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1. 备航

(1) 备车

S/B eng.

(2) 通知轮机部备车

Informed E/R of Standby Engine

(3) 通知轮机长备车


(4) 全船准备就绪

Prepared for sea, fore and aft

(5) 对驾驶台和机舱的车钟,工作状态良好

Tested bridge telegraph to the engine room. Both in efficient order.

(6) 测试操舵设备,状态良好

Tried helm. She is in efficient order

(7) 试验自动舵,状态良好

Autopilot tested, in efficient order.

(8) 把天文钟校队准确

Adjusted the chronometer in correct time or Chronometer is adjusted in correct time

(9) 检查所有的货舱和系固,没有异常

Check all hatches and lashings, All are in efficient order

(10) 在次检查甲板货物,没有问题

Re-checked deck cargo without abnormality

(11) 准备起航

Be ready for sea

(12) 试航行灯、信号灯,正常,开两部锚机

Tested navigational lights, signaling lights. Found in correct order. Started both anchor gears.

(13) 始冲、活车

Tested main engine and its machinery

(14) 车备妥

Engine stood by

(15) 主机冲车

Tried to operate M/E

(16) 主机定速

R/up M/E ( or Ring up main engine)

(17) 试笛正常

Tested whistle in efficient order

(18) 巡视全船正常

Had finished patrol. No abnormality (has been) found

(19) 已经要了拖船和引航员,预计当地时间2000时开航

Tug and pilot (were) ordered. ETD 2000LT

(20) 离港手续已经齐备

Port clearance completed

(21) 试侧推器正常

Tested thrusters. Found in efficient order.

(22) 请示大连港系泊站派带揽人员

Ordered mooring hand from Dalian Mooring Operation Station

(23) 测试双车的驾驶台控制装置,一切正常

Tested both bridge consoles for M/E to ensure them in good condition

(24) 旅客上毕,关闭前后跳(门)

All passenger embarked and bow & stern ramps ( were) closed and secured.


(1) 已经过了桥

Having passed bridge

(2) 已经过了船闸

Having passed lock

(3) 雷达量程切换到3 n mile, 处于雾航状态,报告船长

Decreased radar range scale to 3 nm. Ready to navigate in fog bandk. Master reported

(4) 通知机舱备车航行,按章施放物耗,开航行灯,改操手动舵,对物标进行连续观测和雷达标绘,


Informed E/R to S/B engine. Sounded fog signals in compliance with relevant rules, switched on

navigational lights, changed autopilot into manual operation, continually observed and plotted with

radar, and kept watch on VHF

(5) 船长自引航进锚地

Sailed under the order of master to anchorage

(6) 转为自动舵,船长离驾驶台

Changed into autopilot. Master got off the bridge

(7) 驶入公海

Operated in the high seas

(8) 航向航速多变

Course and speed avaliable

(9) 于位置36o47’7N 123o00.’3E处换海图12000

Changed chart to No.12000 at 36o47’7N 123o00.’3E

(10) GPS船位¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E换海图139000

Changed chart to No.13900 at GPS position ¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E

(11) 在¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E停车、漂航、防盗。

Measures take as topping engine, drifting, protectiong of piracy in the POSN ¢36o47’7N λ12300.’3E

(12) 在距镇海角真方位299O、距离2.37nm船首向045o 处核对锚位正常。

Checked ANCH/POSN at TB 299o HDG045o DIST 2.37m from Zhen Hai Horn, in correct position

(13) 起雾,能见度1’.0 ~ 2’.0 。通知船长按中远雾中锚泊规定,①调雷达至最佳状态 ②打开驾驶台门窗 ③ 施放雾号并守听VHF同时向附近船舶发布信息 ④开亮锚灯

Fog setting in. Visibility (was) decreased to 1.5 ~2.0nm. Master (has been) informed. (She was)

manoeuvred in compliance with COSCO anchoring rules ①Radar optimized into best conditions;

②Bridge windows opened ③ Fog signals sounded for warning shipping in the vicinity, and VHF

watch kept; and④anchor light switch on.

(14) 解除雾航措施

Released on fog navigation measure

(15) 起雾了,采取如下措施,① 通知机舱备车 ② 船长请上驾驶台 ③ 按章施放雾号 ④ 加强了望把雷达和VHF 调至最佳状态 ⑤ 改自动舵为手动舵 ⑥采取安全航速

The fog set in. Take the following measures. ,① Informing E/R to standby engine. ②asking master

to go on the bridge ③ sending out fog signals in accordance with the fog navigation rules ④

enhancing man watch at bow and stern and adjusting VHF to the best condition ⑤ changing

AUTOPILOT into manual operation ⑥using safe speed in lieu of sea speed

(16) 将左锚绞上,右锚绞至3节以等待引航员

Weigh up port anchor and starboard cable (was) hove in to 3 shackles to await pilot

(17) 按船长的指示航向不定

Course variably as per captain’s order ooo

(18) 遵照船长的命令操舵

Steered by master’s instruction

(19) 遵照引航员的命令操舵

Steered by pilot’s order

(20) 由船长指挥通过狭水道

Transit narrow waters under the command of Master

(21) 黄白嘴灯塔在西正横5nm 处

HUANGBAIZUI L.H ab’m W dist. 5nm

(22) 大沽口灯塔在西南正横2 nm处

DAGUKOU lighthouse abeam south 2nm off

(23) 计程仪开始计程

Set P.Log (patent LOG)

(24) 航向正南, 计程仪工作

Steered south and set P.log

(25) 停计程仪

P log stopped

(26) 在计程仪指示550nm时改变航向正北

Course altered to north at sight of 550nm in the P.log

(27) 起雾能见度下降,派一名水手了头

Fog set in. Sent a lookout sailor to bow

(28) 派一名水手到船艉了望

Sent a sailor look out to stern

(29) 派一名水手到大桅了望 (在桅杆上了望在帆船时代十分常见,但现在很少用)

