____Faxian Travelling West based on the life story of Faxian has evoked great repercussions in the CCTV broadcast. Everyone was moved by the perseverance of this great man.

★ 法显西行取经经过了三十多个国家,按现在的版图,这三十多个国家分别属于中国、印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、尼泊尔、阿富汗、斯里兰卡、墨西哥这八个国家,所以,仙堂山建有展示这八国风情的“八国馆”。

Faxian travelled through more than 30 countries to get the Buddhist scriptures . They separately belong to eight countries: China,India,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Mexico. So we have built “Eight Pavilions”to display the eight countries’ customs.




Now ,we are walking on what is called Arhat Avenue. On both side of the avenue are many Arhats ( Buddhist disciple )all made of copper and gold . There are 500 Arhats with different shapes and natural postures. As the third one, Arhat is below Buddha and bodhisattva and it is the top fruit seat of the Buddha disciples. They have not any worry, not death and rebirth. We are going through the Arhat Avenue,hoping to remove all the annoyances in life and not suffering birth and death.


This memorial arch in front of us, on which are four Chinese characters \Xiantang mountain \“Xiantang Ming Shan”in Chinese, is written by Mr Zhao Buchu,who is the former vice chairman of the CPPCC national committee, the President of the buddhist association of China,China's famous social activist, calligrapher ,a poet and writer. He died in 2000. 仙堂山历来为风流名士、官宦清客仰慕向往之地,来仙堂山游览的文人骚客不计其数,留下的诗词歌赋有记载就有二百多首(篇),其中不乏名篇佳句,如明代进士李浚的“此是蓬莱真境界,更于何处觅仙堂”。大家知道,蓬莱是传说中的海上仙山,仙山有仙境,是仙人居住的地方。古人将仙堂山比作蓬莱,足见古人对仙堂山的圣境早有认识。

Xiantang Mountain has always been a place admired by famous poets ,writers,and officials. There are countless bookmen coming to visit Xiantang Mountain,leaving more than 200 recorded verses or poems ,among which “what scenery of exceptional charm compared to Penglai ! Where to find another beautiful view other than Xiantang ? ”was written by Liling ,a Scholar of Ming Dynasty.As is known to all ,Penglai is a fairy mountain on the sea . It’s a fairyland in fairy mountain and ready for the celestial beings. The ancients compared Xiantang Mountain to Penglai ,showing their cognition to it .


For all well-known mountains and rivers ,it is their outstanding , supernatural or magical scene that makes them famous all over the world though they are not extensive and profound.



We often say “No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide when an immortal lives there; No matter how deep the water is, it is spiritual when a dragon appears there.”Besides the grand of Tai-hang Mountains,the delicate beauty of Mount Emei ,the poetic flavor of Jiuzhaigou and the wonderland of Penglai , Xiantang Mountain has many unique natural wonders. There are following \


The first is rare stone. There are tiger stone,tiger palm stone, beef heart stone, human face stone and so on, which are all very natural as if it were living.


The scend is odd spring. It refer to Five Eyes Spring in Xiantang Temple .Storage without excretion ,It lies in the bottom of the temple but at the height of the mountain ,which is very rare. As the old saying goes, “How high the mountain is ,the water is as high as it. ”


The third is strang trees. There are 6 strang trees. They are Mandarin duck Pine,Nine Dragons Pine,Sun Broken Tree,Jade Woman Tree,Fireworks Tree and Allochroic Tree. Every tree has its beautiful legend,showing that substances can feel like humans.


The fourth is peculiar caves. There are 72 natural caves in Xiantang Mountain, including White Dragon Cave, Cinnabar Cave, Black Dragon Cave,Drops of valley cave, Spinning Yarn Cave, Cymbal Cave,Fox Spirit Cave ,Bee Cave and so on,among which some are deep and unpredictable,some are stalactite rocky,some mother and child connected,some red like cinnabar.

★ 五奇是悬棺。悬棺在我国南方少数民族地区很常见,在北方地区极为罕见,我们当地更是流行土葬,为何会在仙堂山出现悬棺?它起于什么年代?里面葬的是什么人?这些都还是一个谜,所以,它具有极高的考古价值。