Sent a sailor on the mast for lookout

(30) 船舶以港内航速航行,附近多鱼船

Sailed at her harbor speed. Fishing boats in her vicinity

(31) 在0800 ~ 1000时派了望者到船头

Sent a man lookout to bow from 0800~ 1000 AM

(32) 已经看到航标,并在浓雾中慢慢驶入港区

Sighted fairway buoy, Maneuvered her slowly inward to harbor in the dense fog

(33) 大雾,按规定施放雾号

Dense fog set in, fog signals (were) sounded in strict compliance with the Fog Navigation Rules

(34) 浓雾天气,减速至微速前进

Dense fog, Slow down engine to DEAD SLOW AHEAD

(35) 突然下雾,通知机舱速备车,并立即施放雾号

Fog set in suddenly, Informed E/R standing by engine. Sent fog signals immediately

(36) 雾已散,全速前进

Fog disappeared, Maneuvered her at full sea speed

(37) 雾已散,起锚,继续航行

Fog cleared off, weighed anchor and got underway

(38) 顶流

Current against her

(39) 顺溜

Current with her

(40) 已观测到花鸟山在东北方位15nm

Observed HUALIANSHAN island bearing N.E distance 15 nm

(41) 我们正顺沿岸的潮流航行

Navigate with coastwise tidal stream

(42) 由于受潮流的影响,一致船舶偏航

Deviated her intended voyage owing to current force

(43) 航行在¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E,突然遭遇强流

o(44) 于122 E处从南半球到北半球通过赤道

Passed equator in long 122E from the south hemisphere to (the) north hemisphere

Oo(45) 于北纬10 之地通过180 子午线

Crossed the meridian of 180 in lat 10.000N

(46) 在南纬36o47’7S处从东半球到西半球通过了子午线

Passed the meridian in 20o23’S from (the) east hemisphere to (the) west hemisphere

(47) 开始测深

Commenced sounding

oo(48) 在¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E处测深20拓

Sounded 20 fathoms at ¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E

(49) 锤测深20拓

Took a cast of lead 20 fm

(50) 再次测深,仍未达底

Re-sounded, No bottom (has been) touched

(51) 用锤测深,深不见底

Took cast lead, bottom (has not bee) touched

(52) 用测深仪测得水深15拓,底质为粗沙

Cast a lend of echo-sounder 15 fm, block sandy bottom

(53) 一艘集装箱船用声号警示从右舷追越,时速20节

A container ship sent siren to inform of overtaking from starboard with 22 kts

(54) 一艘客滚船用声号警示从左舷追越,时速25节

A RO/RO passenger ship transmitted whistle to inform of overtaking from port side with 25 kn

3. 拖带

(1) 要了一艘拖船

A tug ordered (for moving operation)

(2) “连港15”在我轮码头不远处等候拖带作业

Tug “LIANGANG 15” stands by off the pier for towing

(3) 拖船从右舷船首顶推

Tug pushed at her starboard bow

(4) 拖船从左舷船尾顶推

Tug pushed at her port quarter

(5) 带拖缆上羊角桩

Put tug lines to cleat

(6) 带拖缆上桩

Put eyes of towing line on bitts

(7) 拖船正拖我轮出港口

tug pulled her outward from the harbour

(8) 我轮主机故障,已经要拖船准备拖带入港

M/E OOO ( out of order) , Ordered tug to tow her inward to the harbor

(9) 拖带工作结束,已经签了拖轮付款单据

Tug operation finished. Signed towage paper

(10) 用巴拿马导缆轮

Panama lead (has been) utilized

(11) 缆绳穿过了“牛鼻孔”

Passed through bull nose

4. 锚泊

(1) 锚位正常

Checked anchoring. Found in correct position

(2) 用GPS核对锚位¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E ooooo

Check ANCH POSN by GPS at ¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E

oo(3) 抛左锚,升锚球,锚位距大泓塔真方位291、距离2.05nm,水深19米,泥沙底,船首向161

Port anchor (was) let go. Anchor ball (was) hoisted Anchoring position at TB 291, distance 2.05nm

depth of 19m with sandy bottom HDG from DA HONG light house

(4) 锚备妥、6节甲板、锚位卫导设备测得¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E

Anchor stood by, 6 shackles on deck. SF ¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E

(5) 引航员HA JI A WBNG 上船,升H旗

Pilot in the name of HA JI WBNG embarked, and Flag H hoisted

(6) 引航员下船,降H旗,船长自引航

Pilot disembarked, Lowered down Flag H accordingly, and ship is maneuvered under the command of


(7) 绞锚

Anchor heaving

(8) 起锚

Anchor hove up

(9) 锚已离底

Anchor clear of bottom

(10) 锚已收回

Anchor home

(11) 锚已绑牢

Anchor secured

(12) 抛左锚

Port Anchor (was) let go

(13) 抛右锚

Starboard anchor (was) let go

(14) 抛双锚

Both anchors (were) let go

oo(15) 抛锚相对于凸码头真方位103、距离2.5nm、船首向040,水深13m,沙底

Anchored at TB 103o、Distance 2.5nm、HDG 040o,depth water of 13m,of sandy bottom from jetty

(16) 抛左锚6节甲板

Port anchor (was) let go and 6 shackles (were) on deck

(17) 备双锚

Both anchors (were) stood by

(18) 调整锚链及绞入左锚

Adjusted anchor chain and hove in port anchor

(19) 开始绞锚,锚起,慢速前进;至港外,全速前进

Commenced to heave up anchor. Anchor weighed, Slow ahead and cleared harbour. Full speed

(20) 起锚后在引航员的指挥下向港外驶去

Hove up anchor and proceeded outward in command of pilot

(21) 锚已绞上,由引航员指挥沿河而上

Anchor up and proceeded upstream under command of pilt

(22) 船抵达锚地,抛下左锚并放出3节链,完车完舵,由驾驶员值班

Arrived at anchorage and anchored with port anchor with 3 shackles. Finished with engine and wheel.

Set officer’s watch

(23) 于水深17拓处抛下左锚,放出3节锚链

Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms of water with 3 shackles of chain

(24) 起锚向南前进,在水深20拓处再次抛锚

Heaved up anchor and proceeded a little to southward and re-anchored in 20 m depth of water

(25) 在港外锚地抛锚等潮水

Anchored at roadsteads to await HW ooo

(26) 左锚已备妥

Port anchor read to let go

(27) 右锚已备妥

Starboard anchor ready to let go

(28) 双锚已备妥

Both anchor ready to let go

5. 离泊与靠泊

(1) 开始单绑

Commenced to lack on lines

(2) 首单绑

Forward line single up

(3) 缆绳全部解掉


















6. 时间 All lines (were) let go 船长指挥离开码头 Operated outward under the direction and proceeded to anchorage 首清爽 Bow clear 尾清爽 Aft clear 尾缆解掉 Aft line let go 离开白石港:燃油74.85吨、柴油17.61吨、压载水1457.54吨、淡水100吨、常数61.3吨、载重1711.3吨、前吃水3.35米、后吃水4.20米,海水比重1.025 Departed from BAISHI port, R.O.B FO/74.85T DO/17.61T B.W/1457.54T FW/100T C/61.3T D.W/1711.3T Draft F3.35/4.20m s.g of seawater 1.025 由码头解缆后离开横滨开大连 Cast off wharf and departed YOKOHAMA for Dalian 备车慢速前进 Her engine standby and proceeded with slow speed 减速出防波堤 Reduced speed outward breakwater 抵达1号浮开始系泊 Arrived at No.1 buoy with mooring operation 绞靠1号浮后开始用车 Made fast to No. 1 buoy and finished engine opereation 用左舷靠码头 Alongside port side 左舷船尾系牢浮标 Made her stern fast to the buoy 船抵达码头,并停泊该处结束用车 Arrived at pier and made her fast. Finished with engine 起锚移近岸边 Heaved up anchor and shifted close to shore 首缆上B15浮筒 First line (was) moored to Buoy B15 锚链与B15浮筒挽牢 Made fast between anchor chain and Buoy B15 检查锚链与缆绳系浮情况正常 Checked mooring both anchor chains and lines, without abnormally

(1) GPS船位¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E,将船钟拨慢20分钟,即SMT=GMG+07h40m,并通知机舱

ooRetarded clock 20 min at GPS POSN ¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E It makes ,SMT=GMG+07h40m,

and informed E/R

oo(2) ¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E将船钟在拨慢20Min,即SMT=GMT+07h20m,

Retarded clock again in POSN of ¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E that is SMT=GMT+07h20m,

(3) 守听上海海岸电台的对时信号,校对天文钟

Listening to Time Signal of Shanghai Radio Station, and Checked chronometer

(4) 在正午时分拨快时钟20min,已符合船上标准时间

Advanced clock 20 min to comply with SAT (ship’s Apparent Time) at noon

o(5) 拨快时钟20min,已符合东经105之标准时间

Adjusted clocks 20 min ahead for SAT 150o00.’0E

(6) 拨快时钟20min,已符合新加坡标准时间

Adjusted clocks 20 min ahead for observing standard time at Singapore

(7) 拨快时钟1小时,衣服和当地夏令时

Advanced clocks one hour for local summer time

(8) 在正午时间拨慢时钟20min,已符合船上的标准时间

Put the clock aback 20 min in compliance with SAT at noon

(9) 在正午时间拨慢时钟20min,已符合船上标准时间

Corrected clock 20 min behind for SAT at noon

(10) 在正午时间拨慢时钟20min,已符合船上标准时间

Corrected clock 20 min behind for SAT at noon

(11) 拨慢所有的时钟20min,已符合北京时间

Retarded clocks 20 min for BEJING Mean Time

(12) 由于过日期变更线变更日期需要减1天,即现在的日期=原来的日期-1

Passed the International Date Line, Set one day aback accordingly. That is, the new date = original date


(13) 由于过日期变更线变更日期需要加1天,即现在的日期=原来的日期+1

Passed the International Date Line, increased one day ahead accordingly, That is, the new date = original

date +1


(1) 交班人三副刘庆东,接班人二副张扬,(指航行中的交接班)

Handed over by 3/Officer LIU QINGDONG, Received by 2/Officer ZHANG YANG

(2) 奉公司之命,原大副邢来保公休,由大副王东接任,已交接班完毕,双方满意,从第24航次开


Under the direction of our shipping company, Ex-chief in the name of XING LAIBAO duty officer Mr

WANG DONG takes charge of Chief mater duty, Hand-over finished. The incoming officer and

outgoing officer satisfied. Mr. WANG DONG serves as Chief from voyage no.24

(3) 原船长去向不明,根据公司的管理体系文件中大副职责的第一条规定、船长职务自当地时间1100


The former Master is missing, Chief takes over master’s duty by 1100Lt as per the requirement of item

I in the SMS for Chief Mater. Report this incident to shipowner immediately

(4) 原轮机长退休,自当地时间2100时起由接班轮机长接替,交班人王钢,接班人刘庆冬

The former C/e retired. The incoming C/E takes over from 2100Lt, Outgoing C/E WANG GANG and


(5) 新任大副史密斯先生执行职务

Newly appointed C/O Mr. Smith on duty

(6) 见习三副高清林任三副

Assistant 3/O Mr. GAO QINGLIN promoted to 3/O

(7) 奉公司之命,船长休假,大副提升为船长,二副提升为大副,三副提升为二副,新任三副刘铁军

上船接任三副,并带来公司调令。 oo

As per the direction of shipping company, the Master will be in holiday, Chief Master promoted to

Master, and 2/O promoted to C/O, and 3/O promoted to 2/O accordingly, The newly appointed 3/O in

the name of LIU TIEJIUN embarked with the hand-over instruction

(8) 3名水手由于不能胜任被解雇

Three sailor dismissed due to incompetence

(9) 轮机长由于吵架被解雇

C/E dismissed due to quarrelling

(10) 大副由于触犯本公司的条理被解雇

C/O unemployed due to violation of company rules

(11) 二副由于语言不过关而被调下船

2/O disembarked due to incompetence for language ability

(12) 原机工长退休,他的工作由王三接任

8. 靠泊












9. 引航






(6)The former No.1 Oiler resigned. The Oiler WANG SAN promoted the reponsibility 抛锚协助掉头 Anchoring for assistance turing 第一根缆绳上岸 First line on shore 拖船解掉 Tug off or Let go tugs 所有拖缆绳解掉 All tug lines (were) cast off 船靠妥 Get alongside 左舷靠 Alongside by portside 右舷靠妥 Completed alongside starboard 靠妥液化气码头 Alongside L.N.G terminal 放舷梯 Gangway rigged 放防鼠挡 Rat guard fixed 距吧浮罗礁石方位123o ,距离0.52nm处首拖BARARUDA尾拖ARANM带妥 Tug forward BARARUDA and Tug aft ARMADA made fast in POSN bearing 078.5o distance 0.52nm from Buffalo Rock 引航员离船 Pilot disembarked 0000当地时引航员上船,挂两黑球,当地什件0030时过上海船长5号浮筒 0000LT Pilot embarked. Hoisted two black balls. 0030Lt passed No.5 buoy of Shanghai Shipyard Lock 定向、定速 Steady course and speed 引航员HERMANC上船 Pilot in the name of Hermanc embarked 船舶停泊在5号浮附近,以等候引航员 Stopped in the vicinity of No.5 fairway buoy for awaiting pilot 起锚,由引航员引航从神户到门司

Anchor weighed and departed from Kobe to Moji under navigation of Pilot

(7) 引航员指挥,以全速前进

Pilot embarked and proceeded on with full sea speed under his charge

(8) 船长和引航员下驾驶台,改由驾驶员操纵

Capt. And PLT left bridge and OOW maneuvered her

(9) 引航员上船,降G旗,升H旗

Pilot embarked and Flag G lowered , Flag H hoisted

(10) 上船的引航员系假冒,由值班人员遣送其下船

The person called himself a pilot is confirmed unreal. Duty personnel escorted to disembarked

(11) 三副护送引航员下船,降H旗

3/O accompanied pilot to leave. Flag H lowered

10. 检疫

(1) 在检疫锚地抛锚,以待检疫

Anchored in the Q/A to await Q/inspection

(2) 已经抵达检疫锚地后抛锚

Arrived at Q/A and anchored

(3) 在港口外抛锚以待检疫管

Anchored in the roadsteads and wait Quarantine Officer

(4) 检疫官上船

Q/O embarked

(5) 检疫通过了

Pratique granted

(6) 按检疫管要求把船员集合到大台

Crew mustered at saloon as per Q/O requirements

(7) 港口检疫官员登船后开始熏舱

Quarantine officer embarked to commenced fumigation

(8) 检疫完毕,但有三名船员因怀疑有传染疾病而拒绝登岸

Quarantine Service finished. But 3 crew refused to land because of suspicion of contracting infectious


(9) 消毒完毕,开启各个通道

Completed fumigation operation and unlocked all openings

(10) 按检疫管要求,船员房间均完成消毒

Crew cabin fumigation as per requirements of quarantine officer’s

(11) 三副因被怀疑有传染疾病而被隔离

3/O suspected contracting of infectious disease and to be separated

(12) 船员由消毒所回船

Crew returned from disinfecting station

11. 修船

(1) 开始引水入坞

Commenced to fill water into lock

(2) 船体开始浮起

Ship afloat

(3) 船已经抵达目的地,并开始驶入坞内,但因当时潮汐过急,所以暂时系浮筒

Arrived at dry-dock entrance and intended to proceed inward, but the tide being too rough, hauled to

buoy again

(4) 船体坐在坞床上

Took her on the block

(5) 准备进坞

Ready for docking

(6) 船进坞

Ship operated inward to lock

(7) 船坐坞

Ship squatted lock

(8) 开始修船

Commenced her repairing work

(9) 工人上船

Workers embarked

(10) 工人休息

Workers relaxed

(11) 船首出坞

Bow out of dock

(12) 各水舱的栓塞打开以便于检查

Plug of all tanks (were) opened for inspection

(13) 船员准备离坞处理锚链

Crew prepared to leave dock and handle chain

(14) 离开码头由拖轮拖带进坞

Cast her off from quay and proceeded in towing of tug toward dry-dock

(15) 船抵坞口,马上拖进坞内

Arrived at entrance of dry-dock and proceed to haul into dry-dock with minimum delay

(16) 起锚,由前后两个拖轮拖往船坞

Anchor weighed. She proceeded in assistance of forward and aft tug to dry-dock

(17) 工人准备在船舷作业

Dock people prepared to operate at ship’s side

(18) 工人连续工作

Workers operate 24hours

(19) 工人清洗压载水舱和前后水舱的内部

Dock hands cleaning up ballast tanks and fore & aft peak tanks inside

(20) 船体仍然在坞内准备钢索以备出坞

Vessel still in dry-dock and be wire ready for navigating outward to lock

(21) 工人在坞内清理船底

Workers cleaned ship’s bottom thoroughly

(22) 机舱内腐蚀的铆钉已经换新

Re-riveted seriously corrosive ones underneath engine

(23) 水手把锚链排列在坞底,以便检验

Sailor ranged chain on the floor of dock for inspection

(24) 将锚链绞出排列坞底,所有的卸扣和销子全部抽出以便检查

Hove out chain into dock, Slacked out all shackles and pins for carefully inspection

(25) 锚链已经绞出,并清洗锚链舱

Paid out cable and cleaned chain locker

(26) 水手将锚链绞入锚链舱

Sailor employed to heave in and stowing cable

(27) 两舷锚链全部放出,并将绞缠的理顺后,将两链绞入

Veered out and hove in all length of both cables to remove turns of shackles

(28) 放直锚链以便绞入锚链舱

Unbent and stowed chain into chain locker

(29) 坞工用锤铲敲除及剥除舷外的锈铁,并清洗锚链舱

Dock workers turned to chipping and scaling ship’s outside and cleaning chain locker

(30) 用防腐和防锈涂料漆船底

Commenced to pain her bottom, boot-topping with patent composition

(31) 清洗压载水舱和前后尖舱的内部

Cleaned ballast tanks & fore and aft peak tanks inside

(32) 电工上船重新铺设汽车舱的电缆

Electricians embarked to re-pave the cable in the hold for stowage of cars

12. 加油、水


(1) 加油船“海供15”靠右舷,升B旗

Bunkering vessel “Maritime Supplier No.15” alongside port side, Flag B hoisted

(2) 加油完毕,降B旗,共加油30吨

Finished bunkering. Flag B lowered down. Total pumping in 30 tons

(3) 加柴油30吨

Pumped in MDO 30 tons

(4) 加50吨燃油

Loaded FO 50 tons

(5) 开始接管

Commenced connecting

(6) 开始拆管

Commenced disconnecting

(7) “连油5“加油完毕后离去

Bunkering vessel “LianYou No.5” cleared after her bunkering operations

(8) 左舷水舱加淡水100吨

Pumped in 100 tons of FW into PWT

(9) 首尖舱加淡水100吨

Loaded in tons of drinking water into FPT

(10) 加油负责人上船和船长、轮机长核对加油的安全措施

Head on the behalf of bunkering vessel embarked to check safety measures with master and chief

13. engineer 装卸货

(1) 开危险货照明灯

Switched on dangerous cargo illumination light

(2) 开始装卸货物

Commenced cargo handling

(3) 开始装2舱和3舱

Commenced loading holds No.2 and No.3

(4) 理货员开始理货

Tallyman commenced to work

(5) 第二工班的工人开始卸货

No.2 gangs of stevedores in discharging

(6) 共五班工人在卸货

All 5 gangs of stevedores in discharging

(7) 继续把钢材装到2舱

Continued loading steel into hatch no.2

(8) 继续装卸作业到晚上12点

Resumed cargo loading until 12 clock at the midnight

(9) 暴雨降临,装卸货停止

Cargo handling suspended owing to passing heavy rain

(10) 由于大浪,驳船无法停靠,装卸货暂停

Rough seas, Suspended cargo work owing to barge being unable to get alongside

(11) 所有的水手协助大副理货

All sailor assisted C/O to tally cargo

(12) 本日移货完毕

Finished shifting cargo for today

(13) 甲板上的货物装卸完毕

Finished handling of cargo on deck

(14) 验货员登船验货

Cargo surveyor embarked for ascertaining of cargo damage

(15) 卸货完毕,所有的舱口开始装货

Completed discharging cargo and commenced loading at all hatches

(16) 水手放下吊杆,密闭各舱,冲洗甲板

Sailor striking derricks, battening hatches and cleaning up deck

(17) 收到泰国产大米500包

Received 500 bags of rice of Thailand

(18) 验货师离船

Cargo surveyor disembarked

(19) 货物工作已经全部告完毕,代理取回船舶证书、港方已经发放离港许可证,等待引航员上船

Finished all cargo work, Agent embarked with all ship’s certificates, Port Clearance has been issued for

her. Waiting Pilot to proceed

(20) 起卸白糖150袋,共1.5吨、花生200袋共1吨,啤酒600桶

Discharged 150 bags of white sugar,(a total of 1.5tons) 200 bags of peanuts (a total of 1ton) 600 barrels

of beer

(21) 扫线完毕货物全部卸完

Completed stripping and cargo discharging

(22) 货油卸完,开始扫线

Completed pumping, commenced stripping

(23) 日落、开甲板照明灯、红灯一盏

Sunset. Switch on all light and a RED light

(24) 开始拆管

Commenced to disconnect

(25) 拆管完毕

Disconnecting operation finished

(26) 开始接管

Commenced to connect hose

(27) 接管完毕

Connecting operation finished

(28) 装2舱货

Loading Hold No.2

(29) 工人装货停

Terminal handling operation

(30) 工人上船,预定明日装5舱

Foreman embarked to book loading operation on Hold No.3 tomorrow

(31) 工人夜餐,停止作业

Operation ceased owing to stevedores’ meal


(33) 3舱装或完毕,关舱、落吊杆

Finished cargo handling in Hold No.3 closed hatch. Lowered and secured derricks

(34) 按货主的要求提取货样以备化验

Subject to requirements of Consignor, cargo oil samples ( were) taken for examination

(35) 2舱底层香港装货准备就绪通知书已经送交货主手里

Notice of readiness for loading for hatch No.2 L/H to Hongkong tendered to the Consignor

(36) 香港装货完、关舱,续装1舱2层

Finished loading cargo for HONGKONG. Closed hatches, continued to load T/D (tween deck) in hatch


(37) 2舱货物全部装毕,至此本航次的货物全部装妥

Finsihed loading Hold No.2 all cargo (were) completed (loading) by then

(38) 3舱香港卸货完毕,完货吃水,前4.40米,后6.70米

finished discharging HONGKONG cargo in Hold No.3 draft at completion F/4.3m A/6.70m

(39) 驳船货卸空,等待来货

Finished discharging of barge, awaiting further cargo

(40) 装载完毕,共装了5000吨杂货

Loading operation finished 5000 tons of general cargo handled

(41) 已经装完(从船首数起)第29行(或第29排)集装箱

Finished loading Bay No.29

(42) 已经装毕第二层集装箱

Finished loading Tier No.2

(43) 已经装毕第6行左侧第5列集装箱

Finished loading Row No.5 of Bay No.6

(44) 已经装载了2000标准箱

(have) loaded 2000 TEU

(45) 共装载了旅客1023名,汽车50辆,杂货1000吨

(Have) 1023 passenger onboard and loaded 50 cars, 1000 tons of general cargo

(46) 冷藏箱的插头已经插上

Reefer plug inserted

(47) 10辆小气车已经进了货舱

Ten cars (were) driven into cargo hold

(48) 船吊以备

Cargo handling gears ready

(49) 卸货已毕,3号舱短货30吨

Finished discharging, Short landed 30 tons of cargo in hatch No.3

(50) 装货准备就绪通知书已经送达到租船人

Notice of readiness for loading (has) passed to the Charter

(51) 装货准备就绪通知书已经送交到货主手里

Notice of readiness for loading (has) passed to the Consignor

(52) 装货准备就绪通知书已经送交到港方

Notice of readiness for loading (has) submitted to the Authority

(53) 装货准备就绪通知书已经送交到岸上

Notice of readiness for loading (has) delivered to the shore side

(54) 卸货准备就绪通知书已经送交到港方

Notice of readiness for unloading (has) passed to the port Authority

(55) 卸货准备就绪通知书已经送交到货主手里

Notice of readiness for discharging (has) delivered to the Consignee

(56) 积载图已经完成

Finished stowage plan

(57) 稳性计算书已经作完

Stability calculation completed

(58) 货舱已经扫完

Finished cleaning cargo hold


(60) 原油洗舱完毕

Finished COW

(61) 吊杆已经摆好

Get derricks ready

(62) 关舱

Hatches (were) closed

(63) 开舱

Opened hatches

(64) 系固完毕

Finished lashing

(65) 垫舱完毕

Finished dunnage operation

(66) 堵所有的排水孔

All scupper (were) plugged or Plugged all Scuppers

(67) 通海阀已经关闭

Sea valves closed

(68) 货油管已经连接

Cargo hoses connected

(69) 海水吸入阀已经关闭

Closed sea suction valve

(70) 污油水已经打到污水舱

Slop pumped into slop tanks

(71) 已经收妥了吊杆

Derricks lowered and secured

(72) 驳船驶离我船

Barge cleared her

(73) 全体船员在汽车舱整理钢丝

14. All crew checked and put in order the cable in the car hold 过运河、船闸、海峡

(1) 船长亲自引航过新加坡海峡

Maneuvered under the command of master to transit Singapore Strait

(2) 进入新加坡海峡,通知机舱备车航行、向VTS报告动态,换3833海图

Entered Singapore Strait. Informed E/R of standby engine , Reported vessel intention to VTS, Changed

to No.3833 chart

(3) 通知轮机长进入运河外之锚地

Informed C/E of entering Canal Roadsteads

(4) 驶入苏伊士湾,已经减速航行

Entered Suez bay and operated at reduced speed

(5) 已经悬挂了巴拿马国旗和Q、G、B等信号旗,等待引航员

Hoisted National ensign of Panama, and Q,G,B flags to await pilot

(6) 已经得到过运河许可和编队号码

Transit (was) granted and convoy number (was) ascertained

(7) 在运河临时编队处停止前进,并转向相反的方向前进

Stopped her at convoy lay-by Turned back to proceed

(8) 运河的主管当局送运河章程

Canal authority sent her canal rules

(9) 运河电工上船

Canal Electrician embarked

(10) 在大苦湖入口处上两名代理,经查系假冒

Tow persons who self-asserted agents embarked at entrance of Great Bitter Lake. They are confirmed


(11) 运河的海关人员于当地时间8点住船

Canal Customers have been staying onboard from 0800Lt

(12) 巴拿马运河的官员对船头的导缆孔提出改进措施

Panama Canal Officer put out solution on improvement of Panama Lead

(13) 已经通过了基尔运河,全速前进

Passed Kiel Canal. Maneuvered her at full sea speed

(14) 抵达布莱恩特尔锚地,换引航员以准备过运河

Approached Brunbutterl Anchorage and Pilot (has been ) changed for transit of Kiel Canal

(15) 在等候编队期间值锚泊班

Standby for Convoy. OOW watched reference of anchoring watch

(16) 通过小苦湖

Passed Little Bitter Lake

(17) 闸门打开,解缆、驶离船闸

Lock opened. All lines clear. Ship sailed outward

(18) 右舷靠妥船闸,闸门关闭

Make fast to lock on starboard side. Lock closed

(19) 船闸关闭,驶向公海

Lock closed. Proceeded to high sea

(20) 右舷正横“婆特”信号站,驶进运河,平均航速8节

SIG/STN Putt ABM on P’side, ENT’D Canal with M’N SPD of 8 kts

(21) 备车,绞锚链至8节,引航员上船,降G旗,引航员指挥船队进入编队,准备过运河

S’BY E Shorten chain to 2 shackles. POB, Flag G lowered. Entered convoy under the command of

pilot, Ready for transit

(22) 在抵达克里丝塔伯前1小时通知机舱备车

One hour ahead to notice STDBY M/E on arrive at Cristobal

(23) 抛右锚,4节入水,防波堤进口方位125o、30链,用甚高频12频道向信号站报告锚位

St’d ANCH let go 4 shackles in water. 125 o, 30 cables from entrance of Breakwater. Reported A.P to

signal station on VHF CH12

(24) 引航员RUDU下船,HAMUYA上船,收回舷梯,续航

Pilot RUDU disembarked and Pilot HAMUYA embarked, gangway rigged in, underway

15. 助航仪器 (NAVAIDS)

(1) 核对电磁罗经航向无变化

Checked courses of gyro and magnetic compass without alteration

(2) 核对电磁罗经△G =002o △C=017o

Checked gyro and magnetic compass △G =002o △C=017o

(3) 雷达观测Tg Jerijen 角,真方位074o 距离679船首向349o

Observed Tg Jerijen Cape by radar, TB 074o Dist 6.’79 HDG 349 o

(4) 驾驶员和一水进入舵机室,按船长命令模拟操舵系统故障改用人工控制系统在舵机室直接操舵

An officer and an A.B entered steering room to operate manually as per master’s order in the case that

emergent situation incurs to use

(5) 每个驾驶员按驾驶台舵令轮流指挥每个水手操舵

Every navigator officer instructed every sailor to steer wheel in compliance with orders from the bridge

(6) 重新测量测量测向仪的自差曲线图

Re-tested self-error curve of D/F

(7) 将船回转一周,并依据三山岛之远标绘方位法以求自差

Swung round here to obtain self deviation by distant object bearing of SANSANDAO island

(8) 雷达的档位调到3nm 档

Range of radar (was) adjusted to 3nm range scale

(9) 处于紧急状态,不经预热立即开启雷达

In close quarter situation, switch on radar without standby

(10) 调整索具的位置以消除雷达的015o ~ 018o 的盲区

Securing (were) adjusted in order to eliminate the blind sectors of radar in 015-018 degrees

(11) GPS故障,显示器上的3号板故障

16. GPS failure. Err. (was) located in No.3 board in the display 通信 (Communication)

(1) 守听VHF CH16

Standby on VHF CH16

(2) 通知机舱港速前进,备右锚

Informed E/R of proceeding in harbour speed and standing by starboard anchor

(3) 向成山头控制中心报告动态

Reported her intention to CHENSHANTOU CIP (calling in Point)

(4) 通知机舱完车、完舵

Informed E/R of finishing operation of engines and wheels

(5) 通知机舱换油

Informed E/R of change oil

(6) 通知机舱主机定速

Informed E/R with ring/up of main engine

(7) 向香港海事处报告驶入香港水道

Reported entering HONGKONG waters to HONGKONG MARDEP

(8) 向香港海事处报告驶离香港水道

Reported operating outward HONGKONG channel to HONGKONG MARDEP

(9) 后面来船用声号表示从左舷追越

Vessel followed after intended to overtake from starboard in terms of siren

(10) 一艘利比亚籍集装箱船在甚高频12信道上要求从左舷追越,其速度25kn,表示同意

A Liberian container, calling on VHF CH`12, requested to overtake from port side with speed 25 Kn,


(11) 本公司姊妹船“海洋花”在航道1号浮处与我轮对驶,互致问候

M/V Ocean flower, attached to the shipowner, passed her in the vicinity of buoy No.1 and greetings

(were) exchanged.

(12) 左舷15o的集装箱船将近形成“紧迫局面”,用VHF16信道沟通彼此操纵意图

Nearly close quarters situation with container vessel on 15of port bow. Contacted on VHF CH16 for

consultation of maneuvering intention

(13) 引航船即将抵达,用VHF16信道沟通联络

Pilot boat is coming, Contact her on VHF CH16

17. 演习

(1) 进行消防、救生、溢油演习

Executed fire drill, oil spillage drill, and life saving drill

(2) 进行复合演习

Compound drills (have been) executed

(3) 发消防警报

Sent out fire fighting alarms

(4) 发溢油警报

Sent out oil spillage alarms

(5) 发救生警报

Sent out life-saving warning signals

(6) 人员在艇甲板集合

Crew mustered at lifeboat muster station

(7) 有关人员到达指定地点

Relevant personnel arrived at muster station

(8) 全体船员在集合地点集合

Crew mustered at muster station o

(9) 模拟3号舱失火

Assumed hatch No.3 (were) on fire

(10) 用大型二氧化碳灭火

Utilized CO2 station for fighting fire

(11) 消防皮龙出水

Water on from water hose

(12) 询问人员职责

Enquiry of crew duties

(13) 轮机长点名询问职责

C/E execute a roll call and questioned everyone’s responsibility

(14) 三副讲解本船消防器材的种类、地点和使用方法

3/O explained types, place, usage of fire-fighting appliance onboard

(15) 探火员穿探火服,戴呼吸器

Fire detector wore protective clothing and breathing apparatus

(16) 试穿石棉衣

Put on absenting clothing

(17) 三管轮向驾驶员讲解应急消防泵的启动操作

4/E explained starting operation of emergency pump to deck officers.

(18) 三副向轮机员讲解大型灭火器的使用方法

3/O explained usage of fire mains to engineers.

(19) 驾驶员试用正常

Trials by deck officers in efficient order

(20) 人员在艇甲板集合

Crew mustered at lifeboat embarkation deck

(21) 人员在机舱门口集合

Crew mustered at entrance of engine room

(22) 1号艇2号艇放到水面

Lowered No.1 and No.2 lifeboat into water

(23) 绞艇

Lifeboat aweigh

(24) 艇收妥

Lifeboat secured

(25) 大副询问各人员的职责

C/O enquired duties for every crew in attendance

(26) 溢油警报解除

Oil spillage alarm (has been) cancelled

(27) 警报解除

Alarm (has been) cancelled

(28) 所有演习结束

All drills finished

18. 搜救

(1) 请求公司同意,绕航以实施搜救

Under the consent of shipping company, deviate from her intended voyage for SAR

(2) 在HF DSC上收到一遇险信号,并立即报告船长

Received distress message on HF DSC and reported to captain

(3) 船长下令实施搜救

Master ordered to perform SAR

(4) 在VHF 16上守听到一遇险信号

Received Mayday on VHF CH16

(5) 看到了水面上漂浮救生衣,但没有发现幸存者

Sighted drifting lifejackets in the vicinity. No survivor (has) been found

oo(6) 遇难船系杂货船在¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E处

A general cargo ship in distress in POSN ¢3647’7N λ12300.’3E

(7) 我轮组织协调海面搜寻

My vessel takes charge of co-ordinating surface seach

(8) 人员在艇甲板集合,降国旗,携带航海日志和轮机日志准备离船

Crew mustered on the lifeboat deck, Lowdown national ensign and carried deck log book and engine

logbook. Ready for abandoning

(9) 母船已经缓缓地沉没,救生艇已经远离母船

The ship sank slowly, and all lifeboats well clear of her

(10) 已经发射救生火箭

Fire rocket (was) launched

(11) 所有人员均已安全撤离

All personnel evacuated safely

(12) 已经发现3位幸存者

Three survivors (were) located

(13) 机舱的火势已经无法控制,所有人员撤离,但三管轮失踪

Fire is out of control in E/R. All personnel evacuated. Unfortunately 4/Engineer missing

(14) 海面上发现3只救生筏的残骸

Three wrecks of lifeboats (were) found

(15) 3艘鱼船和我轮进行协同的海面搜寻

Three fishing vessel and she performed co-ordinating surface search

(16) 由于风太大直升飞机无法降落

Helicopter failed to land due to strong wind

(17) 搜寻了遇难海区未发现漂浮物和幸存者

Having searched distress area. Any drifting thing and survivor failed to be found out

(18) 我轮结束搜寻工作,续航

Terminated SAR operation, and proceeded her intended voyage

(19) 在VHF16频道上收到SEELONCE FINI的信号,备车请求起航

Received SEELONCE FINI on VHF CH16 . Standby engine and require underway

(20) 在出事地点附近发现有正在燃烧的油形成的火环

19. Sighted a fire-round-up in the vicinity of vessel in distress 突发事件 oo


oo(1) 我轮在当地时间 2135 1/4时与¢2537.’3Nλ11655.’8E处被试图全速前进追越我轮的“河海”


My vessel (was) struck by M.V “HE HAI”, Which was attempting to overtake with unreasonable full

speed, in POSN at ¢25o37.’3Nλ116o55.’8E at 2135 1/4 LT

(2) 出于报复,一水手把所有高级船员的证书均抛入海中,已向船旗国政府和港口国政府通报,抵港


Owing to revenge , an OS threw all certificate of competency for senior officers in captain’s cabin into

sea, Flag state and Port state informed. Further measures shall be taken on arrival of port.

(3) 在关闭跳(门)时,液压油管爆裂,通知机舱修理

The hydraulic pipe (was) broken suddenly while the ramp closed. Engine Department (was) informed

of repairing immediately

(4) 一水手由于对大副不满,用锤子击打大副头部3下,导致大副严重受伤,大副扔处于昏迷状态,


An AB stroke the head of C/M with hammer three times due to take out un-satisfaction toward C/M.

The C/M severely wound and unconscious, Master’s decisions were as follows: Shipowner (was)

immediately reported. A helicopter with doctor (was) ordered. Where practical, deviation may be

required for treatment of patient and punishment of criminal suspector

(5) 一艘快艇冒充缉私船,要求登轮检查,待靠上后开始对我轮进行洗劫,在反抗过程中,我轮二副


A mosquito craft to false flag of suppression smuggling vessel to require embarkation. Piracy of here

while embarkation, Second Mater (was) shot and led to pass away in the recalcitration action

(6) 碰撞是由于对方的疏忽造成的,我轮不承担责任

Collision incurred due to the negligence of the ship which caused collision incident. No liability

attached to our side

(7) 一水张军和保安王宾在巡视汽车舱时发现一辆大货车内载人,经过审查系偷渡客

AB zhangjun and security guard Wang bin found person in a lorry while touring the car hold. All the

persons in the lorry (were) stowaways through questioning

(8) 听到一碰撞声,损失待查

A sound (was) heard. The extent of damage needs to be ascertained

(9) 毫无疑问损失完全是由对方玩忽职守造成的

It is beyond dispute that the incident was wholly due to carelessness of the ship crew who manoeuvred

his ship to cause this casually

(10) 与船东联系,被撞的船体将在中国修理,费用将由肇事船承担

Communicated with our shipowner, damaged part where caused by the colliding vessel will be repaired

at a PRC shipyard

(11) 由于机舱错误的对其货设备送电,我轮一见习生的手被钢丝绳断

Due to false feeding power to cargo gears. One of cadets nipped and led to disabled

(12) 由于船体剧烈摇晃,水手长在粉刷大桅时掉下来摔死

Due to rough waving of the ship, Boson dropped at painting work for topmast and led to his death

(13) 在装卸货时由于下雨紧急关舱,2名装卸工人在3号舱内窒息死亡

2 stevedores died in Hatch No.3 after emergent closing hatches against raining

(14) 由于装卸货物时园木滚动,3名装卸工人被压死

3 stevedores buried under the shifting of log and died

(15) 由于港方错误的积栽,5吨茶叶在3号舱被窜味

Due to false stowage plan from port party, 5 tons of tea contaminated by abnormal smelling in Hold


(16) 码头工人超负荷运行起货设备,导致2号舱的起货设备电机烧毁

The motor of cargo gear in No.2 hold damaged due to overload operation of her by shore workers

(17) 强风打断了雷达天线

The radar antenna was broken by strong wind

(18) 茶叶和其他的杂货在各舱关闭前被暴雨打湿

Tea and other general cargo wet with heavy rain owing to sudden squall of rain. Those wettings caused

before hatchways could be entirely covered

(19) 二水李四在航行中在 ¢25o37.’3Nλ116o55.’8E处猝死,鸣汽笛以示哀悼

O.S Li Si suddenly died at POSN ¢25o37.’3Nλ116o55.’8E use siren to send long ballast for mourning

(20) 航行在¢25o37.’3Nλ116o55.’8E处,左锚突然滑下去,锚和锚链丢失

Port anchor unreasonably slip out at ¢2537.’3Nλ11655.’8E. Therefore the anchor and the chain


(21) 突然发生碰撞事故,我轮在右舷船首五分之一处被撞成一个大约2m2的大洞

suddenly suffered from collision, Our vessel was damaged at the place of 1/5 from starboard bow,

Confirmed a damaged hole of Approx. 2 m2

oo(22) 在航行到¢2537.’3Nλ11655.’8E处由于鱼船强行通过导致碰撞

Operated at POSN at ¢25o37.’3Nλ116o55.’8E, collided with a fishing boat owing to the fishing

boat’s snatching oo

